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Exam III Review
BIO 101
Define genotype and phenotype.
What is an allele? How many alleles does a cell typically have?
Distinguish between dominant and recessive alleles.
Practice doing Punnett squares involving both single- & double-factor crosses.
Be prepared to answer questions concerning the probability of producing
offspring with a particular genotype/phenotype.
6. Who was “the father of modern genetics”?
7. What type of plant did he use for his research? Give a few examples of
characteristics he studied.
8. Define codominance & incomplete dominance.
9. Give a few examples of characteristics with polygenic inheritance.
10. List the characteristics of the Prokaryotes.
11. Where would you find members of Archaea?
12. List the three shapes of members of Eubacteria?
13. What are the two components of a virus?
14. What is a prion? Give an example of a disease caused by prions.
15. Are viruses & prions living?
16. Give an example of a protist. How would you characterize this group?
17. Give an example of a flagellated protozoan.
18. List the three classes of amoeboid protozoans. How do they move?
19. List the characteristics of ciliated protozoans.
20. What disease is caused by the apicomplexan, Plasmodium? How is it
21. Which protist causes algal blooms like ‘red tide’? List its characteristics.
22. List the characteristics of diatoms.
23. Name the largest protist.
24. What protist is believed to have given rise to the plants?
25. List three groups of fungi. Give an example for each.
26. Describe the feeding structure & strategy of fungi.
27. Give an example of a fungal infection that humans suffer from.
28. List the two components of a lichen.
29. Briefly describe a mycorrhiza.
30. What is the unifying characteristics of the bryophytes?
31. Name the three classes of bryophytes.
32. Be able to draw and label the bryophyte life cycle.
33. Which generation is dominant?
34. Name the male and female gametophytes.
35. Why do the bryophytes require water for fertilization?
36. Name two differences between bryophytes and ferns.
37. Name the two types of vascular tissue and their functions.
38. Name the two other examples of vascular seedless plants.
39. Which generation dominates this group?
40. Is water required for fertilization in the vascular seedless plants? Why or why
41. Spores are produced by which structures? Where are these structures located?
42. Name the gametophyte generations.
43. Name the two classes of vascular seed-bearing plants.
44. What does ‘gymnosperm’ mean?
45. Which generation is dominant?
46. Name the three groups of Gymnosperms.
47. Describe the basic life cycle of the conifers.
48. Distinguish between male and female cones.
49. Describe the process of fertilization.
50. What is the purpose of double fertilization?
51. What structures are unique to the angiosperms?
52. Distinguish between wind-pollination and animal-pollination strategies.
53. Do the angiosperms require water for fertilization?
54. Distinguish between the male and female portions of a flower.
55. Name the three components of the seed.
56. What is a cotyledon? How many does a monocot have? How about a dicot?
57. Briefly describe the function of the root, stem and leaf.
58. What is the function of the stomata and guard cells?
59. Thoroughly distinguish between the anatomy of monocots and dicots. Include
differences in the stems, leaf and flower.