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AP US History Test Review Unit 3:
Reconstruction to the Great War, 1863-1919
If you learned/review/remember only 13 things in this UNIT….
“1. How the federal government attempted assimilation of former Confederate states
and their citizens in the Union
2. The many troubles African Americans faced upon freedom from slavery (Freedman’s
Bureau, Jim Crow laws, etc.)
3. Continued Westward expansion, development of the frontier, and violent dealings
with Native Americans
4. Development of a railroad system and changes in economic policy and business due
to industrialization
5. The increasing division of wealth and the development of an active working class and
labor unions
6. The effects of immigration on the United States
7. Economic woes of women in politics, education, and the work force
8. Reasons behind the formation of political parties and their affect on government
9. How Progressivism affected society- changes in government and voting policies,
Roosevelt’s Square Deal, controversies over journalism
10. Overseas expansion and continued involvement in foreign affairs (the Spanish
American War, the Panama Canal, the Open Door Policy, etc.)
11. The events leading up to World War I and U.S. involvement (the Lusitania, the
Sussex Ultimatum, etc.
12. Wilson’s Fourteen Points and the United States’ role in the Great War
13. Peace negotiations post-war and World War I’s immediate effects on society
A not complete list of people, events, laws to know/understand….
Freedmen’s Bureau, scalawags, carpetbaggers, KKK, redeemers, Exodusters,
Reconstruction, Wade- Davis Bill, 10 Percent Bill, Civil Rights Bill of 1866,
Fourteenth Amendment, Military Reconstruction Act, Tenure of Office Act,
Fifteenth Amendment, Force Act, The Compromise of 1877, Black Codes,
George Custer, 49ers, sodbusters, National Grange and Patrons of Husbandry,
Interstate Commerce Commission, Sutter’s Mill, Turner’s Frontier Thesis,
The Homestead Act of 1862, Dawes Severalty Act of 1887, Plessy v. Ferguson,
Jim Crow laws, Interstate Commerce Act, long drives, Ghost Dance,
grandfather clauses, agri-business, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Horatio Alger,
robber barons, U.S. Steel, Standard Oil Company, scabs, National Labor Union,
Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, Pullman Palace Car Company,
The Great RR Strike, Central Pacific RR, Union Pacific RR, Promontory Point,
Sherman Anti-Trust Act, United States v. E.C. Knight, transcontinental railroad,
Vertical integration, horizontal integration, interlocking directories, laissez-faire,
nouveau riche, trickle-down theory, yellow- dog contract, closed shops, Boss Tweed,
Thomas Nast, Jane Addams, Frances Willard, Carrie A. Nation, Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
Susan B. Anthony, Mark Twain, Frederick Law Olmstead, Scott Joplin, Joseph Pulitzer,
William Randolph Hearst, Nativists, Woman’s Christian Temperance Union,
The Anti-Saloon League, National American Woman Suffrage Association,
The Gilded Age, Tammany Hall, Hull House, Chinese Exclusion Act, Our Country,
Social Gospel, Jacob Coxey, Theodore Roosevelt, Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens,
Jacob Riis, Robert La Follette, Samuel Gompers, Mother Jones, Carrie Chapman Catt,
Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, Stalwarts, Half breeds, Mugwumps,
Greenback Party, Farmers’ Alliance, Populist Party, Gold Bugs, muckrakers,
Northern Securities Company, Federal Trade Commission,
National American Woman Suffrage Association, National Women’s Party,
Niagara Movement, League of Women Voters, NAACP, Panic of 1893,
“Cross of Gold” speech, The Progressive Era, The Wisconsin Experiment,
Great Migration, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1881,
Seventeenth Amendment, Square Deal, Elkins Act, Hepburn Act, The Jungle,
Pure Food and Drug Act, Meat Inspection Act, Meat Inspection Act, Mann-Elkins Act,
Sixteenth Amendment, Underwood Tariff Bill, Federal Reserve Act,
Federal Reserve System, Clayton Antitrust Act, Nineteenth Amendment,
Birth of a Nation, initiative, referendum, and recall, accommodation,
William Jennings Bryan, Archduke Frances Ferdinand, Rough Riders, Great White Fleet,
Committee on Public Information, War Industries Board, Big Four, League of Nations,
Seward’s Folly, The Spanish-American War, Boxer Rebellion, Gentleman’s Agreement,
The Great War, Communist Revolution, The Red Scare, Versailles, Teller Amendment,
Insular Cases, Platt Amendment, Open Door Policy, Hay-Pauncefote Treaty,
Roosevelt Corollary, Treaty of Portsmouth, Sussex Ultimatum, Fourteen Points,
Selective Services Act, Espionage Act, Sedition Act, Schenck vs. US, Article X, jingoism,
reconcentrating, yellow journalism, gunboat diplomacy, Dollar Diplomacy,
Moral Diplomacy, U-Boat, Lusitania, mandates, reservationists, irreconcilables”
Dornbush, Krista. AP U.S. History 2006 Edition. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006.