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Light and Sound Show Study Guide
Modified True/False
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the
sentence or statement true.
1. Waves that require a medium through which to pass are called electromagnetic waves.
2. In transverse waves, the medium moves at right angles to the direction in which the wave is traveling.
3. The unit associated with amplitude is the hertz. _________________________
4. Sound waves travel at different speeds in different mediums. _________________________
5. Refraction is a bending that occurs when a wave moves from one medium to another at an angle and changes
speed. _________________________
6. Constructive interference occurs when the amplitudes of two waves combine to produce a wave with a
smaller amplitude. _________________________
7. Nodes are points on a standing wave where the amplitude of the wave is maximum.
8. The waves produced by earthquakes are known as seismic waves. _________________________
9. Tsunamis are huge ocean secondary waves caused by underwater earthquakes. _________________________
____ 10. A seismograph records the air movements caused by seismic waves. _________________________
____ 11. Sound waves are longitudinal. _________________________
____ 12. The speed of sound in air decreases with increasing temperature. _________________________
____ 13. The loudness of a sound that a person can just barely hear is 100 dB. _________________________
____ 14. The frequency of the sound waves produced by a string increases as the tension of the string decreases.
____ 15. Timbre describes the loudness of a sound you hear. _________________________
____ 16. Interference occurs when two or more sound waves interact. _________________________
____ 17. The hammer, anvil, and stirrup are bones that make up the inner ear. _________________________
____ 18. It is not safe to put objects into your ear, even to clean it, because you may puncture the eardrum.
____ 19. The ability of fish to hear low-frequency sound waves may allow them to escape animals that use
echolocation to find prey. _________________________
____ 20. Ultrasonic cleaners use the vibrations of sound waves to shake dirt away from objects.
____ 21. Electromagnetic waves are classified as longitudinal waves. _________________________
____ 22. Polarized light consists of waves that vibrate in one direction only. _________________________
____ 23. Electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelengths have the highest frequencies.
____ 24. The tuner on a radio allows you to select a station based on the amplitude of the radio waves transmitted from
the radio station. _________________________
____ 25. Electromagnetic waves that have wavelengths slightly shorter than those of visible light are called ultraviolet
rays. _________________________
____ 26. Thermograms are produced by X-rays. _________________________
____ 27. In a sodium vapor light, neon and argon gas are heated until they cause sodium to change from a liquid into a
gas. _________________________
____ 28. Each radio and television station is assigned a basic broadcast frequency known as the carrier frequency.
____ 29. Cellular telephones transmit and receive signals using high-frequency gamma rays.
____ 30. Satellite telephone systems make long-distance telephone calls more readily available and less costly.
____ 31. A transparent material absorbs light. _________________________
____ 32. A virtual image is formed where light rays meet at a point. _________________________
____ 33. A mirage is caused by reflection as light passes through layers of air at different temperatures.
____ 34. A convex lens is thicker in the center than at its edges. _________________________
____ 35. A white carpet will appear red when viewed through a red filter because the filter absorbs red light only.
____ 36. A secondary color of light is produced by mixing three primary colors together.
____ 37. To focus light, muscles in the eye change the length and thickness of the retina.
____ 38. Nearby objects appear blurry to a person who is farsighted. _________________________
____ 39. The eyepiece of a telescope or microscope magnifies an image. _________________________
____ 40. Light waves that are in step, or have crests aligned with crests, are said to be focused.
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 41. A disturbance that transfers energy from place to place is called a
a. wave.
b. medium.
c. vibration.
d. compression.
____ 42. The material through which a wave travels is called a
a. vibration.
____ 43.
____ 44.
____ 45.
____ 46.
____ 47.
____ 48.
____ 49.
____ 50.
____ 51.
b. medium.
c. crest.
d. trough.
Waves are created when a source of energy causes a medium to
a. move.
b. compress.
c. expand.
d. vibrate.
Waves are classified according to
a. their size.
b. their shape.
c. how they move.
d. their source.
The highest parts of a transverse wave are called
a. troughs.
b. crests.
c. nodes.
d. wavelengths.
Waves that move the particles of the medium parallel to the direction in which the waves are traveling are
a. longitudinal waves.
b. transverse waves.
c. surface waves.
d. combination waves.
Waves on the top of a pond or lake are
a. longitudinal waves.
b. transverse waves.
c. surface waves.
d. standing waves.
The maximum distance that the particles of a medium move from the rest position is the
a. amplitude of the wave.
b. wavelength of the wave.
c. frequency of the wave.
d. speed of the wave.
The distance between two corresponding parts of a wave is the wave’s
a. amplitude.
b. wavelength.
c. frequency.
d. speed.
Frequency is measured in units called
a. amps.
b. hertz.
c. nodes.
d. antinodes.
The speed of a wave is its wavelength multiplied by its
a. amplitude.
b. vibration.
c. frequency.
d. reflection.
____ 52. Which of the following affects the speed of sound waves traveling through the air?
a. how loud the sound is
b. the air temperature
c. how often the sound is repeated
d. the amplitude of the waves
____ 53. When a wave hits a surface through which it CANNOT pass and bounces back, it undergoes
a. reflection.
b. refraction.
c. constructive interference.
d. destructive interference.
____ 54. The bending of waves due to a change in speed is called
a. reflection.
b. refraction.
c. diffraction.
d. interference.
____ 55. The bending of waves around the edge of a barrier is known as
a. reflection.
b. refraction.
c. diffraction.
d. interference.
____ 56. The interaction between two waves that meet is called
a. reflection.
b. refraction.
c. diffraction.
d. interference.
____ 57. Waves combine to make a wave with larger amplitude in a process called
a. destructive interference.
b. constructive interference.
c. reflection.
d. refraction.
____ 58. Waves combine to produce a smaller or zero-amplitude wave in a process called
a. destructive interference.
b. constructive interference.
c. reflection.
d. refraction.
____ 59. When an incoming wave combines with a reflected wave in such a way that the combined wave appears to be
standing still, the result is a
a. longitudinal wave.
b. standing wave.
c. transverse wave.
d. surface wave.
____ 60. What occurs when vibrations traveling through an object match the object’s natural frequency?
a. reflection
b. refraction
c. diffraction
d. resonance
____ 61. What are the highest and lowest points on a standing wave called?
a. nodes
b. antinodes
____ 62.
____ 63.
____ 64.
____ 65.
____ 66.
____ 67.
____ 68.
____ 69.
____ 70.
____ 71.
c. compressions
d. rarefactions
Waves produced by earthquakes are called
a. standing waves.
b. transverse waves.
c. seismic waves.
d. longitudinal waves.
In which direction(s) do seismic waves travel from their point of origin?
a. north to south only
b. toward the equator only
c. in all directions
d. inward, toward Earth’s core
Longitudinal seismic waves are known as
a. primary waves.
b. secondary waves.
c. surface waves.
d. transverse waves.
Secondary waves CANNOT travel through
a. rock.
b. liquids.
c. Earth’s mantle.
d. Earth’s crust.
Scientists on the side of Earth opposite the epicenter of an earthquake detect mainly
a. P waves.
b. S waves.
c. transverse waves.
d. surface waves.
Which type of wave caused by an earthquake does the most above-ground damage?
a. surface waves
b. P waves
c. S waves
d. longitudinal waves
An earthquake that occurs underwater can cause huge surface waves on the ocean called
a. P waves.
b. S waves.
c. transverse waves.
d. tsunamis.
Which waves arrive at a seismograph first?
a. P waves
b. S waves
c. transverse waves
d. surface waves
What is another use of a seismograph aside from detecting earthquakes?
a. measuring tsunamis
b. locating pockets of valuable resources underground
c. predicting accurately when and where volcanoes will erupt
d. locating gold dust in rivers
Sound is a disturbance that travels through a medium as a
a. longitudinal wave.
____ 72.
____ 73.
____ 74.
____ 75.
____ 76.
____ 77.
____ 78.
____ 79.
____ 80.
____ 81.
b. surface wave.
c. standing wave.
d. transverse wave.
Sound does NOT travel through
a. air.
b. liquids.
c. solids.
d. outer space.
You can hear sounds from around corners because of
a. refraction.
b. reflection.
c. diffraction.
d. elasticity.
The speed of sound depends on
a. the loudness of the sound.
b. the pitch of the sound.
c. the source of the sound.
d. the properties of the medium it travels through.
The ability of a material to bounce back after being disturbed is called
a. density.
b. elasticity.
c. intensity.
d. frequency.
Sound travels more slowly
a. in dense materials.
b. in mediums that have a high degree of elasticity.
c. at high temperatures.
d. at low altitudes.
The first person to break the sound barrier was
a. Orville Wright.
b. Andy Green.
c. Chuck Yeager.
d. John Glenn.
Why did Chuck Yeager’s team choose a high altitude to try to break the sound barrier?
a. The temperature is lower, so the speed of sound is faster.
b. The temperature is lower, so the speed of sound is slower.
c. The temperature is higher, so the speed of sound is faster.
d. The temperature is higher, so the speed of sound is slower.
The amount of energy a sound wave carries per second through a unit area is its
a. loudness.
b. intensity.
c. frequency.
d. pitch.
Loudness, or sound level, is measured in units called
a. decibels.
b. hertz.
c. meters per second.
d. watts per square meter.
At what level does sound become painful to most people?
____ 82.
____ 83.
____ 84.
____ 85.
____ 86.
____ 87.
____ 88.
____ 89.
____ 90.
a. 10 dB
b. 40 dB
c. 85 dB
d. 120 dB
Sound waves with frequencies below the normal human range of hearing are called
a. ultrasound.
b. infrasound.
c. resonance.
d. decibels.
Which term refers to how high or low a sound seems to a person?
a. loudness
b. intensity
c. frequency
d. pitch
The pitch of a sound that you hear depends on the sound wave’s
a. loudness.
b. frequency.
c. intensity.
d. speed.
The changing pitch of a police car’s siren as it moves by you is an example of
a. the Doppler effect.
b. resonance.
c. the speed of sound.
d. intensity.
As a sound source moves toward a listener, the pitch
a. appears to decrease.
b. appears to increase.
c. stays the same.
d. goes up and down repeatedly.
A fundamental tone is a sound wave of only one
a. frequency.
b. pitch.
c. timbre.
d. intensity.
What is a set of tones combined in a way that is pleasing to the ear?
a. noise
b. sound
c. music
d. timbre
What is a mixture of sound waves that do not sound pleasing together?
a. music
b. noise
c. timbre
d. pitch
What occurs when two or more sound waves interact?
a. interference
b. Doppler effect
c. resonance
d. ultrasound
____ 91. How well sounds can be heard in a particular room or hall is described by
a. pitch.
b. resonance.
c. acoustics.
d. timbre.
____ 92. Which part of your ear do sound waves enter through?
a. ear canal
b. eardrum
c. earlobe
d. cochlea
____ 93. Which part of your ear sends the message to your brain that you’ve heard a sound?
a. the outermost part of your ear
b. the vibrating eardrum
c. the hammer, anvil, and stirrup located in your middle ear
d. the hairlike structures in the cochlea that are attached to nerve cells
____ 94. Which of the following can cause hearing loss?
a. listening to soft music
b. going outside in cold weather
c. viral or bacterial infections
d. working in a quiet office
____ 95. The most common type of hearing loss is due to
a. injury.
b. infection.
c. loud noise or music.
d. aging.
____ 96. A system of detecting reflected sound waves is
a. dissonance.
b. infrasound.
c. sonar.
d. acoustics.
____ 97. What do some bats use to locate food and to navigate?
a. dissonance
b. echolocation
c. infrasound
d. acoustics
____ 98. Sound waves with frequencies above 20,000 Hz are called
a. ultrasound.
b. infrasound.
c. sonar.
d. echolocation.
____ 99. Doctors are able to make sonograms through the use of
a. ultrasound.
b. infrasound.
c. sonar.
d. acoustics.
____ 100. Which household item might use ultrasound?
a. toaster oven
b. coffee machine
c. hair dryer
____ 101.
____ 102.
____ 103.
____ 104.
____ 105.
____ 106.
____ 107.
____ 108.
____ 109.
____ 110.
d. electric toothbrush
Which waves have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties?
a. longitudinal waves
b. transverse waves
c. mechanical waves
d. electromagnetic waves
Electromagnetic waves can transfer energy without a(n)
a. medium.
b. electric field.
c. magnetic field.
d. change in either a magnetic field or an electric field.
What is transferred by electromagnetic waves?
a. sound
b. electricity
c. electromagnetic radiation
d. resonance
About how much faster than sound are electromagnetic waves?
a. ten times faster
b. one million times faster
c. one hundred times faster
d. one thousand times faster
Light that has passed through a polarizing filter is called
a. transverse light.
b. polarized light.
c. white light.
d. photoelectric light.
In 1905, Albert Einstein suggested that light energy travels in tiny packets or particles called
a. neutrons.
b. electrons.
c. photons.
d. gamma rays.
All electromagnetic waves have the same
a. wavelength.
b. frequency.
c. speed.
d. amplitude.
Which electromagnetic waves have the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies?
a. infrared waves
b. radio waves
c. ultraviolet rays
d. gamma rays
Visible light has a higher frequency than
a. X-rays.
b. ultraviolet rays.
c. infrared rays.
d. gamma rays.
The range of electromagnetic waves placed in a certain order is called the
a. electromagnetic spectrum.
b. electromagnetic wavelength.
____ 111.
____ 112.
____ 113.
____ 114.
____ 115.
____ 116.
____ 117.
____ 118.
____ 119.
____ 120.
c. electromagnetic frequency.
d. electromagnetic field.
The electromagnetic waves with the highest frequencies are called
a. radio waves.
b. gamma rays.
c. X-rays.
d. visible light.
Microwaves can be used to
a. treat cancer.
b. make rainbows.
c. heat food.
d. create an X-ray image.
When a police officer uses radar for speed control, the officer is using what kind of electromagnetic waves?
a. radio waves
b. gamma rays
c. ultraviolet rays
d. X-rays
The process that uses radio waves and magnetism to produce images of tissues in the human body is called
a. ultrasound.
b. radar.
c. magnetic resonance imaging.
d. radiation treatment.
The images made by an infrared camera are called
a. X-rays.
b. thermograms.
c. magnetic resonance images.
d. ultraviolet images.
Visible light can be separated into the various colors of the visible spectrum to form a(n)
a. rainbow.
b. thermogram.
c. MRI.
d. X-ray picture.
Which of the following is true of ultraviolet rays?
a. They are visible.
b. They carry information to televisions and radios.
c. They help your body produce vitamin D.
d. They provide the energy that makes your morning toast.
An instrument used to view different colors of light produced by each type of light bulb is called a(n)
a. thermogram.
b. spectroscope.
c. radar gun.
d. MRI machine.
Which type of light bulb glows when a filament inside it gets hot?
a. incandescent
b. fluorescent
c. sodium vapor
d. neon
Which light bulbs are coated on the inside with a powder?
a. incandescent
____ 121.
____ 122.
____ 123.
____ 124.
____ 125.
____ 126.
____ 127.
____ 128.
____ 129.
____ 130.
b. fluorescent
c. neon
d. sodium vapor
Which type of light bulb is commonly used in advertising signs and decoration?
a. incandescent
b. fluorescent
c. neon
d. sodium vapor
Which type of light bulb is used in overhead projectors?
a. tungsten-halogen
b. neon
c. sodium vapor
d. fluorescent
If something vibrates one million times per second, it has a frequency of
a. 1 hertz.
b. 10 hertz.
c. 1 megahertz.
d. 1 kilohertz.
On AM broadcasts, what remains constant?
a. the amplitude
b. the music
c. the frequency
d. the speech
FM signals travel as changes in
a. the speed of the wave.
b. the amplitude of the wave.
c. the frequency of the wave.
d. the loudness of the wave.
What kind of waves do cellular telephones use to transmit and receive signals?
a. gamma rays
b. microwaves
c. ultraviolet rays
d. infrared rays
Small electronic communications devices that people carry in their pockets or attach to their clothes are called
a. cordless telephones.
b. pagers.
c. televisions.
d. satellites.
Broadcasting stations can send their signals around the world using
a. cellular telephones.
b. television satellites.
c. pagers.
d. the Global Positioning System.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) was originally designed for use by the
a. citizens of the United States.
b. transportation industry, worldwide.
c. United States military.
d. radio and television stations in the United States.
Global Positioning System signals can tell you
____ 131.
____ 132.
____ 133.
____ 134.
____ 135.
____ 136.
____ 137.
____ 138.
____ 139.
a. what television station you are tuned to.
b. your exact location on Earth.
c. how many satellites are in orbit.
d. who is sending a message to your pager.
A material that reflects or absorbs any light that strikes it is
a. opaque.
b. transparent.
c. translucent.
d. concave.
Clear glass, water, and air are examples of what kind of material?
a. opaque
b. fluid
c. translucent
d. transparent
Frosted glass and wax paper are
a. transparent.
b. translucent.
c. clear.
d. opaque.
What happens when parallel rays of light hit a smooth surface?
a. diffuse reflection
b. diffraction
c. refraction
d. regular reflection
What occurs when parallel rays of light hit a rough or bumpy surface?
a. regular reflection
b. diffuse reflection
c. refraction
d. diffraction
When the surface of a mirror curves inward, like the inside of a bowl, it is called a
a. plane mirror.
b. convex mirror.
c. concave mirror.
d. diffuse mirror.
The bending of light rays as they enter a new medium is called
a. diffuse reflection.
b. regular reflection.
c. refraction.
d. diffraction.
What happens when light passes from air into water?
a. The light speeds up.
b. The light continues at the same speed.
c. The light slows down.
d. The light forms a mirage.
An image of a distant object caused by refraction of light is called a
a. prism.
b. mirage.
c. rainbow.
d. hologram.
____ 140. A curved piece of glass or other transparent material that is used to refract light is called a(n)
a. mirror.
b. lens.
c. reflector.
d. optical fiber.
____ 141. Because the light rays never meet, a concave lens can produce
a. no image.
b. both real and virtual images.
c. only a real image.
d. only a virtual image.
____ 142. What happens when white light strikes a black object?
a. Blue light is reflected.
b. Red light is reflected.
c. No light is reflected.
d. All of the light is reflected.
____ 143. How would a tomato look under blue light?
a. The tomato would seem to disappear.
b. The tomato would still appear red.
c. The tomato would appear black.
d. The tomato would appear white.
____ 144. A photographic slide is an example of a(n)
a. color filter.
b. opaque material.
c. transparent material.
d. reflecting material.
____ 145. Any two primary colors of light combined in equal amounts produce
a. a complementary color.
b. a secondary color.
c. a fluorescent color.
d. the third primary color.
____ 146. The primary colors of light are
a. red, yellow, and blue.
b. yellow, cyan, and magenta.
c. red, green, and blue.
d. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.
____ 147. Opaque substances that are used to color other materials are called
a. pigments.
b. lenses.
c. mirages.
d. filters.
____ 148. The transparent front surface of the eye is called the
a. cornea.
b. iris.
c. pupil.
d. retina.
____ 149. The colored ring of muscle that controls the size of the pupil is called the
a. cornea.
b. iris.
c. lens.
____ 150.
____ 151.
____ 152.
____ 153.
____ 154.
____ 155.
____ 156.
____ 157.
____ 158.
____ 159.
d. retina.
Rods and cones are the light-sensitive cells on the
a. cornea.
b. iris.
c. pupil.
d. retina.
The signals generated by the rods and cones are carried to your brain by the
a. cornea.
b. pupil.
c. optic nerve.
d. lens.
A person is nearsighted if he or she
a. can see far away things very well.
b. has eyeballs that are a little too short.
c. has eyeballs that are a little too long.
d. sees nearby objects as blurry.
Farsightedness can usually be corrected using
a. convex mirrors.
b. concave mirrors.
c. convex lenses.
d. concave lenses.
What instruments use lenses or mirrors to collect and focus light from distant objects?
a. microscopes
b. optical fibers
c. telescopes
d. lasers
Which device uses lenses to focus light rays and record an image of an object on photographic film?
a. microscope
b. reflecting telescope
c. refracting telescope
d. camera
A laser produces light that
a. is incoherent.
b. has many different colors.
c. is coherent.
d. has many different wavelengths.
Why are lasers useful in surgery?
a. They increase the amount of blood loss from an incision.
b. Laser incisions usually heal faster than scalpel cuts.
c. They add light to the operating room.
d. The beam of light is very weak.
What instrument is used in holography?
a. telescope
b. microscope
c. laser
d. camera
Long, thin strands of glass or plastic that carry light for long distances without allowing the light to fade are
a. lasers.
b. holograms.
c. optical fibers.
d. compact discs.
____ 160. A laser beam can travel through a curled-up optical fiber because of
a. diffuse reflection.
b. holography.
c. total internal reflection.
d. regular reflection.