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A Deeper Insight
Into the Character
of Emily Rose
by: John Doe
for PSY 310
Dr. Sheila Grant
A Screen Gems Picture
featuring Jennifer Carpenter
Historically-based story that documents the
causes surrounding the death of Emily Rose.
Did Emily die as a result of demonic possession
or a direct consequence of Catatonic
Her life slowly begins to fall apart while in
college, where she experiences multiple episodes
featuring enhanced sensory perceptions,
hallucinations, convulsions, disorganized
speech, and bizarre physical contortions.
Defined as a psychomotor
disturbance that involves
(but is not limited to) the
following criteria:
1. motoric immobility,
2. excessive motor activity,
3. extreme negativism, and
4. peculiarities of voluntary
Dorm room immobility,
awkwardly fixed and
completely stagnant.
Hallucinations resulted in
Emily tearing out her hair
and becoming violently
Verbal obscenities.
Unnatural physical
posture with a firm and
silent facial expression
during awakened states.
A patient maintains oneself
to be Jesus or believes one
is on a special mission, or
having grand but illogical
plans for saving the
Alleged appearance of the
blessed holy mother of
“Emily, heaven is not
blind to your pain.”
Emily could either join
Mary in peace, free of her
bodily form, or continue
her present existence and
suffer greatly.
Axis I: Clinical Disorders
Catatonic Schizophrenia and Delusions of Grandeur
Axis II: Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation
Axis III: General Medical Conditions
Use of Gambutrol after 1st episode; discontinued use
Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Considerations
Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning
GAF 5 as Emily was unable to care for herself,
ultimately leading to her death
(No Known Cure)
• Administering antipsychotic medications such
as phenothiazines for a period of time, which
help control more flagrant behavioral patterns
• Psychosocial rehabilitation
• Cognitive rehabilitation
• Force feeding
• Resolving family conflicts and negative family