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Comp. # ____
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Genetics Science Learning Center -- Internet Lesson
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Click on the link that says "Tour the Basics". A new window will open, you can navigate sections by using the top
toolbar. Click: “What is DNA”
What is DNA?
1.Instructions providing all the information necessary for the living organism to grow and live (DNA) is
found in the ______________________ of every cell. These instructions tell the cell what
2. DNA encodes a ___________________________________, like a blueprint for building different
_____________________________. What does DNA stand for? ________________________
3. The "twisted ladder" shape of the DNA molecule is called a ________________________
4. A DNA strand is made of _______________ which make up _______________ which make up
sentences which we call ________________________. Genes tell the cell to make molecules called
Look at the navigation bar at the top, you'll need to click on "What is a Gene" to continue.
What is a Gene?
5. Genes are the ______________________________ for our body. They are the directions for
making all the ____________________________ that make our bodies function. One strand of
DNA contains ______________genes. How many genes do we have? _______________________
6. When we say a gene is mutated what does that mean? ___________________________
What is a Chromosome?
7. If you pulled the DNA from a single human cell and stretched it out, about how long would it be?
___________ (*That’s about as long as a ____________!)
8. How does all that DNA fit into our cells? ____________________________________________
9. How many chromosomes do human body cell contain? ______________--2 sets of ____chromosomes.
10. Look at pair 23—this is the sex chromosomes and they determine whether you are a male or a
female. Based on what it says what would your 23rd pair be XX or XY? _________
11. How many chromosomes does a mosquito have? _____ an onion? _____ a carp? _______
What is heredity?
16. What is the basis of heredity? ___________________________________________________
17. Our genes encode the instructions that define our _________________. Each of us has thousands
of genes which are made of ________________ and reside in our ________________________.
18. When a child is conceived, they receive _____________ of their chromosomes from their father
and ________ from their mother. This transfer occurs when the father’s __________________
combines with the mother’s _____________________. These two cells join to form the
_______________.This cell will ______________________ and ultimately develop into a child.
19. Each parent has 2 sets of chromosomes (46) and contributes one set of chromosomes to the
child (23.) Since the parents contribute chromosomes _____________________ to each child,
every child inherits a ____________________________________________. As a result every
child will have a unique set of _____________________________.
What is a trait?
20. What is a trait? ______________________________________________________________
21. What types of traits exist?
1. __________________________ - physical characteristics. ( Ex: _______________________)
2. __________________________ - the way one acts.( Ex:_____________________________)
3. ________________________________-an increased risk of getting a certain disease –
(Ex: ______________________________________________________________)
22. What two things define our traits? 1. _____________________________________
and 2. ________________________________________
What is a protein?
23. Proteins are the machines that make all living things function. Our bodies contain 100 trillion cells
and every cell contains thousands of proteins that work together to run the ________________.
Click: NEXT until you get to the page with a picture of a blueprint!
24. Each gene in the ___________ encodes the information about how to make an individual ________.
25. Genes are read from the DNA and produce a molecular message in the form of _______
26. What is the protein-making machinery that reads the message and produces the protein? ________
Click the blue Home button at the top. Scroll down and Click on: Chromosomes and
Inheritance (below Molecules of Inheritance.) Click on: Using Karyotypes To
Diagnose Genetic Disorders (below Karyotypes.)
Before the zygote divides to make two cells, it _________________________________________.
These copies, called sister chromatids, are __________________________________. When the
zygote divides, each cell gets ______________________________________________________.
The cells continue dividing this way to ___________________________________________. This
type of cell division is called _____________________.
When egg and sperm form, they go through a special type of cell division called __________________.
One purpose of meiosis is to ________________________________________________________.
The other is to create ___________________________________________.
Meiosis begins like mitosis: the cell _________________________________________________.
But unlike in mitosis, homologous chromosome pairs line up and exchange pieces—a process called
____________________________________________. Remember, homologous chromosomes have
the _________________________ genes but with _____________________________________.
Recombination increases _____________________________________________ by putting pieces
of chromosomes that came from ________________together with pieces of chromosomes that came
from _____________________.
Next, the newly recombined homologous chromosomes are divided into _________________________.
Then the sister chromatids are pulled apart into a total of __________________ cells. Each of these
cells has one copy each of ______chromosomes, all with a unique combination of mom's and dad's genes.