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ISB:202 2nd Midterm Exam
Instructor: Dr. Mark Whalon
Section: 006
Form: B
True or False?
1-Fitness can be measured as reproductive success.
2-Many endangered species are more fit than other non-endangered species in the same
3-Competition for nesting sites or suitable feed habitat can contribute to fitness or
reproductive success.
4-Many species of animals like opossums, coyotes, squirrels and rats have demonstrated
their fitness by proliferating in man-made urban and suburban environments.
5-Selection is sometimes severe among siblings competing for food, mates and living
True or False?
6- Pre-adaptation occurs when an organism is already genetically adapted to a new
environmental condition.
7- Reproduction must out weigh mortality or a species will become overpopulated.
8- Insect and microbial resistance to insecticides and antibiotics respectively are excellent
examples of microevolution.
9- Races and biotypes are examples of Family level binomial nomenclature.
10- Plant breeding, domestication or animals and microbes are examples of maninfluenced microevolution.
True or False
11-Vitamin C and E are known as free radical scavengers and may accelerate the aging
12-Cleavage is the start of multicellularity (when the egg cell starts to divide) in the
13-Implantation occurs 6-7 months after fertilization when the zygote (blastocyst)
adheres to the uterine lining.
14-The fetal period in humans extends from the third month to birth of the baby.
15-The age of survivability of a human fetus is 39 weeks. This is the age at which a baby
can survive outside its mother.
True or False
Which of the following is true or false about the success of different birth control devices
in terms of the number of pregnancies per 100 couples using the designated type of
contraception for 1 year.
16-Condoms alone = ~2
17-Latex Condom = ~14-20
18-Latex Condom + spermicide + nonoxyl 9 = ~5-10
19-The Pill = ~6-10
20-Diaphragm + spermicide = ~14-20
True or False?
21-Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is often a complication of STD’s including
bleeding, vaginal discharge, pain, scarred oviducts and sometimes sterility.
22-A Fossil is recognizable physical evidence of ancient life.
23-Darwin believed that environmental modifications could be passed on to offspring.
The former USSR enforced Lamarchianism in its education and science programs at the
turn of the 20th Century.
24-Gradualism is a theory sometimes known as the Theory of Uniformity and states that
gradual uniform repetitive change of over time accounts for life’s diversity.
25-A population is a group of interbreeding individuals of the same species occupying a
specific or given area.
True or False
26-Your text defines a zygote as a developed baby.
27-Asexual reproduction is reproduction with sex, but only Aphids exhibit this type of
28-A yolk is a protein-rich and DNA-rich substance in the egg.
29-Morphogenesis is the program of orderly changes in an embryo’s size, shape and
proportions resulting from specialization of cells.
30-The uterus is a female organ that produces eggs (oocytes).
True or False
31-Ovulation is the release of the oocyte or egg from the ovary.
32-Hypothalamus and pituitary organs are the vitamin secreting tissues or glands in the
brain. These secreted vitamins regulate ovulation and spermatogenesis.
33-Menopause occurs when a female human’s supply of eggs is dwindling and hormonal
secretions increase dramatically.
34-The only hormones that synchronize a human female’s menstrual cycle are
progesterone and estrogen.
35-Fertilization occurs when the plasma membrane of a sperm cell fuses with the plasma
membrane of an egg cell.
True or False
Which of the following is true or false about the success of different birth control devices
in terms of the number of pregnancies per 100 couples using the designated type of
contraception for 1 year.
36-IUD = 0
37-Depo-Provera injection = 0
38-Total abstinence = 0
39-Abortion = 0
40-What do you think is the best way to prevent pregnancy?______________
_________________________________(fill in the blank).
Choose the best word(s) (below) to complete the sentence.
41- The criteria for measuring an organism’s success include:
A. comparison between different organism groups
B. whether the
organism has survived over geological time
C. the organism’s impact
on its environment
D. all of the above
42- Which of the following adaptations have contributed to insect success:
A. metamorphosis B. wings
C. size
D. all of the above
43- The exoskeleton of insects is composed of the polysaccharide ________.
A. cellulose B. starch
C. mitchelin
D. none of the above
44- Which of the following is a reason that metamorphosis has not helped insects to be
more successful than many other organisms:
A. Allowed different stages of the same insect species to exploit different
habitats like water and land
B. allowed insects to be more specialized within a habitat
C. made insects more vulnerable to predation and disease during molting
D. all of the above
45- Since insects are small and live in many different habitats, one of their greatest
problems is maintaining water or stated differently, not drying out. How have insects
overcome the “water problem”?
A. secreting hormones
B. excreting water generated during
metabolism C. excreting waste in the form of uric acid rather than urea
D. all of the above
Choose the best word(s) (below) to complete the sentence.
46- Which of the following organisms have been very successful in geological history:
A. Brachiopods
B. Dinosaurs
C. Arthropods
D. all of the above
47- Insects have three body regions:
A. Segmented appendages B. cephalothorax C. abdomen
D. all of the above
48- Using binomial nomenclature, which of the following words describes the human
genus level?
A. Homo
B. Primates C. Animalia D. Chordata E. none of the above
49-Most mutations are beneficial to the individual.
50-A point mutation is a single base-pair change in DNA.
True or False?
51-Worldview is defined as a metaphysical construct, model or systematic body of
thought that attempts to coherently describe man and the experiences common to all men.
52-An ideology is a system of thought used to interpret reality, society and mankind’s
place in the world. It functions to stabilize social structures for its adherent’s goals and
beliefs. Ideologies often take on lives of their own with their own traditions and
institutions. They substitutes for religion and often lack self-critique.
53-Religion has been defined by a number of scholars and dictionaries, as God’s
revelation to man and man’s response to God and his revelation. Religion is an active and
total response to what is experienced intensely as an ultimate or transcendent reality.
54-The first law of thermodynamics is ___________________________________
___________________________________________________(fill in the blank).
55-Abiogenesis is a term used by origin scientists and means “life starting from non-life”.
True or False?
56-Inbreeding results from random mating among unrelated individuals that have many
identical alleles in common. The Royal Families 18th Century Europe where said to be
57-Speciation is defined in your text as changes in chromosome frequencies significant
enough to designate the formation of daughter species from a parent species.
58-The “biological species concept” has been defined by your text as “groups of
interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from all other groups.”
59-Adaptive radiation as defined by your text is a burst of species divergence that may
result from physical access (being there when opportunity affords), evolutionary access
(key innovations, e.g. forelimbs) and/or ecological access (entering an unoccupied
adaptive zone).
60-Extinction is the irrevocable loss of a species.
True or False
61-Anencephalous babies are born with less than 75% of a normal baby’s brain matter.
62-Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a hydrogen bond.
63-Your text states that uterus refers to a complex of tissue that develops after
implantation when membranes start to form outside the embryo. These membranes
completely engulf the embryo and fill with fluid early in pregnancy.
64-The placenta is a spongy, blood-engorged tissue surrounding the amnion. It is the
blood connection of the mother and developing baby.
65-Sexual reproduction provides variation in the next generation by diploidy (1n from the
mother and 1n from the father).
True or False?
66-A gene pool is all the genes in an entire population.
67-Alleles are similar chromosomes, existing in two or more slightly different molecular
68-Macroevolution is large-scale changes in living organism, usually above the species
69-Microevolution has four steps including mechanisms to generate genetic variation, an
environmental selection process, survival and reproduction of individuals exhibiting
greater fitness.
70-Fecundity is a female’s potential lifetime reproductive capacity.
True or False?
71-Microevolution is small-scale changes in allele frequency usually below the species
level brought about by mutation, natural selection, gene flow and genetic drift.
72-Allele frequency is the proportion of each kind of allele in a population.
73-Mutation rate is the probability of a gene mutating during or in between DNA
replication. Mutations usually occur in most species between 10-5 and 10-6 per gene locus
per gamete (egg or sperm) in each generation.
74-Genetic fitness is defined as an increase in allele frequency in a population imparted
by reproductive success while under selection.
75-Natural selection is defined in your text as the result of differences in survival and
reproduction among individuals that differ in heritable traits.
True or False?
76-Sexual dimorphism in humans is exhibited by two distinct phenotypes; the male &
77-Gene flow is the movement of alleles into and out of populations by immigration and
emigration. Gene flow tends to counter natural selection by supplying genes to
neighboring populations.
78-Genetic drift is an allele frequency change over generations brought about by random
chance. This variation usually occurs through what is termed “sampling error” when
genes are replicated. Genetic drift is more severe when the number of individuals in a
population is small. In this situation, there is a greater chance that a given allele will
become less prevalent over time.
79-Genetic Fixation results when only one allele type remains at a particular locus in a
80-Aphids exhibit very short generation times compared to most animals and their
generation time is often less than 5-10 days during the summer months.
Choose the best word(s) (below) to complete the sentence.
81-Insects belong to the Class Insecta. Which of the following features are characteristics
of this Class?
A. 3-pairs of legs
B. 1-pair of antenna
C. tracheae
D. all of the above
82- Insects often affect humans in many ways. How do they affect human and animal
A. as parasites
B. by transmitting diseases
C. by
competing directly for food essential for life
D. all of the above
83- Humans often promote insect success through our activities. How do we affect insect
success? A. store foods that insects can infest
B. heat and cool our homes and
businesses providing optimum temperature environments
C. conduct
business involving transportation which transports insects everywhere
D. all of the above
84- Population growth curves indicate different innate strategies that animals undertake
to achieve success. Which of the following describes a “r” strategist?
A. their population oscillates about a carrying capacity determined by the
B. individuals are highly mobile with high reproductive
potential C. all of the above D. none of the above
85- Which of the following are density independent population regulation functions?
A. Predation B. disease
C. parasitization
D. none of the above
True or False
86-The Pediculum is the enzyme-containing cap of a sperm cell.
87-Testosterone is the male hormone produced in the pituitary gland that stimulates
formation and development of sperm.
88-Hormones are relatively slow signaling compounds compared to nerves.
89-FSH is follicular stimulating hormone, and is important in regulating menstruation.
90-Cell differentiation occurs through the selective activation of genes and synthesized
True or False?
91-Fossilization is a very slow process involving the process of burial in volcanic ash or
sediment, followed by water infiltration and infusion with dissolved metal ions and other
inorganic compounds.
92-Morphological divergence can be defined as “body form” divergence.
93-Morphological convergence occurs when different lineages evolve in similar
directions like the flippers on penguins (birds) and porpoise (mammals).
94-Homology as evidence for macroevolution assumes that similar body parts on
different creatures may mean a common ancestor.
95- Similar proteins in different animal lineages has been asserted to be evidence for
macroevolution assuming a common genetic ancestor.
True or False?
96-Taxonomy is the field of biology that deals with identifying, naming and classifying
97-Binomial nomenclature is applied when each new species is given two names; genus
and specific names.
98-Phylogeny is the study of evolutionary relationships among species, starting with the
most ancestral forms known and including all branches leading to all their descendants.
99-Your text explains that taxonomists have agreed that there are six Kingdoms in
binomial nomenclature if the former Kingdom Monera is divided into two new
Kingdoms. This new scheme of designating Kingdoms includes Protista, Fungi, Plants,
Animals, Eubacteria and Archeaebacteria.
100-Darwin is generally recognized as the inventor or initiator of binomial nomenclature.