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Homework Syllabus for the 2015-2016 School Year
Ms. Napp
The World History AP curriculum is a cross-cultural, chronological, and historical
examination of the connections and encounters between the world’s diverse peoples
and the development of individual cultures within diverse regions. Students of
World History AP are encouraged to interact with information on many levels.
From the gathering of facts concerning when and how events happened to the
greater complexities of how circumstances impacted different groups within
societies and between societies, students examine world history from a multiplicity
of perspectives.
Of course, a history of the world is a daunting undertaking and to ensure that
information is understood and remembered, the homework syllabus is designed to
provide students opportunities to analyze and synthesize information, to practice
concepts and skills, and to reinforce critical information. Therefore, the completion
of a weekly homework assignment is a required component of the course.
In this packet, students will find the assignments for the entire year. Before the
assignments are presented, students will find a supply list as well examples of the
various types of homework questions asked.
Ultimately, all students can achieve academic success in the Advanced Placement
World History classroom. The homework syllabus is designed to help students
achieve academic mastery.
Required Materials for the Completion of the Homework Syllabus:
1- The Textbook (All students will be issued a copy of Robert W. Strayer’s
Ways of the World: A Global History)
Note: The Textbook Companion Website is available at the following link:
2- Cracking The AP World History Exam, 2016 Edition by The Princeton
Note: All students are required to purchase the review book in September.
The book will be used throughout the year and will be a valuable study guide
for the Advanced Placement examination in May.
“Practice is the best of all instructors.”
~ Publilius Syrus
3- Ms. Napp’s Social Studies Webpage
(In particular, the World History AP page, the Variations page and Concerto
Note: Ms. Napp’s Social Studies Webpage is available at the following link:
Optional Materials but Highly Recommended:
1- A Box Set of World History AP Flashcards
Note: Many publishers such as Barron’s, Kaplan’s, and 5 Steps to a 5 offer
World History AP Flashcards
2- 5 Steps to a 5 500 AP World History Questions to Know by Test Day
Note: The 500 questions can be purchased in book form or as an app
A Word about the Assignments:
 In general, each week an average of twenty pages is assigned from the
Strayer textbook.
 In general, for each weekly reading, there are 50-52 questions to be
 However, on occasion, students will complete templates created for the
Princeton Review as alternative weekly assignments.
 Students must always rewrite the question before answering questions.
 In addition to the weekly assignment, there will always be a required number
of multiple-choice questions to answer online.
 Weekly assignments are usually collected on Thursday and a full letter grade
will be subtracted for every late day.
 Finally, the Princeton Review World History Advanced Placement book
must be purchased to complete a number of assignments in the homework
syllabus and to prepare for the AP World History examination.
A Note about Ms. Napp’s Homework Philosophy:
Homework is an opportunity for reflection and analysis of the key concepts, events,
and themes of world history. Homework is an opportunity to practice essential
skills such as analytical reading and writing. Homework is also a vehicle to practice
and acquire mastery of facts. Finally, the completion of homework will lead to the
creation of a superb review document for the Advanced Placement World History
examination. As such, all students are encouraged to maintain neat and accurate
homework assignments and to preserve assignments in preparation for the
“The flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.”
~ Chinese Proverb
“It’s not necessarily the amount of time you spend at practice that counts; it’s what
you put into the practice.”
~ Eric Lindros
The Assignments:
pp. 3-20
1- According to archaeologists, what is the evolutionary
line of descent?
2- Where did this evolutionary line of descent occur?
3- Define hominid.
4- What characteristic is shared by all hominids?
5- Define bipedalism.
6- What did archaeologist Mary Leakey uncover in 1976?
7- How did hominids begin to change over time?
8- What did Homo habilis begin to make?
9- Where did Homo erectus begin to migrate out of?
10- What is Homo erectus associated with?
11- Where did Homo sapiens first live?
12- When did Homo sapiens probably emerge?
13- When did Homo sapiens begin to migrate out of Africa?
14- What does “Paleolithic” literally mean?
15- Describe the way of life during the Paleolithic era.
16- What percentage of time does the Paleolithic era
represent of the total time humans inhabited the earth?
17- What was an amazing achievement accomplished by
Homo sapiens?
18- What was the single most significant and enduring
transformation of the human condition?
19- Define pastoralists,
20- Why are pastoralists frequently referred to as nomads?
21- Why were the Americas at a distinct disadvantage in
terms of animal husbandry?
22- What were “civilizations” based on?
23- When did the first cities emerge in world history?
24- Why have people living in state- and city-based societies
or civilizations long constituted the most powerful and
innovative human communities?
25- Identify six places where the earliest civilizations
26- What does B.C.E. mean?
27- Why has B.C.E. replaced C.E.?
28- What does C.E. mean?
29- What event marks Year 1 in the Muslim calendar?
30- What do the ways we measure time reflect?
31- Define foragers.
32- What achievements of Paleolithic people deserve or
33- Why was the first 150,000 years of human experience an
exclusively African story?
34- Define culture.
pp. 25-48
35- Where did human beings begin their long trek out of
Africa sometime after 100,000 years ago?
36- Draw a smaller version of the global dispersion of
humankind map to the best of your ability.
37- Describe and note the date of the peak of the last Ice
38- What advantage did the last Ice Age give outwardbound human beings?
39- When did human migration out of Africa to the Middle
East first occur?
40- What is “totemic thinking”?
41- Identify several new technologies that emerged across
the vast plains of Central Europe, Ukraine, and Russia
as a result of Paleolithic adaptations to Ice Age
42- When did early human migration to Australia occur?
43- Where did early human migration to Australia come
44- How did early human migration to Australia occur?
45- What did the Australian Dreamtime recount?
46- Why did the earliest settlement of the Western
Hemisphere occur much later than that of Australia?
47- Describe Clovis culture.
48- Identify several theories as to why the Clovis people
49- How did Austronesian migrations differ from other
early patterns of human migration?
50- Describe the first human societies.
1- Describe the way of life of the San people of southern
2- What did the Bantu-speaking peoples bring to southern
3- Describe the kind of life created by the Jo/’hoansi.
4- Describe the technique known as “insulting the meat.”
5- What was the n/um and describe the “curing dances”?
6- How did the Chumash differ from the San?
7- What was the extraordinary transformation experienced
by the Chumash?
8- Describe the economic life of the Chumash.
9- How have a growing number of people disillusioned
with modernity come to look at the Paleolithic era
10- What was the chief feature of the long Paleolithic era?
11- What second global pattern began to unfold around
12,000 years ago?
12- Define the Neolithic or Agricultural Revolution.
13- Describe the revolutionary transformation that occurred
as a result of the Neolithic or Agricultural Revolution.
14- Why did domestication create a new kind of mutual
15- What was the most extraordinary feature of the
Agricultural or Neolithic Revolution?
16- Identify the locations were agriculture occurred
17- Why is it no accident that the Agricultural Revolution
coincided with the end of the last Ice Age?
18- Why do most scholars believe that women were the
likely innovators who led the way to deliberate farming?
19- What were gathering and hunting peoples in various
places able to do as a result of using new technologies
and benefitting from the global warming at the end of
the last Ice Age?
20- What simple technology made the new way of
agricultural life possible?
21- What was the first location of an area that experienced a
full Agricultural Revolution?
22- What was domesticated in this first area to experience a
full Agricultural Revolution?
23- Draw a smaller version of the Fertile Crescent map.
24- Provide specific examples of environmental
deterioration in economically fragile regions that
experienced this new way of life as a result of an
Agricultural Revolution.
25- Where did the process of domestication unfold on the
African continent?
26- What preceded the domestication of plants in Africa and
how did Africa differ from other regions that
experienced an agricultural revolution?
27- What was the first grain to be “tamed” in the eastern
Sahara region?
28- Describe teff.
29- What was the most distinctive feature of the
Agricultural Revolution in the Americas?
30- How many of the fourteen major species of large
mammals that have been brought under human control
existed in the Western Hemisphere?
31- How did the lack of domesticated animals impact the
peoples of the Americas?
32- Why was the domestication of corn in the Americas,
according to one geneticist, “arguably man’s first, and
perhaps his greatest, feat of genetic engineering”?
33- Compare corn to cereal grains of the Fertile Crescent.
pp. 49-68
34- How did the north/south orientation of the Americas
affect the spread of agriculture in the Americas?
35- How did the east/west axis of Eurasia affect the spread
of agriculture in Eurasia?
36- Identify three candidates for domestication in the
Andean highlands that never reached Mesoamerica.
37- Identify the two ways in which agricultural techniques
38- Where did the Indo-European languages probably
originate and how did these languages spread?
39- Draw a smaller version of the Global Spread of
Agriculture map.
40- Identify significant facts about the Bantu migration.
41- Provide evidence that the agricultural revolution in New
Guinea did not spread much beyond its core region.
42- Why did the Agricultural Revolution lead to an increase
in human population?
43- Provide evidence that farming did not necessarily mean
an improved life for ordinary people.
44- Why did agricultural villages such as Banpo experience
an explosion of technological innovation?
45- Why was weaving probably a technology in which
women were the primary innovators?
46- What is metallurgy?
47- What was the “secondary products revolution”?
48- What was a final feature of early agricultural societies?
49- Why were some villages in parts of the Middle East
abandoned within a thousand years after the beginning
of settled agricultural life?
50- What factors gave rise to distinct kinds of societies early
on in the age of agriculture?
1- Why did some people come to depend far more
extensively on animals than plants?
2- What did animal husbandry rely on?
3- Where did herders, pastoralists, or nomads emerge?
4- What did herders, pastoralists, and nomads have in
5- Describe the complicated relationship between nomadic
herders and their farming neighbors.
6- Describe life in Çatalhöyük, a very early agricultural
village in southern Turkey.
7- Provide evidence that there were few signs of inequality
in Çatalhöyük.
8- How did a society based on a lineage system differ from
a society in which power was concentrated in particular
people or institutions?
9- Describe the “title societies” of the Igbo of southern
10- Describe how a society based on chiefdom functioned.
11- When did Cahokia flourish; where was Cahokia located;
and what distinction began to take root in chiefdoms like
Cahokia that would be replicated elsewhere?
12- How has the Agricultural Revolution radically
transformed both the trajectory of the human journey
and the evolution of life on the planet?
13- What did agriculture provide humankind the power to
14- What did the ancient Chinese teachers of Daoism urge
their followers to abandon?
15- What is the strange paradox of civilization?
16- Describe the new and particular type of human society
commonly referred to as civilization.
17- When did the earliest civilizations emerge?
18- Where did the earliest civilizations emerge?
19- Describe the civilization of Norte Chico.
20- Define quipu.
21- Describe the civilization that developed in the Indus
River Valley.
22- Draw a smaller version of the First Civilizations map.
23- What has the lack of palaces, temples, elaborate graves,
kings or warrior classes sent scholars scrambling to
provide an explanation for in the Indus Valley?
24- How did the environmental impact of the Indus Valley
civilization eventually undermine its ecological
25- How did the early civilization of China differ from the
early civilization of the Indus Valley?
26- Identify facts about the Xia dynasty.
27- How did the subsequent dynasties of the Shang and
Zhou change the Chinese state?
28- Describe the concept of the Mandate of Heaven that
developed during the Zhou dynasty.
29- What were oracle bones?
30- Describe Olmec civilization.
31- What was the most famous artistic legacy of the
32- Why is Olmec civilization regarded as the “mother
civilization” of Mesoamerica?
33- What did civilization have its roots in?
34- How did agriculture make civilization possible?
35- What did anthropologist Robert Carneiro argue about
the factors that led to civilization?
pp. 69-84
36- Why, according to Carneiro, was a strong and highly
organized state an advantage in warfare or competition?
37- What is the one of the most distinctive features of the
First Civilizations?
38- Describe the city of Uruk, ancient Mesopotamia’s largest
39- How did the Epic of Gilgamesh, Mesopotamia’s ancient
epic poem, describe the city of Uruk?
40- Describe the city of Mohenjo-Daro.
41- Describe the city of Teotihuacán.
42- Why was urban society impersonal?
43- How did a teacher try to persuade a reluctant student to
take his lessons seriously according to an Egyptian
document from about 1200 B.C.E.?
44- Describe the inequality and hierarchies of the First
45- Who was at the bottom of social hierarchies everywhere
in the First Civilizations?
46- How did the practice of slavery in ancient times vary
considerably from place to place?
47- Why did women in early horticultural societies have
relative gender equality?
48- How and why did the introduction of animal-drawn
plows affect the role of women?
49- Define patriarchy.
50- Why did women in Egyptian civilization, although
patriarchal, have greater opportunities than most other
First Civilizations?
1- What held ancient civilizations together despite the
many tensions and complexities of urban living and the
vast inequalities of civilized societies?
2- What was one basis of power for the state?
3- Why was the state more useful for some people than for
4- According to the Egyptian teacher, what happened to a
peasant unable to pay his tax in grain?
5- What marked off the states of the First Civilizations
from earlier chiefdoms?
6- What was kingship everywhere associated with?
7- Why were ancient Chinese kings known as the Son of
8- Provide two examples of how on occasion religion was
used to restrain, or even undermine, the established
9- What remarkable invention was a further support of
state authority and how was this invention viewed?
10- Draw a smaller version of the Writing in Ancient
Civilizations snapshot but only include location, type,
and example for each region and writing system.
11- How did writing sustain the First Civilizations?
12- Provide examples of how writing served an accounting
13- Why did Qin Shihuangdi allegedly bury alive some 460
scholars and burned their books?
14- Describe the Olmec stone heads.
15- Describe the Maya Temple of the Giant Jaguar.
16- What were common features of the First Civilizations?
17- Compare the Nile River to the Tigris and Euphrates
18- How did an open environment without serious obstacles
to travel affect Mesopotamia?
19- What geographic features protected Egypt?
20- How did the environment of Mesopotamia affect the
Mesopotamian outlook on life?
21- Describe the Mesopotamian outlook on life, which
developed within a precarious, unpredictable, and often
violent environment.
22- What did a Mesopotamian poet complain about?
23- Identify several important details about the story
recounted in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Mesopotamia’s most
famous literary work.
24- Draw a smaller version of the map titled Mesopotamia.
25- In what geographic setting did the elite literature culture
in Egypt develop?
26- How did the geographic setting of the elite literature
culture in Egypt affect the outlook of Egyptians?
27- What did the amazing pyramids, constructed during
Egypt’s Old Kingdom, reflect a firm belief in?
28- Why would Gilgamesh have envied the incantations
carved in royal burial chambers of the pharaohs?
29- What change occurred regarding the Egyptian view on
gaining access to the afterlife by the New Kingdom?
30- Describe the “negative confession” that one text used in
burial ceremonies required.
31- Describe environmental problems experienced in Sumer
as a result of the Sumerian impact on the environment.
32- Why did “the earth [turn] white” in Mesopotamia by
2000 B.C.E.?
33- Why did a more sustainable agricultural system last in
Egypt compared to Mesopotamia?
34- What were the effects of an extended period of low
floods between 2250 and 1950 B.C.E. in Egypt?
35- What allowed a degree of stability and continuity to
occur in Egypt as compared to Sumer?
36- Describe the city-states in Sumer.
37- Why was Mesopotamia the most thoroughly urbanized
society of ancient times?
38- What was the chief reason for massive urbanization in
Sumerian city-states?
39- How did a poet lament the destruction of the city of Ur?
40- What did the Akkadians, the Babylonians, and the
Assyrians create in Mesopotamia?
41- When did Egyptian civilization begin its history?
42- How many years did Egypt maintain unity and
independence, though with occasional interruptions?
43- Where did most people live in Egypt? Why?
44- Describe the role of the pharaoh in Egypt.
45- How did the role of the pharaoh change over time in
46- Where had Sumerian merchants established seaborne
contact with?
47- Identify significant facts about the Hebrews.
48- Identify significant facts about the Phoenicians.
49- How was Nubia influenced by Egypt and yet how did
Nubia remain a distinct civilization?
50- What did historian Martin Bernal claim in his book,
Black Athena?
51- Draw a smaller version of the Egyptian empire map.
52- Why do scholars have reservations about the term
1- Why did the First Civilizations prove to be fragile and
2- During the first millennium B.C.E., what did Egypt fall
victim to?
3- Why did the Indus Valley civilization decline?
4- Why does the end of Olmec civilization around 400
B.C.E. puzzle historians?
5- What leads historians and history textbooks to
sometimes ignore those cultures that did not embrace
the city- and state-centered characteristic of
6- How did the second and third waves of civilization differ
from the First Civilizations?
7- Why did landowning elites have little incentive to
8- Draw a smaller version of the World Population during
the Age of Agricultural Civilization snapshot.
9- Draw a smaller version of the Roman Empire map.
10- Why was the size of the states or empires of the secondand third-wave civilizations a change from the First
11- What did the Roman conquerors allegedly do to
12- What have scholars estimated about the population of
Mayan civilization as the civilization dissolved?
13- What “wisdom traditions” developed in the second- and
third-wave civilizations?
14- What did the Chinese invent during the second- and
third waves of agrarian civilizations?
15- What did India pioneer?
16- What Roman technological achievements were
particularly apparent in construction and civil
17- How does sugar production provide a telling example of
the far more elaborate, widespread, and dense networks
of communication and exchange that were established in
the second- and third-wave civilizations?
18- Why do historians frequently refer to the period
between 500 B.C.E. and 500 C.E. as the “classical era”?
19- What comparisons did some commentators make about
the United States and the Roman Empire?
20- What is an empire?
21- Identify civilizations that have flourished without a
single all-encompassing state or empire.
22- Identify the Eurasian empires of the classical era.
23- What useful reminder did the collapse of empires
provide their descendants?
24- Identify several reasons why empires have been of such
lasting fascination.
25- Why did imperial states stimulate the exchange of ideas,
cultures, and values?
26- How did the Roman Empire transform Christianity?
27- Why did the Persian Empire and Greek civilization
experience a centuries-long interaction and clash?
28- What was the largest and most impressive of the world’s
empires in 500 B.C.E.?
29- What earlier empires did the Persians draw upon?
30- When did the famous Persian monarch Cyrus and
Darius rule?
31- Where did Persian conquests quickly reach from?
32- How many people did the Persian Empire encompass?
33- Prove that the Persian Empire was a diverse realm.
34- Describe the elaborate cult of kingship in the Persian
35- What happened when the Persian king died?
36- By whose power did the Persian king rule?
37- What kind of monarch was a Persian king and what was
this kind of monarch willing to do?
38- What happened to one high-ranking nobleman who
interrupted the king while the king was with his wife?
39- What was the official title of Persian monarchs?
40- How did Darius best express the authority of the Persian
41- Draw a smaller version of the Persian Empire map.
42- Describe the effective administrative system in the
Persian Empire.
43- Define satraps.
44- Who were the “eyes and ears of the King”?
45- Why did Cyrus win the gratitude of the Jews?
46- Prove that Persian kings followed a general policy of
respect for the empire’s many non-Persian cultural
traditions in Egypt and Babylon.
47- What examples did the Greek historian Herodotus
provide about the Persian willingness to adopt foreign
48- What aspects of the Persian Empire provided a model
for all subsequent regimes in the region, including, later,
those of the Islamic world?
49- Describe the infrastructure of the Persian Empire.
50- Describe the “royal road.”
51- What did Herodotus write about the imperial courier
52- Describe the Persian city of Persepolis.
1- How did classical Greece differ from the Persian Empire 10/15
and what did the Greeks call themselves?
2- How did the geography of Greece contribute to the
political shape of Greek civilization?
3- What characteristics were shared by Greek city-states
even though city-states were fiercely independent and in
frequent conflict with neighbors?
4- What did the Greeks temporarily suspend every four
years to participate together in the Olympic Games?
5- Draw a smaller version of the Classical Greece map.
6- How did Greek expansion differ from Persian expansion
and what factors stimulated Greek emigration?
7- Identify the distinctive feature of Greek civilization.
8- How did the extent of participation and the role of
“citizens” vary considerably in Greek history?
9- What was the broadening of political rights in Greek
history in part associated with?
10- Define hoplites.
11- What was Sparta famous for and describe Sparta’s
Council of Elders?
12- Identify significant facts about Solon, Cleisthenes and
13- Why could even the poorest Greek serve in government
by 450 B.C.E.?
14- How did Athenian democracy differ from modern
15- What did the confrontation between the small and
divided Greek cities and Persia, the world’s largest
empire, grow out of?
16- What happened in Ionia that fueled this confrontation?
17- Why did the Greek victory over the Persians radicalize
Athenian democracy?
18- What happened in the fifty years or so after the GrecoPersian Wars or the Golden Age of Greek culture?
19- What factors led to a bitter civil war in classical Greece
and what was the outcome of the Peloponnesian War?
20- What finally accomplished the political unification of
Greece by 338 B.C.E.?
21- Draw a smaller version of the Alexander’s Empire and
Successor States map.
22- When did Alexander die and what happened to his
23- What was the chief significance of Alexander’s amazing
24- What was the major avenue for the spread of Greek
25- Describe the city of Alexandria in Egypt.
26- Prove that the separation between Greeks and native
populations was by no means complete.
27- What similarities did the Roman Empire and China’s
imperial state share?
28- What happened in Rome around 509 B.C.E.?
29- Define patricians, plebeians, and tribune.
30- How did the Punic Wars with Carthage (between 264
and 146 B.C.E.) change Rome?
31- Draw a smaller version of the Roman Empire map.
32- How were the Romans brutal in their wars with
Carthage yet generous to other former enemies?
33- What question did Roman expansion raise?
34- What did imperial riches empower?
35- How did Caesar Augustus change Rome and what was
the Pax Romana?
36- Identify many significant facts about Shihuangdi.
37- Define legalism.
38- Draw a smaller version of the Classical China map.
39- How did Shihuangdi unify China?
40- How was the Han dynasty similar to Shihuangdi’s
creation yet different?
41- Identify the many similarities between the Roman and
Chinese empires.
42- Define the Mandate of Heaven and how it justified
43- How did Christianity become a significant religion in the
Roman Empire and Buddhism a significant religion in
44- How were the Roman and Chinese empires different?
45- Describe the imperial academy established by Han
emperor Wudi as well as the civil service system.
46- Compare the collapse of the Roman Empire and the
collapse of the Han dynasty.
47- What was the most significant difference between the
collapse of the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty?
48- Identify significant facts about the Aryans.
49- Identify significant facts about the Mauryan Empire.
50- Why did the battle against the state of Kalinga mark a
turning point in Ashoka’s reign?
51- What changes occurred as a result of Ashoka’s
conversion to Buddhism?
52- What happened after the collapse of the Mauryan
Complete Review Templates:
Review Template 1 [45 Questions]
Review Template 2 [56 Questions]
Review Template 3 [55 Questions]
Note: Review Templates can be found on the Variations Page of
Ms. Napp’s Social Studies Webpage
1- What was the “age of warring states” (403-221 B.C.E.) and 10/29
how did the turmoil of this period affect Chinese thinkers?
2- Identify significant facts about Legalism.
3- What did the prominent Legalist philosopher, Han Feizi,
note about rewards and punishments?
4- Describe the pessimistic view of human nature held by
5- Why did the Qin dynasty thoroughly discredit Legalism?
6- Who was Confucius and what book contains his teachings?
7- What was the Confucian answer to the problem of China’s
8- Describe the Confucian concept of ren.
9- Why did Confucius emphasize education?
10- Describe the Confucian concept of filial piety.
11- Why did Confucianism become the central element of
China’s educational system during the Han Dynasty?
12- What advice did Ban Zhao offer women in her famous
work called Lessons for Women?
13- How did Confucianism inject a certain democratic element
into Chinese elite culture?
14- How did Confucianism provide a modest element of social
mobility in an otherwise hierarchical society?
15- Prove that Confucianism marked Chinese elite culture by
its secular, or nonreligious, character.
16- Who was the legendary figure associated with Daoism;
what short poetic volume is he said to have penned and
what happened to this legendary figure shortly after he
penned this volume?
17- How did Daoism run counter to Confucianism?
18- Describe the central concept of Daoist thinking, the dao.
19- What did Daoism invite people to do?
20- Prove that the ancient Chinese concept of yin and yang
facilitated the complementing interaction of Daoist and
Confucian thought by the Chinese elite.
21- How was the term “Hinduism” derived and how did this
endlessly variegated Hinduism benefit Indian civilization?
22- What were the Upanishads and what did these works seek
to probe?
23- Explain the Hindu idea of Brahman.
24- What was the fundamental assertion of philosophical
25- Explain the following Hindu concepts: moksha, samsara,
and karma.
26- Describe the experiences of Siddhartha Gautama from his
youth to his enlightenment as the Buddha.
27- According to the Buddha, what was the one thing he
28- According to the Buddha, what was the central and
universal feature of human life?
29- According to the Buddha, what was the cause of suffering
and sorrow and what was the cure?
30- Describe the Buddhist state of nirvana.
31- What Hindu elements found their way into Buddhism and
what elements of Buddhist teaching challenged prevailing
Hindu thinking?
32- Describe the experiences of Buddha’s foster mother and
how women were finally admitted as Buddhist nuns.
33- Why did thousands of women flock to join Buddhist
monastic order of nuns?
34- What had “The Laws of Manu” clearly defined?
35- What is a stupa?
36- Compare and contrast Theravada Buddhism and
Mahayana Buddhism (be sure to comment on
37- Why did Buddhism decline in India?
38- What is recounted in the Bhagavad Gita?
39- Identify significant facts about bhakti.
40- Identify the significant beliefs of Zoroastrianism and
explain clearly the cosmic battle.
41- Why did Zoroastrianism decline in Persia, where did a few
believers flee; and why are the individuals who fled known
as Parsis?
42- How was the fate of Zoroastrianism in Persia similar to the
fate of Buddhism in India yet different?
43- What parts of the Zoroastrian belief system were
incorporated into other traditions?
44- Describe the early history of the Hebrews.
45- Identify the significant beliefs of the Jews as well as the
Jewish perception of Yahweh and particularly how this
perception changed over time.
46- What was the distinctive feature of the classical Greek
cultural tradition?
47- Describes Socrates’ approach to knowledge.
48- Provide examples of how classical Greek thinkers applied
this rational and questioning way of knowing to the world
of nature.
49- Identify the contributions of Herodotus, Plato, and
50- What facilitated the spread of Greek culture within the
Mediterranean basin and how did the Greek legacy of
rationalism influence later thinkers and civilizations?
51- Describe the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
52- How were Buddha and Jesus similar and yet different (this
question will require a long answer and students must read
from pp. 146 to pp. 148 to fully answer the question)?
1- Describe the imperial academy established by Emperor
Wu Di in 124 B.C.E.
2- Describe the Chinese examination system in theory and
in practice.
3- Explain how the life of an individual changed as he
made it into the Chinese bureaucracy.
4- How did Wang Mang attempt to counteract the growing
power of large landowners?
5- Why was the life of the Chinese peasant particularly
6- What happened to growing numbers of impoverished
and desperate peasants during the Han dynasty?
7- What is the main idea of Li Shen’s eighth century
Chinese poem?
8- Identify many significant facts about the Yellow Turban
9- How were peasants honored and celebrated even though
oppressed and certainly exploited in China?
10- How were merchants viewed in China?
11- How did state authorities try to rein in merchant activity
and keep merchants under control?
12- How was India’s social organization similar to that of
13- Yet what was a unique aspect of Indian society?
14- What is the best explanation at this point for the
distinctive social system that emerged in classical India?
15- Describe in detail the caste system and the four varnas.
16- What castes or varnas were called “twice-born” and
why were these varnas called “twice-born”?
17- What were Sudras not allowed to do?
18- Draw a smaller version of the Snapshot: Social Life and
Duty in Classical India.
19- Identify significant facts about jatis.
20- How did notions of ritual purity and pollution affect
caste groups?
21- How did Hindu notions of karma, dharma, and rebirth
support inherent inequality and permanent difference in
22- How might a particular jati slowly be redefined into a
higher category?
23- How did India’s social system differ from that of
China’s social system?
24- How did caste and jati weaken the appeal or authority of
larger all-Indian states?
25- How did the caste system provide a substitute for the
26- How did India’s caste system facilitate the exploitation
of the poor by the wealthy and powerful?
27- What factors contributed to the growth of slavery?
28- What did slavery generally mean?
29- What percentage of China’s population was enslaved
and what groups in China were likely to be slaves?
30- Draw a smaller version of the Snapshot: Comparing
Greco-Roman and American slavery.
31- Prove that Indian slavery was more restrained than that
of other ancient civilizations.
32- Identify significant facts about slavery in classical
33- How many slaves existed in the Roman Empire by the
time of Christ and what were the various ways that an
individual could be enslaved in the Roman Empire?
34- What was Roman slavery not identified with?
35- Why did the triumph of Christianity within the Roman
Empire do little to undermine slavery in the Empire?
36- Identify significant facts about the slave uprising led by
Spartacus in 73 B.C.E.
37- Identify common characteristics of patriarchies in the
classical era.
38- Why did lower-class women often lead somewhat freer
lives than upper-class women?
39- What did the Chinese adage “Men go out, women stay
in” emphasize about gender roles in China?
40- What were the “three obediences”?
41- What did the Chinese woman writer and court official
Ban Zhou (45-116 C.E.) observe about the customs
associated with the birth of a baby girl?
42- How did a woman’s life change when she became a
“mother of sons”?
43- How did the collapse of the Han dynasty in the third
century C.E. change China?
44- How did the cultural influence of nomadic peoples
change Chinese women’s lives and what new activities
could elite women do during the Tang dynasty?
45- Identify significant facts about Empress Wu.
46- How did Daoism and Buddhism provide new roles for
47- Describe the lives of women in Athens.
48- What did the Greek writer Menander exclaim about
teaching a woman to read?
49- How was the life of Aspasia different from the lives of
most women in Athens?
50- Define helot and why did helots pose a permanent threat
of rebellion in Sparta.
51- Describe Sparta’s militaristic regime.
52- Identify significant facts about women in Sparta.
1- Draw a smaller version of the map: Africa in the
Classical Era.
2- What happened to Nubia by the classical era and where
did Nubian civilization come to center on?
3- Identify significant facts about the Kingdom of Meroë.
4- What factors contributed to the wealth and military
power of Meroë?
5- Why did the Kingdom of Meroë decline?
6- Where was the Kingdom of Axum located?
7- Describe agriculture in Axum and be sure to note one
fact about teff.
8- Why was Adulis significant and what goods were traded
at Adulis?
9- What were the obelisks of Axum and what purpose did
the obelisks of Axum serve?
10- Define Geez.
11- How did King Ezana change Axum and when did this
change occur?
12- What factors led to the decline of the Kingdom of
13- Identify a significant fact about Jenne-jeno.
14- How did the middle Niger urban centers differ from the
cities of Egypt, China, the Roman Empire, Axum, and
even the city-states of ancient Mesopotamia?
15- Describe how Jenne-jeno and other cities of the middle
Niger emerged.
16- How did specialization provide a means of uniting
communities and organizing communities in the middle
Niger region?
17- Define griots.
18- What did the middle Niger floodplain support but what
did it lack and why did this lack become the basis for
long-distance trade?
19- Where did the Bantu-speaking peoples originally live
and how did the spread of Bantu peoples differ from
that of an Alexander the Great or a massive and selfconscious migration like that of the Europeans to the
20- What three advantages did Bantu-speaking farmers
have compared to the gathering and hunting peoples
they encountered as Bantu-speaking farmers spread
throughout sub-Saharan Africa?
21- What happened to the gathering and hunting peoples
the Bantu encountered during the classical era?
22- Identify significant facts about the Batwa (Pygmy) and
their relationship to the Bantu.
23- How did Bantu cultures change as the Bantu
encountered different peoples?
24- What crops from Southeast Asia enriched Bantu
25- Identify significant facts about the Khoikhoi.
26- Describe Bantu religious practices.
27- What ensured that the cultures and societies of the
Western Hemisphere operated in a world apart from
their Afro-Eurasian counterparts for many years?
28- What did the early American civilizations lack that
existed in the Eastern Hemisphere – thus making their
achievements even more impressive?
29- Describe the “extraordinary [geographic] diversity” of
Mesoamerica (stretching from central Mexico to
northern Central America) and what did this
geographic diversity or such conditions contribute to?
30- What elements of a common culture were shared in
31- Where did Maya civilization develop and during what
period did the classical phase of Maya civilization
32- Identify the significant achievements of the Maya.
33- Describe the highly fragmented political system of the
34- Identify significant facts about Tikal.
35- What factors led to the collapse of Maya civilization?
36- Identify significant facts about the giant city of
37- Describe the Street of the Dead in Teotihuacán.
38- How did the art of Teotihuacán differ from that of the
39- Why did Teotihuacán cast a huge shadow over
Mesoamerica, particularly from 300 to 600 C.E.?
40- Describe the dramatic landscape of the Andes.
41- Describe the location of Chavín de Huántar as well as
significant facts about it.
42- What did Chavín de Huántar become and how did its
widespread religious cult affect the region?
43- Describe the economy and government of the Moche
civilization that dominated a 250-mile stretch of Peru’s
northern coast and flourished between 100 and 800 C.E.
44- Provide examples of the immense wealth of the warriorpriest elite and the exquisite artistry of Moche craftsmen
uncovered by archaeologists.
45- Describe the fragile environmental foundations of the
region where the Moche lived.
46- Identify significant facts about the Nazca.
47- How was the southwestern region of North America
influenced by Mesoamerica?
48- Identify significant facts about Chaco canyon and the
five major pueblos that emerged in the region.
219- 239
49- Why have the hundreds of miles of roads radiating out
from Chaco prompted much debate among scholars?
50- What factors brought Chaco culture to a rather abrupt
end by 1200?
1- Identify significant facts about the Silk Roads.
2- Draw a smaller version of “The Silk Roads” map.
3- Compare Outer Eurasia and Inner Eurasia.
4- What were the products of the forest and of the semiarid northern grasslands known as the steppes and what
were these products exchanged for?
5- What did the movement of pastoral peoples for
thousands of years serve to diffuse?
6- Why did China’s Han dynasty extend its authority
7- When did the Silk Road trading networks prosper
8- What did Seneca the Younger in the first century C.E.
lament about silk?
9- Describe two different stories about how the knowledge
and technology for producing raw silk had spread
beyond China.
10- What were economic and social consequences of trade
on the Silk Roads?
11- Why does the author state that “more important even
than the economic impact of the Silk Roads was their
role as a conduit of culture”?
12- Why had Buddhism appealed to merchants?
13- Why did Buddhism progress slowly among pastoral
peoples of Central Asia, particularly outside of the oasis
14- How did Buddhism change as it spread across the Silk
15- Describe the more devotional Mahayana form of
Buddhism that spread on the Silk Roads.
16- What – beyond goods and cultures – spread on the trade
routes of Eurasia with devastating consequences?
17- Identify significant facts about the Black Death.
18- How did the exchange of diseases give Europeans a
certain advantage when they confronted the peoples of
the Western Hemisphere after 1500?
19- Why did the Italian city of Venice emerge by 1000 C.E.
as a major center of commerce?
20- Until what time period did the Indian Ocean represent
the world’s largest sea-based system of communication
and exchange and where did this Ocean stretch from?
21- What goods were traded in the Indian Ocean?
22- Why were transportation costs lower on the Sea Roads
than on the Silk Roads?
23- Draw a smaller version of The Sea Roads map.
24- What made Indian Ocean commerce possible?
25- Explain how navigators used the monsoon winds of the
Indian Ocean.
26- What does the author mean when he writes that trade in
the Indian Ocean operated across “an archipelago of
27- Why were the Malay sailors speaking Austronesian
languages an exception; how did this Austronesian
migration occur; and what were the effects of the
Austronesian migration?
28- What was the fulcrum of this growing commercial
29- What Indian cultural practices began to take root in
Southeast Asia?
30- What were two major processes that changed the
landscape of the Afro-Eurasian world and wove the web
of Indian Ocean exchange even more densely in the era
of the third-wave civilizations between 500 and 1500?
31- How did Islam differ from Confucian culture in its view
of merchants?
32- Where is Southeast Asia located and how did its
geography play an important role in the evolving world
of Indian Ocean commerce?
33- What did Malay sailors open around 350 C.E.?
34- Identify significant facts about the kingdom of Srivijaya.
35- Describe the capital of Palembang.
36- Identify significant facts about the Sailendra kingdom.
37- Describe Borobudur.
38- What illustrates the penetration of Indian culture
throughout mainland and island Southeast Asia?
39- Identify significant facts about Swahili civilization.
40- What stimulated the growth of Swahili cities?
41- What products from Eastern Africa found a ready
market in Arabia, Persia, India, and beyond?
42- Describe the Swahili cities of Lamu, Mombasa, Kilwa,
and Sofala as well as the Swahili language.
43- What did the widely traveled Arab scholar, Ibn Battuta,
note about the Swahili coast when he visited in the early
fourteenth century?
44- Identify significant facts about Great Zimbabwe.
45- How did the introduction of the camel to North Africa
and the Sahara in the early centuries of the Common
Era transform trade and the region?
242 - 263
Read only
due to the
but very
to read
for the
AP exam
– thus
have been
46- What did the North African Arabs seek in West Africa?
47- Draw a smaller version of The Sand Roads map.
48- What happened between 500 and 600 in western and
central Sudan and describe common characteristics of
the states that emerged in the region.
49- Identify significant facts about slavery in West Africa as
well as the slave trade from Slavic-speaking regions in
the Black Sea.
50- Describe the urban and commercial centers of Sudanic
Africa such as Koumbi-Saleh, Jenne, Timbuktu, Gao,
Gobir, and Kano.
51- Why did geographic or environmental differences add
further obstacles to trade in the Americas?
52- Describe trade during the classical era of Mesoamerican
civilization (particularly the Maya) as well as the role of
the pochteca in the later Aztec civilization of the postclassical era and state-run operations in the Inca Empire
(and be sure to define quipu).
1- Describe the three centuries in China that followed the
collapse of the Han dynasty around 220 C.E.
2- Identify significant facts about the Sui Dynasty.
3- What two dynasties followed the collapse of the Sui
4- Why are the Tang and Song dynasties considered a
golden age?
5- Describe the examination system during the Tang and
Song dynasties.
6- How did the adoption of a fast-ripening and droughtresistant strain of rice from Vietnam change China?
7- Prove that China was the most urbanized country in the
world during this time period.
8- What inventions in printing generated the world’s first
printed books?
9- Prove that China was the world’s most highly
commercialized society in this time period.
10- Why was the “golden age” of Song dynasty China less
than “golden” for many of the country’s women
(provide many facts, particularly about the impact of
the reviving Confucianism and strengthening of
patriarchy during the Song Dynasty)?
11- Describe foot binding in China.
12- What was China’s most enduring and intense
interaction with foreigners from early times to the
nineteenth century and describe the relationship
between China and these foreigners?
13- What was the “middle kingdom”?
14- Identify significant facts about China’s tribute system?
15- What did devastating Xiongnu raids persuade the
Chinese emperor to do?
16- How too did China’s relationship with the Uighurs in
the 750s demonstrate that despite the rhetoric of the
tribute system, the Chinese were not always able to
dictate the terms of their relationship with the northern
17- Identify significant facts about the founders of the Sui
and Tang dynasties of China.
18- How did proximity to China shape the histories of new
East Asian civilizations like Korea, Vietnam, and
19- Identify significant facts about the Silla kingdom.
20- Describe the Korean tribute missions to China as well as
the capital city of Kumsong.
21- How did the introduction of Confucianism to Korea
radically change the lives of Korean women?
22- Prove that even though Korea borrowed elements of
Chinese culture, Korea still remained Korean.
23- Why did a Chinese-style examination system to recruit
government officials in Korea never assume the
prominence it gained in Tang and Song dynasty China?
24- Define hangul.
25- What did the elite culture of Vietnam borrow from
26- For how long was the Red River valley, the cultural
heartland of Vietnam, fully incorporated into the
Chinese state?
27- How were the Vietnamese of the Red River valley
treated by Chinese officials and what were they expected
to do?
28- Identify significant facts about Trung Trac and her
29- What finally enabled Vietnam to establish itself as a
separate state?
30- What did successive Vietnamese dynasties find useful
about the Chinese approach to government and what
elements of Chinese culture did they incorporate into
Vietnamese government?
31- How did Japan differ from Korea and Vietnam,
particularly as a result of its geography?
32- Identify significant facts about Shotoku Taishi.
33- What was the Seventeen Article Constitution?
34- Describe Nara and Heian (Kyoto).
35- How was Buddhist culture reflected in Japan?
36- What happened in Japan as political power became
increasingly decentralized?
37- Describe the samurai warrior class of Japan and define
38- Describe the native beliefs and practices of Japan and
define kami.
39- How did Shinto provide legitimacy to the imperial
family of Japan?
40- Identify significant facts about The Tale of Genji.
41- Prove that Japan’s women, unlike those in Korea,
largely escaped the more oppressive features of Chinese
Confucian culture.
42- Why did Japanese women begin to lose status in the
twelfth century?
43- Provide examples of Chinese achievements spreading
44- Provide examples of ideas and achievements that China
acquired from other cultures.
45- What was the most important gift that China received
from another culture?
46- Draw a smaller version of The World of Asian
Buddhism map.
47- When and how did Buddhism initially enter China?
48- Why was Buddhism at odds with Chinese
understandings of the world in many ways?
49- Why did Buddhism take solid root in China within both
elite and popular culture between 300 and 800 C.E.?
50- What social services did Buddhist monasteries provide
for ordinary people?
1- Why does the author write that “Byzantium has no clear
starting point;” why do some historians dates its
beginning to 330 C.E., and why is it called Byzantine?
2- When did the Western Roman Empire collapse and for
how long did the eastern half of the Roman Empire
3- Compare the Eastern Roman Empire to the Western
Roman Empire.
4- What did Byzantine emperors forbid the residents of
Constantinople to do and why did they forbid such
5- Why did the Byzantine Empire never approximate the
size of its Roman predecessor?
6- Draw a smaller version of The Byzantine Empire map.
7- Describe the tightly centralized Byzantine state and its
8- How did the Byzantine centralized state affect people?
9- Why did the Byzantine state “touch only lightly on the
lives of the people”?
10- Why is 1453 a critical year in world history?
11- Identify significant facts about caesaropapism.
12- How did the emperor in Byzantium assume something of
the role of both “Caesar,” as head of state, and pope, as
head of the Church?
13- Provide examples of how Orthodox Christianity had a
pervasive influence on every aspect of Byzantine life.
14- Identify common characteristics of Eastern Orthodoxy
and the emerging Latin Christianity that centered on
papal Rome.
15- Identify significant differences between Eastern
Orthodoxy and Latin Christianity.
16- What was iconoclasm and why did iconoclasm further
divide the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman
Catholic Church.
17- What significant event occurred in 1054?
18- What were the Crusades and how did the Crusades
make things worse between the Eastern Orthodox
Church and Roman Catholic Church?
19- What was the Byzantine Empire located astride?
20- Describe the Byzantine military innovation known as
“Greek fire.”
21- Prove that the Byzantine Empire was a central player in
the long-distance trade of Eurasia.
22- What did the Byzantines preserve?
23- Who were Cyril and Methodius and how did they
change history?
24- Where did the most significant expansion of Orthodox
Christianity occur and describe this culturally diverse
25- What stimulated the development of Kievan Rus?
26- What was Prince Vladimir of Kiev searching for and
why did he reject Islam but embrace Orthodox
27- What did Rus borrow from its older and more
sophisticated neighbor, the Byzantine Empire?
28- When and why did Moscow consider itself the “third
29- How did geography affect the western half of the
Christian world?
30- What is the traditional date for marking the fall of
Rome and what happened on that date?
31- What were the effects of the collapse of Rome?
32- Identify significant Germanic peoples.
33- How did contact with the Roman Empire affect the
Germanic peoples and what did Germanic rulers
34- Identify significant facts about Charlemagne and his
Carolingian Empire as well as the significance of the
year 800.
35- Describe Otto I of Saxony’s Holy Roman Empire.
36- Identify significant facts about the new kingdoms that
emerged in the wake of Roman collapse.
37- Define serf; how did serfs differ from slaves; and
provide examples of payments and services serfs owed
their lords.
38- What was the only security available to many
individuals and families in a violent and insecure world
adjusting to the absence of Roman authority?
39- How did the Roman Catholic Church fill the vacuum
left by the collapse of empire?
40- How was the Roman Catholic Church similar to the
Buddhist establishment in China?
41- Provide many examples of how the Roman Catholic
Church proved willing to accommodate a considerable
range of earlier cultural practices.
42- Explain the investiture controversy and its outcome.
43- How had invasions affected Europe and what happened
by the year 1000?
44- Identify significant facts about the High Middle Ages.
45- Draw a smaller version of the Europe in the High
Middle Ages map.
46- Identify significant facts about the considerable growth
in long-distance trade; describe two centers of
commercial activity in Europe; and provide significant
facts about the population growth in towns and cities.
47- What opportunities did women have between the
eleventh and thirteenth centuries; how did these
opportunities change by the fifteenth century; and why
did these changes occur?
48- What opportunities did religious life provide women and
why were women often attracted to the religious life?
49- What was a further sign of accelerating change in the
50- Identify significant facts about the Vikings.
51- Identify many significant facts about the Crusades and
describe the very significant long-term consequences of
the Crusades in Europe.
52- What did the Europeans prove willing to engage with
and borrow from and identify examples of borrowing?
1- Describe the way of life of the Bedouins.
2- What important trade routes did Arabia sit astride and
what did these trade routes give rise to in Arabia?
3- Why did Mecca come to occupy a distinctive role in
4- Identify significant facts about Muhammad Ibn
Abdullah (570-632 C.E.).
5- According to Muslim tradition, what began in 610 and
why is the Quran important to Muslims?
6- Why was the Quran’s message, delivered through
Muhammad, particularly revolutionary in the Arabian
7- According to Muslims, why is Muhammad “the seal of
the prophets”?
8- What was the primary obligation of believers of Islam;
what did the Quran demand, and what did the Quran
9- Define umma and what did the umma replace?
10- Identify and explain the Five Pillars of Islam.
11- What is sometimes called the sixth pillar and how does
the “greater jihad” differ from its “lesser” form?
12- Why did Muhammad and his small band of followers
emigrate to the more welcoming town of Yathrib, soon
to be called Medina, the city of the Prophet, in 622; and
what does the date 622 mark in the Islamic calendar?
13- What was membership in the umma based on; who was
all authority – both political and religious –
concentrated in; and what radical changes were
14- Why did Muhammad redirect Muslims’ prayers from
Jerusalem to Mecca?
15- What factors contributed to the consolidation of Islamic
control throughout Arabia?
16- What happened in 630 and in 632?
17- How did the birth of Islam differ sharply from
18- Define sharia.
19- Why was the new Arab Islamic state central to world
history during the postclassical millennium?
20- Identify significant facts about the expansion of Islam
within a few years of Muhammad’s death in 632.
21- Draw a smaller version of The Arab Empire and the
Initial Expansion of Islam, 622-900 C.E. map.
22- Why was the Battle of Talas River significant in world
23- Identify motives driving the creation of an Arab Empire.
24- What did Arabs believe was the only possible
explanation for their amazing success?
25- How did Arab views on Islam change by the middle of
the eighth century and define “people of the book” as
well as explain the treatment of dhimmis (protected
26- Define jizya and why did the jizya encourage
27- What was the central problem for the Islamic umma in
the absence of Muhammad’s towering presence?
28- Identify significant facts about the Rightly Guided
Caliphs (632-661).
29- Describe the deepest and most enduring rift within the
Islamic world – the Sunni/Shia divide – and include
specific facts about Sunni and Shia beliefs.
30- Define ulama and imam as well as how ulama differ
from imams.
31- Identify significant facts about the Umayyad Dynasty
(ruled 661-750).
32- Identify significant facts about the Abbasid Dynasty
(ruled 750-1258).
33- What is sharia based on and why is sharia a blueprint
for an authentic Islamic society?
34- What do Sufis believe and do as well as why do orthodox
religious scholars view Sufis as heretics?
35- Explain how al-Ghazali worked out an intellectual
accommodation among the different strands of Islamic
36- How did the Quran view women and men at the
spiritual level but also in social terms, and especially
within marriage?
37- Identify the mix of rights, restrictions, and protections
for women provided by the Quran.
38- What growing restrictions did upper class women in
Islam face?
39- What did the second caliph, Umar, ask women to do and
what practices became standard among the upper and
ruling classes regarding women?
40- How did the interpretation of the Adam and Eve story
change over time in the Islamic world?
41- What new outlets did Islam offer women?
42- What happened in the Islamic world in 1258?
43- Prove that the Turks were the third major carrier of
Islam, after the Arabs and Persians.
44- Identify significant facts about the Sultanate of Delhi.
45- Why did some South Asians convert to Islam?
46- What percentage of Indians converted to Islam; explain
the sharpness of the cultural divide between Islam and
Hinduism; and what set a boundary between Islam and
“the great sponge of Hinduism”?
47- Identify significant facts about Sikhism.
48- What happened in Anatolia by 1500 and what factors
gave rise to the greater number of Islamic converts in
Anatolia than in India?
49- Prove that Islamization did not completely eliminate the
influence of Turkish culture.
50- What accompanied Muslim traders across the Sahara
and how did Islam change West Africa?
51- What appalled Ibn Battuta, the fourteenth-century Arab
visitor to Mali?
52- Identify significant facts about the chief site of the
Islamic encounter with Catholic Europe – Spain or alAndalus as it was called by Muslims.
1- Who among all the pastoral peoples made the most
stunning entry on the stage of world history and what
did their thirteenth-century breakout give rise to?
2- Draw a smaller version of The Mongol Empire map.
3- Prove that “For all its size and fearsome reputation, the
Mongol Empire left a surprisingly modest cultural
imprint on the world it had briefly governed.”
4- What did the Mongols offer the majority of those they
5- Identify significant facts about Temujin (1162-1227),
later known as Chinggis Khan (“universal ruler”).
6- What question did the unification of the Mongol tribes
raise and what answer was found to this question?
7- Identify the various setbacks that marked the outer
limits of the Mongol Empire.
8- What factors made the Mongol’s “great work” and
victories possible?
9- How did the Mongol military reinforce discipline and
loyalty among its soldiers?
10- How did the Mongols compensate for their own small
population and provide examples of how the Mongols
used conquered peoples in their military forces?
11- Identify a quote by Chinggis Khan which demonstrates
the Mongols’ growing reputation for ruthless brutality
and utter destructiveness.
12- What is psychological warfare and what role did it serve
in the expansion of the Mongol Empire?
13- Provide examples of the Mongol’s impressive ability to
mobilize both their human and material resources.
14- Provide examples of the Mongol policy of religious
15- What was the most difficult and extended of the
Mongols’ many conquests, lasting some seventy years,
from 1209 to 1279?
16- Prove that the Mongols were far less violent and more
concerned to accommodate the local population during
their conquest of Southern China which had been under
the control of the native Song Dynasty.
17- What did many Chinese believe the Mongols had been
granted and why did many Chinese believe this?
18- Why were the Mongols willing to make some
accommodation to Chinese culture and ways of
governing even though the Mongols had no experience
with the operation of a complex agrarian society?
19- Identify many significant facts about the Yuan Dynasty
or the Mongol Dynasty of China.
20- What did Marco Polo observe about the relationship
between the Mongols and their Chinese subjects?
21- What did the Mongols largely ignore in administering
China and what did the Mongols rely on for the
administration of government?
22- What did the Mongols forbid the Chinese to do in social
23- Why was Mongol rule in China brief or what factors led
the Mongols being forced out of China?
24- What did the memory of the Mongol’s often brutal and
alien rule stimulate a renewed commitment to in China
during the Ming Dynasty?
25- Compare the Mongol conquest of Persia to the Mongol
conquest of China.
26- Why was the Mongol’s stunning victory in Persia a
profound shock to Muslims?
27- In what year was Baghdad sacked by the Mongols; what
Islamic caliphate ended as a result of the sacking of
Baghdad; and how many people were massacred in the
sacking of Baghdad according to Hulegu, the grandson
of Chinggis Khan?
28- Describe Mongol rule in Persia.
29- Why was much good agricultural land reduced to waste
in Persia during the years of Mongol rule?
30- Why did wine production increase in Persia during the
time of Mongol rule and why did the Persian silk
industry benefit during the time of Mongol rule?
31- Why were the Mongols in Persia themselves
transformed more than their counterparts in China?
32- What did Ghazan do in 1295?
33- Prove the author’s statement that “From a Persian point
of view, the barbarians had been civilized.”
34- How did the Mongol assault on Russia differ from
anything experienced by the Persians or the Chinese?
35- What happened to laborers and skilled craftsmen that
survived the Mongol assault on Russia?
36- What was the Kipchak Khanate, what was the “Khanate
of the Golden Horde;” and what was the Mongol point
of view regarding Russia?
37- Why could the Mongols dominate and exploit Russia
from the steppes?
38- What were Russian princes required to send to the
Mongol capital at Sarai, located on the lower Volga
39- Why did some Russian princes benefit from Mongol rule
and why did the Russian Orthodox Church flourish
under the Mongols?
40- Why was the city of Kiev devastated during the time of
Mongol rule and why did the city of Moscow benefit
from Mongol rule?
41- Compare the influence of other cultures on the Mongols
– Chinese, Persian, and Russian.
42- Prove that the Mongol impact on Russia was greater
than on China and Iran [Persia].
43- What factors allowed the Russians to break the
Mongols’ hold on Russia by the end of the fifteenth
44- What brought East Asia, Europe, and the Islamic lands
into a single interacting network during the thirteenth
and fourteenth centuries?
45- Provide many examples of how the Mongols promoted
international commerce.
46- Draw a smaller version of the Trade and Disease in the
Fourteenth Century map.
47- What event spared Europe the trauma of Mongol
48- Provide examples of the innovations and goods that the
Mongol’s facilitated as a result of securing the Silk
49- Identify many significant facts about the “plague” or
“pestilence” – later called the Black Death – that spread
as a result of the Pax Mongolica.
50- What were the longer-term changes worked in
European society as a result of the devastation of the
Black Death?
51- Why have nomads generally received “bad press” in
history books?
52- What has led to a less critical or judgmental posture
toward the Mongols in the twentieth century?
Complete Review Templates:
Review Template 4 [50 Questions]
Review Template 5 [54 Questions]
Note: Review Templates can be found on the Variations Page of
Ms. Napp’s Social Studies Webpage
* Due to holiday break, please submit templates via email.
1- What did the early decades of the Ming Dynasty (13681644) of China witness?
2- Describe the Encyclopedia sponsored by Emperor
Yongle (reigned 1402-1422).
3- What did the Ming dynasty reestablish and describe
Chinese government during the Ming Dynasty?
4- Describe the largest and most impressive maritime
expeditions the world had ever seen, maritime
expeditions commissioned by Emperor Yongle himself.
5- What did Zheng He’s expeditions serve to establish?
6- Why did Chinese authorities simply stop the expeditions
after 1433?
7- What did many of the European states – Spain,
Portugal, France, England, the city-states of Italy
(Milan, Venice, and Florence) and various German
principalities – learn to do?
8- What was a cause of the Hundred Years’ War (13371453)?
9- Draw a smaller version of the Europe in 1500 map.
10- Identify significant facts about the Renaissance.
11- What did “humanists” reflect on; define secular; and
what did Niccolò Machiavelli conclude in his famous
work The Prince?
12- What did the Portuguese initiate in 1415?
13- What happened in 1492 and in 1497?
14- Identify the many ways in which Chinese and European
oceangoing ventures differed.
15- Draw a smaller version of the Africa in the Fifteenth
Century map.
16- Why did Europeans continue the process of maritime
voyages that the Chinese had deliberately abandoned?
17- What facilitated European entry into the Indian Ocean
trade network? Why?
18- What was the most impressive and enduring of the new
Islamic states – a state that lasted in one form or another
from the fourteenth to the early twentieth century?
19- Draw a smaller version of the Empires of the Islamic
World map.
20- What happened in 1453 and by 1529 that led many
Europeans to speak fearfully of the “terror of the
21- Identify many significant facts about the Safavid Empire
and in particular the long-term significance of the
Safavid Empire.
22- Why did the Shia empire introduce a sharp divide into
the political and religious life of heartland Islam?
23- Identify significant facts about the Ottoman Janissaries.
24- Describe the Songhay Empire and in particular how it
derived much of its revenue.
25- How did Songhay’s fifteenth-century monarch, Sonni
Ali (reigned 1465-1492), demonstrate the cultural divide
within Songhay?
26- How was the Mughal Empire in India similar to the
Songhay Empire?
27- Identify significant facts about the Mughal Empire in
28- Why was the rise of Malacca, strategically located on the
waterway between Sumatra and Malaya, a sign of the
29- Describe the beginnings of the Aztec state.
30- Draw a smaller version of The Americas in the Fifteenth
Century map.
31- Identify significant facts about the Aztec empire and be
sure to comment on Tenochtitlán.
32- Why did Tlatelolco stun the Spanish?
33- Identify significant facts about the pochteca.
34- Why was Tlacaelel (1398-1480) significant in Aztec
35- Explain the Aztec’s cyclical understanding of the world
and particularly why the Aztecs engaged in human
36- Why was the growth of the Aztec Empire essential for
maintaining the cosmic order and avoiding utter
catastrophe and why did the Aztecs put a premium on
capturing prisoners rather than on killing the enemy?
37- Describe the role of women in the Aztec empire.
38- Describe the origins of the Inca Empire.
39- Compare the Inca Empire to the Aztec Empire.
40- Describe the bureaucratic empire of the Incas.
41- How did the Incas ensure the cultural integration of the
conquered people?
42- Identify significant facts about the mita or labor service
in the Inca Empire.
43- Describe Inca storehouses and their purposes in the Inca
44- Explain how “gender parallelism” functioned in the Inca
and Aztec Empires.
45- Prove that gender parallelism did not mean gender
equality in the Inca and Aztec Empires.
46- How did Inca rulers replicate gender parallelism at a
higher level?
47- How did religion link far-flung peoples in the fifteenth
48- How did the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, bring people
49- Describe the long-established patterns of trade that were
much in evidence during the fifteenth century.
50- Why did the Silk Road overland network contract in the
fifteenth century?
51- How did the rise of the Ottoman Empire affect trade?
52- Draw a smaller version of the Religion and Commerce
in the Afro-Eurasian World map.
1- Describe the demographic collapse of Native American
societies as a result of the European acquisition of their
empires in the Americas.
2- Why did many Native American Indians die from “Old
World” diseases such as smallpox, measles, typhus,
influenza, malaria, and yellow fever?
3- What did the “great dying” (a sharply diminished
population in the Americas) create and what was an
effect of the “great dying”?
4- Identify many significant facts about the Columbian
Exchange and be sure to identify the transfer of plants,
animals, and people from their places of origin to their
5- Why did American food crops such as corn, potatoes,
and cassava spread widely in the Eastern Hemisphere
and why did these American food crops have a profound
effect on the peoples of the Eastern Hemisphere?
6- What did the silver mines of Mexico and Peru fuel and
what did silver enable Europeans to buy?
7- What did plantation owners of the tropical lowland
regions need and where did they find what they needed?
8- Why was “the Columbian exchange” something wholly
new in world history?
9- Prove that the long-term benefits of the Atlantic trade
network were very unequally distributed.
10- Define the prevailing economic theory of the times
known as mercantilism and what role did colonies
provide in the mercantilist view.
11- Describe the economic foundation of the colonies that
developed as a result of the Spanish conquest of the
Aztec and Inca Empires in the early sixteenth century.
12- Describe the distinctive social order that grew up in
Spanish colonies and be sure to comment on
peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, Indians, and Africans.
13- Identify significant facts about mestizos.
14- How were the indigenous peoples, known to Europeans
as “Indians,” treated by Spaniards as well as how did
the lives of “Indians” change as a result of conquest?
15- Prove that, at the local level, Indian authorities retained
a measure of autonomy and even a measure of their
indigenous cultures.
16- Describe the second and quite different kind of colonial
society that emerged in the lowland areas of Brazil,
ruled by Portugal, and in the Spanish, British, French,
and Dutch colonies of the Caribbean – the sugar-based
17- Describe the process whereby sugar was transferred to
the Americas.
18- How did sugar decisively transform Brazil and the
19- Describe the horrendous conditions that slaves
encountered on sugar-producing estates.
20- How did the extensive use of African slave labor give
plantation colonies a very different ethnic and racial
makeup than that of highland Spanish America?
21- What factors produced a substantial mixed-race
population in Brazil and identify significant facts about
22- Where did the plantation complex of the Americas,
based on African slavery extend to (beyond the
Caribbean and Brazil) and why were the social
outcomes of these plantation colonies quite different?
23- How was slavery different in North America than in the
sugar colonies – be sure to make many comparisons?
24- How did racism differ in colonial Brazil and North
25- Why did the British find “only the dregs [that] were
left” in the Americas and how did British settlers differ
from those from Spain?
26- What had Britain already experienced by the time it
launched its colonial ventures in the seventeenth
27- What aspects of an old European society did many
British settlers seek to escape and what factors made it
more difficult for British settlers to follow the Spanish
or Portuguese colonial pattern of sharp class hierarchy,
large rural estates, and dependent laborers?
28- Why did British settlers outnumber Spanish settlers in
their respective colonies by five to one?
29- What religious differences existed between the British
colonies in North America and the Spanish colonies of
Latin America and how did these differences affect the
indigenous (Native American Indian) populations of the
respective colonies?
30- Why were British settler colonies able to evolve
traditions of local self-government?
31- Where was Russian attention first drawn to in its
expansion and why?
32- What motivated Russian expansion east across the vast
expanse of Siberia?
33- When did Russia’s empire building occur and how did
political leaders and educated Russians generally define
the empire?
34- Draw a smaller version of The Russian Empire map.
35- Define yasak and describe the yasak from Siberia.
36- How did the Russian expansion into Siberia affect the
peoples of Siberia?
37- What questions arose as a result of Russia’s straddling
of Asia and Europe?
38- How did the Russian acquisition of empire differ from
that of the Western Europeans?
39- Describe the origins of the Qing, or Manchu, dynasty
(1644-1912) of China.
40- What did Qing dynasty China undertake from 1680 to
1706 and how did this undertaking change history?
41- Prove that the Chinese or Qing officials did not seek to
assimilate local people into Chinese culture and showed
considerable respect for the Mongolian, Tibetan, and
Muslim cultures of the region.
42- What was the long-term significance of the new Chinese
imperial state?
43- What was the result of the incorporation of the
heartland of Eurasian nomads into the Russian and
Chinese empires?
44- What was the Mughal Empire a product of?
week is
thus, the
only work
for next
week is to
study for
45- Describe the central religious division within Mughal
India – what percentage of the population was Muslim
and what percentage of the population was Hindu.
46- Identify significant facts about Mughal India’s most
famous emperor, Akbar (ruled 1556-1605).
47- Describe Akbar’s policy of religious toleration.
48- Why did the philosopher Shayk Ahmad Sirhindi (15641624) strongly object to Akbar’s cultural synthesis?
49- Identify significant facts about the reign of Mughal
emperor, Aurangzeb (1658-1707).
50- Identify significant facts about the Ottoman Empire.
51- Draw a smaller version of The Ottoman Empire map.
52- Prove that the Ottoman Empire, like its Mughal
counterpart, was the site of a highly significant crosscultural encounter in the early modern era, adding yet
another chapter to the long-running story of interaction
between the Islamic world and Christendom.
1- Describe the arena of Indian Ocean commerce into
which Vasco da Gama sailed into and what did the
Portuguese soon learn about Indian Ocean merchant
2- Draw a smaller version of the Europeans in Asia in the
Early Modern Era map.
3- How did the Portuguese use their military advantage in
the Indian Ocean?
4- What did the Portuguese create in the Indian Ocean and
how did this Portuguese creation operate?
5- What was a cartaz and how much of the spice trade did
the Portuguese control in the Indian Ocean?
6- Why was the Portuguese trading post empire in steep
decline by 1600?
7- What European country was the first to challenge
Portugal’s position and how did this country attempt to
catch up?
8- Identify significant facts about Ferdinand Magellan and
what his crew discovered.
9- Why was Spain particularly interested in this
archipelago of islands; how did Spain’s treatment of the
islands differ from the Portuguese-style trading post
empire; and why was Spain’s takeover relatively easy
and often bloodless?
10- When did Spain lose control of this archipelago of
islands and how and why did Spain open up a new front
in the long encounter of Christendom and Islam?
11- Identify significant facts about Manila and what earned
the Chinese in Manila Spanish hostility.
12- What two European nations were far more important
than the Spanish as European competitors for the spice
13- Why were the Dutch the envy of Europe during the
sixteenth century; how did the British and the Dutch
organize their Indian Ocean ventures; and how did the
British East India Company and the Dutch East India
Company operate?
14- Describe what the Dutch encountered on the islands of
Indonesia and how the Dutch controlled the spiceproducing islands – be sure to include facts about the
Banda Islands and how the Dutch were able to sell
nutmeg, mace, and cloves in Europe and India at
fourteen to seventeen times the price they paid in
15- How and why did the British East India Company
operate in India differently than the Dutch East India
Company operated in Indonesia?
16- What happened when some independent English traders
plundered a Mughal ship in 1636?
17- What did British merchants come to focus on more
heavily in India than pepper and spice?
18- What bulk goods for mass market did Dutch and
English traders begin to deal in and what change
occurred in the second half of the eighteenth century in
both the Dutch and British trading post empires?
19- What did Portuguese traders and missionaries
encounter in Japan when they first arrived in the midsixteenth century and how did the Portuguese influence
Japan by the second half of the sixteenth century?
20- What happened in Japan by the early seventeenth
21- How did successive Tokugawa shoguns come to view
Europeans by the end of Japan’s civil wars and what
actions did Tokugawa shoguns take as a result of their
views on Europeans?
22- Describe the Tokugawa policy of seclusion or
isolationism for two centuries from 1650 – 1850.
23- Prove that despite European naval dominance in Asian
waters, Asian merchants did not disappear.
24- What trade gave birth to a genuinely global network of
exchange – be sure to include many facts about this
25- Where did the bulk of the world’s silver supply wind
26- Identify significant facts about the silver mine at Potosí.
27- How did the silver trade affect Spain and what
prevented Spain from using its silver windfall in a
productive way?
28- Prove that Japan, another major source of silver
production in the sixteenth century, did better than
Spain with its profits from the silver trade.
29- How did silver deepen China’s already substantial
30- What was the Little Ice Age and how did the Little Ice
Age affect the fur trade?
31- What led to the near extinction of the beaver in much of
North America by the early nineteenth century?
32- How did the Hurons benefit from contact with
Europeans and how were the Hurons harmed by contact
with the Europeans?
33- What was the most destructive of the imported
European goods for Native Americans and why was this
good so destructive?
34- How did the fur trade negatively affect native Siberians?
35- Identify significant facts about the Atlantic slave trade.
36- How did the Atlantic slave trade transform the societies
of Africa?
37- Draw a smaller version of The Atlantic Slave Trade
38- Define the African diaspora as well as several effects of
the African diaspora.
39- Identify the major arenas of the Old World slave trade
before 1500 and how was the slavery that emerged in the
Americas distinctive in several ways from Old World
40- Where did the origins of Atlantic slavery clearly lie and
why was sugar production perhaps the first “modern”
41- How did events in the year 1453 affect the slave trade
and what were the Portuguese mariners exploring at
about the same time and why were the Portuguese
mariners exploring at that time?
42- How did Africans become the primary source of slave
labor for the plantation economies of the Americas?
43- What have scholars argued about the relationship
between slavery and European racism?
44- Why did Europeans die when they entered the African
interior during the early modern era and how did
Europeans obtain African slaves?
45- How and why did the Atlantic slave trade affect African
kingdoms differently?
46- What happened in the kingdom of the Kongo as a result
of the Atlantic slave trade and what did the Kongo king
Afonso, a convert to Christianity, do in 1526?
47- Describe the journey of African slaves to the Americas
and why some slave leapt out of boats and “kept under
water till they were drowned”?
48- Where did enslaved Africans come from and where did
they go and what was the overall mortality rate of the
Middle Passage?
49- What was the chief outcome of the Atlantic slave trade
and what impact did the Atlantic slave trade have on
Africa’s growth and why did the Atlantic slave trade
have this impact on Africa’s growth?
50- Why did the slave trade stimulate little positive change
in Africa?
51- Identify significant facts about the kingdom of Benin, in
the forest area of present-day Nigeria, and particularly
its relationship to the slave trade.
52- Why did the kingdom of Dahomey turn to a vigorous
involvement in the slave trade?
Complete Review Templates:
Review Template 6 [101 Questions]
Review Template 7 [64 Questions]
1- What shattered the unity of Roman Catholic
Christianity in the early sixteenth century; where did
the Reformation begin, and what did a German priest,
Martin Luther, post on the door of a church in
2- What did Luther state in his document and what made
Luther’s protest potentially revolutionary – what was
Luther’s new understanding of salvation?
3- According to Luther, what was the source of his beliefs
and of religious authority in general?
4- How did some kings and princes respond to the
Protestant Reformation and why did middle-class urban
dwellers find a new religious legitimacy for their
growing role in society?
5- Why did Reformation teachings and practices not offer
women a substantially greater role in the church or
6- What invention spread Reformation thinking quickly
both within and beyond Germany and what happened to
the Protestant movement as it spread to France,
Switzerland, England, and elsewhere?
7- What happened to the French Protestant minority
known as the Huguenots on August 24, 1572 and what
was the Edict of Nantes?
8- Identify significant facts about the Thirty Years’ War
(1618-1648) and what brought this conflict to an end?
9- What did Catholics clarify and reaffirm in the Council
of Trent (1545-1563) during the Catholic CounterReformation; describe the crackdown on dissidents and
explain the importance of the Society of Jesus or the
10- Draw a smaller version of the Reformation Europe in
the Sixteenth Century map.
11- How did the Reformation which was profoundly
religious encourage a skeptical attitude toward authority
and tradition?
12- How did Christianity motivate European political and
economic expansion – consider what Vasco da Gama
replied when he landed in India in 1498 and local
authorities understandably asked, “What brought you
hither?” or what motivated Columbus?
13- How did New England Puritans differ from Catholic
14- Why did missionaries have their greatest success in
Spanish America and in the Philippines?
15- Explain how and why Christianity spread in the
conquered Aztec and Inca empires and how Europeans
imposed their religion on the conquered subjects.
16- Identify significant facts about the religious revivalist
moment in central Peru in the 1560s known as Taki
17- Provide examples of the more common blending of the
two religious traditions in the Andean region or
reinterpreting Christian practices within an Andean
framework and incorporating local elements into an
emerging Andean Christianity.
18- How did the immigrant Christianity assimilate into
patterns of local culture in Mexico?
19- Prove that throughout the colonial period and beyond,
many Mexican Christians also took part in rituals
derived from the past, with little sense that this was
incompatible with Christian practice.
20- Why was the Chinese encounter with Christianity very
different from that of Native Americans in Spain’s New
World Empire?
21- Identify significant facts about Matteo Ricci and how the
Jesuits acted in China.
22- How did the religious and cultural outcomes of the
missionary enterprise differ in the Spanish Empire and
in China?
23- Why did Christian missionaries in China offer little that
the Chinese really needed?
24- What outraged Emperor Kangxi in 1715 and why did
this pivotal moment represent a turning point in the
relationship of Christian missionaries and Chinese
25- How did Christian missionaries play into the hands of
their Chinese opponents?
26- Identify significant facts about how African religious
ideas and practices found a place in the Africanized
versions of Christianity that emerged in the “New
World” and specifically the syncretic (blended) religions
such as Vodou in Haiti, Santeria in Cuba, and
Candomble and Macumba in Brazil.
27- What did continued Islamization depend on and why
were these wandering Muslim holy men often useful to
rulers and their village communities?
28- How did orthodox Muslims view this religious
syncretism and what did their sentiments play an
important role in?
29- Identify significant facts about the young Muslim
theologian, Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792).
30- Describe the state that was created when Abd alWahhab joined forces with Muhammad Ibn Saud.
31- What was the Neo-Confucianism of the Ming and Qing
dynasties and what did the influential thinker Wang
Yangmin believe?
32- What was kaozheng and what was kaozheng critical of?
33- Identify significant facts about Cao Xueqin’s mideighteenth-century novel The Dream of the Red
34- Describe the devotional form of Hinduism known as
bhakti and who did bhakti appeal to as well as what did
the bhakti movement set aside?
35- What did the bhakti movement have much in common
with and identify significant facts about the bhakti poet,
Mirabai (1498-1547)?
36- Identify significant facts about Sikhism, a religion
founded by Guru Nanak (1469-1539).
37- What was Europe’s Scientific Revolution and who
created this revolution?
38- What was the long-term significance of the Scientific
Read only
due to the
but very
to read
for the
AP exam.
39- Why is it surprising that the Scientific Revolution first
occurred in Europe and not the Arab world or China?
40- What conditions uniquely favorable to the scientific
enterprise gave rise to Europe’s Scientific Revolution?
41- Prove the importance of the autonomy of emerging
universities for the development of science in the West.
42- How did madrassas differ from European universities?
43- What did Chinese education focus on and how did this
focus affect scientific subjects?
44- Prove that Western Europe was able to draw extensively
upon the knowledge of other cultures and how did this
borrowing affect the findings of Copernicus?
45- What did Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) note about the
wonder of science but what did he also worry about?
46- What view did educated Europeans hold of the world
derived from Aristotle and from Ptolemy prior to the
Scientific Revolution and why did this understanding
coincide well with the religious purpose of the Catholic
47- Draw a smaller version of the Major Thinkers and
Achievements of the Scientific Revolution chart.
48- Identify significant facts about Nicolaus Copernicus.
49- What did Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei
50- Why did the culmination of the Scientific Revolution
come in the work of Sir Isaac Newton?
51- What was the European Enlightenment and identify
significant facts about Adam Smith, John Locke, and
52- What was the central theme of the Enlightenment and
how did the age of Enlightenment also witness a reaction
against too much reliance on human reason?
1- What does every schoolchild know about the American
2- Draw a smaller version of The Expansion of the United
States map.
3- Prove that for much of the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, the British colonies in North America enjoyed
a considerable degree of autonomy.
4- Describe the societies developed by English settlers.
5- What did the American Revolution grow out of; why did
the British abandon its neglectful oversight of the
colonies; and how did Britain begin to act like a genuine
imperial power?
6- Why was the American experience revolutionary and
why was the American experience not revolutionary?
7- What did the American Revolution initiate and what
new ideas contained in the new U.S. Constitution put
Enlightenment ideas into practice?
8- Why was France on the verge of bankruptcy and what
happened when the French king, Louis XVI, called into
session an ancient parliamentary body, the Estates
General – be sure to describe the three “estates” of
France and why representatives of the Third Estate soon
organized themselves as the National Assembly in 1789?
9- How was the French Revolution quite different from its
North American predecessor?
10- What did initial efforts to establish a constitutional
monarchy give rise to in France; what did the National
Assembly decree the end of; and what happened to King
Louis XVI and his Queen, Marie Antoinette?
11- Identify significant facts about the Reign of Terror
(1793-1794) and be sure to include information on
Maximilien Robespierre, the Committee of Public
Safety, the guillotine, and efforts to create a new society.
12- What did revolutionary France create as it prepared for
war against its threatened and threatening neighbors?
13- What was the impact of the French Revolution?
14- Identify many significant facts about Napoleon
Bonaparte (ruled 1799-1814).
15- Describe the colony of Saint Domingue and why the
principles of the French Revolution meant different
things to different people in the colony.
16- What happened in the colony of Saint Domingue in 1791
and what occurred amid the confusion, brutality, and
massacres of the 1790s – be sure to include information
about Toussaint Louverture?
17- Why was the revolution that occurred in Saint
Domingue something remarkable and unprecedented?
18- What was Saint Domingue renamed; how did Haiti
directly confront an emerging racism; and why was the
country’s plantation system, oriented wholly toward the
export of sugar and coffee, largely destroyed as well as
what replaced this plantation system?
19- Explain the meaning of the cautionary phrase:
“remember Haiti” and how did this cautionary phrase
affect Latin America in particular.
20- Why did the Haitian Revolution lead to a temporary
expansion of slavery elsewhere and how did Napoleon’s
defeat in Haiti affect world history?
21- Where did the final act in a half century of Atlantic
Revolutionary upheaval take place?
22- Why were creoles offended and insulted by the Spanish
monarchy and what had creole intellectuals become
familiar with?
23- Why did the settlers in the Spanish colonies have little
tradition of local self-government such as had developed
in North America and what additional factors explained
the delayed movement for independence in Latin
America, despite the example of North America and
similar provocations?
24- What did Napoleon do in 1808 that led to legitimate
royal authority in the Latin American colonies being in
a state of disarray?
25- Why did the process for independence last more than
twice as long in Latin America as it did in North
America – be sure to include facts about Mexico’s move
toward independence and particularly the two priests,
Miguel Hidalgo and José Morelos and the great fear that
existed among creole landowners in Latin American that
had little counterpart in North America?
26- Draw a smaller version of the Latin American
Independence map.
27- Describe nativism or the answer to the dilemma of
gaining the support of “the people” used by regional
military and independence leaders in Latin America
such as Simón Bolívar and José de San Martín.
28- Which groups benefitted little from Latin America’s
independence movements?
29- Why did no United States of Latin America emerge and
what did Simón Bolívar write in despair to a friend as
his dream of a unified South America perished amid the
rivalries of separate countries?
30- Describe the reversal in the earlier relationship of the
two American continents in the aftermath of
independence in Latin America.
31- What did abolitionists seek; what did nationalists seek;
and what did feminists seek?
32- Describe the remarkable transformation that occurred
regarding the perception of slavery from roughly 1780
to 1890.
33- Why were Enlightenment thinkers in eighteenth-century
Europe increasingly critical of slavery and how did the
actions of slaves themselves likewise hasten the end of
34- What strands of thinking came together in the
abolitionist movements and what actions were taken in
Britain in the 1800s regarding slavery?
35- What was the last country in the Americas to abolish
slavery; when did this country abolish slavery; and what
persuaded the Russian tsar to free the many serfs of that
country in 1861?
36- What were the surprising outcomes from the end of
slavery, outcomes that were far from the expectations of
abolitionists or the newly freed slaves?
37- Why were large numbers of indentured servants from
India and China imported into the Caribbean, Peru,
South Africa, Hawaii, Malaya, and elsewhere?
38- Prove that newly freed people did not achieve anything
close to political equality, except in Haiti.
39- How did the end of serfdom in Russia differ from the
situation in the Americas and yet why did most Russian
peasants remain impoverished and politically volatile?
40- How did the closing of the external slave trade affect
West and East Africa and what was one of the
justifications Europeans used for their imposed colonial
rule on Africa in the late nineteenth century?
41- What did the French Revolution declare about
sovereignty and how did the revolutionary government
of France with its mass conscription (levée en masse) as
well as Napoleon’s conquests stimulate nationalism and
nationalist sentiment?
42- Draw a smaller version of the Snapshot: Key Moments
in the Growth of Nationalism.
43- How did printing and the publishing industry allow a
growing reading public to think of themselves as
members of a common linguistic group or nation and
how was the constructed or even invented idea of the
“nation” presented?
44- What did nationalism inspire and encourage – be sure to
include information about Germany and Italy by 1871
and independence movements as well as “home rule”
and Zionism?
45- Draw a smaller version of The Nations and Empires of
Europe map.
46- Define “civic nationalism” and how did nationalism in
Germany differ from nationalism in the United States?
47- What was the “Egypt for Egyptians” movement and
what was the Indian National Congress?
48- What possibility did the French Revolution raise and
what did Olympe de Gouges write and proclaim?
49- Where did the first organized expression of the new
feminism take place and how did Elizabeth Cady
Stanton paraphrase the Declaration of Independence?
50- What did the feminist movement in the West primarily
focus on by the 1870s and what actions did the British
Women’s Social and Political Union take to bring
attention to the rights of women?
51- Identify one significant fact about Florence Nightingale
and one significant fact about Jane Addams.
52- What was the first country to give the vote to all adult
women and what country followed in 1906 and yet when
were voting rights for women in national elections
achieved in most nations in the West – and be sure to
include France?
1- Identify major advances generated in the Islamic world
between 750 and 1100 C.E.
2- How are contemporary historians inclined to see the
Industrial Revolution that occurred between 1750 and
1850 and what two intersecting factors help to explain
why this process occurred in Europe rather than
3- Draw a smaller version of The Early Phase of Europe’s
Industrial Revolution.
4- What did historian Peter Stearns conclude about the
Industrial Revolution?
5- Describe the “intersection” that provides a context for
understanding Europe’s Industrial Revolution.
6- Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Europe?
7- Prove that Europe’s Scientific Revolution took a
distinctive form in Great Britain, a distinctive form that
fostered technological innovation.
8- What accidents of geography and history also
contributed something to Britain’s Industrial
9- Provide statistics about Britain’s increased use of cotton,
increased output of coal and increased building of
railroads during its Industrial Revolution.
10- What did historian Eric Hobsbawm note about the
impact of the Industrial Revolution on British society?
11- Why did individual landowning aristocrats suffer little
in material terms from the Industrial Revolution?
12- Draw a smaller version of the Snapshot: Measuring the
Industrial Revolution.
13- Yet why did the British aristocracy decline as a result of
the Industrial Revolution?
14- What social class benefitted most conspicuously from
industrialization and who were the individuals of its
upper levels?
15- Who was far more numerous in the middle class?
16- Describe the middle class politically and what did they
politically favor as well as what was the Reform Bill of
17- What ideas characterized middle-class culture?
18- What were women in middle-class families increasingly
cast as and describe the “ideology of domesticity”?
19- How did the poet, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, aptly express
this understanding of the “ideology of domesticity” in
his poem, “The Princess”?
20- How did middle-class women play a different role from
women in the peasant farm or the artisan’s shop?
21- What group was the overwhelming majority of Britain’s
nineteenth-century population – some 70 percent or
more – and why did they suffer the most and benefit the
least from the epic transformations of the Industrial
22- Identify significant facts about the rapid urbanization of
British society during the Industrial Revolution.
23- Describe Britain’s cities during the Industrial
24- Describe the very different work environment of the
industrial factories than the artisan’s shop or the
tenant’s farm.
25- When were trade unions legalized in Great Britain;
what were the goals of trade unions; and how did one
British newspaper describe unions in 1834?
26- Identify significant facts about Robert Owen (17711858).
27- Describe the life and ideas of Karl Marx (1818-1883).
28- What did Marx proclaim about capitalism in the
Communist Manifesto and why, according to Marx,
could capitalist societies never deliver on that promise?
29- How did Marx describe capitalism; what would the
working-class lead; and what kind of society would the
working-class create – according to Marx?
30- Identify significant facts about the Labour Party in
Great Britain.
31- What was the major factor in producing a moderate
working-class movement; what stood between “the
captains of industry” and the workers; and in what ways
had workers bettered their standard of living within a
capitalist framework?
32- Why was the Industrial Revolution not for long confined
to Britain?
33- How does the author of the textbook describe the United
States in comparison to Russia?
34- In what industry did American industrialization begin
and when did industrialization in the United States grow
35- What factors combined to make the United States the
world’s leading industrial power by 1914?
36- How did the U.S. government play an important role in
37- Draw a smaller version of The Industrial United States
in 1900 map.
38- What did the United States pioneer during the
Industrial Revolution and how was a middle-class
“culture of consumption” created?
39- Describe the difficult conditions encountered by
America’s working class.
40- What happened in 1892 at the Homestead steel plant
and what was intense in the industrial America of the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?
41- Describe the relative conservatism of major American
union organizations, especially the American Federation
of Labor.
42- What factors undermined the class solidarity of
American workers, making it far more difficult to
sustain class-oriented political parties and a socialist
labor movement as well as reasons for the on average
higher standard of living for American workers than
their European counterparts?
43- Identify significant facts about the American
44- What did Progressives seek to remedy and how did they
seek to remedy these ills?
45- What came to be viewed as “un-American” and why?
46- Describe Russia at the beginning of the twentieth
century and describe most Russians until 1861 as well as
how Russian nobles differed from their serfs.
47- How did Peter the Great (reigned 1689-1725) implement
“transformation from above” in Russia – include many
facts about his program of westernization as well as the
efforts of one of his successors, Catherine the Great
(reigned 1762-1796)?
48- Identify significant results of the Crimean War (18541856) on Russia as well as the Russian state’s efforts to
begin a program of industrial development.
49- Why did Russian factory workers quickly develop an
unusually radical class consciousness and why did
Russia erupt in spontaneous insurrection in 1905?
50- Identify the effects of the 1905 revolution in Russia.
51- How did World War I affect Russia?
52- Describe political life and social life in Latin America
after independence.
1- How did the advent of the industrial age change how
Europeans viewed themselves and others?
2- Describe the new kind of racism – expressed now in
terms of modern science – that Europeans developed
during the industrial age – and its hierarchy of races.
3- Explain the concept of the “civilizing mission.”
4- Describe the concept of “social Darwinism.”
5- What did the Chinese emperor, Qianlong, write in a
famous letter to King George III in 1793?
6- How did massive population growth which was the
result of a robust economy and the introduction of
American food crops affect China?
7- Identify many significant facts about the Taiping
Uprising which set much of China aflame between 1850
and 1864 – particularly facts about Hong Xiuquan
(1814-1864) and the revolutionary change that the
Taiping rebels wanted as well as Hong Rengan’s plans.
8- How was the Taiping Rebellion crushed in 1864 and how
many lives were lost as a result of the Taiping Rebellion?
9- Where was opium derived from in the eighth century
and when did it become a serious problem in China as
well as why did the British begin to use opium, grown
and processed in India, as a good to be traded in China?
10- How did opium importation affect China and how did it
reverse China’s centuries-long ability to attract much of
the world’s silver supply as well as provide several facts
about China’s opium addicts?
11- Identify significant facts about Commissioner Lin Zexu
and his views and actions regarding opium.
12- What was a significant cause of the Opium War in 1839
and what were the British terms of the Treaty of
Nanjing which ended the conflict in 1842?
13- What occurred after Britain’s victory in a second
Opium War (1856-1858) and what did it result in?
14- By the end of the century, what had Western nations
plus Japan and Russia carved out within China and
what special privileges were granted?
15- Draw a smaller version of the China and the World in
the Nineteenth Century map.
16- How did restrictions imposed by unequal treaties inhibit
China’s industrialization?
17- Identify many significant facts about the “selfstrengthening” movement during the 1860s and 1870s.
18- What inhibited self-strengthening as an overall program
for China’s modernization?
19- Identify significant facts about the Boxer Rebellion.
20- What was the immensely powerful force of Chinese
nationalism directed against; what was the Qing
dynasty’s response to these new pressures; and what
happened in 1911 in China?
21- Describe the Ottoman Empire in 1750 and how the
Ottoman Empire changed by the middle, and certainly
by the end, of the nineteenth century – be sure to include
a fact on “the sick man of Europe.”
22- Draw a smaller version of The Contraction of the
Ottoman Empire map.
23- What had the once feared Janissaries, the elite military
corps of the Ottoman state become and what factors
gradually drained the proud sovereignty of the once
mighty Ottoman Empire?
24- What was the primary internal crisis of nineteenthcentury Ottoman history and how did this crisis differ
from China’s crisis in the nineteenth-century?
25- What Ottoman reforms began in the late eighteenth
century under Sultan Selim III – be specific?
26- Identify many significant facts about Tanzimat
27- Describe the revolutionary changes in the legal status of
the Ottoman Empire’s diverse communities.
28- How did the ulama (religious scholars) and Janissaries
react to the modest innovations of Selim III and what
happened to Selim III in 1807?
29- Identify significant facts about the “Young Ottomans.”
30- Describe the reign of Sultan Abd al-Hamid (ruled 18791909).
31- Identify many significant facts about the Young Turks.
32- What was the result of the military coup in 1908 which
allowed the Young Turks to exercise real power?
33- What happened to the Ottoman Empire following
World War I and what informed the policies of the
Turkish republic that replaced it?
34- What followed the collapse of the imperial system in
China in 1911 and what followed the collapse of the
Ottoman Empire following World War I?
35- Identify significant facts about U.S. Commodore
Matthew Perry and his arrival in Tokyo Bay in 1853.
36- How was Japan governed for 250 years prior to Perry’s
arrival and what was the chief task of the Tokugawa
37- How did successive Tokugawa shoguns give Japan more
than two centuries of internal peace (1600-1850) – be
sure to include facts about what the shoguns did to
control the restive daimyo as well as its highly detailed
38- What happened to the samurai in the absence of wars to
fight; what did centuries of peace in Japan contribute
to; and what changes during the Tokugawa era
provided a solid foundation for Japan’s remarkable
industrial growth in the late nineteenth century?
39- Why did merchants and samurai resent their positions?
40- Why and how had Japan deliberately limited its contact
with the West to a single port and how did the Japanese
authorities treat shipwrecked sailors or whalers?
41- Why did United States authorities send Commodore
Perry to Japan in 1853?
42- What did Japan agree to as a result of Commodore
Perry’s arrival in Japan; why did Japan agree; and
what was the decisive turning point in Japan’s history?
43- Identify significant facts about the Meiji Restoration in
44- Why was Japan of less interest to Western powers than
either China or the Ottoman Empire?
45- How did the Meiji government achieve its first task of
creating genuine national unity?
46- Describe the widespread and eager fascination with
almost everything Western that occurred in Japan
during the early years of the Meiji Restoration.
47- How did this initial wave of uncritical enthusiasm for
everything Western begin to change and how did the
Japanese constitution of 1889 reflect this selective
borrowing approach?
48- What lay at the core of Japan’s efforts at defensive
49- Identify many significant facts about Japan’s stateguided industrialization program.
50- Describe the conditions that Japan’s textile workers
(mostly female) encountered.
51- Why was the budding labor movement crushed in Japan
by the end of 1901?
52- Why were Western powers persuaded to revise their
unequal treaties in Japan’s favor?
1- Identify significant characteristics of the second and
quite distinct round of European colonial conquests (the
century and a half between 1750 and 1900).
2- What was the much-quoted jingle by Hilaire Belloc?
3- Draw the Colonial Asia in the Early Twentieth Century
4- What factors assisted the British East India Company
and the Dutch East India Company in their colonial
5- What was the “scramble for Africa”?
6- How was the British takeover of the South Pacific
territories of Australia and New Zealand during the
nineteenth century similar to the earlier colonization of
North America than to contemporary patterns of Asian
and African conquest?
7- Draw a smaller version of the Conquest and Resistance
in Colonial Africa map.
8- When did the United States take over the Philippines
from Spain and how did 13,000 freed U.S. slaves change
a West African territory that they renamed Liberia?
9- Why were Ethiopia and Siam (Thailand) notable?
10- What did the shortage and expense of European
administrators and the difficulties of communicating
across cultural boundaries make it necessary for
colonial rulers to do and therefore what did both
colonial governments and private missionary
organizations have an interest in promoting?
11- Describe the Western-educated class in the European
12- Identify significant facts about the Indian Rebellion or
Sepoy Mutiny of 1857-1858.
13- What were the effects of the Indian Rebellion after it
was crushed in 1858 – how did it change British rule in
India and what did it convince the British government to
do regarding India?
14- Identify significant characteristics of colonies that had a
large European settler population and in particular the
colony of South Africa.
15- What did the Europeans sometimes invent within
African colonies and explain the European notion of a
“tribal Africa” in the Age of Imperialism?
16- How did European colonial policies contradict their own
core values and their practices at home to an unusual
17- Define subsistence farming and why did it diminish in
the Age of Imperialism?
18- How did a flood of inexpensive textiles from Britain’s
new factories affect the lives of tens of thousands of
India’s handloom weavers?
19- Explain “statue labor” in French Africa.
20- What did one resident of British West Africa state in
1996 as he bitterly recalled colonial life?
21- Describe the most infamous cruelties of forced labor
during the early twentieth century in the Congo Free
State, then governed personally by Leopold II of
22- What forced the Belgian government to take control of
the Congo in 1908 thereby ending Leopold’s reign of
23- Explain the so-called cultivation system of the
Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia) during the
nineteenth century.
24- How did the cultivation system benefit Dutch traders
and shippers as well as “performed a miracle for the
Dutch economy”?
25- How did the cultivation system affect the peasants of
Java and how did these effects contribute to a wave of
famines during the mid-nineteenth century in which
hundreds of thousands perished?
26- Describe the profitable cash-crop farming that
developed in the southern Gold Coast (present-day
Ghana), a British territory in West Africa.
27- Why did specializing in one or two cash crops in many
colonies create an unhealthy dependence?
28- Describe the working conditions on plantations financed
from Europe which grew sugarcane, rubber, tea,
tobacco, sisal (used for making rope), and more – be
sure to note one fact about southern Vietnam in 1927.
29- What did a 1913 law in South Africa state about land
ownership and what was surprising about this law?
30- Identify significant facts about the tin mining industry
in the British-ruled Malay States (Malaysia).
31- Describe the working conditions in the gold and
diamond mines of South Africa – be sure to note one
difference between the treatment of white miners and
African miners.
32- Identify significant facts about the rapidly swelling cities
of the colonial world – their conditions and
33- Why did British authorities conclude that normal family
life in Nairobi (the capital of Kenya and the colony’s
major urban center) proved out of reach for the vast
majority of African workers?
34- Describe the division of labor based on gender in
precolonial times in Africa – be sure to identify women’s
35- How did women’s lives in Africa change as the demands
of the colonial economy grew?
36- What further increased women’s workload and
differentiated their lives from those of men and how did
this factor increase the workload of women?
37- In South Africa what percentage of able-bodied adult
men were absent from the rural areas and what
percentage of women headed households?
38- In Botswana – which supplied much male labor to South
Africa – what did married couples rarely to by the
39- How did colonial rule further the integration of Asian
and African economies into a global network of
40- What elements of their own modernizing process did the
Europeans convey to the colonies?
41- Describe India after two centuries of colonial rule by the
world’s first industrial society, Britain.
42- What did Kwame Nkrumah, the first prime minister of
an independent Ghana, declare when he paraphrased
43- What generated a new identity for an important
minority in the colonies and what did this new
acquisition provide an escape from in the colonies?
44- What was the new cultural divide in Asian and African
colonial societies?
45- What did Western-educated people in nineteenthcentury India seek and what did Ram Mohan Roy
(1772-1833) want from the colonial regime?
46- What did the West African intellectual James Aggrey
write in the 1920s?
47- What was Christianity widely associated with –
especially in Africa and what groups found new
opportunities and greater freedom in some association
with missions?
48- Describe how Christianity in Africa became Africanized
– be sure to provide many examples.
49- Identify significant facts about Swami Vivekananda
50- According to Swami Vivekananda, what could a revived
Hinduism offer to a Western world mired in materialism
and militarism?
51- What did Swami Vivekananda say at the World
Parliament of Religions held in 1893 in Chicago?
52- What did the new notion of Hinduism provide but also
what did it contribute a clearer sense to Muslims of?
1- What was the most obvious division as well as a long3/17
standing feature of European political life and what
further sharpened those historical rivalries and why?
2- What had generally maintained the peace among
Europe’s major countries since the defeat of Napoleon in
1815 and what were the two rival alliances in Europe by
the early twentieth century?
3- Identify significant facts about the assassination of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 and the
effects of the assassination.
4- Why was the outbreak of war an accident and what
made Europe prone to that kind of accident?
5- How did nationalism contribute to the eruption of war –
the First World War (1914-1918)?
6- Draw a smaller version of the Europe on the Eve of
World War I map.
7- How did an industrialized militarism contribute to the
8- How did Europe’s imperial reach around the world
likewise shape the scope and conduct of the war?
9- Why did the Ottoman Empire enter the conflict and why
did the United States, after initially seeking to avoid
involvement in European quarrels, finally join the war
in 1917?
10- Identify facts about “trench warfare,” “total war,” “war
socialism,” and the role of women in the economy as a
result of the war.
11- Why did the war seem to mock the Enlightenment?
12- Draw a smaller version of the Europe and the Middle
East after World War I map.
13- What were the effects of the Treaty of Versailles on
14- What did Ottoman authorities suspect that some of their
Armenian population did and what was the outcome of
that suspicion as well as what happened to the Ottoman
Empire and its lands after World War I?
15- What was the impact of the First World War in the
world of European colonies?
16- Identify significant facts about the role of the United
States after the First World War, Woodrow Wilson, the
Fourteen Points, the League of Nations, and the
principle of collective security.
17- Why did Woodrow Wilson’s idealistic vision largely
18- Identify significant facts about “flappers” and the new
19- What was far and away the most influential change of
the postwar decades and identify significant facts about
the day that the American stock market initially crashed
on October 24, 1929 as well as significant facts about the
Great Depression?
20- What were significant causes of the Great Depression?
21- What did John Maynard Keynes, a prominent British
economist argue about government actions during
economic depressions and how did U.S. President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt reflect Keynes’ thinking in
his New Deal programs?
22- What were the common features of Italy, Germany, and
Japan after World War I?
23- Identify significant facts about fascism.
24- Which groups in society were attracted to fascism – be
25- How did the rise of a fascist movement affect Spain?
26- Why did the fascist alternative take shape in Italy first?
27- Identify significant facts about Benito Mussolini (18831945) and the actions of the Black Shirts.
28- What was the fasces and why was it the symbol of
29- How did Mussolini build state power in Italy and what
was the “corporate state” that in theory took shape?
30- What were the Lateran Accords of 1929; how were
women portrayed in fascist propaganda; and what did
the Italian fascists attempt to avenge in 1935?
31- How was the leadership of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
similar to the leadership of Benito Mussolini; how did
the end of World War I affect the German state; and
what myth arose in Germany after World War I?
32- Identify significant facts about Adolf Hitler’s National
Socialist, or Nazi, Party.
33- How did the Great Depression affect German politics
and in particular, the rise of the Nazis as well as what
was Hitler legally installed as in 1933?
34- What did Hitler do once in power and what did Hitler’s
government do that drove down the number of
unemployed Germans?
35- What did Adolf Hitler use the Jews as a symbol of and
what were the Nuremberg Laws as well as what
happened on Kristallnacht?
36- Prove that during the 1920s, Japan seemed to be moving
toward a more democratic politics and Western cultural
37- Describe the accumulated tensions in Japan in the 1920s.
Read only
due to the
38- What was the Peace Preservation Law in 1925?
39- How did the Great Depression pave the way for harsher
and more authoritarian action in Japan?
40- What beliefs did members of Radical Nationalism or the
Revolutionary Right have in common?
41- How did Japanese public life clearly change in ways that
reflected the growth of right-wing nationalist thinking in
the 1930s?
42- How did Japan emerge more rapidly and more fully
than major Western countries from the great
Depression and how did the government increasingly
assume a supervisory or managerial role in economic
affairs – in addition, define zaibatsu?
43- Prove that Japan during the 1930s remained, at least
internally, a less repressive and more pluralistic society
than both fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.
44- What ambitions of Germany, Italy, and Japan collided
with the interests of established world powers such as
the United States and Britain that launched a second,
and even more terrible, global war?
45- Where did World War II begin and include information
about the puppet state called Manchukuo as well as the
significance of the year 1937?
46- Prove that Japan was quite dependent on foreign and
especially American sources of strategic goods.
47- Draw a smaller version of the World War II in Asia
48- Describe Japan’s military actions in 1940-1941.
49- How did the Japanese present themselves as the
liberators and modernizers of their Pacific empire and
did experience show this concern or another concern?
50- Identify significant facts about the Japanese attack on
the United States at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in
December 1941 and the consequence of Japan’s action.
51- What nations constituted the Axis powers?
52- What nations constituted the Allies?
1- What was the origin or primary cause of World War II
in Europe according to most historians?
2- Identify the steps Hitler took as he prepared the country
for war and pursued territorial expansion.
3- How did the World War I differ from World War II?
4- Why was 1942 a turning point in the war?
5- Draw a smaller version of the Snapshot: Key Moments
in the History of World War II.
6- Identify significant facts about the Rape of Nanjing in
7- How were women affected by the Second World War –
be sure to include information about “Rosie the
8- Identify significant facts about the Holocaust.
9- How did the ending of the Second World War affect
10- How did the ending of the Second World War affect
Europe’s colonies?
11- Identify significant facts about the consolidation and
extension of the communist world as a further outcome
of World War II.
12- What did the horrors of two world wars within a single
generation prompt and describe its chief outcome, the
United Nations (UN)?
13- What was further evidence of a growing
internationalism and what was the purpose of this
growing internationalism’s creation?
14- Describe the United States – in regards to its foreign
policy – following World War I and the United States –
in regards to its status – following World War II.
15- What three factors help to explain the astonishing
recovery of Europe to rebuild its industrial economies
after World War II and the United States dominant and
often dominating role both within Western civilization
and in the world at large?
16- Identify significant facts about the Marshall Plan.
17- Describe the European Coal and Steel Community and
its evolution into the European Economic Community
(EEC) and ultimately the European Union.
18- Identify significant facts about the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO).
19- Describe Japan during the American occupation
between 1945 and 1952 as well as its “economic
20- Draw a smaller version of The Growth of European
Integration map.
21- How were the communist revolutions similar to the
French Revolution and how were the communist
revolutions different from the French Revolution?
22- Why did the communists come to power in Russia in
23- Describe the massive social upheaval that occurred in
Russia as a result of this revolutionary upheaval.
24- Prove that the Provisional Government was inadequate.
25- Identify significant facts about the Bolsheviks and
Vladimir Ulyanov, commonly known as Lenin.
26- What was Lenin and the Bolshevik Party’s message to
the Russian people in the desperate circumstances of
1917 and what did Lenin and the Bolsheviks call for?
27- Identify significant facts about Russia’s civil war. (19181921).
28- What did the Bolsheviks – now officially calling their
party “communist” – rename their country and why did
the Soviet Union remain a communist island in a
capitalist sea for the next twenty-five years?
29- How was communism largely imposed on Eastern
Europe (Poland, East Germany, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria) from outside rather
than growing out of a domestic revolution as had
happened in Russia itself?
30- Identify significant facts about the communist
movement in Yugoslavia and in particular, its leader
Josef Broz, known as Tito.
31- What significant events occurred in China during the
following years: 1949, 1911, and 1921?
32- What was the Long March and why was it significant?
33- Identify significant facts about the Guomindang, or
Nationalist Party, and its leader, Chiang Kai-shek.
34- How did the CCP or Chinese Communist Party gain
support among the country’s peasants?
35- How did Japan’s brutal invasion of China affect the civil
war in China between the Guomindang and the CCP?
36- How did the CCP frontally address both of China’s
major problems – foreign imperialism and peasant
37- Draw a smaller version of The Rise of Communism in
China map.
38- What did building socialism mean to the communist
regimes of the Soviet Union and China and explain the
distinctly socialist modernity these communist regimes
39- Explain the “totalitarian” model of these communist
40- Look at page 669 in the textbook – identify significant
facts about The Marriage Law of 1950.
41- What did both the Soviet Union and China first
expropriate in their effort to build socialism and why
were such actions not socialist initially?
42- Describe the prolonged and difficult process of land
reform in China after 1949 and why was it “not a dinner
party” as Mao Zedong, the communist leader of China,
once put it?
678 – 687,
694 – 703,
715 – 718
43- What did the second and more distinctly socialist stage
of rural reform seek to end and how did it seek to end
44- Identify significant facts about collective farms in the
Soviet Union from 1928 to 1933 and be sure to include
the treatment of the kulaks.
45- What was China’s Great Leap Forward in the late 1950s
and what were the effects of the Great Leap Forward?
46- Describe the Soviet model of active industrialization –
make note of five-year plans and the effects of
47- What was the chief difference in the industrial histories
of the Soviet Union and China?
48- What was the unique feature of Chinese history under
Mao Zedong’s leadership?
49- Identify more facts about The Great Leap Forward of
1958 – 1960.
50- What factors threw China into a severe crisis, including
a massive famine that brought death and malnutrition to
some 20 million people between 1959 and 1962?
51- Identify significant facts about the Great Proletarian
Cultural Revolution.
52- Was Mao successful in achieving the goals of the Great
Proletarian Cultural Revolution?
1- According to U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower (19531961), what was the “military-industrial complex”?
2- Describe the U.S. as World War II ended and what one
American economist wrote about American goods in
3- Who succeeded Joseph Stalin as Soviet dictator when
Stalin died in 1953?
4- How did Nikita Khrushchev stun his country and
communists everywhere?
5- Why were Marxists incorrect when they contended that
revolutionary socialism would erode national loyalties as
the “workers of the world” united in common opposition
to global capitalism?
6- Why did Soviet forces actually invade their supposed
allies in Hungary (1956-1957) and Czechoslovakia (1968)
as well as seriously threaten Poland with similar action
in the early 1980s?
7- Identify significant facts about “Prague Spring” – look
at the photograph titled “Czechoslovakia, 1968.”
8- Why were the two communist giants, the Soviet Union
and China, sharply opposed – be sure to note Mao’s
criticism of Khrushchev and its effects on relations?
9- Explain “triangular diplomacy.”
10- What happened in China following the death of its
towering revolutionary leader, Mao Zedong, in 1976?
11- Why is 1989 called the “miracle year”?
12- What happened in the Soviet Union in 1991?
13- Describe the highly regimented and stagnate Soviet
14- What was the moral failure of communism?
15- Identify many significant facts about Deng Xiaoping,
especially his economic reforms.
16- What was the outcome of Deng Xiaoping’s economic
17- What was the Communist party in China unwilling to
relinquish despite its willingness to largely abandon
communist economic policies?
18- What did Deng Xiaoping declare about “talk about
democracy” and what it would inevitably lead to?
19- How did Deng Xiaoping respond to a democracy
movement spearheaded by university and secondary
school students in the late 1980s in Beijing’s Tiananmen
20- Identify significant facts about Mikhail Gorbachev’s
economic program launched in 1987 known as
perestroika or “restructuring.”
21- Identify significant facts about Mikhail Gorbachev’s
policy known as glasnost or “openness.”
22- How did Gorbachev move to end the cold war?
23- Why – despite his good intentions – did almost nothing
work out as Gorbachev anticipated?
24- What events happened during the “miracle year” of
25- Identify significant facts about the short-lived
conservative attempt to restore the old order in the
Soviet Union in August 1991.
26- What emerged from the wreckage of the Soviet Union
and its communist regime?
27- What were the effects of the Soviet collapse – a collapse
that represented a unique phenomenon in the world of
the late twentieth century?
28- Draw a smaller version of The Collapse of the Soviet
Empire map.
29- What were some of the international tensions born of
communism that remained after the collapse of the
USSR even though as a primary source of international
conflict or as a compelling path to modernity and social
justice, communism was effectively dead?
30- What were some of the fundamental contradictions in
the entire European colonial enterprise and what were
some of the factors that gave rise to independence
movements in the colonies after the post-World War II
31- How did the British differ from earlier invaders of India
and what factors united Indians as a result of British
32- Identify significant facts about the Indian National
Congress (INC) – be sure to note how the INC began to
change in the aftermath of World War I.
33- Identify many significant facts about Mohandas Gandhi
(1869-1948) – be sure to include information about
Satyagraha (“truth force”), views on untouchables, and
his views for the future of the country.
34- What was the All-India Muslim League; why did it
form; and who was the leader of the Muslim League as
well as what did this leader call for?
35- How did colonial India become independent in 1947 and
what was the consequence of the partitioning of the
36- Describe South Africa when it became independent of
Great Britain in 1910.
37- Describe South Africa’s industrial economy by the early
twentieth century.
38- Identify significant facts about apartheid.
39- What was the ANC – when was it established and what
did it pursue for the first four decades and why did its
strategies change during the 1950s?
40- Identify significant facts about Nelson Mandela as well
as the South African government’s response to
Mandela’s ideas and actions – be sure to include the
Sharpeville Massacre and the government’s ban and
41- What happened in Soweto in 1976 and why did these
events occur?
42- What pressures did the South African government face
and what did the South African government begin by
the late 1980s as well as what was the outcome of the
government’s actions – be sure to note the very
significant year of 1994?
43- What was the primary difference between the ANC and
the Pan Africanist Congress as well as how did the Zulubased Inkatha Freedom Party affect South African
politics in the transition to African rule?
44- Identify significant facts about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
45- Describe Atatürk’s dramatic national cultural
revolution of the 1920s and 1930s – be sure to include
specific reforms.
46- What was the most visible symbol of Atatürk’s
revolutionary program and how did Atatürk transform
the lives of Turkish women?
47- Why were Atatürk’s reforms similar to Japan in the late
nineteenth century in its “revolution from above” and
yet what were the considerable continuities with earlier
patterns of Turkish life in Atatürk’s Turkey?
48- Identify significant facts about Iran in the 1970s –
particularly opposition to the American-supported
government of the shah, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi
(reigned 1941-1979).
49- What elderly cleric in particular became the center of a
growing movement demanding the shah’s removal and
what happened in Iran in 1979?
50- What did Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini believe was the
purpose of government?
51- What did the new regime of Iran culturally seek for the
country and how was this goal achieved?
52- How did the new government of Iran change the lives of
Complete Review Templates:
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 Review Template 9 [68 Questions]
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 Review Template 10 [71 Questions]
 Review Template 11 [70 Questions]
Compete Review Templates:
 Review Template 12 [121 Questions]
 Review Template 13 [141 Questions]
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 Review Template 15 [123 Questions]
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