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** Place the correct response in the corresponding blank on your student answer sheet.
1. Carnivores include all of the organisms that are meat eaters.
2. An animal which feeds on animals which have been already killed is called a(n)
3. All plant eating organisms are known as Herbivores.
4. Organisms that consume both plants and animals are collectively called Omnivores.
5. Ecology is the study of the interactions of living things with each other and their
6. A(n) Population includes all of the organisms of the same species that inhabit a given
7. A carnivore which kills its own food is called a(n) Predator.
8. All of the interacting organisms of different species in a given location comprise a(n)
9. Biotic factors are those living factors in the environment, such as disease and
10. An organism such as a mushroom on a rotting log, which ingests decaying organic
material is called a(n) Decomposer.
11. The entire region of the world where living things are found is called the Biosphere.
Choose the response which best completes each of the following statements or answers
each of the following questions. (5 pts. @)
1. In order to be self-sustaining, an ecosystem must contain (1.) large numbers of
organisms (2.) a warm, moist environment (3.) a constant source of energy (4.)
organisms which occupy the same niche
2. All the red-winged blackbirds living in a marsh are (1.) a community (2.) a succession
(3.) an ecosystem (4.) a population
3. The symbiotic relationship between a human and the fungus that causes athlete's foot is
an example of (1.) predation (2.) commensalism (3.) parasitism (4.) saprophytism
4. Nodules containing nitrogen-fixing bacteria are found on the roots of members of the
legume family. The relationship between these bacteria and the legume is known as (1.)
mutualism (2.) commensalism (3.) parasitism (4.) saprophytism
5. Barnacles often attach themselves to whales and receive free transportation to parts of
the ocean. The whales are not affected by this activity. This is an example of (1.)
mutualism (2.) saprophytism (3.) commensalism (4.) parasitism
6. In the marshlands of the northeastern United States, the purple loosestrife plant has
replaced many native plants. The success of the purple loosestrife is most likely due to its
ability to (1.) control secondary consumers (2.) conserve natural resources (3.) transfer
energy from soil minerals (4.) compete for abiotic factors
7. Which
diagram at
the right
(1.) 1 (2.)
2 (3.) 3
(4.) 4
8. In a natural community, all the living things that directly or indirectly affect the
environment are known as (1.) pioneer organisms (2.) secondary consumers (3.)
climatic limitations (4.) biotic factors
9. A fungus is an example of (1.) a herbivore (2.) an omnivore (3.) a scavenger (4.) a
10. Which organisms would most likely have a predator-prey relationship? (1.)
tapeworm and dog (2.) barnacle and whale (3.) hawk and mouse (4.) rabbit and grass
11. Which group can best be described as a population? (1.) all the honeybees in an
orchard (2.) all the plants and animals in a forest (3.) the life in Earth's atmosphere (4.)
the living and nonliving factors in a meadow
12. Which factor promotes competition between organisms in an ecosystem? (1.)
cycling of materials (2.) limited resources (3.) presence of saprophytes (4.)
decomposition of organic matter
13. An owl cannot entirely digest the animals it preys upon. Therefore, each day it expels
from its mouth a pellet composed of fur, bones, and sometimes cartilage. By examining
owl pellets, ecologists would be able to determine (1.) saprophytes that affect owls (2.)
organisms that feed on owls (3.) autotrophs that owls prefer (4.) consumers that owls
14. All the interacting populations in a given area represent an ecological unit known as
a (1.) population (2.) biome (3.) biosphere (4.) community
15. Which
is an abiotic
factor that
functions as
a limiting
factor for
in the
shown at the
right? (1.)
(2.) fish (3.)
light (4.)
16. When animals excrete nitrogenous wastes into the soil, certain soil bacteria convert
these wastes into nitrates, which are absorbed by plants. These soil bacteria function as
(1.) producers (2.) secondary consumers (3.) carnivores (4.) decomposers
17. Which title would be most appropriate for a textbook on general ecology? (1.) The
Interactions Between Organisms and Their Environment (2.) The Cell and its
Organelles (3.) The Hereditary Mechanism of Drosophila (4.) The Physical and
Chemical Properties of Water
18. The following chart lists four groups of factors relating to an ecosystem.
Which group contains only abiotic factors?
(1.) group A (2.) group B (3.) group C (4.) group D
19. The most likely result of a group of squirrels relying on limited resources would be
(1.) competition between the squirrels (2.) an increase in the number of squirrels (3.)
increased habitats for the squirrels (4.) a greater diversity of food for the squirrels
20. The graph at the right shows the
changes in two populations of
herbivores in a grassy field. A
possible reason for these changes is
that (1.) all of the plant populations
in this habitat decreased (2.)
population A consumed the
members of population B (3.)
population A produced more
offspring than population B did (4.)
population B competed more
successfully for food than
population A did
21. An ecosystem is represented in the illustration below.
This ecosystem will be self-sustaining if (1.) the organisms labeled A outnumber the
organisms labeled B (2.) the type of organisms represented by B are eliminated (3.) the
organisms labeled A are equal in number to the organisms labeled B (4.) materials cycle
between the organisms labeled A and the organisms labeled B
22. A certain plant requires moisture, oxygen, carbon dioxide, light, and minerals in
order to survive. This statement shows that a living organism depends on (1.) abiotic
factors (2.) biotic factors (3.) carnivore-herbivore relationships (4.) symbiotic
23. Although three different bird species all inhabit the same type of tree in an area,
competition between the birds rarely occurs. The most likely explanation for this lack of
competition is that these birds (1.) are unable to interbreed (2.) have a limited supply of
food (3.) share food with each other (4.) have different ecological niches
24. An abiotic component of the biosphere is represented by the (1.) mushrooms in a
cave in the Catskill Mountains (2.) population of deer in a forest at the close of the
hunting season (3.) annual range of temperatures in a lake in New York State (4.)
interactions of insect species in a cornfield
25. Termites can be found living in dead trees partially buried under soil and stones.
Within the tree trunks, the termites feed on the wood fiber, creating passageways having
a high humidity. The wood fiber is digested by protozoans living within the digestive
tract of the termite. What are the biotic factors in this habitat? (1.) soil and humidity (2.)
humidity, soil, and stones (3.) termites and protozoans (4.) tree trunk, stones, and
26. Some crows, vultures, and other birds which feed off dead animals are classified as
(1.) saprophytes (2.) herbivores (3.) scavengers (4.) producers
27. The diagram represents the feeding areas during summer and fall of two populations
in the same ecosystem. Both populations feed on oak trees. The portion of the diagram
labeled X most likely indicates that
(1.) these populations compete for food in the fall, but not in the summer (2.) the
species are separated by a geographic barrier in the fall (3.) the supply of oxygen is
greater in the summer than in the fall (4.) random mating occurs between these species in
the summer
28. The chart represents the characteristics necessary for the maintenance of a selfsustaining ecosystem. Which is most likely represented by letter
(1.) Few Biotic Factors (2.) Symbiotic Relationships (3.) Lack of Abiotic Factors (4.) A
Cycling of Materials
29. If two different bird species in the same habitat require the same type of nesting site,
both species will most likely (1.) compete for the nesting sites (2.) interbreed and share
nesting sites (3.) use the nests of other bird species (4.) change their nesting site
30. A student set up a terrarium containing moist soil, several plants, and snails. The
terrarium was placed in a sunny area. Which factor is not essential for the maintenance of
the terrarium? (1.) a cycling of materials between organisms and their environment (2.)
a constant source of energy (3.) a living system capable of incorporating energy into
organic compounds (4.) the introduction of another heterotroph into the terrarium
31. A student measured some abiotic factors present in an aquarium in a biology
laboratory. Which data did the student most likely record? (1.) the weight and color of
each type of scavenger (2.) the temperature and oxygen content of the water (3.) the
size and number of each species of fish (4.) the number of each type of green plant and
each type of snail
32. Which organisms would most likely feed on decomposing animal bodies? (1.)
herbivores (2.) parasites (3.) scavengers (4.) saprophytes
33. An ecosystem is not considered to be self sustaining if (1.) it lacks a constant
supply of energy (2.) cycling of materials occurs between organisms and their
environment (3.) there is interaction between biotic and abiotic factors (4.) some of its
living systems incorporate energy into organic compounds
34. The diagram shows organisms in and around a
Which ecological term refers to all the organisms shown in the diagram? (1.)
heterotroph (2.) community (3.) population (4.) biosphere
35. . An aquarium ecosystem is
shown in the accompanying
diagram. A community in this
aquarium consists of the (1.) fish,
water, and snails (2.) plants and
gravel (3.) water and gravel (4.)
fish, plants, and snails
36. All of Earth's water, land, and atmosphere within which life exists is known as (1.)
community (2.) ecosystem (3.) population (4.) biosphere
37. The diagram
shows a milkweed
plant and some of the
insects that live on it or
visit it. Which term
best describes the
group of organisms in
the diagram? (1.)
population (2.)
community (3.)
ecosystem (4.)
38. Which group represents a population? (1.) all the vertebrates living in New York
State (2.) all the flowering plants found in New York State (3.) all the plant and animal
species found in New York State (4.) all the Homo sapiens living in New York State
39. An example of a population is all the (1.) field mice living in a barn (2.) field
mice and owls living in a barn (3.) animals in a barn and their food (4.) animals in the
barn and their surroundings
40. Which is an example of an ecosystem? (1.) a population of monarch butterflies (2.)
all the mammals that live in the Atlantic Ocean (3.) all the abiotic factors found in a
field (4.) the interdependent biotic and abiotic components of a pond
41. A pond community is represented
in the diagram. Which term includes the
interactions between the organisms of
this community and the physical factors
of their environment? (1.) population
(2.) ecosystem (3.) biotic (4.)
42. A moss-covered log is overturned by a hungry bear looking for insects to eat. The
bear disturbs an ant colony, and some chipmunks leave the hollow log to search for
another home in the forest. Which relationship do these organisms have with each other?
(1.) They are all of the same species. (2.) They all require the same type of food. (3.)
They are part of a community. (4.) They are abiotic factors in a forest.
Free Response Section
List three conditions necessary for a self-sustaining ecosystem.
The self-sustaining ecosystem needs a constant input of energy, a means of
incorporating this energy into living material, and the ability to cycle materials
within the ecosystem.
or: Constant source of energy
Ways for living organisms to use the energy
The ability to recycle materials within the ecosystem