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Ch 5b Mineral Notes
I. Chemical Composition of Minerals
A. The following must be true to be a mineral:
1. ___________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. Has a definite chemical ______________________ (combined in definite
4. ___________________________________________________________
5. Is _________________________
Ex. 1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
B. Minerals form when:
1. Magma solidifies
 atoms ______________________________________ in magma
 atoms move _________________________________________
 atoms ___________________________________________________________
 the _______________________________________________________________
 fast cooling rate = ______________ crystals
2. Water containing dissolved ions evaporates
 different minerals can be formed by _____________________________________
C. Crystals
 organized structure of a mineral that has
with _______________________________
called crystal faces
D. Native Minerals
 minerals composed of single elements
 ex. Au – _________ Ag - _____________
Cu - ____________ S - ______________
C - ________________
E. Non-minerals
1. Water- _____________________________________
2. Glass- ________________________
3. Pearl-_________________________
4. Coal- _____________________________________________________
II. Physical Properties of Minerals
A. Mineral Properties
1. ___________________is the first thing someone notices when they view a mineral.
 __________________________ property for identification of minerals.
 Many minerals have different _____________
 Some minerals' _______________________________________________________
a. Cause of Color in Minerals:
 Absorption or lack of absorption, of various wavelengths of light.
 ________________________________________________________________.
 Most are usually
 ________________________________________________________________
 Ex. _________________________________________________________
b. Examples of Mineral Color:
–Azurite = ____________________
–Sulfur = ______________________
--Malachite = ___________________
--Hornblende = _________________
– Olivine = __________________
--Graphite = ________________
– Calcite = ____________________________
– Halite = ____________________________
2. Streak
 _________________________________________
 Obtained by ______________________________
across the surface of a hard, __________________
material called a __________________________.
Color of the ________________ may be different than the color of the
A streak plate is only __________________________________ and a mineral harder
than 6.5 ________________________________________
a. Similar Color But Different Streak
 _________________ and ______________ are both _____________________
 __________________________________ is _________________, while
_______________is __________________.
 ___________________ (known as "Fool's Gold") is always
when found in crystals
 _________________ produces a
 ______________________ streak by the way is ______________________
3. Hardness
 ___________________________________________________________________
 A ____________________________________________________________________.
A ____________________________________________________ but a ____________
mineral ________________________________________ (no matter how hard you try).
a. Dust Trails
 Don't be fooled by a __________________________________________________"
by a softer mineral.
 ______________________________ the softer mineral scratched the harder mineral
 In actuality the _______________________________________________________
 Always blow air over the scratch or rub across the scratch to be sure it's a scratch.
b. Moh’s Scale of Hardness
 Softest
4. Cleavage
 A _________________________ producing what
appears to be a ___________________.
1. _____________ cleavage in the mineral
2. ________________________ cleavage in
3. ________________cleavage in ___________
2 Types of Mica:
___________________= light colored mica
___________________= dark colored mica
5. Fracture
 ___________________________________________________________________
 Fracture occurs ___________________________ even
ones with cleavage.
 The most common fracture type is __________________
a. Conchoidal Fracture
 Sometimes described as a ___________________________
 _________________________ have conchoidal fracture
b. Fibrous Fracture
 _____________________________________________
 _____________________ has fibrous fracture.
 ______________________________________________
 The fibers in the dust have the ability to _________________________________ of
the person who breathes them.
6. Luster
A description of _______________________________________________ (interacts with)
the _______________________________________.
2 Types of Luster: ___________________ & _______________________________
a. Metallic Luster
 Minerals have a _____________________________________________________.
 Light is unable to penetrate the surface & almost all light is ___________________.
Ex. _____________ & ___________________
b. Non-Metallic Luster
 Minerals where the ______________________________________________________
while some is _________________________.
 Ex. _______________________________________
7. Phosphorescence
 When the light from _______________________________________________________
and causes the mineral to continue ___________________________________________
 ______________________________ is when the mineral doesn’t continue to _________
 _______________ fluoresces ______________.
a. Fluorescent Minerals of Franklin, NJ
 The mines in _____________________________ have some of the most spectacular
In the picture:
 ______________________is ___________________
 __________________ is _______& glows _________
 ____________ is ____________& glows _________
8. Double Refraction
 Occurs when ____________________________________________________________
 The ray is split into _________________, one very _____
& one _______________.
9. Magnetism
 ________________________ are attracted to the mineral
 Magnetism is somewhat of an ____________________________ as not all specimens
may demonstrate it.
 A few minerals may not be magnetic, but _____________________________________.
10. Taste
 ____________________________________________________________________
 However, ____________________________________________________________.
 ____________ which is ___________________, has a ________ taste.
11. Specific Gravity
 ______________________________________________.
 Specific gravity is a ______________________________.
 Because it is derived from the ______________________________________________
_________________________________________ and thus all units cancel.
 Water’s density equals __________________________________ (at specific conditions)
12. Acid Test
 ____________________________________ react to ____________________________
 ___________________________________________________
 CaCO3 +2H(+1)  Ca(+2) + H2O + CO2 (a gas)
III. 4 Most Abundant Elements in Earth's Crust
Ex. ___________________, ________________,
____________________, _____________
IV. Silicates
- _______ of the minerals in the Earth’s crust are compounds of Silicon, Oxygen & one other
metallic element
Ex. _______________, _____________, __________________, & ____________
_________________________________- contain silica tetrahedrons
A. Feldspar Family
1. Includes the _______________________ of all minerals
2. Most common is ____________________________
3. Hardness of ______
4. Silica tetrahedrons have been joined together by ions of
____________________ & other minerals
B. Quartz Family1. Entirely silica tetrahedrons bound tightly together
2. Silicon dioxide = SiO__
3. Luster = _____________
4. Hardness = ________
5. Sand in NJ is ___________
6. Color varies
7. Fracture = _________________
8. important part of all granites
9. _______________most abundant mineral in Earth’s crust
V. Carbonate- an ion group made of one ___________ atom combined with
2three oxygen atoms and having a negative charge of two (-CO3 ).
1. carbonate minerals are carbonate groups joined with various metal ions.
2. Ex. __________________, _______________, _____________, ____________
A. ______________________ - most common carbonate mineral
Chemical Formula = ____________________
Shape – _________________
Hardness ________
Show property of _____________ refraction
_________ perfect cleavages
Reacts to ________ test
________________________- colorless transparent calcite
B. Dolomite - calcium magnesium carbonate
Hardness 3.5 - 4
Shape - rhombus
Reacts to acid test only if ________________ scratched or powdered
Found in ______________________&_____________________
C. Copper Carbonates
1. __________________________
Reacts slightly to the acid test
Color = _________________
2. _________________________- Color = _____________________
Reacts slightly to the acid test
D. Iron Carbonate
1. ____________________- Color = ________________________
Reacts slightly to acid test
III. Iron Oxide a mineral consisting of ________________ combined with oxygen
A. _______________________
 _______________________________________________
 Hardness _____________
 Color- ______________________
 Luster- earthy or metallic
 Streak- all have red-brown
B. ______________________________
 _________________________
 _________________________
 Attracted to a ______________
 ____________________- a highly magnetic type of magnetite that was used
in the first compass needles
IV. Iron Sulfide-a mineral consisting of iron combined with sulfur
 __________________________
 Most common __________________________
 _________________________
 Color- _____________________________
 Hardness _____________
 Luster- ________________
V. Other Minerals with Important Properties
A. ____________________________ - volcanic glass with conchoidal fracture
B. ____________________ - Rock Salt, NaCl , has a salty taste
C. ___________________________ - has one perfect cleavage
1. ______________________ - light colored Mica
2. _______________________ - dark colored Mica
D. ________________________________ - fibrous fracture, fire resistant