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Part One: All about PHOTOSYNTHESIS
What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis?
What organisms go through photosynthesis on a regular basis?
Why does photosynthesis occur in these organisms? What is the purpose?
Where in a plant does photosynthesis occur?
In the box below, DRAW and COLOR a chloroplast. Be sure to label the
thylakoid membranes, grana, chlorophyll, and stroma.
Describe the reaction that takes place in the grana (granum) of the
chloroplast. (What reactants are required, what does this process produce,
what substance is inside to assist?)
Describe the reaction that takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast.
(What reactants are required, what does the process produce, etc.)
In the box below, DRAW and COLOR a cross section of a leaf. Be sure to
label the chloroplasts, vein, air space, and stomata.
Describe the function/purpose for each of the following parts of a plant leaf:
 Stomata:
 Vein (Xylem and Phloem):
 Chloroplast:
What is the main product of photosynthesis that is produced?
How does photosynthesis assist in human survival on planet Earth?
Chlorophyll Absorption Spectrum
Explain the information contained in the graph above. How does this relate
to the color of plants?
Explain how chlorophyll relates to the changing of the leaf colors when
temperatures cool.
What is the chemical equation for cellular respiration?
What organisms go through cellular respiration on a regular basis?
Why does cellular respiration occur in these organisms? What is the
Where in a eukaryotic cell does cellular respiration occur?
What are the two types of cellular respiration and what is the difference
between the two?
In the box below, DRAW and COLOR a mitochondria. Be sure to label the
inner membrane, outer membrane, cristae, and matrix.
What are the three stages to aerobic cellular respiration?
Describe GLYCOLYSIS. What happens at this step of cellular respiration,
what is produced, and what are the two possibilities that may follow?
Describe KREB’S CYCLE. What happens at this step of AEROBIC cellular
respiration and what is produced?
Describe the ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN. What happens at this step
of AEROBIC cellular respiration and what is produced?
How much ATP is produced in AEROBIC cellular respiration and in
ANAEROBIC cellular respiration? Why does one process produce so much
more ATP than the other?
Draw and describe what happened in the test tubes where we combined
SUGAR, WATER, and YEAST! Explain what caused the balloon to expand
(what is filling the balloon???). Why did the balloon over the second test
tube with only water and yeast NOT expand?
How does yeast allows bread to rise? (Hint: THINK ANAEROBIC
1. Which organism is most likely to use anaerobic respiration?
A bird
B moss
C tree
D yeast
2. Two different species of bacteria are examined. Scientists find that Species X always produces
CO2 and H2O during cellular respiration. Species Y always produces ethyl alcohol and CO2.
Which conclusion can be made from these observations?
A Only Species Y is aerobic.
B Only Species Y is anaerobic.
C Both Species X and Y are aerobic.
D Both Species X and Y are anaerobic.
3. What is the main function of leaves?
A Leaves provide support for growth and a place to store food
B Leaves provide a place for photosynthesis to occur
C Leaves absorb water and minerals and transport nutrients to the stem.
D Leaves create a barrier that prevents water in the plant’s tissues from evaporating.
4. Which is the most likely function of a group of cells that contains a high number of
A respiration
B transpiration
C fermentation
D photosynthesis
5. In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different?
A Cellular respiration stores ATP while photosynthesis releases ATP.
B Cellular respiration produces oxygen, while photosynthesis uses oxygen.
C Photosynthesis releases energy, while cellular respiration stores energy.
D Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon
6. Which pair of structures best shows that plant cells have functions different from animal cells
A Cytoplasm and mitochondria
B Chloroplasts and cell walls
C Nuclei and centrioles
D Ribosomes and cell membranes
7. The apparatus above was used to collect the oxygen that was produced by
Elodea. Which factor was most responsible for the production of oxygen by
A Sugar was present in the liquid.
B The liquid contained enough oxygen for the plant to absorb.
C The presence of light stimulated photosynthesis
D The plant contained a large number of mitochondria.
How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar?
How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different?