Download Mi música latina favorita If you could listen to only one Spanish

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Mi música latina favorita
If you could listen to only one Spanish-language artist, which one would you pick? (A) First, you will
create a profile of your artist. (B) Then you will tell us a little more about their music and why you like it.
(C) Finally, you will select one song or selection—no longer than 4 minutes in duration-- that you would
like to share with your classmates on music day. Part C explains what you will do with this selection.
Las fechas: 14 de mayo. By this date you must have shared your completed A, B, and C with me via
google drive [email protected]. This allows sufficient time for your teacher to get things
in order for our día de música favorita, on 16 de mayo. On the 16th you’ll need your ear buds or
headphones for our day of music sharing. 19, 20 o 21 de mayo: conversación con la maestra sobre tu
When you create your google doc, please, please include your name in the title!!!
A) Sobre mi artista
You must include information on the starred items (#1 through 4); then select 2 more additional items
to include as biographical background on your artist. Some information may not be available online, so
go with what is most readily available, and express it in the simplest Spanish possible. Use the Spanish
prompts to the max to accomplish this task:
*dónde y cuándo nació?
*descripción física y personalidad
*éxitos y logros (successes and achievements): ¿Por qué es él o ella un artista famoso/a?
¿Qué honor o premio ganó—en los Emmies, por ejemplo?
*¿dónde vive él / ella hoy? O-- ¿cúando y dónde se murió
pasatiempos y hobbies
temas importantes en su música. ¿Qué o quién le da inspiración para su creatividad?
cómo era su niñez? ¿Dónde vivía como niño / niña?
otra cosa más (something else that you typically find in a short bio: a favorite author or
movie, or a favorite color, for example)
B) La música y su estilo. Answer any two(2) of the three questions below.
1) ¿Qué tipo de música es? ¿Cómo se llama el estilo en español?
2) ¿Canta tu artista con un grupo? ¿Hay instrumentos? ¿Qué instumentos acompañan al artista?
3) ¿Por qué este artista? ¿Te gusta el estilo? ¿Te gusta la letra (lyrics)? ¿Qué emociones oyes en
la música? ¿Cómo te sientes cuando escuchas la música?
C) Mi canción favorita: When selecting a specific song to share with the class, please stay within the
following guidelines:
- Avoid texts with a lot of shouting or instrumentals that obscure the Spanish words. Lyrics
should be clear enough that your classmates can pick out common words without visual (textual)
- Do not select a song with lyrics that could be interpreted as demeaning or degrading to others.
This would include excessively foul language.
- Avoid selections with extremely rapid lyrics. It’s fun to have a peppy beat, but your classmates
also need to be able to recognize some common words (see #1). Your classmates will thank you on
“music day” if you like a song with some repetition. Refrains are great for language learning!
- Your musical selection must not exceed 4 minutes in duration. If the song is longer than this,
pick a favorite four-minute clip to share.
- Check with me first if there’s any question in your mind about the appropriateness of your
Actividades con la música:
1) La letra español y vocabulario importante. Locate the Spanish lyrics and cut and paste these into
a google doc. Print the lyrics out so you also have a hard copy to work with when you lack
internet access. You may consult an English translation if one has been published online, but you
mustn’t use any computer-generated translation, and *no* English should appear in your final
project other than the vocabulary glosses and grammar explanation (see below).
You should be prepared to explain to a classmate or your teacher precisely what any line of the
song means. Select 5-8 “key words” in the song that your classmates probably don’t know. Key
words would be those that are critical to getting the gist of the song. Help your audience by
“glossing” these words. Underline the word and provide its English meaning in a list of
“vocabulario importante” above the song lyrics.
2) Ejemplos de gramática. Select 3 examples of grammatical structures from this year that appear
in the song. This could be 3 different structures (one example each) or 2-3 examples of the same
structure. Grammatical structures include but are not limited to: imperfect tense, preterite
tense, passive voice with se, compound verb structure, direct or indirect object pronouns,
reflexive verbs.
Highlight your 3 examples in the song lyrics. Then at the bottom of the page, list each example,
clarifying briefly in English what the example means and what structure it exemplifies.
D) Fuentes: First list the URL to be used on music sharing day. This is a direct link to “your” song. Then
list all other sources for this project, giving a precise URL for each. This would include any English
translations that you consulted, even though these will not appear in the final project.