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Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________________ Pd: _____
Ecology Unit Review
Part 1: Vocabulary Matching
1. Abiotic
______ 2. Biotic
A. Organism that gets energy from dead or
decaying matter
B. Largest population an area can support
______ 3. Carrying capacity
C. Plants or other organisms that make its own food
______ 4. Community
______ 7. Decomposer
D. Multiple species interacting with their
E. Two or more organisms fighting over limited
F. Things that change the population size such as
limited resources, competition or disease
G. Non-living
______ 8. Ecosystem
H. One species living in an area
______ 9. Population
______ 10. Producer
I. Predator-prey feeding relationship that transfer
energy through a community
J. Multiple species living in one area
______ 11. Limiting Factors
K. Interconnected food chains in an ecosystem
______ 12. Food Chain
______ 13. Food Web
M. Organism that eats another organism for energy
______ 5. Competition
______ 6. Consumer
Part 2: Selected Reponse. Write the letter of the best answer on the line provided.
DO NOT explain your answer yet.
_____1. A group of squirrels living in the same area and competing for similar resources is
called a
A. habitat.
B. community.
C. species.
D. population.
Explain your answer using your vocabulary.
_____ 2. Which factor would most directly impact the frog population in a pond ecosystem?
A. Amount of sunlight
B. Rabbit population
C. Dragonfly population
D. Deer population
Explain your answer using your vocabulary.
_____ 3. Which of the following is not a limiting factor for populations?
A. Food
B. Space
C. Time
D. Weather
_____ 4. All the living and nonliving things that interact in a particular area is known as a/an
A. community.
B. ecosystem.
C. niche.
D. population.
Explain your answer using your vocabulary.
______ 5. All of the following are examples of abiotic factors except for
A. nitrogen in the soil.
B. amount of water.
C. available nesting space.
D. predation.
6. An organism that feeds on dead organic matter is called a(n)
7. Which of the following situation would result in a rapid growth of a population?
Limited abiotic and biotic resources
High predation
No predation
_____ 8. The amount of energy within an energy pyramid_____________ when going from
producer to consumer.
A. decreases
B. is destroyed
C. increases
D. stays the same
Explain your answer using your vocabulary.
9. What is the source of all energy in an ecosystem?
_____ 10. The largest population that an area can support is called
A. carrying capacity.
B. limiting factor.
C. niche.
D. predation.
Explain your answer using your vocabulary.
______ 11. Crabs are an example of what in the Chesapeake Bay environment.
A. Biotic
B. Community
C. Producer
D. aboitic
Use Figure 1 to answer questions 12-18.
Figure 1: Meadow Ecosystem Energy Pyramid
Snakes, owls,
Squirrels, rabbits,
Maple trees, shrubs, grasses
______ 12. Where is the greatest amount of energy in the energy pyramid?
A. Producers
B. Primary consumers
C. Secondary consumers
D. Tertiary consumers
Explain your answer using your vocabulary.
_____ 13. Which represents a food chain in the energy pyramid?
A. Maple trees black bears  grasshoppers
B. Rabbits  owls  Shrubs
C. Snakes  grass  squirrels  black bears
D. Sun  shrubs  squirrels  foxes
Explain your answer using your vocabulary.
14. Which organisms are producers in figure 1, Meadow Ecosystem Energy Pyramid?
Maple trees, shrubs, grasses
Squirrels, rabbits, grasshoppers
Snakes, owls, foxes
Black bears
15. What is the role of the bear in the energy pyramid?
Abiotic factor
_____ 16. Which statement best describes the effect on the rabbit population if a drought
reduces the number of producers?
A. The rabbit population will not change
B. The rabbit population will decrease
C. The rabbit population will increase
D. The rabbit population may either increase or decrease
Explain your answer using your vocabulary.
Part 3: Constructed Response
17. Choose an example of an organism from those listed in Figure 1: Meadow Ecosystem
Energy Pyramid for each of the energy roles listed in Chart 1, “Energy Roles of an Ecosystem”.
Justify your choice using information that you have learned about the role and functions of
organisms in an ecosystem.
Chart 1: Energy Roles in an Ecosystem
Ecological Role
17. Explain why the amount of energy changes as you move up the energy pyramid. Use
examples from Figure 1, “Meadow Ecosystem Energy Pyramid,” to support your
The amount of energy c___________________ as you move up the energy pyramid. This
occurs because producers get their energy from the s____________. Producers don’t eat
other organisms to get their energy. As you go up the energy pyramid, there are consumers.
Consumers e__________ other organisms to get their energy. All organisms use 90% of
their energy to live and store ____% in their bodies (in fat and muscle). When consumers eat
other organisms for food, they are only getting 10% of e______________ that organism had.
For examples, producers like the maple trees, grass and s____________, have 100%
energy. But when the rabbits, grasshoppers and s_______________, eat the producers, they
are only getting ______% of the producers energy that was stored in their bodies. When the
snakes, owls and f__________, eat the primary consumers, they are getting only 10% of the
energy. This continues as you go up the energy p___________________.
Complete the following questions using Figure 2: Oregon Ridge Ecosystem.
Figure 2: Oregon Ridge Ecosystem.
18. Explain how the ecosystem in figure 2 would be affected if the maple tress were to
become infected with a disease and the population was cut in half. Use prior knowledge
to support your response.
All organisms are interconnected with each other. If one population c__________________,
all the populations are affected. If maple trees were affected by a l_____________________
factor, disease, then squirrels, r____________________ and grasshopper populations would
decrease because they eat maple trees. Also, organisms such as foxes, snakes and owls
would also d____________________a little because they consume squirrels and rabbits.
19. Figure 2: Oregon Ridge Ecosystem shows interactions between various organisms in the
Oregon ridge Ecosystem. First, construct a food chain showing the flow of energy in the
Oregon Ridge Ecosystem. Then write a papagraph which describes a name of a
producer in your food web, the role of the producer in the food chain, what would
happen if the population of the producer decreased and vocabulary evidence to support
your answer. Finally, identify the name of a consumer and decomposer in your food
An example of a producer in the Oregon _____________ Ecosystem is
_____________________. Producers play a big role in an ecosystem. Producers are plants
that make their own e_____________________ through photosynthesis. They are the basis for
an ecosystem. Primary c______________________ eat producers. Without producers, no other
organisms would survive.
If the population of the producer decreased, many other organisms would be affected. A limiting
factor is a variable that can increase or decrease a p___________________________. If
producers _______________________, the availability of resources (f___________) would
decrease, causing consumers and decomposers to be affected.
If the producer population
decreased, consumer population would ______________________________because consumers
eat the producers.
If the producer population decreased, decomposer populations may increase because
decomposers would have more d_____________________ consumers to eat. If the producer
population decreased, decomposer populations may decrease because decomposers would have
less p_______________________ to eat.
The name of a consumer in the ____________________ Ridge Ecosystem is
____________________. The name of a decomposer in the Oregon Ridge __________________
is ____________________.
20. Using Figure 3: Food Web, identify two organisms that need grass to survive. Then
explain why the organisms may compete with one another for the grass resource.
Include in your explanation, the concept of limiting factors. Finally, explain what may
happen to 3 other organisms if the population of rabbits increases.
Figure 3: Food web
______________________ and ____________________ need grass to survive because they
are consumers and eat the producer grass. Bison and rabbits may c_______________ for
grass because it is a limited resource. A l_____________ f____________ is any variable
that can i__________________ or decrease a population (examples include: availability of
resources, disease, competition, human impact, predation). Availability of
r_______________ such as grass is a limiting factor for populations. If there isn’t enough
grass, then populations of bison and/or rabbits will ______________________.
If one population changes, then all the other populations will be affected. For example
If the populations of rabbits increases, then grasses will _________________
because rabbits eat the grass.
If the populations of rabbits increases, then bison will ___________________
because they will have less grass to eat.
If the populations of rabbits increases, then the populations of wolves, coyotes
and eagles will ________________ because they are predators and eat rabbits.