Download Imperialism Newspaper Project Directions: In groups of FOUR, you

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Imperialism Newspaper Project
Directions: In groups of FOUR, you will be creating an Imperialism newspaper. Each student will
be responsible for one of the four tasks below:
1. Spanish American War. Describe the causes, events and impact of the Spanish American War.
You must address the following in your article: Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine, Yellow Journalism,
DeLome Letter, sympathy for the Cubans, Theodore Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders”, America
becomes a world power, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam
Your article must include
a. 4 Causes of the Spanish American War
b. Outcome of the war
c. Territories the US obtained from Spain
d. Effects of the Spanish American War on the US.
e. Headline
f. Illustration of the effects of the Spanish American War
g. Your article should conclude with your personal belief in whether you support the US
decision to go to war with Spain. Explain why you feel the way you do.
2. People who supported American Imperialism. You are going to conduct an imaginary interview
with Alfred Thayer Mahan and Sanford B. Dole. You must create 3 questions and answers for
each. Your interview must include:
Alfred Mahan’s interview
a. Alfred Mahan’s beliefs about imperialism
b. Influence of sea power on history
c. His view on America acquiring colonies an naval bases
Sanford B. Dole’s interview
a. Becoming President of the Republic of Hawaii
b. His views on imperialism
c. Missionaries in Hawaii
You must include a concluding paragraph that explains how an anti-imperialist would respond to
the Alfred Mahan’s view on acquiring colonies.
You must create a headline for your article and an illustration showing how America is
expanding beyond its borders.
3. American Expansion in the Pacific and East Asia. Discuss how the United States expanded into
the Pacific and East Asia. Which countries did the United States interfere with and what was the
overall impact of American involvement?
Your job is to present to the American public the history of American involvement in China. You
will create an illustrated timeline. Your timeline should include at least 5 events with
descriptions and illustrations. Dates are not mandatory. Spheres of influence, open door and
boxer rebellion need to be part of your timeline.
You will also create an ad with the slogan for Open Door Policy
4. American Expansion in the Caribbean. Discuss how the United States expanded into the
Caribbean. How did the United States practice imperialism in the Caribbean?
Your task is to convince the American public that the acquisition of Panama Canal is a good idea.
You can create a series of illustrations; you can write a song/rap/poem that will cover the
a. Benefits of the Panama Canal to the trade/economy, navy, and travel
b. Teddy Roosevelt role in getting the rights to build the canal
c. How did we obtain the rights to build the canal?
d. Two obstacles the US faced when building the canal and how those obstacles were
overcome ( one needs to be environmental and the other physical )
e. Explain how the Panama an example of the Big Stick Policy also known as Roosevelt
f. One benefit and one negative result of the Big Stick Policy in Latin America
You need to include a headline. If you are doing illustrations, they need to include captions.
Resources: - video