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Name _______________________________
Class of Abu Bakr - Exam on Seerah
1. The life and message of Islam is _____________.
a. la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur Rasulu
b. there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah
c. peace through submission to God
d. all of the above
2. ____________ first helped build the Kabah.
a. Ibrahim and Ismail
b. Dawood and Sulaiman
c. Ibrahim and Ishaaq
d. Muhammad and Ibrahim
3. The Kabah is _____________.
a. A building to store idols
b. The first house of worship for Allah
c. Something Muslims worship
d. All of the above
4. The last prophet was named ________.
a. Yusuf.
b. Adam.
c. Abdullah.
d. Muhammad.
5. SEERAH is the study of __________.
a. Hadith.
b. The life of Adam ra.
c. The life of Muhammad saw.
d. Sears stores.
6. Muhammad (saw) was born in ________.
a. Medina
b. Makkah
c. Abyssinia
d. Yathrib
7. Muhammad (saw) was born ________.
a. about 600 years after Jesus ra
b. in 570 A.D
c. in the year of the Elephant
d. all of the above
8. Muhammad's (saw) nurse who looked after him in
his early childhood was __________.
a. Hawwa
b. Aminah
c. Halima
d. Khadija
9. Muhammad 's (saw) mother's name was __________.
a. Hawwa
b. Aminah
c. Halima
d. Khadija
10. His (saw) mother died when he was _____.
a. 4
b. before he was born
c. 6
d. 12
11. Muhammad's (saw) father's name was __________.
a. Abdullah
b. Abdul Muttalib
c. Abu Talib
d. Ali
12. His (saw) father died when he was _____.
a. 8
b. before he was born
c. 6
d. 12
13. Muhammad's (saw) grandfather's name was
a. Abdullah
b. Abdul Muttalib
c. Abu Talib
d. Ali
14. His (saw) grandfather died when he was _____.
a. 8
b. before he was born
c. 6
d. 12
15. Muhammad's (saw) uncle's name was __________.
a. Abdullah
b. Abdul Muttalib
c. Abu Talib
d. Ali
16. Muhammad's (saw) first wife's name was
a. Hawwa
b. Aminah
c. Halima
d. Khadija
17. Muhammad (saw) got married when he was ____
a. 40
b. 25
c. 12
d. 4
18. Muhammad's (saw) cousin's name was
a. Abdullah
b. Abdul Muttalib
c. Abu Talib
d. Ali
19. After the prophet Muhammad (saw)'s parents died,
who took care of him?
a. Khadija
b. Abdul Muttalib
c. Halimah
d. Abu Talib
20. When the prophet (saw) lost his grandfather, who
became his guardian after that?
a. Khadija
b. Abdul Muttalib
c. Halimah
d. Abu Talib
21. To which country did the Muhammad (saw) go for
the first time on a trade journey, with his uncle?
a. Syria
b. Abyssinia
c. Makkah
d. Yemen
22. Makkah before Islam was ___________________.
a. A swamp, no one lived there.
b. A thriving trade town.
c. A forest
d. A newly built city
23. When Muhammad (saw) was young he used to
a. be a shepherd, tend to the sheep
b. work in a grocery store
c. take care of horses
d. just laze around
24. Muhammad (saw)'s nickname was
a. Al-insan - the Good man
b. Al-ameen - the Trustworthy
c. Mo
d. Al-salih - the Righteous
25. He (saw) was known as this because when he was
young he ___________.
a. was honest and trustworthy
b. was mean and unfriendly
c. only cared about tv and the newest popular
d. was a loud child
26. The Makkans before Islam practiced
a. burying their daughters alive
b. polytheism, worshipping more than one god
and idols
c. opressing the weak like widows and orphans
d. all of the above
27. When we mention the name Muhammad (saw) we
say after it:
a. saddaqallahul atheem
b. salallahu alaihi wasalam
c. samiallahu leman hamidah
d. salaam alaikum
28. We say this because:
a. Our teacher told us to.
b. We love the last prophet and want to send
peace upon him.
c. We don't really know why.
d. We want to practice Arabic.
29. One day when the Arab tribes were fighting over
who could put the black stone back in its place:
a. Muhammad (saw) was asked to judge and
helped guide them to a peaceful ending.
b. Muhammad (saw) asked one good tribe to
do it.
c. Muhammad (saw) said that his tribe was the
best and he lifted the stone and placed it.
d. Muhammad (saw) did not want to get
involved and asked someone else to judge.
30. Muhammad (saw) used to retreat to ___________
to think about and contemplate things.
a. Medina
b. The Cave of Hira
c. The Cave of Safa and Marwa
d. Yathrib
31. One day while he (saw) was there, _____________
came to him.
a. his wife
b. his uncle
c. angel Jibreel
d. angel Israfeel
32. He (saw) was _________ years old at this time.
a. 25
b. 40
c. 63
d. 18
33. This voice said _________________.
a. Inshallah!
b. Iqra!
c. Ijlis!
d. Istah!
34. This means ______________.
a. Allah is great!
b. Read!
c. Hear and obey!
c. Open!
35. This was the beginning of the _____________.
a. end
b. revelation of the Quran
c. understanding of the Hadith
d. seerah
36. This night is called _______________.
a. Lailatul Qadr
b. The night of power
c. Israa wal Maraaj
d. A and B
37. This night occurred in the month of ____________.
a. February
b. Ramadan
c. Shaaban
d. January
38. As Muhammad (saw) was running back home down
the mountain, the voice said that Muhammad was a
a. madman
b. prophet
c. friend of Allah
d. arc angel
39. After he (saw) told his wife to 'cover me, cover me'
and what had happenned, she _____________.
a. took him to her cousin Waraqah
b. told him that Allah would never humiliate
him because he was so good
c. believed in him and his message and so she
became the first Muslim convert
d. all of the above
40. When Muhammad (saw) first started teaching to
worship only one God and submit to Him, the people of
Makkah _________________.
a. all believed him and became Muslims
b. put him in jail
c. started torturing the few who believed
d. none of the above
41. Bilal was _______________.
a. A black abyssinian slave
b. Tortured by the non Muslims
c. A companion and the first mua'zzin (caller
of athan) of the prophet (saw).
d. All of the above
42. Waraqah told Muhammad (saw) that he
a. was indeed crazy
b. had been visited by the same angel that
visited Moses
c. Hoped he'd never live to see the day
Muhammad would be turned out by his
d. all of the above
43. Some of the first early Muslims left for a Christian
land called ________________ to avoid persecution.
a. Syria
b. Abyssinia
c. Yathrib
d. Switzerland
44. For three long years the Muslims were under a
_____________ and no food and drink or trade was
done with them and they suffered greatly.
a. King called pharoah
b. Different rule
c. Curfew
d. Boycott
45. In the tenth year after his mission begain, the
prophet (saw) underwent the year of _________.
a. the elephant
b. happiness
c. the rabbit
d. sadness
46. It is called this because in this year
a. his wife died
b. his uncle died
c. Abraha the king tried to destroy the Kabah
d. A and B
47. During this year Muhammad (saw) also traveled to
a place called _________ where the people pelted him
with stones enough so that his body streamed with
a. Yathrib
b. Abyssinia
c. Taif
d. Medina
48. The Angels of the Mountains were so angered they
came down and asked Muhammad saw if he wanted
them to crush the people of that town. Muhammad said
a. Yes, they are an evil people
b. No, some of their children might become
c. I need to think about it
d. None of the above
49. After this time Muhammad (saw) underwent a
miraculous journey to Jerusalem and the Heavens
a. Lailatul Qadr
b. Israa wal Maaraj
c. The Night of Power
d. All of the above
50. The prophet (saw) traveled on the Buraq to the city
of __________and led some previous prophets in
a. Makkah
b. Medina
c. Taif
d. Jerusalem
51. On this night he (saw) received an important new
pillar of Islam: ___________.
a. Zakat
b. Hajj
c. Salah
d. Saum
52. Many people and tribes used to come to the prophet
(saw) to accept Islam, they made pledges to him and
these were called the First and Second Pledge of
a. Al-madina
b. Al-taif
c. Al-aqabah
d. None of the above
53. The Quraysh waited to kill Muhammad (saw), but
the next morning they found that it was _________
sleeping in his bed.
a. Ali
b. Abu Bakr
c. Abu Talib
d. Abdullah
54. After 13 years of persecution by the Arab tribes in
Makkah, the Muslims migrated to _________.
a. Yathrib
b. Abyssinia
c. Syria
d. Taif
55. One of the closest companions to the prophet (saw)
who also hid in the cave with him on their way was
a. Ali
b. Abu Bakr
c. Abu Talib
d. Abdullah
56. When the prophet (saw) migrated to the new city of
the prophet, the young girls welcomed him by singing
a. La ilaha illallah
b. Talal badru alayna
c. Myna raps
d. None of the above
57. While they hid in the cave, Allah inspired
a. A bird to lay its eggs in front of the cave
b. A spider to spin its web across the entrance
c. The Quraysh to lose their maps
d. All of the above
58. This city was then after called ______________.
a. The city of love
b. Makkah
c. Medina ul nabi
d. Taif
59. This migration is called the _________________.
a. New era
b. Hijrah
c. Eid
d. Lailatul qadr
60. This migration was important because
a. The Muslims began to establish their own state
b. It is the beginning of the Muslim calendar
c. It established the first Constitution and charter of
Human Rights and Liberties
d. all of the above
61. The Muslims who migrated with the prophet (saw) the muhajirin and the Muslims in the city the prophet
(saw) moved to- the ansar _______________.
a. Fought alot
b. Decided to establish two different towns
c. Became brothers and sisters to one another
d. All of the above
62. Prophet Muhammad (saw) died when he was _____
years old.
a. 40
b. 63
c. 100
d. 25
63. Muhammad (saw) left ________ behind for our
a. The Bible
b. The Quran
c. His Sunnah (his example)
d. B and c
64. Which Arabic word (s) is used for the words and
sayings of the Prophet?
a. Quran
b. Hadith
c. Sunnah
d. A and B
65. Muhammad (saw) should be our ideal example and
hero because
a. He was the last prophet
b. His behavior is the example of the Quran
c. He brought the message of Islam
d. All of the above
For Extra Credit, choose ONE of the following:
1. Draw a family tree showing Muhammad (saw) and
his family.
2. Draw a timeline of main events in the life of the last
prophet (saw).
3. Write as much as you can about any of the Muslim
speeches we read about in class.