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Chapter 5: Atoms to Minerals
5.1 Matter and Atoms
A. Matter
1. Matter is anything that has mass and volume.
a. Mass = the _________ of the amount of a material or
b. Weight = the force of _________ acting on an object or
c. Volume = the amount of _________ taken up by an
Example: In space an object may be __________ but will
still have the same _________.
d. Element = a substance that cannot be ___________into
simpler substances.
e. Each element has it’s own _________ and name H =
_________ or He = _________.
B. Structure of an Atom
1. The Nucleus
a. The nucleus contains protons (+ charge) and neutrons (no
b. The __________ charge of a proton is equal to the
___________ charge of an electron.
c. Atomic number = number of __________ in the nucleus
2. Electrons and Energy Levels
a. _____________ numbers of electrons means more energy
levels needed
b. The greatest number of energy levels is ___
3. Classifying Atoms
a. A periodic table organizes elements
b. Elements are listed from ______ to __________ in order of
increasing numbers of _________
c. Isotopes = atoms of an element having different ___________
d. Mass number = the sum of ___________ and ___________
4. Bonding of Atoms
a. Compound = substance containing atoms of _____ or more
____________ chemically combined
b. Covalent Bonds = atoms that share ____________
- Molecule = 2 or more atoms held together by
____________ bonds
c. Ionic Bonds = held together by force of ____________
- Ion = ___________ atom
- Metal = element that ______ electrons to form a
___________ ion
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Non-metal = element that _______ electrons to form
a ____________ ion
d. Metallic Bonds = bonds between atoms of a _________
e. Compounds and Mixtures
-Mixture = individual elements or compounds keep their
own _____________ and can often be separated by
____________ means
-Compound = combination of two or more __________
to make something completely different
5.2 Composition and Structure of Minerals
A. What is a Mineral?
1. A mineral =
-Occurs _____________
- Definite chemical composition
-Atoms arranged in ________ patterns
- _______________ (never alive)
a. Most minerals are _______________
2. How Minerals Form
a. Form from molten rock or __________
-As magma cools _______ and ____________ move closer
together forming _____________ bonds that create
B. Structure of Minerals
1. Crystal = regular _____________ solid with smooth surfaces
a. All minerals have _____________ structures (regular,
orderly arrangements of atoms)
2. Crystal Structure = each mineral has its own crystal form
- The type of mineral is characterized by the angles/shape
formed by its _________ faces
a. Six Basic Crystal shapes
- ________ system
- ________________ system
- ______________ system
- ___________ system
- ___________ system
- _____________ system
3. Silicates = minerals that are compounds including _________ and
- Oxygen and silicon are the most abundant __________
in earth’s crust
a. Silica tetrahedron = basic building block of a __________
- Four _________ atoms packed closely around one
_________ atom
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4. Crystal Structure and Physical Properties
- Minerals are ________ because of their crystalline
- Temperatures at which minerals _______ and
____________ are characteristic of the mineral
a. ____________ = tendency to split along definite planes which
is determined by the crystal’s structure
5.3 Identifying Minerals
1.Rock Forming Minerals = minerals that make up most of the rocks in the earth’s
a. Most commonly found minerals:
- _________
- ____________
- _______ ___________
2. Identifying Minerals by Inspection
a. A ________ _________ to minerals is a useful tool
- Lists properties: color, _________ , crystal shape
3. Testing Mineral Specimens
- __________ tests or hand tests are done to test the streak,
cleavage, hardness, and specific gravity or minerals
a. Streak = the color of the mineral’s __________
b. Fracture = when minerals break in directions other than along
__________ surfaces
c. Specific gravity = ratio of mineral’s mass to the _______ of an
equal volume of ________
5.4 Mineral Groups
1.Major Silicates
a. Quartz = made of tightly bound tetrahedral, silicon dioxide
b. Feldspars = share three features: two directions of cleavage,
______________ of 6, and pearly _________
2. Other Silicates
a. ______________ = have cleavage surfaces that meet nearly at
right angles
- Augite = is the most common member of the
____________ family
b. Mica minerals = soft __________, hardness of 2.5, and have
perfect cleavage
c. _____________ minerals = complex silicates forming long
needlelike crystals
3. Carbonates = mineral made of _____________ charged carbonate ions bonded
to positive metal ions
- One carbonate is made of one __________ atom and three
_________ atoms
a. Calcite = __________ carbonate, most common carbonate
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b. Dolomite = calcium _____________ carbonate
4. Oxides and Sulfides
-Oxide = mineral consisting of a ________ element
combined with __________
-Sulfide = mineral consisting of a metal element combined
with _________
a. Hematite = most common _______ __________, usually red,
earthy luster, and uneven fracture
b. _____________ = black iron oxide, attracted to a magnet
c. Pyrite = most common __________ mineral, color ranges from
pale brass to golden yellow, occurs in 6 or 12 sided crystals,
“_______ gold”