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Mr. B: Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Notes
Today’s Objectives
1. Explain how the skin continually regenerates.
2. Describe the processes by which the skin helps to regulate body temperature.
3. Explain the different protective functions of the skin.
4. Identify the different glands and sensory receptors present in skin and describe their functions.
Lesson 3.2 The Integumentary System
The Integumentary System
Functions of the __________________________ system
Anatomy of the skin
____________________________ of the skin
Functions of the Integumentary System
The skin forms a _________________________ cover that serves a variety of purposes.
The skin acts as the first line of ________________________ in protecting the underlying tissues.
protects against
chemical damage
________________________ out
____________ radiation damage
_____________________ body ____________________________
When the body is ________________________, capillaries ____________________ (expand),
allowing _____________________ to escape.
Sweat glands become _______________________ by producing sweat that evaporates which
____________________________ the skin.
uring ____________________ temperatures, the capillaries ______________________ (tighten), and blood flow moves
to deeper vessels away from the skin to minimize heat ________________.
The skin contains specialized cells in the skin called ________________________.
Melanocytes produce ___________________________.
Melanin is the ____________________ that protects the body against the _______________________ effects
of the ________________________.
Melanin is responsible for human skin ____________________________.
The skin also contains specialized cutaneous _________________________ receptors.
These receptors transmit ____________________ signals that contain information about the environment,
including _____________________, _________________________, vibration, pain, and temperature.
The skin contains keratin - the skin’s __________________________ layer
Keratin is a tough protein also found in _____________________ and nails that adds structural strength.
Helps protect the skin against damage from harmful _______________________.
Mr. B: Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Notes
Serves as a ________________________ barrier and prevents water from entering the body
during bathing or swimming.
Anatomy of the Skin
The epidermis is the ______________________ layer of the skin.
This is the layer of skin that we _________________.
Contains ________ layers of tissue from superficial to deep.
Starting from the outside and going deep
Stratum ______________________ – consists of ____________________ cells that continually shed.
Stratum lucidum – thick skin found on __________________, fingers, soles of the feet, and toes.
Stratum granulosum
Stratum spinosum
Stratum _____________________ – absorbs _____________________ from the adjacent dermis. Produce
_______________________ skin cells.
produce _________________, form layers of epidermis
epidermal dendritic cells
Respond to ____________________ bacteria or viruses to ward off infections
Merkel cells
Located in the stratum basale
Function: _______________________ receptors
Relay touch information to the ________________________.
dense, fibrous connective tissue composed of __________________ and ______________________ fibers.
Mr. B: Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 3 Lesson 2 Notes
Collagen provides _________________________ and binds with water to keep inner skin moist.
Elastic fibers keep the skin from ____________________ or __________________________.
Phagocytes in the dermis are responsible for ______________________ foreign material including
__________________________ and dead cells.
papillary layer
forms _______________________________
reticular layer
Includes blood, ____________________, oil glands, involuntary muscle, hair ___________________ and
nerve _____________________
Made up of fibrous connective tissue
____________________________ tissue provides:
energy _____________________________
Appendages of the Skin
sudoriferous (_________________________) glands
Eccrine – major sweat glands of the body secretes primarily _____________________.
_____________________________ – located in the genital and armpit areas.
___________________________ glands
Located all over the body
Produce oily substance called ______________________________