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Mrs. Umbarger
Semester 1 Final
Chapter 1
True or False
_____ 1. A hypothesis is an educated guess.
_____ 2. Movement is one characteristic of life.
_____ 3. Observation is the final step of the scientific process.
_____ 4. An explanation of a natural phenomenon with a high degree of confidence is
called a hypothesis.
_____ 5. The term bio- refers to two of something.
Multiple Choice
_____ 6. The environment includes
a. air, water, weather
c. adaptations
b. response to a stimulus
d. evolution
_____ 7. One of the characteristics of life is:
a. reproduction
c. response
b. movement
d. all of the above
_____ 8. For experiments to be considered valid, the results must be
a. verified
b. published
c. inductive
d. repeatable
_____ 9. Maintaining internal conditions is called
a. energy
b. homologous
c. homeostasis
d. life
_____ 10. A child learning first to crawl then stand then walk is an example of a
a. homeostasis
b. life
c. development
d. response
_____ 11. Stem cell research is an example of
a. descriptive research
c. bioethics
b. quantitative research
d. none of the above
_____ 12. The organized structure (from simple to complex) all living things show is
a. cells- organs- tissues- systems
b. cells-tissues-organs-systems
c. organs-tissues-cells-systems
d. systems-tissues-organs-cells
_____ 13. Energy is
a. maintance of internal environment
c. theory that species change over time
b. ability to do work
d. ethical decisions relating to life
_____ 14. Evolution is
a. maintance of internal environment
c. theory that species change over time
b. ability to do work
d. ethical decisions relating to life
_____ 15. A plant that bends toward to the light is:
a. going to die
b. going to fall over
c. responding to stimuli in its environment d. use the scissors.
Chapter 2
True or False
_____ 16. A population includes all the communities in a given area.
_____ 17. We can thank green plants for food and oxygen.
_____ 18. An ecosystem consists with only biotic factors.
_____ 19. Food chains are the specific sequence organisms obtain energy in ecosystems.
_____ 20. In any ecosystem, the relative number of predators and prey varies over time,
but eventually a biological balance is established.
Multiple Choice
_____ 21. An example of mutualism is
a. tick eating bird and rhino
c. intestinal worms and mule deer
b. bacteria and cattle
d. mistletoe and mesquite trees
_____ 22. The type of biotic relationship in which one organism feeds upon another is
a. competition
b. mutualism
c. predation
d. commensalism
_____ 23. A food chain generally begins with
a. an autotroph
b. an omnivore
c. a decomposer
_____ 24. Interrelated food chains are called
a. a food niche
b. a food web
c. a habitat
_____ 25. The smallest ecological unit is
a. a species
b. a biome
c. a population
d. a heterotroph
d. a biogeochemical
d. an ecosystem
_____ 26. A close and permanent relationship between 2 organisms is called
a. commensalism
b. parasitism
c. mutualism
d. symbiosis
_____ 27. An example of parasitism is
a. shark and scrap eating fish
c. tick eating bird and rhino
b. sea anemone and clown fish
d. intestinal worm and mule deer
_____ 28. A community is composed of
a. individual species
b. interacting populations
c. interactions between biotic and abiotic factors
_____ 29. An autotroph is defined as a
a. heterotroph
c. consumer
b. producer
d. scavenger
_____ 30. The stages of the water cycle include all of the following except
a. precipitation
b. evaporation
c. condensation
d. fixation
Chapter 6
True or False
_____ 31. An atom is a substance that can’t be broken down into simpler substances.
_____ 32. Diffusion follows the concentration gradient moving from lower to higher
areas of concentration.
_____ 33. An acid forms hydrogen ions in water and is found 7-14 on the pH scale.
_____ 34. Electrons travel around the nucleus in certain regions called clouds.
_____ 35. Matter is neither created nor destroyed during chemical reactions, but simply
Multiple Choice
_____ 36. All are key factors affecting diffusion except
a. concentration
b. temperature
c. pressure
d. volume
_____ 37. Which feature of water explains why water has high surface tension?
a. water diffuses into cells
b. water is a polar molecule
c. water resists temperature changes
d. water expands when frozen
_____ 38. A group of atoms held together by covalent bonds with no overall charge is
a. an ion
b. an atom
c. a molecule
d. an electron
_____ 39. Continuous movement of molecules with no net concentration change is
a. diffusion
b. dynamic equilibrium
c. osmosis
c. concentration gradient
_____ 40. Atoms are formed of the following except
a. nucleotides
b. protons
c. electrons
d. neutrons
_____ 41. A carbon isotope contains 12 protons therefore it contains
a. 12 neutrons
b. 12 electrons
c. 13 neutrons
d. none of the above
_____ 42. For most elements, an atom becomes stable when the outer energy level is
a. positive
b. negative
c. neutral
d. full
_____ 43. If atoms of 2 or more elements are chemically combined, they form a
a. molecule
b. compound
c. ion
d. solution
_____ 44. The bond formed when 2 atoms share electrons is called a
a. covalent bond
b. ionic bond
c. hydrogen bond
d. atomic bond
_____ 45. A strong base can be best neutralized by adding a
a. a weak base
b. a weak acid
c. a strong base
d. a strong acid
Chapter 7
True or False
_____ 46. A cell is the smallest unit that can carry on all the processes of life.
_____ 47. Leeuwenhoek observed dead cork cells.
_____ 48. Eukaryotic cells lack a nucleus.
_____ 49. Vacuoles are found only in plant cells.
_____ 50. All cells have a plasma membrane.
Multiple Choice
_____ 51. What is the total magnification of a microscope using a 10x eyepiece and a
45x high power objective lens?
a. 45
b. 55
c. 10
d. 450
_____ 52. The part of the microscope you look into is called the:
a. objective lens
b. eyepiece c. stage
d. body
_____ 53. The part of the microscope that allows you to control the amount of light is:
a. diaphragm
b. stage
c. eyepiece
d. base
_____ 54. These are the POWER HOUSES of the cell where energy is released.
a. Chloroplasts
b. Nucleus
c. Lysosomes
d. Mitochondria
_____ 55. A round organelle containing digestive enzymes and used to clean up the cell
and reuse parts is the
a. Vacuole
b. Nuclelous
c. Lysosome
d. Chloroplast
_____ 56. The jelly-like substance composing the interior of the cell is the
a. Nucleus
b. Cytoplasm
c. Lysosome
d. Mitochondria
_____ 57. The control center or BRAIN of the cell is the
a. Nucleus
b. Vacuole
b. Cytoplasm
d. Chloroplast
_____ 58. The threadlike material in the nucleus made of DNA is the
a. Mitochondria
b. Endoplasmic Reticulum
c. Chromosome
d. Golgi Body
_____ 59. An organelle that PACKAGES and SHIPS proteins and lipids out of the cell is
a. Cell Membrane
b. Cell Wall
c. Chromosome
d. Golgi Body
_____ 60. The PROTEIN FACTORIES of the cell are the
a. Chloroplasts
b. Cell Membrane
c. Ribosomes
d. Lysosomes
Chapter 8
True or False
_____ 61. Passive transport requires energy.
_____ 62. Grocers spray water on the produce to increase the turgor pressure in plants. .
_____ 63. Endocytosis is the process where a cell engulfs a large food molecule.
_____ 64. Cytolysis occurs when water enters a cell and the cell bursts.
_____ 65. Mitosis makes up the largest percentage of the cell cycle.
Multiple Choice
_____ 66. The process by which packaged proteins pass out of a cell is called:
a. pinocytosis
b. endocytosis
c. phagocytosis
d. exocytosis
_____ 67. Passive transport is defined as the movement of any substance across a
membrane without the use of:
a. cell energy b. carrier molecules
c. diffusion
d. contractile vacuoles
_____ 68. Osmosis is a form of:
a. passive transport
b. exocytosis
c. active transport
d. endocytosis
_____ 69. Large molecules cross the cell membrane by all of the following except
a. active transport
b. diffusion
c. osmosis
d. gated channels
_____ 70. In which type of solution does a cell wilt as a result of water loss?
a. isotonic
b. cytolysis
c. hypertonic
d. hyptonic
_____ 71. The genetic information in a cell is contained in the:
a. nucleus
b. golgi bodies
c. ribosome
d. chloroplast
_____ 72. Chromatids are joined together at the:
a. centromere
b. spindle fibers
c. centriole
d. polar body
_____ 73. The number of chromosomes in a human body cell is:
a. 12
b. 46
c. 23
d. 92
_____ 74. If the parent cell has 10 chromosomes, the daughter cells will have
a. 5 chromosomes b. 10 chromosomes c. 15 chromosomes d. 20 chromosome
_____ 75. The stage of mitosis where the chromosomes pair up is
a. Interphase
b. Prophase
c. Telophase
d. Anaphase
Chapter 9
True or False
_____ 76. Anaerobic processes do not use oxygen.
_____ 77. The energy to run the photosynthetic process is introduced by the ATP.
_____ 78. Chlorophyll is green because the leaf absorbs the green wavelength of light.
_____ 79. Respiration is defined as breaking down glucose to release energy.
_____ 80. We need to thank green plants for food and carbon dioxide.
Multiple Choice
_____ 81. ATP stores energy in its
a. nucleus
b. electrons
c. protons
_____ 82. During fermentation the gas produced by yeast is
a. oxygen
b. hydrogen
c. carbon dioxide
d. bonds
d. nitrogen
_____ 83. Water molecules replace lost ________________ during photosynthesis.
a. protons
b. neutrons
c. electrons
d. photon
_____ 84. All of the following are related to photosynthesis except
a. light dependent reaction
b. light independent reaction
c. Calvin cycle
d. Kreb’s cycle
_____ 85. Our muscles feel sore after intense exercise due to the build up of
a. latic acid
b. citric acid
c. carbon dioxide
d. oxygen
_____ 86. All of the following are related to respiration except
a. Kreb’s cycle
b. Calvin cycle
c. glycolysis
d. Citric acid cycle
_____ 87. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) has ___________ phosphate molecules.
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
_____ 88. All statements describe both photosynthesis and respiration except
a. use an electron transport chain
b. produce ATP
b. use energy
d. produce energy
_____ 89. All are by products of fermentation except
a. oxygen
b. carbon dioxide
c. alcohol
_____ 90. All of the following cellular processes use energy except
a. active transport
b. movement
c. nerve impulses
d. latic acid
d. passive trans.
Chapter 11
True or False
_____ 91. The sugar in DNA is ribose.
_____ 92. Adenine always bonds with Thymine.
_____ 93. DNA is found in the cytoplasm.
_____ 94. RNA is characterized as a double stranded helix.
_____ 95. The 4 RNA bases are A – U – C – G.
96. What are two NEW things you learned so far this year?
97. What are two concepts or facts that we reviewed- things you already knew?
98. What is your favorite thing that we’ve done so far this year?
99. What is your least favorite thing that we’ve done so far this year?
100. Do you have some suggestions to improve how we do things in science class? (Please be
constructive- don’t just say no notes or no tests. What can we do instead?)