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The Civil War
1861 -1865
 The War Begins
 March 4, 1861 - Lincoln takes office - vows to “preserve, protect and defend the Union”
 April 6 - Lincoln warns So. Carolina he is going to send supplies to ___________ at Charleston.
 April 12 - South Carolina fires on Ft. Sumter - after 33 hours of bombardment Ft. Sumter falls war has begun.
 April 15 - Lincoln calls for 75,000 __________ and a ______________ on the south
 Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee ______ - Confederacy is now __ states.
 The Border States
 Lincoln recognized the importance of the _____________ of Maryland, Missouri, the mountain
areas of western Virginia and most importantly Kentucky.
 Non-emancipation
 In order to keep the Border States in the Union, Lincoln announced that he was not fighting to free
the blacks.
 This also somewhat pacified the _________ areas of the Ohio River.
 Native Americans
 The ________ Nation, themselves slave owners, sided with the Confederacy and “seceded” from
the Union.
 The northern ______ Indians sided with the Union.
 Northern Advantages
 The North’s population was __ million versus the South’s _ million - 1/3 of whom were ______.
 The union had 3 times as many service age men.
 The North eventually recruited over _______ African-Americans as soldiers - the South did not
use slaves.
 The North had the stronger and more varied _______ - most of the manufacturing, 2/3 of
 The North had more agriculture and minerals.
 The North had an already organized __________ and a wealthy ________.
 The North was fighting for the preservation of the _____
 Southern Advantages
 The South only needed to fight a _________ war - a draw would be a victory.
 The North had to invade, conquer and control an area the size western Europe.
 Most Southern men were from farms and knew how to ______________.
 The South had a strong military history - more U.S. Army officers were from the South - including
General _____________.
 The South had hopes for support from _______ and other European countries.
 The North’s Strategy of War
 ________ the southern coast and cut off supplies and revenues from cotton.
 Take control of the ___________ River, cutting the south in half.
 Move south from Washington and take the Confederate capital at ________.
 Move south into Georgia and Carolina and destroy the heart of Dixie.
 The First Phase of War 1861-1862
 July 21, 1861 - Union troops are forced to retreat out of Virginia at the first Battle ________.
 General Thomas J. Jackson earns the name “_________”
 Congress and Lincoln have both declared the war is being fought to preserve the _____, not to free
the slaves.
 John C. _______ declares martial law in Missouri and orders all slaves freed - Lincoln removes
 Lincoln retires Winfield Scott and names George _________ as General-in-Chief.
 Lincoln replaces his Secretary of War with Edwin _______.
 1862
 McClellan continues to build his army - asking for more men and supplies - Lincoln issues war
order to make him attack - McClellan ______.
 Union General Ulysses S. _____ begins Western Campaign in the Mississippi Valley and
 February -- Grant takes Forts _____ and ________ in Kentucky.
 Union ________ take control of the upper Mississippi.
 March 1862 - Ironclad ships Merrimac and Monitor clash off Hampton Roads, VA - Five hour
battle leads to a draw.
 Stonewall Jackson begins his __________ Valley campaign - tying up Union forces.
 April 1862 - Union Admiral Farragutt takes ___________.
 April 1862 - General McClellan begins his __________ Campaign to capture Richmond.
 In the west -- General U.S. Grant “defeats” Johnston at ______ - April 6-7
 May 1862 - McClellan’s Army of the Potomac reaches to within 20 miles of Richmond - he calls
for reinforcements.
 General Robert E. ___ takes command of the Army of Virginia.
 Congress passes the Pacific Railway Act, The Homestead Act and the Morrill college Act.
 Lincoln first mentions the idea of the _________________________ - keeps it quiet.
 Southern sympathizers in the North = Copperheads.
 August - Union defeated at Second Bull Run
 Sept - McClellan fights Lee to a draw at ________ - Rebels forced to withdraw - 20,000 dead in 1
 Sept 1862 - Lincoln publishes Emancipation Proclamation - not official until signed
______________November - Lincoln replaces McClellan with Ambrose Burnside
 Burnside is defeated at ______________.
 Union and Rebel forces fight to a draw at Muffreesboro, TN - Union advances stalled.
 1863 - The Turning Point
 Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation takes effect - freeing all slaves in all southern areas NOT
under Union control.
 Lincoln replaces Burnside with General Joseph Hooker.
 Grant begins the _________ Campaign to control the Mississippi
 May 1863 - Lee’s army defeats Hooker at ________________ - Stonewall Jackson is killed
accidentally by his own men - 20,000 casualties.
 Union General William Tecumseh _______ defeats J.E. Johnston at Jackson, Mississippi - Grant
begins siege of Vicksburg
 General Lee crosses Potomac at Harper’s Ferry and begins invasion of North - heading to
 Lincoln replaces Hooker with General George _____. - Meade heads north to Pennsylvania and
the town of Gettysburg.
 The Battle of Gettysburg
 July 1, 1863 - Union Cavalry under General Buford keep Lee’s forces from gaining the high
ground - Union reinforces to the south of town.
 July 2, 1863 - Confederate attempts to flank entrenched Union forces are stopped at
________________ by Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain’s 20th Maine.
 July 3, 1863 - Lee orders disastrous charge at the center of Union forces - ________________
costs the rebels terrible losses
 Casualties = South 28,000 ; the Union 23,000
 George Meade fails to pursue Lee south into Virginia - Lincoln is furious, but the victory saves
Meade from firing.
The Siege of Vicksburg
 July 4, 1863 - General Grant breaks the siege of _________ after six weeks of stalemate - Texas,
Arkansas, and Louisiana cut off from the rest of the Confederacy.
Grant’s forces under Rosecrans take Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge and Chattanooga,
Tennessee by September.
Rock of Chickamauga
Union right flank held under George Thomas against rebel general Bragg’s 70,000 men at
Chickamauga - Nov. 1863.
Lincoln places Grant in charge of all Union forces.
 Grant orders Sherman to march on _______ - Grant to lead Army of Potomac on Richmond.
 May - Grant meets Lee at the Battle of the __________, battle is indecisive - Grant moves towards
 Lee expects Grants move and is waiting for him at ____________ - fighting breaks down to trench
warfare - Grant = “I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.”
 June - Battle of ___________ - Grant sends 12,000 Union soldiers to death in cold-blooded
attacks on Confederate lines - 60,000 Union casualties to date on Richmond drive.
 Siege of __________ - Union and Confederate forces entrench around Petersburg, VA
 July - peace talks between north and south break down over emancipation.
 Union General Burnside builds tunnel under Confederate lines at Petersburg - filled with dynamite
it creates a giant crater - Union forces ordered into the hole are slaughtered.
 August - Admiral David Farragut takes __________ - swearing “Damn the Torpedoes - Full
Speed Ahead.”
Democratic Party nominates General _________ for president - Lincoln is convinced he will lose in
 September - Sherman takes _______ - burns town and heads toward Savannah
 November - Sherman’s March to the Sea = cuts a 60 mile wide swath through the heart of the
Confederacy - practicing total war - burning towns, destroying railroads, looting and living off the
Lincoln reelected by less than 500,000 votes
 Confederate Army under ______________ destroyed in Tennessee.
 December - Sherman reaches Savannah - takes city unopposed.
 January - Tennessee adopts anti-slavery amendment to its state constitution
 Sherman begins march northward to Columbia, South Carolina
 February - Lincoln meets Confederate Vice President off Hampton Roads to discuss peace - talks
go nowhere
 Columbia, South Carolina is destroyed by fire - no one sure if Sherman’s troops started it.
 Charleston falls to Sherman
 March - Lincoln inaugurated for second term - Andrew Johnson is Vice President.
 Sherman reaches North Carolina
 Lee seeks to break out of siege at Petersburg and moves west  April - Lee chased by Grant’s army - Union troops take Petersburg and Richmond
 Lincoln visits Richmond with his son - sits in Jeff Davis’s chair and is hailed by freed slaves as a
 April 8, 1865 - Lee surrenders to Grant at _____________________ - Lee is given generous
 April 11 - Lincoln makes speech calling for reconciliation and generous reconstruction.
 April 14 - while watching a play at Ford’s Theater Lincoln is shot and killed by crazed, unemployed
actor - _________________. He is the first US president to be assassinated. He was 56.
Oh Captain! My Captain!
Oh Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack,
the prize we sought is won, The port is near,
the bells I hear, the people all exalting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!
bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
- Walt Whitman
 April 15, Andrew _______ takes the oath of office as president.
 The Diplomatic Front
 Britain had strong ties to the aristocratic south.
 Britain’s ____ could have broken the blockade.
 Britain worried about the US attacking Canada.
 Napoleon III wanted British aid to keep Maximillian on the throne of Mexico.
 London wanted to keep Napoleon in check.
 British laboring class backed the industrial free labor north.
 The Trent Affair
 Union navy apprehended two Confederate diplomats from a British ship.
 Northerners rejoiced at getting even for impressment of 1812.
 Loss of Atlantic cable led to delays and the crisis cooled down.
 Lincoln freed the two diplomats and ______ congratulated the English on accepting the illegality
of impressment and seizure.
 The Alabama
 British shipyards built the commerce raider ship The Alabama - was not a war ship as it was
 The ship went to the Azores with British crew and took on weapons.
 The ship caused havoc in American shipping.
 The Alabama was sunk off the coast of France in 1864.
 Commerce Raiders
 _____________ (son of John Q. Adams) acted as chief Union diplomat to Great Britain.
 Adams presented persistent claims for the destruction of US shipping to Britain.
 Britain ultimately gave in and confiscated other ships being built in England.
 Commerce raiders put a serious dent in the American merchant Marine.
 The Laird Rams
 1863 - British navy yard begin building two Confederate warships with iron rams.
 British fearing war and U.S. invasion of Canada - bought the ships for the British navy.
 in 1872 Britain submitted to US claims and paid the Americans $15 million in damages.
 in 1866 and 1870 Irish Fenians launched invasions into Canada for Irish independence
 Draftees
 1863 - Congress passes first ____________ law - those who could afford to could hire substitutes
or pay a $300 exemption.
 ___________ broke out in New York City - Irish laborers attacked blacks.
 Union army was 90% volunteer - many went AWOL and re-enlisted to get bounty money.
 Both sides had over 200,000 deserters.
 Economic Problems
 Union paid for war through excise taxes, raising tariffs (Morrill Tariff Act), and bond sales.
 Union currency was called __________ - over $450 million dollars not solidly backed by gold.
 Currency flood led to _________ - hurt the working class.
 Fluctuation of currency according to the credit of the US - low point = 39cents.
 Government borrowed more than $2.6 billion in bonds - sold by Jay Cooke and Company.
 1863 - ________________ System created a standard currency - replaced the BUS of 1836.
 Confederacy wreaked by inflation, the blockade, 400 million in worthless bonds, 10% farm levy,
over $1 billion dollars in treasury notes (1.6 cents)
 Shoddy Millionaires
 Wartime expansion brought inflation, huge profits, new millionaire class, speculation,
profiteering, and new technology.
 1859 oil discovery in Titusville, PA begins the petroleum industry.
 Homestead Act increased westward expansion.
 American merchant marine hurt by commerce raiders.