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Anatomy and Physiology TEST CH’s 1,2,3,4 on _______________________ CH 1=Intro 1. Gross vs Microscopic Anatomy: 2. Discuss the levels of organization 3. Be able to I.D each system and what they do? 4. What is Homeostasis? 5. Discuss feedback mechanisms (negative) example? 6. What is metabolism CH 2=Biochemistry 1. What is difference b/n organic and inorganic 2. Discuss important inorganic compounds (water, salt, pH, Acid/Base) 3. Discuss important organic compounds (Carbs, lipids, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids) differences b/n 4. Trans fats CH 3=Tissue 1. What is tissue 2. 4 types of tissue (structure/function) 3. simple vs stratified and types 4. Be able to ID pictures of types of cells from p 79 and 80 & where located 5. 3 Types of muscle tissue (vol/invol, striated or not, and location) 6. Purpose of neurons 7. Types of connective tissue (structure/function) 8. Cancer p 88-89 READ THIS 9. avasular vs vascular 10. types of dense connective tissue vs loose connective tissue 11. Look over tissue wrksht 12. What is scar tissue and what happens 13. What is basement membrane? CH 4=Integumentary System 1. Discuss the 2 groups of body membranes 2. 3 types of Epith. Membrane 3. Difference in pleural and parietal linings of heart,lung, and abdom cavity 4. What is keratin, 5. Structure/Function of Epidermis and Dermis 6. 5 Layers of Dermis be able to identify if you saw a picture and 7. Function of melanin on skin tone 8. Structure&function of cutaneous glands, sebaceous glands, sebum, sweat glands, hair and follicle and be able to identify on a picture 9. Imbalances/Disorders of skin also burns READ p 110 about TATS 10. Look over your wrksht on the skin CH 4 11. Look over your skin cancer wrksht! Know the 3 types, causes, etc…ABCD rule ***Look over all drawings we have not taken a quiz on and homework, wrkshts, labs etc..