Life after stroke
... employment and driving. Information about stroke should also be provided to the person’s family/whānau. Assessment for ongoing support and rehabilitation needs. Selected patients with stroke may receive: Treatment with intravenous thrombolysis (special criteria apply) Management in an early supporte ...
... employment and driving. Information about stroke should also be provided to the person’s family/whānau. Assessment for ongoing support and rehabilitation needs. Selected patients with stroke may receive: Treatment with intravenous thrombolysis (special criteria apply) Management in an early supporte ...
Guidelines for Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery
... of care settings used; in the duration, intensity, and type of interventions delivered; and in the degree of involvement of specific medical, nursing, and other rehabilitation specialists. The nature and organization of rehabilitation stroke services in the United States have changed considerably ov ...
... of care settings used; in the duration, intensity, and type of interventions delivered; and in the degree of involvement of specific medical, nursing, and other rehabilitation specialists. The nature and organization of rehabilitation stroke services in the United States have changed considerably ov ...
Guidelines for Adult Stroke Rehabilitation and Recovery
... of care settings used; in the duration, intensity, and type of interventions delivered; and in the degree of involvement of specific medical, nursing, and other rehabilitation specialists. The nature and organization of rehabilitation stroke services in the United States have changed considerably ov ...
... of care settings used; in the duration, intensity, and type of interventions delivered; and in the degree of involvement of specific medical, nursing, and other rehabilitation specialists. The nature and organization of rehabilitation stroke services in the United States have changed considerably ov ...
Abstracts 2015 - International Spinal Cord Society
... Respiratory complications are the most common cause of mortality in patients with Spinal cord injury (SCI) living in the community, and a major cause of morbidity among patients in acute and rehabilitation care. A recent review of rehabilitation centres in Canada, the Rehabilitation Environmental Sc ...
... Respiratory complications are the most common cause of mortality in patients with Spinal cord injury (SCI) living in the community, and a major cause of morbidity among patients in acute and rehabilitation care. A recent review of rehabilitation centres in Canada, the Rehabilitation Environmental Sc ...
Politically-motivated torture and its survivors
... of a group – whether this group is transitory or has a more permanent identity – against another group or set of individuals, in order to achieve political, economical, or social objective” (World Health Organization, 2002). This definition covers a broad range of forms of violence including conflic ...
... of a group – whether this group is transitory or has a more permanent identity – against another group or set of individuals, in order to achieve political, economical, or social objective” (World Health Organization, 2002). This definition covers a broad range of forms of violence including conflic ...
Textual Practice 18(3) - University of Michigan Department of
... ‘reality’-based ‘voyeurism TV’ (VTV) television programmes (Survivor, Big Brother, The Bachelor) and twenty-four-hour streaming-video Webcam internet sites (ucanwatch.com, jennicam.com) that promise ‘all access, all of the time’.3 The uninterrupted availability of women taking showers,4 contestants ...
... ‘reality’-based ‘voyeurism TV’ (VTV) television programmes (Survivor, Big Brother, The Bachelor) and twenty-four-hour streaming-video Webcam internet sites (ucanwatch.com, jennicam.com) that promise ‘all access, all of the time’.3 The uninterrupted availability of women taking showers,4 contestants ...
Traumatic Brain Injury Independent Study Course Released: April 2010 Sponsored By:
... Framework for Developing a Management Plan Developing a management plan for patients with a historical diagnosis of TBI can be a challenging endeavor. The complex of cognitive, behavioral and physical symptoms is non-specific to TBI. It is shared with numerous other disorders and many symptoms are p ...
... Framework for Developing a Management Plan Developing a management plan for patients with a historical diagnosis of TBI can be a challenging endeavor. The complex of cognitive, behavioral and physical symptoms is non-specific to TBI. It is shared with numerous other disorders and many symptoms are p ...
guideline amputation and prosthetics of the lower extremities
... available in any form or in any manner, either electronically, mechanically by means of photocopies or in any other way only with the publisher's prior consent. Permission for use of text (or sections of text) can be requested in writing or by e-mail and solely from the publisher. Address for corres ...
... available in any form or in any manner, either electronically, mechanically by means of photocopies or in any other way only with the publisher's prior consent. Permission for use of text (or sections of text) can be requested in writing or by e-mail and solely from the publisher. Address for corres ...
... condition was the reason for the joint replacement.) 13. Knee or hip joint replacement, or both, during an acute hospitalization immediately preceding the inpatient rehabilitation stay and also meets one or more of the following specific criteria: I. The patient underwent bilateral knee or bilateral ...
... condition was the reason for the joint replacement.) 13. Knee or hip joint replacement, or both, during an acute hospitalization immediately preceding the inpatient rehabilitation stay and also meets one or more of the following specific criteria: I. The patient underwent bilateral knee or bilateral ...
Mental health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
... In 2001 mental health was brought to the focus of international attention when the World Health Organization devoted its World Health Day campaign and The world health report to the subject. In many countries around the world, and particularly in developing countries, mental health has long been a n ...
... In 2001 mental health was brought to the focus of international attention when the World Health Organization devoted its World Health Day campaign and The world health report to the subject. In many countries around the world, and particularly in developing countries, mental health has long been a n ...
Existential Concerns of Individuals Living with Chronic Mental
... death. The present study is of potential significance for the field of professional psychology, particularly in Guam, in that it provides critical knowledge garnered from individuals with chronic mental illness about the challenges they face as they engage in their daily lives with a life-long condi ...
... death. The present study is of potential significance for the field of professional psychology, particularly in Guam, in that it provides critical knowledge garnered from individuals with chronic mental illness about the challenges they face as they engage in their daily lives with a life-long condi ...
Analysis of the Texas Public Behavioral Health System
... PCG was tasked under Phase I to conduct a review of current service delivery models for inpatient and outpatient care, funding levels, financing methodologies, services provided, and community-based alternatives to hospitalization. PCG was also asked to examine other service delivery models or clini ...
... PCG was tasked under Phase I to conduct a review of current service delivery models for inpatient and outpatient care, funding levels, financing methodologies, services provided, and community-based alternatives to hospitalization. PCG was also asked to examine other service delivery models or clini ...
ECT: Highly Effective, Highly Misunderstood
... spent 20’s in prison due to stabbing his halfway house roommate ...
... spent 20’s in prison due to stabbing his halfway house roommate ...
Support for those affected by a suicide attempt
... current evidence-based knowledge about support and services for families, whānau and significant others following the non-fatal suicide attempt of a family member, relative or friend. It is a parallel report to a review and synthesis of research and evidence regarding the provision of support to fam ...
... current evidence-based knowledge about support and services for families, whānau and significant others following the non-fatal suicide attempt of a family member, relative or friend. It is a parallel report to a review and synthesis of research and evidence regarding the provision of support to fam ...
The Use of Control Interventions in Adult Mental Health Inpatient
... prevent rising (Chair), and acute control medications (ACM) with mental health (MH) patients is not without controversy. Clinicians report using CIs with patients to gain immediate control of a situation of harm or imminent risk of harm involving the patient and/or others and not unexpectedly, there ...
... prevent rising (Chair), and acute control medications (ACM) with mental health (MH) patients is not without controversy. Clinicians report using CIs with patients to gain immediate control of a situation of harm or imminent risk of harm involving the patient and/or others and not unexpectedly, there ...
... Rumpf, Hapke, & John, 2004). 78.5% of those meeting criteria for a 12-month diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) were diagnosed with another comorbid disorder, with MDD considered primary in only a small proportion of cases (Kessler et al., 2003). Explanations for Poorer Outcomes Such eviden ...
... Rumpf, Hapke, & John, 2004). 78.5% of those meeting criteria for a 12-month diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD) were diagnosed with another comorbid disorder, with MDD considered primary in only a small proportion of cases (Kessler et al., 2003). Explanations for Poorer Outcomes Such eviden ...
National Mental Health Report 2013
... commencing with the endorsement of the National Mental Health Strategy by Australian Health Ministers in 1992. Through various changes in government at the federal, state and territory levels, the Strategy has continued as a bipartisan reform agenda and the National Mental Health Report series has b ...
... commencing with the endorsement of the National Mental Health Strategy by Australian Health Ministers in 1992. Through various changes in government at the federal, state and territory levels, the Strategy has continued as a bipartisan reform agenda and the National Mental Health Report series has b ...
Predicting Risk for Adverse Outcomes Following Distal Radius
... The first manuscript outlines a theoretical framework (RACE - Reducing pain, Activating, Cognitive reshaping, Empowering) for managing the risk of adverse outcomes, mainly chronic pain, in individuals with DRF. The RACE is one of the first frameworks to suggest a risk-based management approach for i ...
... The first manuscript outlines a theoretical framework (RACE - Reducing pain, Activating, Cognitive reshaping, Empowering) for managing the risk of adverse outcomes, mainly chronic pain, in individuals with DRF. The RACE is one of the first frameworks to suggest a risk-based management approach for i ...
to the 2015 Annual Meeting • Program Book • New Research
... Science.” Other presidential symposia focus on mood disorders and neuroinflammation among other topics. My deepest thanks to the Scientific Program Committee, under the leadership of chair Philip R. Muskin, M.D., for its outstanding work. This meeting provides hundreds of sessions to learn the lates ...
... Science.” Other presidential symposia focus on mood disorders and neuroinflammation among other topics. My deepest thanks to the Scientific Program Committee, under the leadership of chair Philip R. Muskin, M.D., for its outstanding work. This meeting provides hundreds of sessions to learn the lates ...
Brasic JR. Catatonia www.emedicine.com
... National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD), the Rett Syndrome Research Foundation (RSRF), the Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Department of Psychiatry of Bellevue Hospital Center and the New York University School of ...
... National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD), the Rett Syndrome Research Foundation (RSRF), the Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Department of Psychiatry of Bellevue Hospital Center and the New York University School of ...
CATATONIA - Home - KSU Faculty Member websites
... National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD), the Rett Syndrome Research Foundation (RSRF), the Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Department of Psychiatry of Bellevue Hospital Center and the New York University School of ...
... National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD), the Rett Syndrome Research Foundation (RSRF), the Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Department of Psychiatry of Bellevue Hospital Center and the New York University School of ...
Scapular dyskinesis: Diagnosis and treatment
... at low level may be allowed when significant improvement in tissue stretching is obtained. Full return to competitive sport can be permitted after complete resolution of the scapulothoracic alterations, but rehabilitation should be pursued at least for 4 to 6 months. However, the results of the trai ...
... at low level may be allowed when significant improvement in tissue stretching is obtained. Full return to competitive sport can be permitted after complete resolution of the scapulothoracic alterations, but rehabilitation should be pursued at least for 4 to 6 months. However, the results of the trai ...
Prins Psychological 14-10-2016 - Research portal
... are not temporarily but chronically poor controlled which causes low quality of life [11]. Moreover, these patients are at risk of complications related to use of (high) doses of oral steroids [12], lung damage, their condition can be life threatening and also cause extreme anxiety [13]. This thesis ...
... are not temporarily but chronically poor controlled which causes low quality of life [11]. Moreover, these patients are at risk of complications related to use of (high) doses of oral steroids [12], lung damage, their condition can be life threatening and also cause extreme anxiety [13]. This thesis ...
Acute Management of Autonomic Dysreflexia
... and Autonomic Dysreflexia panel chair and members of the AD guideline development panel wish to express special appreciation to the individuals and professional organizations who are members of the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine and to the expert health-care providers, researchers, and other pr ...
... and Autonomic Dysreflexia panel chair and members of the AD guideline development panel wish to express special appreciation to the individuals and professional organizations who are members of the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine and to the expert health-care providers, researchers, and other pr ...
Benefits of Humor and Laughter: A Brief Introduction for
... people with a variety of disabilities, whether physical or psychological. Rehabilitation counselors work in facilities that aid in the improvement of quality of life in the elderly and in transitional facilities in which they work with young adults with intellectual disabilities. Rehabilitation coun ...
... people with a variety of disabilities, whether physical or psychological. Rehabilitation counselors work in facilities that aid in the improvement of quality of life in the elderly and in transitional facilities in which they work with young adults with intellectual disabilities. Rehabilitation coun ...