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Organic Chemistry Review
Do you know the 10 prefixes?
Do you know the 10 prefixes?
Meth = 1 C
Eth = 2 C
Prop = 3 C
But = 4 C
Pent = 5 C
Hex = 6 C
Hept = 7 C
Oct = 8 C
Non = 9 C
Dec = 10 C
What is organic chemistry the study
What is organic chemistry the study
• Carbon Chemistry
What is a hydrocarbon?
What is a hydrocarbon?
• A compound that contains hydrogen and
What are the 7 organic families? (That
we learned)
What are the 7 organic families? (That
we learned)
Carboxylic Acid
What is an Alkane?
What is an Alkane?
• A carbon-carbon single bond.
What is an alkene?
What is an Alkene?
• A carbon-carbon double bond.
What is an alkyne?
What is an alkyne?
• A carbon-carbon triple bond.
Practice Naming Hydrocarbons
What is the functional group of an alcohol?
What is the ending given to an alcohol?
What is the functional group of an alcohol?
What is the ending given to an alcohol?
• Hydroxyl group
• -OH
• -ol
Practice Naming Alcohols
What is the functional group of an
What is the ending given to an aldehyde?
What is the functional group of an
What is the ending given to an aldehyde?
• -al
Practice Naming Aldehydes
What is the functional group for a ketone?
What is the ending given to a ketone?
Name these ketones.
What is the functional group for a ketone?
What is the ending given to a ketone?
Name these ketones.
• -one
What is the functional group of a carboxylic acid?
What is the ending given to carboxylic acid names?
What is the name of these organics?
What is the functional group of a carboxylic acid?
What is the ending given to carboxylic acid names?
What is the name of these organics?
• -oic acid
Draw Lewis Structures
Ethanoic Acid