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Honors Geometry
Points, Lines, and Planes
Name: ______________________________
Period: _____
Date: ________________
A ___________ has no dimension. It is usually represented by a small dot.
A ___________ extends in one dimension. It is represented by a straight line with two _____________________
to indicate that the __________ extends without end in two directions.
A ___________ extends in two dimensions. It is represented by a shape that looks like a tabletop or wall. You
must imagine that the _____________ extends without end, even though the drawing of a plane appears to
have edges.
Draw point P.
Draw a line that contains L and M.
Draw plane M.
Notation: ______
Notation: ______ or ______
Notation: ______ or ______
___________________________ are points that lie on the same line. Any two points are _______________.
___________________________ are points that lie on the same plane. Any three points are _______________.
1. Name three points that are collinear. __________________
2. Name two points that are collinear. __________________
3. Name four points that are coplanar. __________________
4. Name three points that are not collinear. __________________
5. Name three points that are not coplanar. __________________
A point on a line is __________________ two other points on the line. You can use this idea to define other important
terms in geometry.
Consider the line AB (symbolized by ______). The _______________________ or ________________ AB (symbolized
by ______) consists of the ________________ A and B, and all points on AB that are _______________ A and B.
The _________ (symbolized by ______) consists of the _____________________
A and all points on AB that lie on the same side of A as point B.
Note that AB is the same as BA, and AB is the same as BA. However, AB
and BA are not the same. They have different initial points and extend in
different directions.
If C is between A and B, then CA and CB are __________________________.
Like points, segments and rays are ______________ if they lie on the same line.
opposite rays
So, any two opposite rays are collinear. Segments, rays, and lines are ______________
if they lie on the same plane.
6. Draw 3 noncollinear points, J, K, and L. Then draw JK , KL, and LJ .
7. Draw two lines. Label points on the lines and name two pairs of opposite rays.
8. Sketch a line that contains point R between points S and T. Which of the following are true?
a) SR is the same as ST .
d) RS and RT are opposite rays.
b) SR is the same as RT.
e) ST is the same as TS.
c) RS is the same as TS.
f) ST is the same as TS.