Download 2016-2017 English Review G3 Term 2

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Review Pack
Subject: English
Grade: 3
English Paper 1
Section A
Reading Comprehension
Section B
Grammar, vocabulary and punctuation
Section C
Cambridge Curriculum LEARNING OUTCOMES:
Covered by this exam
Learning outcomes
Study Reference
Reading Comprehension
To be able to read and understand a fiction
Hodders Learners Book page 98-101
Oxford International Book page 102-107,
Hodder’s Workbook page 56
To be able to identify relevant information to
answer specific questions.
Hodders Learners Book page 98-101
To be able to write a historical fiction story.
Hodder’s Learners Book Unit 2C
To be able to plan to write a story using the
story planning hill.
Hodder’s Learners Book page 25
Paragraphs are used
Good use of vocabulary that is appropriate
to the text type
Hodder’s Learners Book page 26-27
Weekly Spelling
Grammatically correct sentences, use of
capital letters and full stops
Hodder’s Learners Book page 36-37
Grammar, vocabulary and punctuation
Rule boxes (stars)
To be able to identify nouns, verbs, and
Oxford International English Book page
Hodder’s Learners Book page 120
Hodder’s Workbook page 36, 16
Grammar Rules page 19, 40
To be able to identify adverbs.
Hodder’s Learners Book page 76-77
Grammar Rules page 36-37
To be able to identify pronouns.
Oxford International English Book page
Grammar Rules page 34-35,
To be able to identify prepositions.
To correct sentences using appropriate
punctuation. To identify the actual words
spoken in direct speech.
High frequency and familiar spelling words
spelt correctly
Grammar Rules page 46-47
Hodder’s Learners Book page 40
Oxford International English Book page
Emily is not like other spiderlings. She finds out how different she is on the day of
the Spider Sports.
First, all the spiderlings were lined up at the end of the room, and they had to
race across the carpet to the other end.
Emily won easily.
Then they had to race up the wall of the room.
Emily won easily.
Then they had to race down the wall. Emily won easily.
Last of all was the upside-down eight-legged race, right across the ceiling.
Yes, you’ve guessed, Emily won easily.
‘Amazing!’ said all the grown-up spiders. ‘Well done, Emily!’ But the spiderlings
weren’t too happy. Emily was asked to appear in front of the Spider Sports
Committee to receive her prize, four neatly parceled little flies.
‘Congratulations, Emily’ said the chairperson of the Sports Committee. ‘You have
won all four eight-legged races. Why is that, do you think?’
‘If you please said Emily (for she was by nature a polite spiderlings), ‘it’s because
I ran the fastest.’
‘Ah!’ said a very old grown-up spider. ‘But why did you run the fastest?’ Emily
scratched her head with her two front legs. ‘I don’t really know,’ she said
modestly. ‘I suppose I just legged it quicker than they did.’
‘Legged it?’ said the very old grown up spider.
‘Legged it?’ said all the other grown up spiders.
And they all looked very carefully at Emily’s legs. They weren’t any different from
the legs of all the other spiderlings. They were no longer. They were no stronger.
They were no hairier. But suddenly they all saw that, though Emily was
scratching her head with her two front legs, yet she was still standing on eight
Emily had ten legs!
Reading Example
Total for this section = 10
Spend 30 minutes on this section
Use the story “Emily’s Legs to answer the following questions.
Circle the correct answer.
1) How many races did Emily win?
a) 3
b) 6
c) 4
d) 2
2) What was the last competition of the Spider Sports?
a) a race across the carpet
b) an upside-down eight-legged race
c) a race DOWN the wall
d) a race UP the wall
3) What was the prize for winning all the races?
a) 1 Million Dollars
b) Trophy
c) 60 Inch Flat Screen TV
d) 4 Little Flies
4) The word “spiderlings” mean?
a) male spider
b) female spider
c) young spider
d) grown-up spider
Circle True or False for each statement.
Before Spider Sports, everyone already
knew that Emily had 2 extra legs.
True/ False
Emily was congratulated by the chairperson
of the Drama Committee.
True/ False
The spiderlings were very happy when
Emily won.
True/ False
Emily won all 4 races easily.
True/ False
Lots of people are frightened of spiders.
Write about what you are frightened of.
Include why you are frightened in your answer.
Writing Example
Grammar, vocabulary and punctuation
SECTION A: Grammar, vocabulary and punctuation
Total for this section = 10
Spend 30 minutes on this section
Edit the sentences below. Cross out misspelled words, capitalizing mistakes and
punctuation mistakes. Write the corrected words and punctuation marks above
the mistakes.
On saturday, Amy and her freinds went on a trip to Dubai to visit Burj Khalifa.
please finish cleaning your room said Hassan’s mother.
A noun is a person place or thing.
The bus stopped suddenly.
Underline the noun(s) in the following
Verbs are action words.
My aunt and uncle moved to Texas.
Underline the verb in the following
We saw many animals at the zoo.
I don’t like to swim in the ocean.
Pronoun is a word that takes the place
of a noun.
She is playing with Janet’s new guitar. It
came from Spain.
Underline the pronoun(s) in the following
Adverbs give us more information about
a verb, explaining how, when, where or
why an action is taking place.
Amy quickly ran back to class after her
lunch break.
Underline the adverb in the following
I told him that your house is for sale.
She usually studies at late at night.
Prepositions are usually in front of
nouns or pronouns and they show the
relationship between the noun or
pronoun and other words in a sentence.
The man is sitting by the table.
Underline the preposition in the
following sentence.
Janet left her iPad on her desk.
Adjectives are words we use to describe
other words.
Emily bought the biggest toy in the
Underline the adjective in the following
The black kitten was playing with the
small red ball.
Writing Example
Total for this section = 10
Spend 30 minutes on this section
Write your own historical fiction story
You need to include:
Beginning – introduce character and setting
Build up – events that led up to the problem
Climax – what is the problem in the story
Resolution – events leading to the ending
The end - the problem is resolved and the story ends
Capital letters and full stop
You may use one of the following titles for your story to help you or you can create your
China’s Great Wall
Lost in a Pyramid
A Dinosaur Tale
The Smartest Caveman
Spend up to 5 minutes making notes using the story planning hill to plan your
Using the story planning hill template, plan your own historical fiction story.
Climax / conflict
Build up
The end
Purpose and audience [6]
Punctuation [2]
Text structure [5]
Spelling [2]
Sentence structure [5]
Write your text here