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For the interpretation of the above mentioned phenomena what is necessary is a brief
presentation of the terrestrial evolutional course from the period when it was in burning
state, without lithosphere, up to its current form.
When the earth was formed, it was in burning state, its atmosphere consisting of dense
As time passed because of radiation and heat transfer, the earth's superficial
temperature was significantly decreasing and at its poles, various components (crusts)
started to become solid.
The crustation was noticed at its poles, because the liquid masses' agitations on the
earth's surface were much less than those ones of the Equator.
Because of centrifugation and CORIOLIS, the solid parts formed at its poles followed a
direction to the Equator, following a S.W.course, those coming from N. Pole, and a N.W.
course, those ones coming from S.P. ,as the icebergs today.
At the Equator the solid pieces revolve together with the Earth's burning mass from West
to East, but in lower speed than this, because of:
A) Lower initial linear speed
B) Different physical state (solid) and
C) Their reverse rolling
As the inactivity is proportional to mass, the initially larger solid piece, was sweeping and
incorporating at its western side all the new solid pieces
( Phenomenon of snow-drift in progress )(FIG.1).
The newer solid masses were denser because, at first, the lightest components being on
the surface of the poles were cooling and solidified.
Because the newer rocks added to the western side of the original solid islet were
denser, this side was submerging into the liquid earth and the East was elevating. With
these rocks submerging in the space between the solid islet and the burning earth, they
were partially melting and their significant part was strongly bound on the original solid
islet (FIG.2).
Because of the above mentioned, the original islet started to reversely roll, and it took,
then, the form of a sphere.
With a continued binding around this sphere of new solid rocks which were continuously
descending from the poles, successive spherical cells of increased density were formed.
With the formation of this sphere, converted then to Moon, the Earth-Moon system
presented a picture of double planet. The earth's ray was expanded to the point where
Moon was, each time, as well as the centre of its weight was displaced on this ray
towards the moon's side (FIG.1).
As the moon's mass was augmenting, its inactivity was also proportionally increasing,
resulting to its moving from East to West, rolled on the Equator's circumference.
With a continuously decreased temperature on the Earth's surface, a greater number of,
and of larger size, solid pieces were descending from the poles to the Equator and so it
was not possible for all these pieces to be incorporated in the Moon. These large solid
pieces consisted the core of the original Continent but also the catapult which
contributed to the Moon's detachment.
The Moon's reverse rolling speed in combination with its leaping up on the Equator's
large solid mass and the resulted attraction of the other planets (they were, then, to a
closer to Earth orbit) contributed to the Moon's ejection and its placing in an orbit around
the Earth).
The Moon's highly solid structure contributed to its non-dissolution during its detachment
from the Earth- is due to the fact that its successive shells obtained a high cohesion
among them, as they were formed in circumstances of high temperatures and pressure
(Thermal Gluing).
During the Moon's detachment, a joint of liquid matter in the form of a stringer was
formed between the liquid Earth and the solid Moon.
The stringer consisted of heavier parts than those ones of the outer surface of the Earth
and also heavier than those ones of the Moon. And this because they were coming from
an area where the part of the moon was submerged before its detachment from the
With the moon's detachment, the liquid stringer gets thin and is cut.
A part of the stringer fell upon the earth.
Another part of the stringer fell upon the visible, mainly, side of the moon and the "Seas
" were formed from its materials.
Some small pieces of the stringer remained in orbit, became solid and turned to be small
satellites of the Earth and Moon.
These satellites had a declining orbit and later, fell on the Earth and Moon respectively.
The Moon's rocks were allocated according to their density, in successive spherical shells,
less dense in its centre and its greater surface (FIG. 1).
Its "Seas" are much denser because their material comes from a part of the stringer,
which fell upon these areas.
These facts result to the Moon's centre of gravity being displaced towards its visible from
the Earth side by 2,5 KM.
After the Moon's detachment on the earth the procedure of the rocks solidification
increasingly continued at its poles, as well as their descent to the Equator (At this stage
no new sphere was formed because the quantity and the extension of the solid masses
was high and no rolling took place). There, they were added to the already existent ones
and so the original Continent of the Earth was formed, which was continuously
expanding while at its western part a ring of solid rocks was gradually formed, with the
maximum thickness and width at the western side of the original Continent and its
minimum ones at the eastern part from it.
As time passed the solid pieces come from the poles continuously enlarged the ring's
width, until the moment that the burning earth was all covered with solid crust (Ocean
Because of the above mentioned, the ocean crust is much denser and of less age than
the continental crust.
When the ocean crust became significantly thicker and the superficial temperature was
decreased, the vapours on the earth's atmosphere, were liquedified and fell on it. They
remained there and so, the first ocean was formed. The ocean covered all the earth
except the first continent (FIG.2).
Then, living organisms appear on the earth and because of favourable circumstances,
fauna and flora present an excessive growth.
Later, one of more small satellites (from those ones which were formed by the stringer
during the moon's detachment) fell on the first continent directed from East to West.
This fall resulted to the first continent's breaking into smaller pieces Continents), which,
because of the moving action, they obtained from the collision, moved to various
directions and later were stabilized at their current locations. America, which consisted
the western part of the first continent, because of the direction of the satellites' crash
moved to west, swept with its western side the ocean crust and the western side highly
elevated (western chain of mountains). It northern part, because of larger mass, moved
to further western places,
With the splitting of the first continent very significant facts were noticed on the
earth: a) high tidal waves, b) change of its form on its surface, c) alterations of its
revolution, d) vaporisation of huge quantities of water, because of its contact with
pyrosphere at the areas where it remained provisionally uncovered, e) formation of a
new ocean crust (Atlantic- Mediterranean Sea and at smaller extent in other areas), f)
flooding rainfalls, g) significant fall of temperature on the earth's surface, because of the
hindered solar radiation by many and dense clouds, h) formation of glaciers at large
extent, where large animals were encircled ( the smallest ones were carried away by the
water ). Some are preserved till today and i) development of petroleum and coal - the
high tidal waves and the flooding rains swept the most of the plants and animals and
carried them away, burying them with the water deeply enough into crust's cracks, then
were covered with the carried material coming from the continental corrosion.
The buried animals, plants and water under the influence of high temperature- pressure
and absent air, were, later, converted to petroleum.
The plants and animals, buried in higher places (plateaus and valleys) were later
converted to coal, because after the flood, the water was drained from these places.
The areas with coal and petroleum are mainly located at the converging points of
extensive continental areas, counting, of course, the location of the continents during the
The earthquakes are caused by :
A) The differentiated revolution of lithosphere- pyrosphere, the lithosphere having slower
speed of axial revolution than the underlying pyrosphere (the pyrosphere's revolving
speed is progressively increasing deeper to the core which is turned in higher speed than
the pyrosphere's mantle and the lithosphere causing thus the development of the Earth's
electromagnetic field).
B) The existence of "negative" projections and cavities at the lower part of the
V) Various components' motion found mainly in liquid form in the space between
lithosphere and pyrosphere (MOHO discontinuity).
Some of these components are: water, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen
sulphide etc. continuously coming up from the pyrosphere.
The above components are found in relatively low quantities throughout the pyrosphere's
surface without causing major earthquakes.
When, however, at some point in the space between lithosphere and pyrosphere, these
components are concentrated in high quantity, their motion to the east, causes
earthquakes, eruptions and other phenomena in the following procedure:
The shape of the continents results from the original continent's splitting, this is the
reason that there are so extensive superficial abnormalities such as mountains, mountain
chains as well as, under them, respectively "negative" projections of larger sizes there
(Isostasy)(FIG.3a). Such projections are also found far from the limits of the lithospheric
plates under mountains and mountain chains inside compact plates - continents.
Further projections are also found in the area where the tectonic plates converge
(Sinking - mounting) (FIG.4a).
In the western side of the projections: more and major earthquakes are caused (FIG. 3b4b).
The lithosphere consisting a 2% of all the earth's mass, rotates in lower (differential)
speed than the pyrosphere because of:
A) Lower initial orbital speed of the solid pieces of which the original continent and the
ocean crust were formed.
B) The different state (solid) from the pyrosphere (liquid).
C) The attraction of the moon and the sun.
D) The inactivity and
E) The hydrospheric action (tide).
Besides, the existence of the mentioned above liquid components in the space between
lithosphere and pyrosphere, contribute to diminished friction among them.
The above phenomena result to the lithosphere's retardation by one rotation every about
100 revolutions of the pyrosphere.
At the northern hemisphere of the solid crust the continental mass is larger than that of
the southern and with the earth's revolution a higher centrifugion develops and this has
as result that the magnetic and the geographic axes do not coincide (shaking).
Because of the lithosphere's lowest revolving speed than the pyrosphere’s, at the
western point of the projection (penetrating into the pyrosphere) higher pressures
prevail over those ones at the eastern areas (FIG.3a-3b-6).
When in an area between the lithosphere and pyrosphere a high quantity of fluids is
concentrated , these fluids move, carried away by pyrosphere from west to east in
almost the same speed to this, with small alterations due to the morphology of the
lithosphere, that is, it is lower under the continental areas, presenting many "negative"
projections, while, when they move under normal flat lithospheric surfaces, they are at
large extent, of small thickness and higher speed.
When, however, on its course the mass of these fluids meets a projection, it is
gradually concentrated at its western part, displacing the pyrosphere.
The separation of the fluids from the pyrosphere is, there, clear. Because of increased
pressure and their motionless state, their penetration in the lithosphere is high and on
their ascent to the surface, because of decreased pressure, they are aerified. These
components' penetration causes various phenomena, which are visible on the surface,
over this place, with or without special instruments.
Some useful forerunning phenomena for the forecast of the earthquake’s epicentre are:
A) The crust increased temperature over this area.
B) Changes of the level and temperature of underground waters.
C) Sulphurous smells and, if in the area of the foreseen epicentre there are seas or lakes,
death of fishes or change in their behaviour are caused to the water because of these
components' dissolution.
D) Electromagnetic alterations etc.
Such phenomena are intensively noticed about 2-3 days before the earthquake. When
these liquid components causing the earthquakes are concentrated at the western side of
a projection, they displace the pyrosphere and occupy this area until they reach the
lowest part of this projection (FIG.3b-4b).
Just when the quantity of the fluids exceeds the capacity of an exact area, they start to
escape under the projection with direction to the east.
Since the pressure at the eastern point of the projection is significantly lower, these
fluids, on their escape, in the form of eruption, are aerified, their flow is accelerated and
all their mass pass to the eastern part of the projection (BERNOULLI phenomenon).
During their escape, significant phenomena are caused such as:
1) Strong sound wave (roar before the earthquake)
2) Overheating of gasses, because of inside friction and ionisation, resulting to a strong
electric field, because of which flashes are caused to the atmosphere (Electric
discharges) over this place.
3) Depression at the western side of the projection and
4) The place, which was previously held by the above, mentioned components, now it is
occupied violently by the liquid mass of pyrosphere, tending to follow the course of the
gasses. But because of its highest viscosity it strikes against the projection causing an
earthquake, cracks of the lithosphere and superficial destructions, mainly at the eastern
part of the epicentre (FIG.3b-4b).
Earthquakes also take place at "negative" cavities of lithosphere. Their differences from
the earthquakes, taking place at the western points of the "negative" projections of
lithosphere, are the following:
A) The direction of the pyrospheric striking is vertical to the lithosphere, that is from the
lower to the upper part.
B) They are mainly of small depth.
C) The energy emitted from the striking is distributed over the lithosphere in circles
around the focus.
The intensity of the earthquakes depends mainly on the quantity of the fluids , the
capacity and the angle of the projection.
In case that the earthquake happens under the ocean crust the energy from the striking
of the pyrosphere on the crust, is transferred to the sea water, resulting to large water
masses' displacement (TSUNAMI).
Besides the under the sea earthquakes and the accompanying consequences (strong
electric fields- enrichment of water with various toxic gasses - strong vibration) cause
some problems and even death to the fish found in this area.
At some points the ocean crust is particularly thin. This is mainly due to the continuously
happened cracks of the lithosphere. e.g. in the area of Vermudes triangle" (FIG. 5).
When under such a cavity a high quantity of fluids is found what follows are the abovementioned phenomena for the earthquakes.
But, here, we do not have a earthquake because, at the same time with the escape of
gasses, at the eastern point and the depression noticed in this area, because the curst is
thin and the pressure exerted on it by the underlying ocean water is high, the crust
cracks and the area which would be occupied by pyrosphere and cause an earthquake, is
not occupied by water.
Over this point an instantaneous fall of the water level is noticed and in the
atmosphere a depression and cathodic air currents.
Besides, when the water touches the uncovered pyrosphere, some quantity evaporates ,
and a dense fog is locally formed.
The length of these phenomena is short, because when the water touches the pyrosphere
the cracked crust is quickly restored and a calm is noticed again.
When a high quantity of fluids is concentrated at the western part of a projection, some
time, some hours before the main earthquake some quantities of fluids escape causing,
then, some small tremors (pre-seismic tremors).
When at the western point of a negative projection (mountain root or lithosphere's
sinking front) a strong earthquake takes place, this projection at one part cracks and
many other smaller projections are formed with such angles that whatever small
quantities of liquid components pass under there cause numerous earthquakes of less
intensity because of less capacity (Post-seismic tremors).
The frequency and the intensity of the "post-seismic" tremors are diminished as time
passes, because the angles of these projections because of frequent strike of the
pyrosphere become dull.
However, at the so-called "negative» cavities the post-seismic tremors are least.
For the above-mentioned reasons every earthquake (pre-seismic tremor, main
earthquake or post-seismic tremor) is caused by different masses of liquid components
passing through this area.
As it was above mentioned when an earthquake takes places, it causes cracks to the
lithosphere. The cracks in flat areas close relatively quickly because of plasticity and
carried deposits, while the cracks on the mountains and mountain chains are slower
If in a short period under this point a significant quantity of fluids is concentrated again
(cause of earthquakes) they come out of cracks towards
the surface,aerified because of pressure difference, accelerated, their temperature is
significantly raised, the surrounding rocks melt, enlarge the existent cracks and carry
away with them a quantity of magna (lava).
Besides, very frequent earthquakes activity is noticed at the converging limits (sinking mounting) of the lithospheric tectonic plates.
According to the above mentioned the eruptions follow the earthquakes in some exact
The eruption is accompanied by usually low intensity earthquakes because the gasses
come out gradually and not in a short period of time as it happens with the earthquake.
The gasses, start to come out when their origin reach the western point of the projection.
While, during the earthquake's activity, the gasses escape to east, after the area is filled
with them, at the western point of the projection (FIG.6).
The activity of a volcano is completely discontinued, when there are not any liquid
components under the crust of the volcano, though the crater remains open.
As it was above mentioned the earthquakes are caused because of lower revolving speed
of the lithosphere than that one of the pyrosphere and the existent large masses of
fluids-gasses under the lithosphere, moving from west to east, carried away by
When in their course, these components meet projections or cavities of lithosphere, they
cause earthquakes.
The forecast is possible by the following ways:
A) From statistical studies, with a earthquake as starting point, we may know: a) the
course to east followed by the fluids which caused this earthquake, b) the projections
they'll meet in their course, c) the lime they'll take to reach them and d) the intensity of
that expected earthquake.
For Greece we take as starting point the earthquakes taken place in Western America
between the Equator and the 35th parallel circle.
The runways which the fluids will follow causing earthquakes pass under the crust of the
American continent, the Atlantic Ocean, converge to Gibraltar, Western Mediterranean
Sea and arrive under Greece where they'll cause new earthquakes of proportional
intensity. The required time for such a running is about 50 days. After Greece, they
continue their cost eastwards.
B) For a more accurate determination of the epicentre we use the most reliable
forerunning phenomena being the crust's raised temperature localized to a cone having
as top the hypocentre and centre of base the epicentre of the expected earthquake.
By means of a thermometer's set we observe the increase of temperature, which can be
easily found mainly in underground waters, a few days before an earthquake, takes
place. So, we know exactly where a high quantity of fluids has been encircled and their
escape eastwards will cause an earthquake. With the combination of both these methods
the earthquakes may be accurately foreseen.
Let's notice that the forecast stops being effective if an eruption takes place, located
between the area where the earthquake took place, which is taken as starting point, and
the area where the new earthquake is expected to happen. This means that the fluidsgasses, which would cause the earthquake, escaped to the atmosphere from the
volcano's crater. E.g. for Southern Greece the forecast stops being effective if 5-7 days
before, Aetna and Stromboli volcanoes in S. Italy explode.
The frequency and the intensity of the earthquakes at international level are diminished
when there is a strong volcanic activity and vice versa. The elevation of the earthquakes
and volcanoes is alternating every about six months.
When in an area of high intensity an earthquake takes place, a part of the projection
cracks and its angle becomes obtuse when in a short period of time a same or higher
intensity earthquake does not take place in this area.
The required area for the restoration of this projection (either by thickening or sinking of
the tectonic plate) is statistically calculated.
Some earthquakes may be neutralized as follows:
By the ways we above mentioned we observe that under the lithosphere a concentrated
high quantity of fluids move, which, if they pass under cavities or projections they'll
cause earthquakes.
If in their course a volcano is found, we contribute to the opening of the crater in due
time (with explosives which we have previously placed into the crater). The explosives
are fired when the origin of the fluids arrives in under the crater (this becomes known by
the methods we apply for the forecast of earthquakes).
These components coming out, gradually, from the volcano, neutralize the cause of the
earthquake farther easterly.
Besides, by this applied method the possibility of more violent and destructive eruption
is diminished, because with the gradually coming out gasses a high quantity of lava is
impeded to come out.