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SS suggestions 1 6/23/17 Spatial-temporal complexity of continental intraplate seismicity: insights from geodynamic modeling and implications for seismic hazard estimation Qingsong Li, Lunar and Planetary Institute, USRA, Houston, TX 77058 Mian Liu, Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 Seth Stein, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 Abstract: Continental intraplate seismicity occurs incomplex spatiotemporal patterns. The earthquakes are often episodic, clustered, and migrating. Hence we observe both spatial clustering in seismic zones and scattering across large plate interiors; temporal clustering followed by long periods of quiescence; and migration of seismicity from one seismic zone to another. To seek insight into these complexitiers, we have explored the spatiotemporal evolution of intraplate seismicity using a 3D visco-elasto-plastic finite element model. The model simulates tectonic loading, crustal failure in earthquakes, and coseismic and postseismic stress evolution. With pre-specified perturbations of crustal strength, the model predicts various spatiotemporal patterns of seismicity at different timescales: spatial clustering (in narrow belts) and scattering (across large regions) overhundreds of years, connected seismic belts overthousands of years, and seismicity scattering over the whole model region over tens of thousands of years. The orientation of seismic belts coincides with the optimal failure directions predicted by the prescribed tectonic loading. The model results also show temporal clustering of earthquakes in seismic zones. When weak zones are included in the model, the predicted seismicity initiates within the weak zones but then SS suggestions 2 6/23/17 extends far beyond them. If a fault zone is weakened following a large earthquake, repeated large earthquakes can occur on the same fault zone even at the absence of strong tectonic loading. These results provide useful insights into the complex spatial-temporal patterns of intraplate seismicity, and call for caution when assessing intraplate earthquake hazard. Assessment of earthquake hazard based on the limited historic record may be biased toward overestimating the risks in regions of recent large earthquakes and underestimating the risks where seismicity has been quiescent. Introduction The distribution of earthquakes in space and time within continental interiors is far more complex than on plate boundaries. Earthquakes on plate boundaries result from strain produced by steady relative plate motions. Hence plate boundaries remain the loci of large quasi-periodic earthquakes for long intervals until the plate boundary geometry changes. As a result, the longterm pattern of seismicity inferred from geological fault studies is consistent with that observed in large earthquakes e.g., [Cisternas, et al., 2005; Marco, et al., 1996; Weldon, et al., 2004]. Moreover, the direction and rate of geodetically observed strain accumulation is generally consistent with the mechanisms and recurrence of large earthquakes [Stein and Freymueller, 2002]. The situation is quite different within continental plate interiors, where earthquakes are clustered, episodic, and migrate (Figure 1). Paleoseismic data show that intraplate earthquakes often occur in temporal clusters on faults that remain active for some time, and then have long quiescent periods during which seismicity migrates to other faults [Crone, et al., 2003]. Thus, SS suggestions 3 6/23/17 faults without historically recorded earthquakes, such as the Meers fault in Oklahoma [Crone and Luza, 1990], appear to have had prehistoric large events [Clark and McCue, 2003]. The earthquakes in continental intraplate regions may also occur in temporal clusters. For example, earthquakes in North China’s Weihe-Shanxi graben are temporally clustered before 1700 (Figure 2a). Similarly, he large earthquakes (M>6) in the North China Plain are clustered between 1900 and 2000 (Figure 2b). Moreover, the locus of seismicity seems migrate between faults and regions, such as from the Weihe-Shanxi graben eastward to the north China Plain in the past 200 years (Figure 1b). The limited observations of continental intraplate seismicity show complex spatial patterns: spatial clustering of earthquakes in seismic zones and scattering in large regions (Figure 1). For example, historic and instrumentally recorded earthquakes in the Central and Eastern U.S. (CEUS) appear to be concentrated in several zones, notably the New Madrid, Charleston, and St. Lawrence seismic zones (Figure 1a). In addition, scattered seismicity occurs outside these zones (Figure 1a). Some seismic zones, such as New Madrid, occur along the failed rift zones, but other seismic zones do not [Schulte and Mooney, 2005]. Conversely, some prominent rifts, such as the Mid-continent rift in central North America, have little seismicity. As a result, the relation between continental intraplate seismicity and geologic structure remains uncertain and the subject of active investigation, as summarized by papers in Stein and Mazzotti [2007]. MAYBE IN FIG 1a USE THE VERSION WITH RIFTS MAPPED The complex variation of seismicity in space and time poses a major challenge for seismic hazard estimation. It seems likely that inferring seismic hazards from historical seismicity can overestimate the hazard where recent earthquakes have occurred and underestimate hazard SS suggestions 4 6/23/17 elsewhere [e.g., Swafford and Stein, 2007; van Lanen and Mooney, 2007]. To reduce this difficulty, researchers are developing hazard maps that also reflect geologic structure, yielding maps with more diffuse hazards [Halchuk and Adams, 1999; Tόth, et al., 2006]. Numerous models have attempted to explain the complexities of intraplate seismicity. Generally, these models involve temporal variations of the physical properties of faults and the stress acting on them. Crone et al. [2003] suggest that temporal clustering, in which faults "turn on" to generate a series of large earthquakes and then "turn off” for along time, may reflect the evolution of pore fluid pressure in the fault zone [Sibson, 1992]. In this model, low-permeability seals form around the fault zone as stress accumulates, raising the pore pressure until an earthquake happens. Faults that weaken during earthquakes and heal during interseismic phases could also contribute the complexity of seismicity [Lyakhovsky, et al., 2001]. The migration of seismicity between faults may result from stress transfer, in which stress changes due to earthquakes affect the location of future events [Chery, et al., 2001; Mueller, et al., 2004; Rundle, et al., 2006; Stein, 1999]. Finite element model We explored the spatiotemporal complexity of intraplate earthquakes with a 3D viscoelasto-plastic finite element model [Li and Liu, 2006; Li and Liu, 2007]. The model simulates tectonic loading, crustal failuring, and the associated coseismic and postseismic stress evolution. Tectonic loading is simulated by applying velocity boundary conditions at the model boundaries. Crustal failure in an earthquake is simulated by abruptly decreasing strength in an element by a given amount when stress in the element reaches the failure criterion. This process releases stress SS suggestions 5 6/23/17 at the element and causes deformation in the surrounding model domain. Postseismic stress evolution following the failure event is simulated by viscous relaxation of the lower crust and the upper mantle. The coseismic and postseismic stress changes in the elements that failed may increase (or decrease) stress in the neighboring regions, thus promoting (or inhibiting) earthquake occurrence there. The model dimension is 2000 km by2000 km and×60 km thick (Figure 3). A 20km thick elasto-plastic upper layer simulates the upper crust and a 40km thick visco-elastic lower layer simulates the lower crust and upper mantle. The eastern and western boundaries are compressed uniformly at 1 mm/yr, while the northern and southern boundaries are extended at the same rate. The bottom boundary is free-slip. Young’s modulus is 8.75×1010 Pa and Poison’s ratio is 0.25 for both the crust and the mantle. The viscosity for the lower layer is 1×1020 Pa s. The strength of the upper layer is described by a cohesive strength of 50 MPa and a coefficient of internal friction of value of 0.4. Figure 4 shows an example of how the predicted stress and earthquakes evolve. . Figure 4a shows the stress at the beginning of a 1000-year time period, andFigure 4b shows the stress at the end of the period. The black dots in Figure 4a show the earthquakes that occurred during the period. The earthquakes occur within regions of high stresses. After the earthquakes, stress in these regions drops below the crustal strength. The earthquakes also cause stress changes in the surrounding regions, whichare much smaller than the stress drops during the earthquakes. Model results SS suggestions To illustrate the 6 6/23/17 effect of various factors on the predicted spatiotemporal patterns of intraplate seismicity, we start with a simple model with horizontally homogeneous crust and mantle, and then incrementally add additional factors. Case o1: timescale-dependent spatiotemporal patterns of seismicity In this case , an initial randomly pre-specified perturbation of the crustal strength is applied to an otherwise laterally homogeneous crust and mantle (Figure 3). The resulting seismicity shows both spatial clustering (in spots and belts) and scattering (in large regions) over a period of 300 years (Figure 5a). Over a longer period, 3000 years, the earthquake clusters connect to form a network of seismic zones (Figure 5b). In an even longer time, 30,000 years, seismicity covers the entire model domain (Figure 5c). This result is expected because the model is horizontally homogeneous. Hence seismicity is uniform over the long term, but is concentrated in seismic zones during shorter intervals. The model results also show temporal clustering of earthquakes in seismic zones. Figure 6 shows the predicted earthquake sequences for four 100 km2 regions. Temporal clustering of earthquakes occurs in region B between 10,000 and 20,000 years, and in region C around 5000 and 22,000 years. The temporal clustering is caused by coseismic and postseismic stress triggering. Without coseismic and postseismic stress interaction between regions, we would expect periodic earthquake occurrence given that the model has constant loading and constant stress release in earthquakes. The orientations of the predicted seismic belts, NW-SE or NE-SW, coincide with the optimal failure directions resulting from the boundary conditions of east-west compression and SS suggestions 7 6/23/17 north-south extension. This loading produces a pure shear stress state in the model, with the maximum shear stress oriented NW-SE and NE-SW. Case 2: effects of weak zones. In the second case the model does not have a prespecified perturbation of crustal strength. Instead, it has three weak zones whose yield strength is 5 MPa lower than the rest of the model. Two of the zones are parallel and perpendicular to the third (Figure 7a):. The initial stress is set to zero, and the model is constantly loaded from at the boundaries.Initially , earthquakes occur only within the weak zones. After ~80,000 years, stress in the surrounding regions begins to reach the strength and cause crustal failure. After another 100,000 years, earthquake occurrence enters a steady state, in which the seismicity during one time period is similar to another, provided that the period is long enough (>60,000 years). IS FIGURE 7 STARTING AT TIME ZERO OR 100,000 YEARS (STEADY STATE)? The predicted seismicity ondifferent time scales is shown in Figure 7. On a short time scale (600 years), earthquakes occur both inside and outside the weak zones (Figure 7a). The seismicity shows some spatial clustering with no clear correlation with the weak zones. Over a longer period (6000 years), the seismicity forms belts extending from the weak zone (Figure 7b). This pattern remains the same over longer periods (Figure 7c). Hence on the long time scales, seismicity is not be confined to the weak zones. Moreover, as in the previous case, the short-term seismicity pattern does not fully represent that over longer terms/ . SS suggestions 8 6/23/17 Case 3: effects of fault weakening. Paleoearthquake studies have found evidence of repeated ruptures on individual intraplate faults and fault zones in short periods, followed by long periods of quiescence [Crone, et al., 2003; Tuttle, et al., 2002]. The short time between the repeated earthquakes on these intraplate faults, such as the ~500 years found for the recent large events in the New Madrid Zone [Tuttle, et al., 2002]) is at odds with the low rates of deformation and far field loading in plate interiors [Calais, et al., 2005; Newman, et al., 1999]. Li et al. [2005] have shown that a large intraplate earthquake can reduce stress in the fault zone to levels below that requires for rupture for thousands of years. Thus, large intraplate earthquakes repeating in a short time interval would require either local loading to build up the stress, or local weakening to permit repeated failure at lowered stress levels. A number of mechanisms for local loading and/or fault weakening have been proposed [Kenner and Segall, 2000; Pollitz, et al., 2001], although there is no direct evidence for the proposed weakening [McKenna et al., 2007]. We explored the effect of fault weakening [Lyakhovsky, et al., 2001; Sibson, 1992]. In this case we explicitly incorporated a weak fault zone (zone A in Figure 7a), whose strength is 5 MPa lower than the rest of the model domain . We considered here three different scenarios of fault weakening following a large fault rupture. These assume different histories of weakening but do not specified its physical mechanism. IT’S HARD IN FIGS 8 & 9 TO SEE WHICH IS WHICH. I SUGGEST USING CONSISTENT NOTATION (A,B.C), WORDING, AND LABELS SS suggestions 9 6/23/17 In the first scenario, the fault zone is weakened abruptly by 0.5 MPa immediately after the first rupture, which had a stress drop of 1 Mpa. Stress on the fault then gradually rises due to the far-field loading(Figure 8), and reaches the new lower fault strength and causes a second fault rupture (Figure 8) in 1800 years. Because no further fault weakening occurs, it then takes another 3000 years for the fault zone to rupture again (Figure 9a). In the second scenario, the strength of the fault zone weakens continuously at a rate of 1 MPa per 1000 years after the first rupture. The stress in the weak zone recovers and is then released (Figure 8) in a series of repeated earthquakes (Figure 9b). The time interval between successive events is hundreds of years. In the third scenario, the strength of the fault zone gradually weakens in the first 2000 years following the first rupture, and then remains constant . The stress evolution in the first 2000 years is the same as that in the second scenario. After the weakening stops, it takes longer time for the stress to recover (Figure 8). Thus the predicted earthquake series is identical to that in the second scenario during the first 2000 years. After that, the recurrence interval becomes longer but regular (Figure 9c). Discussion The strength perturbation in case 1 was randomly generated and so is irregular (Figure 10). The magnitude of the perturbation ranges from -0.5 to 0.5 MPa. This perturbation simulates the presence of weak zones in the ancient continental crust. A model in which uniform loading was applied to a crust of uniform strength would predict uniform failure of the whole upper crust instead of crustal failure at different locations and times. SS suggestions 10 6/23/17 Because the strength perturbation is randomly distributed, the average strength in a large region of the model does not differ significantly from that of other regions. Consequently, the strength perturbation has only a limited effect on the distribution of seismicity. Figure 11 shows the ratioof the earthquakes that occured in weak regions (negative strength perturbation) to the total number of earthquakes in the entire model. During 500-year time windows The fractions fluctuate around 0.5. In 30,000 years, 53.3% earthquakes occurred in weak regions, while 46.7% occurred in strong regions (positive strength perturbation). We might expect a correlation between the orientation of tectonic stress and that of seismic zone. . In the simplest case, the maximum compressive stress would bisect conjugate trends of seismicity. s However, this does not seem the case in the continents does not appear The seismic belts in North China form conjugate NNE and SEE pairs (Figure 1b), whereas the direction of maximum compressive tectonic stress is around N55E [Yuan, et al., 1999]. The seismic belts in CEUS are oriented NE CAN YOU SEE AN SE TREND?, (Figure 1a), close to the average maximum compressive direction of tectonic stress of around N60E [Zoback and Zoback, 1989],. Thus the orientation of seismic zones may instead be controlled by ancient fault zones, which formed in a different stress field from the present ones [Johnston and Schweig, 1996]. In our models both the tectonic stress and the orientation of preexisting structures may affect the orientations of seismicity. In case 1, the orientation of seismicity is controlled by tectonic stress, because the strength perturbation is small and random. In case 2, the orientations of the weak zones coincide to the optimal failure directions of the stress field. Thus the seismicity belts extending from the weak zones are oriented in the same directions as the weak SS suggestions 11 6/23/17 zone and optimal failure directions. I AGREE: THIS IS BEST LEFT OUT UNLESS MORE ANALYSIS IS DONE The regional temporal clustering in the model (Figure 6) is caused by coseismic and postseismic stress triggering. Such stress triggering may have caused a series of large earthquakes to occur on nearby faults within a short period, as in the 1811-1812 NMSZ earthquakes [Mueller et al., 2004] and the 2005-2007 Sumatra earthquakes [McCloskey et al., 2005]. However, our model cases 1 and 2, in which constant fault properties and tectonic loading are assumed, can not explain repeated earthquakes on individual faults in short periods, such as the approximately 500 year recurrence at New Madrid,. Such case3, we have repeated earthquakes on an individual fault arise in case 3 due to the assumed fault weakening (Figure 11). Although there is no direct evidence for fault weakening, several possible causes have been proposed. Sibson [1992] suggested fault weakening through change of water pore pressure on faults. Lyakhovsky et al. [2001] suggested changes of fault rheology due to a balance between weakening due to earthquakes and interseismic healing. Fault weakening and healing may help to explain the paleoseismic data interpreted as showing that large New Madrid earthquakes occur a few hundred years apart in clusters, and then do not occur again for a long time [Holbrook, et al., 2006; Schweig and Ellis, 1994] Thus the geodetic observations in the New Madrid seismic zone showing little or none of the interseismic motion expected before a future large earthquake suggest that the recent cluster of large earthquakes may be coming to an end [Calais, et al., 2005; Newman, et al., 1999], McKenna et al. 2007]. SS suggestions 12 6/23/17 Conclusions We have explored the spatiotemporal patterns of intraplate earthquakes with a 3D finite element model. The model includes far field boundary loading, crustal failure, coseismic and postseismic stress evolution, and fault weakening. Our main results include the following: 1) Even with a horizontally homogeneous crust and mantle, the model predicts complex spatio-temporal seismicity patterns that vary with timescales. Over hundreds of years, the seismicity may appear both clustered in small belts and scattered over a larger region. Over thousands of years, the seismic clusters (belts) connect to form a network of seismic belts. Over tens of thousands of years, scattered seismicity covers the whole model region. 2) Coseismic and posterseismic triggering can cause temporal clustering of seismicity at individual small regions. If weak zones are incorporated in the model, the seismicity initiatesin, but is not confined to, these weak zones. 3) Fault weakening can lead to repeated earthquakes on intraplate fault zones. The predicted temporal patterns of these repeated earthquakes varies with the weakening history . Thus this simple model can replicate some of the spatio-temporal complexity of migrating, episodic, and clustered intraplate earthquakes. Thus the model is generally consistent with the observations that the seismicity pattern observed from short-term seismic records may not reflect the long term patterns intraplate seismicity. Hence assessment of earthquake hazard may be biased toward overestimating the risks in regions of recent large earthquakes and underestimating the risks where seismicity has been quiescent. SS suggestions 13 6/23/17 References Calais, E., et al. (2005), Tectonic strain in plate interiors?, Nature, 438, E9-E10. Chery, J., et al. (2001), A physical basis for time clustering of large earthquakes, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 91, 1685-1693. Cisternas, M., et al. (2005), Predecessors of the giant 1960 Chile earthquake, Nature, 437, 404407. Clark, D., and K. 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Stein, Is the New Madrid seismic Zone hotter and weaker than its surroundings? In Continental intraplate earthquakes: science, hazard, and policy issues, Special Paper 425, S. Stein, and S. Mazzotti, Editors, Geological Society of America, Boulder CO, 167-175, 2007. Van Lanen, X. and W.D. Mooney, Integrated geologic and geophysical studies of North American continental intraplate seismicity. in Continental intraplate earthquakes: science, hazard, and policy issues, Special Paper 425, S. Stein, and S. Mazzotti, Editors, Geological Society of America, Boulder CO, 101-112, 2007. McCloskey, J., S. S. Nalbant, and S. Steacy, Indonesian earthquake: Earthquake risk from coseismic stress, Nature, 434, 291, 2005. SS suggestions 17 6/23/17 Figure 1. Intracontinental earthquakes in the Central and Eastern U.S. (CEUS) (a), North China (b), and Australia (c). Data for the CEUS and Australia are from the NEIC catalog. Earthquake data of North China are from China Seismological Bureau. Green dots in CEUS and Australia represent earthquakes before 1973, while red dots represent earthquakes after 1973. Green dots in North China represent earthquakes before 1900, while red dots represent earthquakes after 1900. SS suggestions 18 6/23/17 SS suggestions 19 6/23/17 Figure 2. Historic records of intraplate earthquakes (M>6) in Weihe-Shanxi Graben “Graben”in text SS suggestions 20 6/23/17 (a) and North China Plain (b). Figure 3. Finite element model for Scenario 1. The model is loaded by compression at the east and west boundaries and extension at the north and south boundaries. The blue layer represents the brittle upper crust, while the pink layer represents the ductile lower crust and upper mantle. A, B, C, D are four small regions used for showing seismicity clustering in figure 6. SS suggestions 21 6/23/17 SS suggestions 22 6/23/17 Figure 4. Evolution of stress and seismicity over 1000 years in the model. (a) Initial stress level and the locations of the resulting earthquakes (dots). (b) Stress level after 1000 years. The color scale indicates how close the stress is from the crustal strength. SS suggestions 23 6/23/17 Figure 5. Seismicity in Case1 that occurred over time scales of 300 years (a), 3000 years (b), and 30,000 years (c). The colors of dots represent the time within each of the three intervals. SS suggestions 24 6/23/17 SS suggestions 25 6/23/17 Figure 6. Temporal distribution of earthquakes s in regions A, B, C, and D (Figure 3). SS suggestions 26 6/23/17 SS suggestions 27 6/23/17 Figure 7. Seismicity in Case 2 that occurred over time scales of 600 years (a), 6000 years (b), and 60,000 years (c). The colors of dots represent the time within each of the three intervals. The grey belts in (a) are weak zones. SS suggestions 28 6/23/17 Figure 8. Stress evolution in the weak zone by incorporating three different weakening scenarios. SUGGEST LABELING ABC IN KEY SS suggestions 29 6/23/17 Figure 9. Predicted crustal rupture sequences for abrupt weakening (a), continuousweakening (b), and weakening that stops after 2000 years (c). CHANGE FIGURE LABEL FROM “GRADUAL” TO “CONTINUOUS” SS suggestions 30 6/23/17 SS suggestions 31 Figure 10. Initial random crustal strength perturbation used in case 1. 6/23/17 SS suggestions 32 6/23/17 SS suggestions 33 6/23/17 Figure 11. The fraction of earthquakes that occurred in elements of negative strength perturbation in successive 500-year time windows .