Download Osmosis and Organisms Practice 1) Use the four types of transport

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Osmosis and Organisms Practice
1) Use the four types of transport below to answer the following questions:
Facilitated Diffusion
Active transport
___Which type of transport requires ATP?
___Which type of transport is considered “passive”?
___Which type of transport moves molecules with the concentration gradient?
___Which type of transport moves only water molecules?
The two diagrams to the right show a protein channel
moving a large molecule across the lipid bilayer membrane.
2) What is the difference between the two pictures?
3) Which types of transport are seen in A and in B?
4) In muscle cells, potassium ions are “pumped” from a region of low concentration to high concentration. This
mechanism allows your muscles to function properly. This type of cell transport is known as
a. Diffusion
b. Active transport
5) Draw an arrow to show which
c. Osmosis
way water will move:
d. Passive transport
6) Identify if the following situations would cause a cell to shrink
or to swell
a. Water was 90% inside the cell and 95% outside the cell
b. Protein was 30% inside the cell and 35% outside the cell
c. Water was 95% inside the cell and 90% outside the cell
d. Salt is 15% inside the cell and 5% outside the cell
e. Water and protein was equal inside and outside the cell
7) In the diagram to the right, the same type of molecule is
shown in area A and area B. After passage of time,
molecules from A move to B. What type of transport does
this demonstrate?
8) If molecules moved from B to A, what type of transport?
9) Freshwater single-celled organisms live in an environment with low concentrations of salt. Draw a picture to
describe what would happen to a single-celled organism if it was moved from it’s native habitat to a saltwater
environment. Be sure to draw and label a diagram that shows the relative concentrations of salt and an arrow
to show how water would move
The diagram to the right shows a cell that was removed from a saltwater
environment and placed in a freshwater environment. Inside the cell, the
concentration of water is 4% while outside it is 90%.
10) Predict what type of transport is about to occur, remembering that salt
water cannot move across the membrane.
11) Draw an arrow to show how water will move. Identify high and low
concentrations on the diagram. What will happen to the cell – will it swell or shrink? Explain how you know.
12) A student prepared a microscope slide by placing a piece of red onion on the slide and adding a few drops of
distilled water to the slide. What would happen to the cell if after adding distilled water, the student added salt
It will shrink because water is leaving by osmosis.
It will swell because water is entering by osmosis.
It will swell because water is entering by diffusion.
It will stay the same.
13) Jellyfish have a permeable membrane and that accomplish homeostasis in the saltwater environment they live
in. If you placed a jelly fish in freshwater, how would this affect the jellyfish cells?
a) It would gain water from the environment
b) It would lose water to the environment
c) It will gain nutrients from the environment
d) It would lose salt into the water
14) Freshwater protozoans, such as Paramecia, must constantly pump water out to keep from bursting. What does
this tell you about the concentration of particles inside a Paramecium compared to the concentration of
particles of its environment?
15) Which fluid was most likely added to the cell’s surroundings?
A. Salt solution
C. Iodine solution
B. Tap water
D. Distilled water
Explain your answer choice above:
16) Cabomba is a plant that lives in freshwater. Describe what would happen to the cells of a piece of
Cabomba if it were placed in salt water. Justify your answer with the following terms: osmosis, high
concentration, low concentration, water, salt, swell or shrink, concentration gradient.
Notes - Osmosis and Organisms
1) If an organism lives in a freshwater environment, the internal environment of that
organism’s cells will have a high water concentration and a low salt concentration.
Example: The cells of a bluegill fresh water fish will have a high water concentration
and low salt concentration.
2) If an organism lives in a saltwater environment, the internal environment of that
organism’s cells will have a low water concentration and high salt concentration.
Example: starfish that live in the ocean are made up of cells that are high in salt, low
in water.
3) Moving an organism from freshwater to saltwater will cause water to move out of its
cells. Its cells will shrink.
4) Moving an organism from saltwater to freshwater will cause water to move into the
cells. Its cells will swell.
50% sugar
5) If given a percentage concentration of a solute
(protein, salt, sugar, etc.), it must be converted
into water concentration so you can determine
how water will move.
40% sugar
Guided Practice
1) While cleaning a saltwater aquarium, students placed the aquarium plants in a container of distilled water. What
effect will this have on the plants? (Draw a picture)
2) A cell is taken from an environment that has a high salt concentration and is placed into an environment that does
not contain any salt. What effect will the change in environment have on the cell?
3) Predict how water will move by drawing an arrow. Assume that particles cannot move across the membrane.
Kingdom name
Bacteria (Monera)
sexualOR asexual
cell wall OR no
cell wall?
WHO AM I? (Eu or Pro?)
What are the two types of
Which cell type has a
Which cell type has
Which cell type is LARGER?
Circular or Linear DNA?
I Have…
I Have…
I Have…
Cell Wall
Cell Membrane
Who Has?
Who Has?
Who Has?
An organelle in a cell that
regulates the materials that
enter and exit the cell.
An organelle in a cell that
provides the cell with energy by
converting chemical energy
(sugar) into ATP.
An organelle in a plant cell that
converts light energy into
chemical energy (sugar).
I Have…
I Have…
I Have…
Who Has?
Who Has?
Who Has?
An organelle in a cell that stores
usable materials as well as waste
products produced by the cell.
An organelle in a cell that uses
the instructions from DNA to
assemble proteins.
An organelle in a cell that
contains the genetic material.
This organelle controls the
functioning the cell.
I Have…
I Have…
I Have…
Who Has?
Who Has?
Who Has?
A cell that does NOT contain any
membrane-bound organelles. This
cell does not contain a nucleus,
mitochondrion or a chloroplast.
A cell that contains a nucleus.
Plant and animals cells both fall
into this category of cells.
A fundamental concept of biology
that states that all living things
are made of cells, cells are the
basic unit of life and new cells are
produced from existing cells.
I Have…
I Have…
I Have…
Cell Theory
Who Has?
Who Has?
Who Has?
The basic unit of life.
A scientist who first used a
microscope to look at a slice of a
cork. He observed small
chambers and called these
chambers “cells.”
A scientist who used a microscope
to observe pond water and found
numerous tiny living things.
For this assignment, be creative and factual!
I am DNA—at least two well-written paragraphs
You are a strand of DNA located in the cell of a lion. As DNA, you are a
nucleic acid and are made up of nucleotides. What is your special code?
Where exactly are you located inside the cell? You are preparing for mitosis
(cell division). What other molecules do you see around you? What
organelles do you see around you? How do you feel?
I am a Protein—at least two well-written paragraphs
You are a molecule of protein that was just recently synthesized. How do
you feel? Where in the cell were you made? Who has the instructions for
your making? Which organelle contains those instructions for your making?
Are you glad that you were made? Some proteins compose the cell
membrane and some proteins help with facilitated diffusion and others help
build bones and muscles? What are you going to do? Why are you going
fulfill this role?
Cell tour – at least one well-written page
Ms. Frizzle (your teacher) is taking you and some other students on the
Magic School Bus on a tour of the cell. Using your textbook, and notes for
reference, and your imagination, describe your travels through the cell. Be
sure to mention all the organelles you see (color, shape, and what do you see
them doing (function!!) Feel free to include more organelles if you want.
This is a story and should explain to a non-Biology student what you saw on
your travels, be descriptive!! If you were to read this story to me, I should be
able to vividly see everything you describe.
I am a Doctor—at least two well-written paragraphs
You are a doctor who has just seen a severely malnourished patient. Your
patient described to you that their diet only consisted of boiled chicken.
They complained of a lack of energy and a constant “sluggish” feeling. What
organic molecule would you recommend they eat? What are foods that will
provide them with this organic molecule? How will the body use it? What
will happen to the excess of the organic molecule? Is there a second organic
molecule your patient can consume to help in the same processes? In what
foods can your patient find this organic molecule? What are the added
benefits of eating this organic molecule? How will the body use it? What will
happen if your patient does not consume these organic molecules?
I am energy—at least two well-written paragraphs
You have been created in the sun and are now shining down on the beautiful
earth. How do you feel? You are beginning to travel. Where are you going
first? To what organelle? How do you feel once arriving at your first
destination? What kind of processes are you going through there? Where
will you travel to next? What will you do there? How are you feeling at this
stage in your trip? How will your trip continue on? This is a story and should
explain to a non-Biology student what you saw on your travels, be
descriptive!! If you were to read this story to me, I should be able to vividly
see everything you describe.
Flashcards Assignment
Using cut out squares of notebook paper or index card, you will create organic molecule flash cards to help
you remember all the information about organic molecules! For each item below, write the number and the
questionon one side of your flashcard and write the answer on the opposite side. You must cut out your flash
cards; doing them on one sheet of paper is unacceptable.
1. Structure/ Monomer of Nucleic Acid
2. Function of Nucleic Acid
3. Structure / Monomer of Carbohydrate
4. Function of Carbohydrate
5. Structure / Monomer of Lipid
6. Function of Lipid
7. Structure / Monomer of Protein
8. Function of Protein
9. Examples of Carbohydrates and their function
10. Examples of Proteins and their function
11. Examples of Lipids
12. Food test for Carbohydrates
13. Food test for fats (lipids)
14. Food test for polypeptides (proteins)
Enzymes are Reusable
 What does it mean for enzymes to be “reusable?” _________________________________________________
 In human stomachs there are many enzymes that are necessary to digest food. Explain why you can
continue to digest food even if you eat a big dinner? ______________________________________________
Enzymes are Affected by Temperature
 Explain what happens to an enzyme if an environment becomes too hot. __________________________
 What does it mean if a temperature is “optimum”? ________________________________________________
 The sweet taste of freshly picked corn is due to the high sugar content in the kernels. Enzyme action
converts about 50% of the sugar to tasteless starch within one day after picking. To preserve its
sweetness, the freshly picked corn is immersed in boiling water for a few minutes, and then
cooled.Explain why boiling the water keeps the corn sweet.
Enzymes are Affected by pH
What is the optimum pH for pepsin? ________
What is the optimum pH for trypsin? _______
At what pHs does pepsin not work? _______
In what pHs does trypsin not work? _______
In what pH range do both enzymes work? _______
1) What moves the chromatids during mitosis?
2) What are the four phases of mitosis?
3) What are the three phases of interphase and what happen in each?
4) What happens during cytokinesis?
5) Use the butcher’s paper to construct a DNA molecule showing it’s three structures
and accurate pairing of the nitrogen bases.
Active and Passive
Transport Practice
Cell Cycle – Mitosis / DNA
2 Topics of Creative
Writing Practice
2 Topics of Creative
Writing Practice
Cell Charts Practice
Enzyme Practice
Organic Molecule
Write a rap on a topic of
your choice
Design a science
experiment (Include
procedure, hypothesis,
independent and
dependent variables,
control and experimental
groups, procedure, fake
results/ data, fake
Midterm Review
Organic Molecules
1. An iodine solution is placed on a cut side of a potato. Within seconds, a blue-black color appears. What is most likely
2. RNA and DNA are which type of organic molecule?
3. A sugar, a phosphate group and a nitrogen base form the building blocks of which organic compound?
Use the following scenario to answer the below questions
Organisms living in a swamp environment must be able to tolerate nitrogen-poor, acidic conditions. Swamp plants such
as the venus fly trap are able to obtain their nitrogen by attracting and consuming insects. These plants produce
chemicals that break down the insects into usable compounds.
4. The chemicals present in the insects that give the plants their energy are most likely which type of organic molecule?
5. Which compound present in the insects are composed of the amino acids that provide the venus fly trap with much of
their nitrogen?
6. Which organelle is the site where amino acids are synthesized (made) into proteins?
7. A scientist treats a cell with a chemical that destroys ribosomes. As a result, which cell process will be stopped?
8. What is most likely the function of a cell that contains a high number of chloroplasts?
9. What process takes place in the mitochondria?
10. Draw a picture of a mitochondria.
11. What is the outer most structure of a plant cell?
12. What is the general shape of a plant cell? Why?
13. What structures are part of the cell membrane? List each structure and briefly describe its job.
14. A person with swollen gums rinses their mouth out with warm water and the swelling decreases. Why has this
happened? Draw a picture to support your answer.
15. What is osmosis? Provide and example.
16. What is diffusion? How is it different from osmosis?
17. What happens in each of the following situations: a cell shrinks, a cell swells, a cell maintains equilibrium. Provide
examples and pictures for each.
18. When a cell is at equillibrium, what is the NET movement? Will there be a change in mass (particles or water) from
inside and outside the cell? Explain your answer.
19. Compare and contrast Active and Passive Transport.
20. Which type of transport requires ATP? Why does it require ATP?
21. Draw an enzyme-substrate complex. Label the enzyme, substrate and products.
22. What is the role of enzymes?
23. What is homeostasis? Why is it important to maintain homeostasis?
24. What types of organisms are most likely to use cellular respiration?
25. What two types of respiration are dependent upon the presence of oxygen?
26. In which ways are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different?
27. What are the products of photosynthesis?
40. What are the nitrogen base pairs? What are the complementary pairs?
41. What is the structure (shape) of DNA?
Goal 1:
42. What is a hypothesis?
43. If you are using a compound light microscope and the total magnification of an image is 400x, which objective are
you viewing the image under? (Remember that the ocular lens is 10x).
Use the below scenario to answer the following questions:
A scientist performs an experiment to see if acids have an affect on the health of a particular plant. Three sets of plants
were treated with acidic solutions of known pH while the other set was treated with a solution of neutral pH.
Plant Bed
Number Dead
Plant Bed 1
Plant Bed 2
Plant Bed 3
Plant Bed 4
44. Which is the best conclusion for this experiment?
45. What is the control group of the above experiment? How do you know?