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Name: _____________________________ Date: ____________________ Period: ____________
U.S. History Spring Exam Study Guide
This study guide will be turned in on the day of the final. You MUST write on this study
Friday, May 29—Period 8
Monday, June 1—Period 1, 4
Tuesday, June 2—Period 2, 5
Wednesday, June 3—Period 7, 3
Washington’s precedents-Establishment of the cabinet; only serving two terms; “Mr. President”
Washington’s cabinet-Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton; Secretary of War: Henry Knox;
Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson
Anti-Federalists-Jefferson & Madison; weak national government; became the DemocraticRepublican Party
XYZ Affair-Incident in which 3 French agents tried to bribe American representatives
John Jay-Nation’s first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Tariffs-tax on imported goods; U.S. government got most of its income from tariffs in 1790
Strict interpretation-whatever is not mentioned specifically in the Constitution cannot be done
National bank-Hamilton argued that it was an implied power in the Constitution to be able to set up
a national bank; he said it would give the government a safe place to keep money & make loans
Election of 1796-the president and vice-president were from different political parties; John Adams
was a Federalist, and Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican
Alien and Sedition Acts-Violated the first amendment because they clamped down on the freedom
of speech and press
Washington’s Farewell Address-warned the nation of the rise of political parties, political divisions
based upon geographic loyalties; long term involvement in European affairs
Whiskey Rebellion-people that disagreed with the government’s tax on whiskey rebelled;
Washington crushed the rebellion to show the strength of the national government
Hamilton’s financial plan-pay off all war debts; raise government revenues; create a national bank
John Adams-second president off the U.S.; first vice president of the U.S.; a Federalist
Judiciary Act of 1789-created a court system with six members of the Supreme Court
Embargo Act of 1807-was passed to make England and France respect American trade rights; it
was repealed because it was ruining the U.S. economy
Election of 1800-Jefferson & Burr tied the election so it was sent to the House of Representatives;
the tie was broken when the House elected Jefferson
Causes of the War of 1812-the British navy was impressing American sailors; the British were
violating American trade rights; some “war hawks” were calling for war so they could gain control of
Effects of the War of 1812-no territory changed hands; no one won and no one lost; the U.S.
experienced a surge in patriotism; American industry flourished
War Hawks-politicians in favor of war; in the War of 1812, they wanted to gain control of Canada
Marbury v. Madison-gave the Supreme Court the power of judicial review
John Marshall-strong Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; attributed to gaining the power of judicial
Judicial Review-the Supreme Court’s power to declare laws (both state & federal) as
unconstitutional; the power to interpret the Constitution
Louisiana Territory-territory purchased from France
Lewis and Clark Expedition-Jefferson sent them out to explore the newly acquired Louisiana
Territory; the explored as far west as the Pacific Ocean
Louisiana Purchase-Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory in 1803 from Napoleon Bonaparte;
the purchase more than doubled the size of the U.S.
Impressment-the British was impressing American sailors before the War of 1812, they were
kidnapping them and forcing them to work on British ships
Sacajawea-Native American that acted as a guide for Lewis and Clark
Francis Scott Key-author of the “Star-Spangled Banner”
Zebulon Pike-leader of the expedition that set out to find the sources of the Arkansas and Red
Treaty of Ghent-treaty that ended the War of 1812; no territory changed hands
James Madison-the president during the War of 1812
Thomas Jefferson’s accomplishments-he helped to design Washington, D.C.; he wrote the
Declaration of Independence; he bought the Louisiana Territory…
1803-the year the Louisiana Purchase was made
Battle of New Orleans-fought after the War of 1812 was over; made Andrew Jackson a war hero
Nationalism-extreme pride in a country; American nationalism surged after the War of 1812
Sectionalism-people more concerned with the interests of their own region than their country
Industrial Revolution-time period in which the economy moved towards mechanized production
Male suffrage-in the early 1800’s male suffrage was extended to males who did not own property
Monroe Doctrine-President Monroe’s statement that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open
to colonization by Europe
Railroads-increased sectionalism because they were mostly in the North and ran from east to west
Cotton gin-revolutionized the economy of the South and caused the need for more slaves
Missouri Compromise-provided for the admission of Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free
state; created a balance between slave and free states in the Union
McCulloch v. Maryland-reaffirmed the U.S. government’s right to create a national bank
Gibbons v. Ogden-reaffirmed the U.S. government’s right to regulate interstate commerce
Capitalist system-economic system that involves profit, private property and free enterprise
Characteristics of Southern leaders-wealthy planters
Types of people that worked in Northern factories-immigrants
James Monroe-president that created the Monroe Doctrine
Jacksonian Democracy-central principle was to spread political power to common people
Protective tariff-intended to encourage the growth of northern industries
Spoils System-Jackson’s policy of rewarding faithful followers with political offices
Democratic Party-the Democratic-Republican Party split when Adams & Jackson disagreed on
many issues; Jackson became the first Democratic Party president
Trail of Tears-route taken by the Cherokees when they were being removed from their land in
Georgia to the Indian Territory in Oklahoma
Cherokee Nation-Native American tribe that was forced to leave their land because of the Indian
Removal Act
Indian Removal Act-law that forced Native American to give up their land because white people
wanted it; forced them to move to the Indian Territory
Tariff of Abominations-tariff passed to help northern industries; it ended up hurting the southern
economy; it was called the tariff of abominations because the south hated them
Doctrine of Nullification-it was triggered in response to strong opposition to the tariff of
abominations; Calhoun said that the state had the right to nullify or reject a federal law that it
considered unconstitutional
Daniel Webster-debated Robert Hayne; he was against nullification
John C. Calhoun-vice president who resigned over the issue of nullification
Webster-Hayne Debate-Robert Hayne: for nullification against Daniel Webster: against nullification
States’ Rights-the idea that the state has the right to go against the national government
Jackson’s war on the bank-Jackson opposed the national bank because he thought its policies
favored the wealthy over the average people
Panic of 1837-state banks were printing too much paper money; caused inflation; people became
worried about the health of the nation’s economy; Martin Van Buren was blamed for the panic
Kitchen cabinet-Jackson’s informal cabinet that he met with for advice; it weakened the power of
the cabinet
Whig Party-formed in response to Jackson; Harrison was a Whig that was elected in 1840
Martin Van Buren-the vice president for Jackson in his second term; was blamed for the Panic of
1837; he was not re-elected
William Henry Harrison-member of the Whig Party; was elected in 1840 because of his popularity
from the War of 1812
Manifest Destiny-principle that called for the U.S. to spread across the continent to its natural
Mormons-religious group that faced persecution and decided to head west; settled in present day
Joseph Smith-leader of the Mormons; was killed
Brigham Young-leader of the Mormons after Joseph Smith was killed; he led the Mormons to Utah
Mexican War-war fought with Mexico over a dispute in the border of Texas and Mexico
Mexican Cession-land ceded by Mexico as a result of the Mexican war; contained the southwest
portion of the U.S.
California Gold Rush-people rushed to California in hopes to find gold in 1849
49ers-nickname of people that moved to California in hopes to become rich
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo-treaty that ended the Mexican War
Gadsden Purchase-purchased in hopes to build a southern transcontinental railroad
Northern boundary of Oregon-49th parallel, settled in a compromise with Great Britain
Adams-Onís Treaty-treaty that gave the U.S. control of Florida
Bear Flag Revolt-revolt in which rebels declared California independent of Mexico
James K. Polk-president that made manifest destiny policy
Texas Revolution-Texas rebelled against Mexico’s government
Mountain Men-men that lived out west and trapped beavers; Jim Beckwourth
Using the map below, record how the U.S. acquired each territory.
A-Oregon Country; this land was occupied jointly by the U.S. & Great Britain from 1818 to 1846; the
49th parallel was made the northern boundary of Oregon in a compromise with Great Britain
B-Mexican Cession; land was ceded by Mexico as a result of the Mexican War
C-Gadsden Purchase; land was purchased in the hopes of creating a southern transcontinental
D-land was purchased from France in 1803
E-Mexico gave up all claims to this area as a result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
F-Treaty of Paris to end the American Revolution gave the new U.S. control of the land to the
Mississippi River
G-original 13 colonies; won independence from Great Britain; Treaty of Paris ended the war
H-gained control of this land because of the Adams-Onís Treaty
Abolitionist Movement-movement that sought to end slavery
Transcendentalism-it was led by Henry David Thoreau; it urged people to follow their own
conscience and not obey laws they considered unjust; civil disobedience; it taught that people could
find truth within themselves
Underground Railroad-routes that slaves used to escape to the north
Harriet Tubman-famous conductor that led many escaped slaves to the north
Fugitive Slave Laws-series of laws that required people in the North to turn in run away slaves
Second Great Awakening-surge in religious thought; caused people to want to change society
Prison Reform-reformers wanted criminals to be rehabilitated
Frederick Douglass-effective abolitionist speaker because he had been a slave himself
Sojourner Truth- effective abolitionist speaker because she had been a slave herself
African-American literacy-in the south it was illegal to teach a slave to read
Temperance Movement-promoted the end of selling alcohol
Civil Disobedience-reform society without violence; Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau-taught to use civil disobedience when trying to reform society
Seneca Falls Convention-organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton; sought to get equal rights for
Elizabeth Cady Stanton-women’s rights activist; organized the Seneca Falls Convention
Susan B. Anthony-women’s rights activist
Compromise of 1850-provided for the admission of Texas as a slave state and California as a free
Henry Clay-the Great Compromiser in 1820 and 1850
Harriet Beecher Stowe-wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Effects of Uncle Tom’s Cabin-it angered southerners because they said the book did not portray
slavery accurately
Kansas-Nebraska Act-said that people in Kansas and Nebraska could vote over the issue of
slavery; popular sovereignty
Popular Sovereignty-people have the ultimate say in what happens in their government; the
Kansas-Nebraska act called for popular sovereignty
Dred Scott v. Sanford-Dred Scott was a slave that sued for his freedom after having visited a free
state with his owner
Election of 1860-Lincoln won the election because he won all of the Northern states
Bleeding Sumner-Charles Sumner was attacked because of a speech that he made against
proslavery forces in Kansas
Confederate States of America-the separate, foreign country the South formed when they
Roger B. Taney-the Supreme Court justice that decided Dred Scott’s case; argued that Congress
could not ban slavery in the territories
Bleeding Kansas-mini civil war broke out in Kansas over the issue of popular sovereignty and
John Brown-raided Harper’s Ferry in order to get weapons to inspire slaves to fight for their
Lincoln-Douglas Debates-series of debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas over
the issue of slavery
Jefferson Davis-president of the Confederacy
Secession-seven states seceded; South Carolina was the first
Strengths of South-able military officers; defense war; a real cause
Strengths of North-larger population; more railroads; more industry
Lincoln’s main goal during the war-preserve the Union
Anaconda Plan-blockade the Southern coastline; capture the Confederate capital; divided the
South by controlling the Mississippi; the Union blockade resulted in trade being cut off between the
South and Europe
Emancipation Proclamation-issued by Lincoln; freed the slaves in the rebelling states; did not free
slaves in the Union
Gettysburg Address-given to honor dead soldiers who were buried at the battlefield cemetery
Pickett’s Charge-deadly charge by Pickett’s men that occurred at the Battle of Gettysburg
Surrender at Appomattox Court House-General Grant gave Lee favorable terms; Southern
soldiers were allowed to keep their horses and go home
Ft. Sumter-the first shots of the Civil War were fired here
Richmond-Confederate capital; Grant took Richmond after the Battle of Petersburg
King Cotton-the South’s plan to withhold cotton from the world market in order to get European
Antietam-bloodiest battle of the Civil War
Border States-slave states; Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, and West Virginia
Vicksburg-after this battle, the North finally had control of the entire Mississippi and had cut the
South in half
Robert E. Lee-commander of the Southern forces
Ulysses S. Grant-commander of the Northern forces
13th Amendment-abolished slavery in the U.S.
Lincoln’s assassination-assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater in Washington,
William T. Sherman-Northern commander; total war strategy, burned the South; Sherman’s march
to the sea
Gettysburg-Pickett’s Charge took place here; many deaths on both sides
Andrew Johnson-President at the beginning of Reconstruction; wanted to follow Lincoln’s plan for
Reconstruction; radical republicans felt he didn’t take things far enough
14th Amendment-defined citizenship; made former slaves citizens of the U.S.
15th Amendment-gave all men the right to vote regardless of their race and previous conditions of
Carpetbaggers-northerners that moved to the South after the war; they wanted to capitalize on the
losses of southerners
Scalawags-Southerners that joined the Republican Party after the war; they were hated by wealthy
Southerners and considered traitors
Radical Republicans-people in Congress that wanted to punish the South after the war
Ku Klux Klan-group formed to intimidate African Americans so they would not participate in politics
Black Codes-created as a way to control former slaves; could not serve on juries; had to have jobs
Freedmen’s Bureau-group formed to aid African Americans and whites; provide food & an