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Lesson A+B, CH 1 textbook
1. What is the effect of ___________ on ____________.
dependent (measure or observed)
2. Standard of comparison. Some to compare the results to.
3. Identify the problem, collect info, form a hypothesis, test your hypothesis, record observations, and
draw a conclusion.
4. Qualitative= descriptive words, quantitative= numbers, measurements
5. Do on your own
6. Logical, educated guess; statement not a question. Has to be testable.
Lesson Q Ch. 3 textbook
7. Plants cells have cell walls and chloroplast, animal cells don’t. Animal cells have lysosomes and plant
cells do not. (Know your pic of the cell).
8. Chloroplast- found in a plant cell,(about the same size as the mitochondria)
Mitochondria- provides energy for the cell (looks like a hotdog with mustard)
cell membrane- acts like a barrier, allows materials in and out of cell (found in both animal and plant
vacuole- stores, food, water, and waste (very large in the plant cells)
endoplasmic reticulum- network of passages, sometimes has ribosomes on the outside walls
cytoplasm- jelly-like substance that all the organelles are suspended in
nucleus- command center of the cell
lysosomes- breaks down particles and worn out cell parts
9. Muscles- these contract and relax; epithelial- skin; nerves- carries messages to the body; connectivesupport, strength, and protects (fat and bone).
10. Prokaryotic- bacteria, lacks a nucleus; Eukaryotic- has a nucleus, us.
Lessons RST
11. Non-living particle made up of genetic material and protein.
12. Host cell
13. ?
14. Active and latent; active makes new virus cells and latent waits around.
15. Bed rest
16. Inhaling infected droplets.
17. Made from weaken virus particles.
18. Spiral, sphere, rod.
19. Lock n key
20. Make cheese n yogurts, breaking down waste, making vitamins in your body.
21. Antibiotics
22. HIV (AIDS), small pox, common cold
23. Fungi includes molds
24. Returns important nutrients to the soil
25. Lives in or on other organisms
26. A unit that determines traits/located on chromosomes
27. Genotype describes the alleles of the gene it contains/ phenotype is how it looks
28. You practice.
29. In predicting both genotypes and phenotypes
30. Segments of DNA located on chromosomes
31. Dominant is stronger; represented by a capital letter; Recessive is a weaker trait, can be seen if 2
recessive alleles are present
32. A-T, T-A, C-G, G-C
33. Process of selecting organisms w/ desired traits to serve as parents for the next generation
34. Genetic engineering
35. Found new methods of producing organisms w desired traits, transfer genes from one organism to
another, able to produce products such as super sweet corn and cold resistant tomatoes