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303-475-2015 cell 303-393-8842 fax
[email protected]
Business success of epidemic proportions!
Pizza Galaxy Marketing Notes
Initial Thoughts
Mom and pop restaurant world is a city/metro-area based economy. It seems like success is
really based on the restaurant's ability to develop a strong local following. I also noticed that
when there are organizations they are city or state based.
I still need to talk with your clients. As an aside, is there a way to evoke their customer's
compliments? A way to make them shine to their customers? What do they want their
customers to say about them? Pretext for the call.
I think we need a combination strategy
1. National, online campaign using articles, PR, and possibly blogging. Pay per click didn’t
work for them. Pizzeria owners didn’t seem to be looking for it. Search Engine
Optimization is more promising. Keywords: pizza marketing, resturants, internet
marketing, email marketing. None of them have very high hit counts.
2. Spot local, campaigns targeted to a few key cities and resturants within. Begin with
organizations such as chambers to come in as a credible resource or whenever possible,
use referrals either from customers or from complementary service providers (web site
designers, POS providers, and hosting organizations.
I'm thinking we should pick a few cities where there are a lot of people with proclivity
towards online ordering. San Francisco (Maybe) San Jose, Chapel Hill North Carolina,
Boston, MA, Chicago and Evanston, etc. Lots of students and lots of tech workers.
Marketing Metrics
Overall visits to your website per week and
per month
# Pages per visit
2345 Cherry Street
Denver, CO
Page 2
Most visited page (s)
Avg % Registrations (percent of total visits
per month)
Avg % Completed demo orders
Avg % Complete an inquiry report
# Phone Calls (prospect calling you)
Other ways prospects typically find you?
% of all prospect inquiries that you actually
meet with (and what is the quality of most
calls? Are most really interested if they get
this far?)
% of meetings that sign up to become
Target Market Definition
What we have agreed on so far:
Independent, family owned restaurants
Sometimes it will be an extended family with several family members each owning an
individual restaurant. One situation where they can sell to several restaurants at the same
Earning $300,000 to $650,000 annually
Have a web presence but no online ordering
Have been in business for at least 3 years (though you’re also talking about targeting new
restaurants) because restaurants need a minimum following to make online ordering work for
Ideally have or are considering online ordering
Do not require online ordering integration with their POS system (though this may be
changing). Integrate with Diamond Point POS in the future. It’s not a technical issue.
Per Gina, even when they are technically savvy they don’t spend much time “surfing” the
Internet. Ideally, they will use the Internet.
80% of their customers come from within 1/2 mile.
Are “hungry” for growing their customer base
Copyright © 2006 Highly Contagious Marketing
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Have sufficient capacity to handle the increased customer load (or you have business partners
who can help them deal with infrastructure).
How do they want to “consume” info. podcasts?
Pizzerias that just opened. Issue is how do you position the message? Competitive advantage
is around the fact that most of their competitors may have websites but DON’T have online
orders. Help you attract more customers fasters. Cheaper than most marketing tactics than
your competitors are using.
Potential Strategic Partners
Website developers such as Rob Dewey;,, (616) 532-1309.
POS system providers (future)
Restaurant consultants
To do:
 Judy talk with Rob Dewey. Incentive piece. What’s does it take to help them comply
and use the system properly.
 Did Rudy mention someone else?
 Judy talk with Clients: Bina (Pizzeria309), King of Steaks, Vinnie’s,
Pizza Galaxy Website
Traffic Issues
How are prospects finding you online right now.
People are finding you online. Probably using online search?
Your current web stats indicate that the vast majority of website hits are from consumers who
are ordering online from your customers. It’s great that the systems you installed are paying
off for your customers BUT we need more restaurant owners to be coming to you for your
Do you own Pizza Gallery? as a name? Can you buy it? How many hits does that get?
Need to find a way to help people remember galaxy so they don't confuse with gallery.
What are the key word phrases that restaurant owners typically use when they are searching
for online ordering systems?
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What are the key phrases that consumers use when trying to find online pizza?
Per Rudy and Gina, Google Adwords has so far not been successful may be because
restaurant owners don’t use Internet enough, did buy right phrases, or combination.
Consider purchasing the following available domain names:
 theywantpizzanow
 peoplewantpizzanow
 hungryforpizza
 greatfoodnow
To do:
 Judy will talk with clients and review leads
 Rudy will include “how did you hear about us” as part of the standard customer
inquiry processf
 Rudy and Gina look into buying additional domain names and look into availability
of Pizza Gallery. Consider buying Pizza Gallery or offering to buy if already owned.
Look & Feel
Redo logo so it's bigger, and simpler. Get graphic next to logo.
Pizza Galaxy logo maybe use Star Wars/Star Trek font instead?
I have the image of a computer with a hand coming out holding a big, yummy looking pizza.
(Rough drawing)
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Current logo looks “homemade”
Text looks like the "wall o text" need to create additional
Styles to help people skim quickly: subheads, boxes, etc.
Best way to think about this is to think about your message and the main things you want
people to know, then do the same within paragraphs.
Also, highlight or bold text so people can really read it.
To do:
 Judy send Gina some layout examples that she and Rudy can begin applying to their
website and articles
Once your visitors find you, are they doing what you want them to do? Are you making it easy
for them?
You have an FAQ section and a Learn More section, what is the purpose of each?
Rudy has info on inquiries that he sent me. Not really capturing how people are finding them.
How many people are doing the demo?
Instead of the title being "Fill Out Our Inquiry Form" you need to say something like "How
many people in your town want to order pizza online from you?"
I strongly suggest that you have a .pdf of a "sample report" so people can see what they are
getting. Use a thumbnail image of the report and provide links so that visitors can click on the
thumbnail to see the larger image.
Overall Comment: need to design prospect “flow” process so you know exactly where you
want prospects to go (which pages, which links) and how you will follow up with them
Took me three tries before I was able to create an order using the demo
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The registration feature is a big of a pain. I couldn't figure out how to register as a guest.
Finally just gave up and registered as myself.
I suggest you simplify the process. Make registration mandatory to do the demo but only
require an email address. People who are truly interested will give you all their info.
Prominantly display your privacy policy to reassure people that you will keep their info
When I ordered my pizza, I didn't get a fax.
When I filled out the report inquiry form/fast start form, there wasn't anything that told me
what to expect, what to look for
I didn't get any emails telling me that you had gotten my request. Need to provide more
feedback when people submit emails.
To do:
 We need to lay out a few “paths” for where you would like visitors to go. An
example path might be: Home Page>Demo>Registration>Report Request. These
funnels are super useful because you can use them to qualify leads and to make sure
those who are qualified will move to the next step of becoming a customer.
 Google Analytics has a cool tool that allows you to create “funnel visualizations.”
You lay out how you would like visitors to walk through your site and Google
analytics will show you who’s moving through, who isn’t, and where you are losing
Other Lead Generation
These are tactics you use to initiate contact (vs attracting via web search, link exchange, etc.)
Rudy and Gina sent the 100 letters out to a list of pizzerias gathered from the
website using state and pizzeria search criteria.
Generated 1 response which converted to a customer which is a pretty good roi
Rudy has composed a second letter which has very catchy copy. Plan is to send this letter
week of 4/23
To do:
 Judy will review and format Rudy’s letter
 Judy talk with Rudy & Gina re how they are selecting targets Click here for ideas
 Rudy and Gina to do a mailing week of 4/23
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Follow up / Keeping in Touch
There are people who will not be ready to sign on the dotted line yet. How will you keep in touch
with them.
Message Development
No one yet has developed a message that is really compelling.
Possible tagline: "Pizza is our universe"
Company name: Pizza Galaxy is that an issue
“Got a ‘taste’ for”
Information Products/Residual Income
No one yet has developed a message that is really compelling.
Need to figure out best way to distribute: ipod
Market and Competitive Research
1. How many pizza restaurants have their own website but no online ordering?
Most small independent pizza restaurants that have a website do not offer online ordering.
When I typed Pizza Online in Google and removed links to the big three (Dominos, Pizza
Hut, and Papa Johns) I got mostly individual resturant sites/single business or portal links
(yellow pages, geocities).
Example: the Pizza Restaurant market in the Denver, CO metro area:
# of pizzerias in Denver metro area based on Yellow Page listing. Went to the Yellow Pages
( typed in "Pizza" Denver, CO”
Brought up 1,026 restaurant listings
Then I used Google Local to come up with actual number of restaurants (a lot of duplicate
listings in phone book especially for Pizza Hut because there are a lot of Pizza Hut/Taco Bell
combo stores)
179 were Dominos
177 were Papa Johns
170 Pizza Hut restaurants (many are combo with Taco Bell)
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This left about 500 restaurant listings. Of these listings:
44 Blackjack pizza
48 Papa Murphy take n bake
About 20 BeauJos
None of the small chains have online delivery which is interesting because I'm sure it's been
pitched to them. Black Jack and Papa Murphys do a lot of mass media advertising. Per Rudy
issue is they want an online ordering system that integrates with their POS system.
Negative or neutral attitude towards technology
No understanding of the benefits/value of online ordering. This is an education
Extremely local business and isolated approach to marketing. Almost purely based on
consumer proximity to location. Per Rudy, they look at everyone living and working
within a half mile radius if not within one block.
How can Pizza Galaxy get in front of as many prospects as possible instead mailing to
individual prospects. Not effective from a time perspective
2. How are the big chains looking at online ordering?
Where Dominos is expanding in U.S. New franchise sites Dominos is offering
Online ordering is upper left right below top banner on their consumer site.
3. How much does online ordering affect the ROI of a restaurant’s website?
4. Are there any web developers out there who specialize in developing sites for mom and pop
Not that I saw. Again, web site developers seem to be fragmented and largely local (probably
because most of them look for business through chamber of commerce and other local
activities. This is probably how small restaurant owners find them.
One I did see was which seems to do websites for upscale
5. What are the trade organizations that most small restaurant owners belong to?
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Pizza Trade Association
National Restaurant Association
Every state has its own restaurant association.
Restaurants & Institutions
6. What websites, discussion lists, and blogs might restaurant owners visit?
pizza today has a forum
 (sm membership)
Pizza Marketing Quarterly has lots of forums
Send an e-mail to everyone in your e-mail distribution list asking for their updated
contact info.
Join linkden (
Create some networks on
Get into a national network in a specific industry that you can relate to (there are
thousands of associations that focus on a specific industry)
6. What trade journals do restaurant owners read? Local business journals?
Nation's Restaurant News
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Pizza Marketing Quarterly
Pizza Magazine
Per Gina, no one has really gotten traction as “the” one. Only one that is really national is Others see it as just another way to get their name out. Costs a user nothing.
For a lot of their customers that they really get a lot of business that way. Versus other way they
can attract customers.
Very "techie" website - looks like typical features heavy software
You came up on top 25 in Google when I searched under "Pizza Online"
Uses a catalog-style shopping cart One of Aurelios restaurants uses this service
Also offer website design services
Copyright © 2006 Highly Contagious Marketing
Referral Marketing