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Unit 4 Study Guide: Civil War and Reconstruction
Essential Questions
Chapter 10: The Nation Splits Apart
1. Describe the economic differences between the North and South and how they led to sectionalism.
2. Describe the Abolitionist Movement.
A. Explain the role that the following abolitionists played leading to the Civil War:
- William Lloyd Garrison
- Fredrick Douglas
3. Describe the following events and explain how they led to the Civil War.
A. Missouri Compromise
B. Compromise of 1850
C. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
D. Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
E. “Bleeding Kansas”
F. Dred Scott Decision
G. Lincoln/Douglas Debates
H. John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry
Election of 1860
Chapter 11: The Civil War
4. Identify the years in which the Civil War was fought.
5. Compare the strengths, weaknesses, and strategies of the North and South.
6. Identify the Border States and explain their significance to the Civil War.
7. Describe the changes in technology and their impact on the war.
8. Analyze the impact of the following leaders during the war.
A. Abraham Lincoln
B. Jefferson Davis
C. Robert E. Lee
D. Ulysses S. Grant
E. William T. Sherman
9. Explain the significance of the following battles/events.
A. Fort Sumter
B. First Bull Run
C. Antietam
D. Emancipation Proclamation
E. Gettysburg
F. Gettysburg Address
G. Vicksburg
H. Appomattox
10. How did the Civil War impact the civilian population?
Chapter 12: Reconstruction
11. Describe the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the impact it had on the nation.
12. Compare the Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction Plans. Which one was implemented?
13. Describe the immediate and long term effects of the following additions to the Constitution.
A. 13th amendment
B. 14th amendment
C. 15th amendment
14. Explain the circumstances surrounding the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson.
15. Describe what role the following played during Reconstruction
A. Carpetbaggers
B. Scalawags
C. Freedmen’s Bureau
D. Black Codes
16. Describe what role the following played in the end of Reconstruction.
A. Compromise of 1877
C. Jim Crow Laws
D. Poll tax
E. Literacy test
F. Grandfather clause
Unit 4 Review: Civil War and Reconstruction
Chapter 10
1. __________________________ was the rivalry and conflict due to the differences between the North and South.
2. ____________________ was “king” of the cash crops in the South during the 1800’s.
3. ________________________________ means people in a territory could vote to choose on the issue of slavery.
4. Describe life in the North prior to the Civil War.
5. Describe life in the South preceding the Civil War.
6. How did the Missouri Compromise try to solve the slavery issue?
7. The __________________________ was the main stipulation to get Southern support for the Compromise of 1850.
8. Why did the Fugitive Slave Act bring about so much controversy?
9. What was the significance of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
10. Describe the ruling in the Supreme Court’s decision in the Scott v. Sanford (Dred Scott) case.
11. Identify how all of the following relate to John Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.
Southerners feared _____________________________. John Brown was _____________________ for treason.
Abolitioists viewed Brown as a ___________________ for freedom.
12. Describe the differing opinions of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in their debates in 1858.
Chapter 11
13. The Civil War happened from ___________ to _____________.
14. The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 caused _______________________ and 10 other Southern states to
15. Identify four causes of the Civil War.
16. The ______________________________________ marked the actual beginning to the Civil War.
17. What was main advantage the Confederacy had over the Union in the beginning of the Civil War?
18. The Union’s greatest resource during the Civil War was it had ____________________________________.
19. ________________________________ was President of the Confederacy during the Civil War.
20. Describe the Anaconda Plan, as devised by Union General Winfield Scott.
21. Which battle was the bloodiest single day of the Civil War and American history?
22. What two goals were achieved with the Union victory at Vicksburg?
23. The Emancipation Proclamation declared _____________________________________________________.
24. Name the four Border States during the Civil War.
25. Describe the significance of the Battle of Gettysburg: It was a turning point because ________________________
____________________________. The failure of Pickett’s Charge meant the _________________________________.
26. The ____________________________________ was Abraham Lincoln’s most famous speech.
27. Describe William Tecumseh Sherman’s famous “March to the Sea:” After taking Atlanta, the troops destroyed the
____________________________________________. He sought to deprive the Confederates of _________________
___________________________________________. He made ____________ suffer and feel the _________________.
28. The Civil War ended when Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at __________________________.
Chapter 12
29. President Lincoln’s plan for readmitting seceded states back to the Union was the ______________________.
30. Why did John Wilkes Booth assassinate President Lincoln?
31. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson plans for Reconstruction were similar because they both ___________
32. What was the goal of “Black Codes?”
33. Describe the following amendments: 13th Amendment / 14th Amendment / 15th Amendment
34. What was main goal of Congressional Reconstruction?
35. What was the primary reason for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson?
36. The Ku Klux Klan wanted to ________________________________________________.
37. Name three groups that prospered in the South during the Reconstruction era.
38. Rutherford B. Hayes became president as part of the Compromise of 1877 because he promised to _________
______________________________ and remove ________________________________________________.
39. Identify three devices used to keep blacks from voting in the South.
40. The expression “Jim Crow” refers to laws and practices that:
41. Describe the Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?
42. Describe the contributions of the following people:
Clara Barton:
Harriet Beecher Stowe:
Frederick Douglas:
William Lloyd Garrison:
Short Answer Options:
1. Describe the social, economic and/or political differences between the North and South.
2. Identify three events that led to the Civil War and provide specific details how each cause led to war.
3. Compare the strengths, weaknesses, and strategies of the Union and Confederacy.
4. Describe changes in technology and their impact on the Civil War.