Download 8th Grade Science Syllabus and Probable Sequence

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8th Grade Science Syllabus and Probable Sequence
Earth’s Structure and Processes – materials and processes that alter the structure of Earth
(Chapters 5 - 9)
 Plate Tectonics – continental drift, seafloor spreading, theory of plate tectonics
 Earthquakes – forces inside Earth, features of earthquakes, people and earthquakes
 Rocks & Minerals – minerals-Earth’s jewels, 3 types of rocks and the rock cycle
 Earth’s Energy & Mineral Resources – nonrenewable, renewable energy & mineral
 Views of Earth – landforms, viewpoints, and maps
Labs: Differentiated Activities ~ How Do Scientists Determine What’s Inside Earth? Drilling Into the
Earth activity, Be a Puzzle Solver Expert, Seafloor Spreading, Predicting Tectonic Activity,
Epicenter location, Earthquake Depths, Classifying Minerals, Making a Topographic Map,
Constructing Landforms
Earth’s Biological History & Inquiry – Earth’s biological diversity over time (Chapters 1 – 4)
The Nature of Science – science in action, models, & evaluating scientific explanation
Measurement – description & measurement, SI, drawings, tables, and graphs
Clues to Earth’s Past – fossils, relative ages of rocks, & absolute ages of rocks
 Geologic Time – life & geologic time, early Earth history, middle & recent Earth history
Labs: Differentiated Activities ~ Changing Species; (Use of the Internet) Discovering the Past,
Grab Bag, Forensic Activities, Real World Investigative Activities, Virtual Lab Activities
Astronomy: Earth’s and Space Systems – characteristics, structure, and motions of celestial
bodies in the universe (Chapters 10 – 14)
The Sun-Earth-Moon System – Earth, the moon-Earth’s satellite, & exploring the moon
Ocean Motion – ocean water, ocean currents, ocean waves & tides
The Solar System – the solar system, inner & outer planets, & other objects in the solar system
Stars & Galaxies – stars, the sun, evolution of stars, galaxies & the universe
 Exploring Space – radiation from space, early space missions, current & future space missions
Labs: Differentiated Activities ~ Moon Phases, and Eclipses, Tilt and Temperature, Wave Properties,
Sink or Float, Planetary Orbits, Solar System Distance Model, Measuring Parallax
Forces and Motion – effects of forces on the motion of an object (Chapters 15 – 16)
 Motion and Momentum – What is motion? acceleration, and momentum
 Forces and Newton’s Laws – Newton’s 1st law, Newton’s 2nd law, & Newton’s 3rd law,
Labs: Differentiated Activities ~ Collisions, Balloon Races, Newton’s car Races, Bouncing Balls
Waves – properties and behaviors of waves (Chapters 17 –18)
 Waves, Sound, and Light – waves, sound waves, and light
 Light, Mirrors, and Lenses – properties of light, reflection & mirrors, refraction & lenses
Labs: Differentiated Activities ~ Bending Light, Reflection from a Plane Mirror, Image Formation by a
Convex Lenses