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Cell Reproduction: Binary Fission 4.1
1. Cells reproduce by ____________________________________________________________.
2. A cell divides after it grows to a certain ___________________________________________.
3. In a multicellular organism, cell division allows the organism to: _______________________
4. In single-celled organisms, the organism ______________________________ by cell division.
This is a type of ____________________ reproduction because only _______ parent cell is
5. The simplest type of cell division called ______________________________________ occurs
in _________________________.
6. Binary fission is _______________________________________________________________
7. Describe the steps of binary fission.
A. The __________________________________ is copied. This process is called
B. A new cell __________________________ and cell ________________ form between
the copied chromosomes.
C. The cell pinches into 2 ______________________ cells that are identical in size and
gene content.
Draw the stages of Binary Fission below:
Cell Reproduction: Cell Cycle 4.2
1. Cell reproduction in __________________________ cells is more complex than cell
in _________________________ cells.
2. The life cycle of a cell or ____________________ is _________________________________
3. The cell cycle has ________ main phases:
A. __________________________ - The period between two divisions of a eukaryotic
during which the cell ___________________ and prepares for __________________.
This phase is divided into 3 smaller phases: G1, S, G2
a. G1 – This is the ___________________________________________________.
The cell in this part of its life cycle________________________________
b. S – This is the ____________________________________________________
The cell in this part of its life cycle ________________________________
c. G2 – This is the __________________________________________________
The cell in this part of its life cycle _______________________________
B. _________________________ - The portion of the cell cycle in which the __________
divides (called _______________________) and the ______________________
divides (called ____________________________)
4. Make a diagram of the cell cycle and label each of its phases.
5. Prokaryotic cells reproduce much _________________________ than eukaryotic cells.
A. A prokaryotic (bacterium) cell divides once every
B. A eukaryotic (human skin) cell divides once every
Cell Reproduction: Chromosomes 4.3
1. Each type of organism has a specific chromosome ________________________________.
Fly: __________
Corn: __________
Dog: __________
Human: __________
2. During interphase the chromosomes are not ____________________. The DNA appears as a
mass in the nucleus called _____________________.
3. As the M phase begins the DNA coils up to form __________________________. When the
chromosomes first become visible, each chromosome consists of two identical
__________________________ joined by a ___________________________.
4. Draw a diagram of a chromosome
as it begins the M phase.
Review pages 120 –124 in the textbook to complete the following:
5. Every cell in the human body other than sperm and egg cells are called
__________________ cells.
6. Each somatic cell contains 46 chromosomes or two sets of ________________
7. The 23 different chromosomes differ in ____________________, __________________,
8. A ______________________________ set of chromosomes is essential to survival.
9. Each of the 23 pairs of chromosomes consists of two __________________________
chromosomes or __________________________.
10. Each homologue in a pair comes from one of the two _________________. Therefore, the
46 chromosomes in somatic cells are actually 2 sets of 23 chromosomes, one set from the
__________________ and the other set from the __________________.
11. When a cell contains two sets of chromosomes it is said to be
It is represented as __________. In humans, the diploid number is _________.
12. The sex cells, also called ____________________, have only 1 set of chromosomes and
therefore are said to be ______________________. It is represented as ___________.
In humans, the haploid number is ____________.
13. In your own words, explain why it makes sense that gametes have the haploid number of
14. Of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes, 22 are ____________________. These are
chromosomes that are not directly involved in determining the __________ of an
15. There is 1 pair of chromosomes that will determine the sex of the organism called
______________chromosomes. In humans and many other organisms, these two
chromosomes are referred to as _____________________ and
________________________ chromosomes.
16. The genes that cause a fertilized egg to develop into a male are located on the
______________________chromosome. An organism with a __________ chromosome is
_______________________ and an organism without a ________________ chromosome
is a _________________________.
17. In humans, a male’s sex chromosomes are written as ____________ and a female’s sex
chromosomes are written as ______________.
18. The sex (gender) of a human child is determined by the ____________________________
parent. Explain why:
19. Humans missing even 1 of the 46 chromosomes do not ___________________________.
Humans with more than 2 copies of a chromosome, a condition called ________________,
do not _____________________ properly.
20. What is a karyotype?
21. What is the condition called when a person has an extra copy of chromosome 21?
(2 names)
22. An organism can receive an extra copy of a chromosome when the chromosomes in the
formation of sex cells do not separate properly. This is called
_________________________________.Changes that occur in chromosome structure are
called ______________________________.
24. Name the 4 types of mutations and draw a diagram to show what happens in each type.
Cell Reproduction: Mitosis 4.4
1. The M in the M phase stands for ________________________________________________.
2. Mitosis is the
3. Mitosis has 4 distinct stages: _________________________, _________________________,
_________________________, ___________________________.
4. The cell’s cytoplasm divides to form the 2 new cells in the process called
5. The 2 new cells are ____________________ to each other and to the ____________________
6. Each new cell has the __________________ number of chromosomes as the original cell.
7. Read pages 128-132 in the textbook and complete the chart below.
Major Phases in the Cell CycleDraw each phase and describe what happens in each phase
First Phase of Mitosis: _________________________
Second Phase of Mitosis: _________________________
Third Phase of Mitosis: _________________________
Fourth Phase of Mitosis: _________________________
Cell Reproduction: Meiosis 4.5
1. Body cells or ____________________ cells are ____________________ which means
they have __________ sets of chromosomes. One set came from the _______________
parent and the other set came from the _______________ parent.
2. Since diploid cells have 2 sets of chromosomes, they are represented by __________. In
humans, this number is ____________.
3. Somatic diploid cells reproduce to make ______________ identical copies of themselves
in the process called __________________.
Show a diagram of this process.
4. Cells with only 1 set of chromosomes are said to be ____________________. These cells
are represented by __________. In humans, this number is __________. Only the sex
cells or____________________ of a multicellular organism are haploid.
5. The gametes of an organism are produced in a type of cell division called
6. Meiosis occurs in the ____________________ of the cell cycle.
7. During meiosis, a nucleus undergoes _______ rounds of division. A diploid cell becomes
__________, _________________ daughter cells. Show a diagram of this process below.
Two Types of Cell Division: Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis
Diagram of each process
Purpose of process
Type of cells it occurs in
Chromosome number in
parent cell
Number of times DNA
Number of nuclear/cellular
Number of daughter cells
Chromosome number in
daughter cells
Daughter cells identical or
different from parent cell
When synapsis and crossing
over occurs
Cell Reproduction: Gamete Production 4.6
1. Meiosis is necessary for ____________________ reproduction because it allows organisms to
make sex cells or _____________________.
2. The process in which sperm cells are made is called __________________________________.
__________ sperm cells, all the same size, result from each cell that starts meiosis.
3. The process in which egg cells are made is called _________________________________.
__________ large egg cell results from each cell that starts meiosis. 3 smaller cells die.
4. Sexual reproduction occurs when a sperm cell unites with an egg cell in a process called
5. The fertilized egg cell is called a ____________________. It has the ___________________
number of chromosomes because half come from the _______________ and half come from
the _________________.
6. __________________________ is when the chromosomes do not separate properly during
meiosis. This causes the gametes to have an ___________________ number of chromosomes.
7. When 3 copies of the same chromosome are found in a cell, it is called __________________.
8. When only 1 copy of a chromosome is found in a cell, it is called _______________________.
9. Offspring that receive an abnormal number of chromosomes usually _____________________.