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Human Digestion HW
Period _______
1. What is the first step in the digestive process? ________________________________
2. What is the difference between ingestion and digestion?
3. In unicellular and other simple organisms, digestion is ______________________. In larger, more
complex organisms, digestion is _________________________.
4. Explain the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion.
5. Two common names for the digestive tube are _______________________________ and
6. Name and describe the process by which food moves through the digestive tract.
7. The Oral cavity is another name for the ____________________.
8. Explain why breaking up food is important for the digestive process.
9. Food is transported from the mouth to the stomach through a tube called the ________________________.
10. Why does the esophagus secrete mucus?
11. What chemical digestion occurs in the stomach?
12. Where does most chemical digestion take place?
13. Bile is made in the ______________ and stored in the ________________________.
14. Enzymes that digest fat are called ________________________.
15. What materials are absorbed by the large intestine?
16. End products of digestion are called ________________________________ when they are used by the
body to form complex compounds needed by the body.