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Lic. Miguel Ashcraft
Analyzing Verb Tense At-a-Glance – Lesson 15
Verb (-s)
Guide for forming participles
Simple past (preterit)
1) Verb + -ed 2) Vowel change
To + verb
-ed …………………………-ed
Verb + -ing
cambio vocálico……-en
Verb + -ed / -en
Have/has + participle (he, has, ha, hemos, han + ptc)
Had + participle (había, habías + ptc.)
Present progressive
Am/are/is + gerund (Estoy cenando vs. Ceno.)
Past progressive (coprt) Was/were + gerund (-aba o –ía; estaba cenando o cenaba)
Will + verb (cenaré)
Alternative to future
Am/are/is + going + infinitive (voy a cenar)
Now complete the following diagram to reinforce your learning. Put a line ---- where nothing is applicable:
Preceding Word
Verb/Verbal Form
Simple past
Infinitive *
Gerund *
Participle *
Pres. Progressive
Past Progressive
Alt to Future
Alternative to future
I am going = Voy
You are going = Vas
He is going = Va
We are going = Vamos
They are going = Van
I am
You are
He is + going to + verb
We are
They are
Past alternative to future
I was
You were
He was + going to + verb
We were
They were
Lic. Miguel Ashcraft
Word Order in Sentences – Syntax – Lesson 16
You have learned a lot! You can now recognize the major verb tenses! We will pause from verbs (we still
need to learn Imperatives and Subjunctives) and dedicate time to structuring sentences.
The Basic Sentence Structure in English:
Subject + verb + Object (complete idea)
Please note that English is less flexible than Spanish. Do not try to change the word order.
Now let’s look at some examples:
In Spanish, these four sentences are fine:
Dianna ama a Miguel.
A Miguel ama Dianna.
Dianna a Miguel ama.
We keep the Direct Object clear because of the “a personal”.
A Miguel Dianna ama.
But in English, you can’t vary word order! When you change the word order, you change subject-object.
Mike loves Dianna. (Dianna is the Direct Object; she receives Mike’s love)
Dianna loves Mike. (Mike is the Direct Object; he receives Dianna’s love)
Mike Dianna loves. (This sentence is totally WRONG.)
Los dos “que”
Dianna Mike loves. (This sentence is totally WRONG.)
conjunción subordinadora = that
The Rule for Adjectives:
adjective + noun
comparación = than
The rule is simple: Adjectives always go before their nouns (the opposite of Spanish).
Be Careful ! There are no plural forms of adjectives. Sometimes nouns are used as adjectives. If you
have several nouns together, the last will be the noun and the previous ones will be used as adjectives.
Vocabulary 16 (20 words; total to date 186 words)
A lot = mucho [son dos palabras]
Basic = básico, fundamental
Can/ could = poder (vb.), lata (n.)
Dedicate/ dedicated = dedicar
Instead of = en vez de
It = ello, lo, la [NOT: eat]
Less … than = menos … que
Major = mayor, principal
Need/ needed = necesitar, necesidad
Note/ noted = tomar nota, una nota
Pause/ paused = pausar, pausa, tomar paus [Homonym:
Please/ pleased = por favor, complacer
Recognize/ recognized = reconocer
Rule/ ruled = regla, reinar
Still = todavía, quieto (Not: Steal)
Structure/ structured = estructura, estructurar
Tense = tenso, tiempo verbal
Time = tiempo, hora, vez (ojo)
Try/ tried = tratar, intentar, probar
Yourself = tú mismo, ti mismo
Regla de adjetivos de traducción difícil
Cuando un adjetivo no se traduce (del inglés),
echa mano de los dos ayudantes:
de …
que …
Ex. English class = clase de inglés
Jumping toy = juguete que salta
Still = todavía
Not yet = todavía no
Already = ya
No longer, not … anymore = ya no