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Name ____________________________________
Science Period _______
TEST Review Ecology #2 (30 pts.)
Date ____________
1. Consumers that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores.
2. An example of a consumer that is an herbivore is (various).
3. If a Gila monster eats a mouse that eats grass, the level the Gila monster is a 2nd level consumer and its role is a
4. The many overlapping food chains in an ecosystem make up a(n) energy pyramid.
5. A diagram that shows the amount of energy that moves from one feeding level to another in a food web is called
a(n) energy pyramid.
6. In an energy pyramid, the level has the most available energy is the producer level.
7. Horses and other organisms that were brought by humans from one part of the world to another are examples of
exotic organisms.
8. The typical weather pattern in an area over a long period of time is called the climate.
9. A group of land ecosystems with similar climates and organisms is called a(n) biome.
10. An organism that can make its own food is called a producer.
11. Vultures, which feed on the bodies of dead organisms, are scavengers.
12. The first organism in a food chain is always a producer.
13. The place where an organism lives and that provides the things the organism needs is called its habitat.
14. The largest population that an environment can support is called its carrying capacity.
15. An organism’s particular role in its habitat, or how it makes its living, is called its niche.
16. The behaviors and physical characteristics of species that allow them to live successfully in their environment are
called adaptations.
17. The struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources is called competition.
18. When a jellyfish paralyzes a tiny fish with its poisonous tentacles, the fish is the prey.
19. Predation describes an interaction in which one organism kills and eats another.
20. An example of a predator adaptation is (various).
21. All the different populations that live together in an area make up a(n) community.
22. A baby seal that has white fur so it blends in with its surroundings and is hard for predators to see is an example
of camouflage.
23. All the biotic and abiotic factors in an area together make up a(n) ecosystem.
24. If food is scarce, it becomes a(n) limiting factor that prevents population growth.
25. A lack of places to build nests is an example of space as a limiting factor for a population of birds.
26. If all the plants in this ecosystem died the other members of the ecosystem would have to emigrate or they would
27. Construct a food chain. (Use at least three organisms.) (various)
28. Approximately ten percent of the energy in plants is passed on to the animals that eat them.
29. There relatively few third-level consumers like bears in an ecosystem because energy is lost at each level of the
food pyramid and there is not enough energy to support very many third-level consumers.
30. Two different species in an ecosystem can share the same habitat but not the same niche because sharing the
same habitat means living in the same part of the ecosystem. Sharing the same niche means competing for the
same food and space within that habitat. If two species compete for the same niche, one species will eventually
die off.
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