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Unit 2
The Reformation and The Wars of
1. To understand the problems of the
Catholic Church on the eve of Luther’s
2. To understand Luther’s objections to
Catholic practices, thebeliefs of Luther’s
new church, and their impact on family
and gender roles
3. To be able to compare the beliefs and
practices of the reformers who followed
4. To understand the impact of the
Reformation on government
5. To understand the Catholic response
to the protestants
Need – brogue PowerPoint – Luther
document (PP) witch document (PP)
Terms –
The reformation or the second schism
The reformation transformed and
transitioned Europe into the modern era.
Also known as the Protestant
reformation (protestor) the movement
was born out of the Renaissance – the
humanist ideas of nature and knowledge
and the study of the classics spawned
religious philosophers who turned to the
old texts of religion and away from
catholic dogma. Mostly inspired by the
Northern Renaissance where most of the
subject mater was church based. Here
humanists were interested in morality
and ethics and encouraged debate on
religion, which brought the church into
question. The printing press and
secular universities also say an increase
in the questioning of the church.
Individuals like Erasmus who study
Hebrew and Greek scripture – Jan Hus
A central Europe Bohemian who openly
criticized the pope-the German Martin
Luther and the 95 thesis-John Calvin (
Switzerland) the chosen work for
salvation – Henery VIII the Anglican
church – John Wyclif don’t have to
follow an unworthy pope. These
individuals created the Protestant
reformation – causing the Catholic
reformation and a permanent split once
again in Christianity just as large as the
Great Schism.
Catholicism remained the religion of the
vast majority of Europeans Spain France
Austria Poland the Italian States Bavaria
and Southern Germany remained
staunchly Catholic – England
Switzerland the Dutch Netherlands
Scandinavia and the Northern German
States protested and became a variety of
Protestant. These differences would lead
to the religious was in the 1600’s
Under Leo X (Medici Pope) Church
corruption reached an all time high –
bought positions-taxes-Selling of
indulgences (payment for out of
purgatory) the death tax –only a priests
could read and understand gods word.
In England Sir Thomas More English
writer and statesman would write Utopia
– a look at ones own value in the world
HE was a Dutch cleric and did more for
the Northern Renaissance than any one
else – 7 years at a monastery and an
ordained priest He was a patronage of
Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor –
who allowed him liberties with
humanism and religion – wrotethe satire
Praise of Folly He wrote the Hand Book
of a Christian Soldier and attacked the
catholic idea of using relics to heal
people and he de-emphasized the
sacraments it was translated into 10
languages (importance of print)
However he was unwilling to openly
challenge papal authority
Roots of the Reformation
By the time of the Renaissance the
church was loosing its ruling power over
the rising nation states and monarchies.
In the hundreds of principalities of
Germany Italy and Switzerland Pope
rule was dependent upon local rulers
willingness to financial support the
church. – transportation and expansion
made it hard for the pope to rule.
The start of the end of Catholic
1.The monarchs of France Spain and
England had regulated the church down
to “national Churches “
2. religious declared heretical by the
Church were popping up all over Europe
and reading the bible for themselves
turning against the church hierarchy
3. A movement within the church sought
to place the pope under cardinal
4. the questioning of religious faith and
fundamental church doctrine ushered in
and shattered the unity of Western
The Great Schism 1378-1417
In the 1300’s (14th century) England and
France began to tax the Church as a
result Pope Boniface VIII issued a bull
Unum Sanctum –all peoples wishing
salvation would be subject to the rule f
the POPE – King Philip IV of France
arrested the Pope and the pope died in
custody – Philip then elected a new pope
Clement V1309-1378and forced him to
move the papacy to Avignon so that he
could be controlled by the king of
Pope Gregory XI in 1377 moved the
papacy back to Rome but died a year
later and was replaced by Pope Urban VI
loyal to the French thus a roman mob
forced he and the cardinals to flee Rome
– they returned to Rome a few months
later declared Urban unit for the papacy
and elected Clement VII and he returned
to Avignon leaving Pope Urban VI in
Rome. TWO popes This divided Europe
Politically –The Avignon followers:
France Castile Navarre and Scotland.
For Rome: Italian states England
Portugal and the Holy Roman Empire
In 1409 church leader held the council of
Pisa and elected a third pope no one
accepted. The chaos and corruption of
three popes It is this split that allowed
the nations states of Europe to subjugate
the once powerful Papacy and allowed
the masses to begin to alter their faith.
Heretical and Spiritual Movements
William of Occam an English Monk
refuted Thomas Aquinas’s attempt to
explain god through logic- and rational
proof – (faith cannot be decided by logic
God created logic God is infallible thus
god exists) William said mankind can
not understand god though reason and
that it is up to the individual not the
church to read and spiritually understand
scripture. Scripture is just the guidebook
for a relationship with god. Lead a good
simple life.
John Wyclif another Englishman
Scripture was the basis for faith and the
needed individual relationship with god
the church was nothing more than a
meeting place for those god chose to
save. He also challenged the sacrament
that communion was not a literal
transformation of the body and blood of
Christ but a simple gesture Wyclif took
the Church out of the picture as a simple
middle man to god. The peasant revolts
in England got Wyclif arrested and
banished to a monastery. His followers
after the revolt were known as Lollard
knights the rebelled against the crown
and were crushed by Henry V
Jan Hus from Bohemia-a reader and
follower of Wyclif’s theory openly
attacked the catholic church on the issue
that all of the faithful should be given
communion and at the Council of
Constance (called to fix the two pope
problem) were he was given a free pass
to come and speak he was arrested tried
for heresy and burned at the stake. His
followers became the Hussites who
raised an army and successful defeated
the armies of the pope the pope
recognized them and their church lasted
until 1620.
The Council of Constance
Figure d out the pope problem deposed
two of them Avignon and Rome and
resigned a third – electing Martin V and
created a council for the pope at the
popes calling. The power and control of
the just had weakened from within. And
left it self open to attacks by the rising
intellectuals of the time.
Clerical Abuses and Indulgences
The Church by the 1500’s in most of
Europe’s eyes had become to worldly
focusing more on personal wealth than
on the Christian faith Bishops cardinals
and popes lived like nobles and kings
wealth and large tracks of land and
estates as well as political power. Lower
priests even or charged for services
rendered- praying, burying, mass.
Simony the sale of church offices to
nobles and kings relatives for profit. By
the early 1500’s 16th century priest kept
concubines and nepotism for their
children was rampant. Pope Paul II the
“happy father not the holy father”
Alexander VI many children Paul III had
his grandchildren appointed cardinals
The sacrament of pnenace and
confession (11th century to maintain
good order) began to be used as a priests
In most of the German states priests
were exempt form paying any taxes.
The practice of indulgences was the
final straw for thinkers coming out of the
renaissance. The selling of prayers for
The actions of the church were
challenged in Estates general in FranceAugsburg Diet in the Holy Roman
Empire – The Imperial representve
Assembly in the German lands – and the
Fifth Lateran Council all called for
church reform and a return to the true
faith for the church.
Martin Luther
Power point on Catholic or not
Trained as a Lawyer – almost hit by
lightening and joined the monastery and
became a devoted Monk he was assigned
to teach and preach in Wittenberg in the
Holy Roman Empire
Faith and not good works was the key to
salvation Romans 1:17 live by faith –
This would alter his views on the
religion but not on the church – Luther
constantly questioned his own sin but
also began to question the corruption
within the church –an individual named
Johann Tetzel set him off. Tetzel a
priest was sent to Wittenberg to sell off
indulgences to build St Peter’s Basilica
in Rome and to help pay off the debts of
the Archbishop of Mainz who had
bought his church position at a premium.
Luther denounced him publicly and
through the chain of church authority –
when his bishop abbot refused to answer
his questions about the actions of the
church Luther drew up 95 questions or
his thesis and presented them to the
church. He also had them printed and
asked all who wished to debate him
come forward. He was also charged with
giving the mass on all hollows eve
where he publicly presented his issues
and the wealthy heard him. This alone
saved him from the stakes.
Pope Leo X came after him and
excommunicated him but Luther found a
protector in Fredrick III Holy Roman
Emperor elect and ruler of Saxony his writings under his protection reached
the merchant class, artisans and the
literate urban populations of the German
lands and the Holy Roman empire –
political lines began to form around his
views and religious rebellions began to
spring up throughout the Holy Roman
Empire. Luther favored only 2 of the 7
sacraments and wrote. Priests should
marry and take the title minister –
perform mass in regular clothes- be
dependent upon charity and perform
mass in the vernacular
Freedom of a Christian
The newly elected Holy Roman
Emperor and devoted Catholic Charles
V questioned Luther at The Diet of
Worms (whose primary calling was to
raise funds for the war on the Turks not
Luther) 1521 Charles V declared Luther
an outlaw and a heretic ordered all of his
writings to be burned and any one
harboring Luther to be punished, but
Fredrick III (the wise of Saxony)
escorted Luther to the safety of his
realm. Where he translated the bible into
German. It was to late for the Catholics
Luther’s writings were already spreading
through Europe and converting thus who
believed Luther had unlocked the true
meaning of scripture – to his dieing day
Luther declared himself a Catholic.
This lead to Peasant revolts in the
German lands using Freedom of a
Christian to also mean the relationship
between Lord and Peasant. Luther
condoned them as Fredrick III was a
target of them and the revolts were
crushed even though they called for
religious reform and social reform.
In 1530 followers of Luther’s writings
met in at the Augsburg Confession
this became the basis for the Lutheran
faith – Division within the Holy Roman
empire forced Charles V to call the Diet
of Speyer where religion was now to be
left up to the individual principalities.
The follower of Luther were branded as
Protesters or Protestants by Charles V
and the Catholic church. Sweden Finland
and Denmark became the first Lutheran
Diplomacy and politics allowed the
spread to not be contained – Charles V
in a constant battle with the French had
to spend resources against them rather
than against religion – also The Turks
had taken Eastern Europe as far west as
Hungary and granted sanctuary to
Lutherans. To battle the Turks and ally
all of the Holy roman Empire Charles V
was forced to recant The Diet of Worms
allowing Luther back into the Empire.
The pope would reconsider Luther at a
Council in Trent.
Francis I of France joined the Turks
causing Charles to invade France and in
the process for conversion back to
Catholicism of the Holy Roman Lands.
It was to late the Protestant faith in its
many forms had already taken root.
Peace of Augsburg
Gave up the idea of conversion and gave
all kingdoms the right to choose religion
s they saw fit. This kept the German
lands divided until 1871.
The Reformation in Switzerland and
Zurich and Huldrych (Ulrich) Zwingli
Preached salvation through faith alone.
Started with eating sausage during Lent
– bible does not say you cant. He also
preached against Icons and had them
removed from alters and churches
scripture alone is the basis for religion.
Disagreed with Luther in the Eucharist
that it was only symbolic and that Christ
was not really present. The Catholics
sent an army to crush him Zwingli took
up the sword and bible and died in the
battle. The peace that followed allowed
each canton of Switzerland to choose its
on faith.
Both Luther and Zwingli agreed for the
most part including infant baptism –
which lead to a group that did not the
Only and adult can choose and
understand baptism as it is not
mentioned in the New Testament of
infant baptism. John of Leiden became
there leader and seized control of
Munster (socialism) Lutheran and
Catholic armies then attacked him
together tortured him and his leaders
hung there bodies in iron cages from the
church tower (still there today)
Menno Simmons tried to revive the
anaaptist faith by creating a sect known
as the Mennonites who quickly fled to
The Unitarian religion is also born in
the chaos of reformation – anti trinity
god can not be three only one.
Jean Calvin
He embodied the second major current
of the reformation. A Frenchman trained
as a lawyer then sent to a monastery as
his father believed he would make more
money in the corrupt church.
In France the Protestant faith took on the
monarch in the Placard affair, which
denounced the church and threaten King
Francis I. France would fight the
reformation for the Catholic faith. Calvin
read and followed the teaching of
Erasmus and questioned the absence of
order in the Catholic Church. –He read
Luther and disagreed with hi conclusions
on faith. Calvin sought to reassure the
faithful of gods grace – obedience to
Gods will was key to salvation –
Institutes of the Christian religion
Preordained. Good and successful work
was a sign that God had chosen you for
Salvation. This became the Protestant
Ethic. He convinced Geneva to accept
his version and converted the city to his
way. Calvin create religious law
governed by Presbyters – who watch
over the moral values of the city they
had the authority to excommunicate –
jail and execute violators of the faith.
The followed what Calvin called the
Ecclesiastical Ordinances. He was then
exiled himself and then asked to return.
Calvinism proved to be the most
aggressive of the reformation religions.
John Knox would bring it to Scotland
And in 1560 would become Scotland’s
official religion changing the name from
Calvinism to Presbyterians.
In France Henry II tortured and killed
Calvinist for Heresy in the “Burning
Chamber” The French could not keep up
with the trials for Heresy as to many
French were converting from
Catholicism. By 1560 2000 French mean
adopted the Protestant teachings of
Besancon Hugues and the Huguenot
faith was born – (later banished to
America and would die in St Augustine)
The reformation in England
Unlike mainland Europe this reformation
began with a battle between King and
Church. Henry VIII who published a
book supporting the Catholic faith
against Luther giving him the title
“Defender of the Faith” started the
Reformation in England.
For Imperial conquest of the Americas
(edict of Nantes and for marital issues)
Henry VIII 1509—1547 did not want a
fight for the throne (war of roses again)
upon his death and he needed a son to
become king –
Wives of Henry VIII – Catherine of
Argon 5 children but only Mary Tudor
survived – Catherine was the Aunt of
Charles V the Holy Roman Emperor
who attacked Rome defeating Pope
Clement VII – Catherine was also the
widow of Henry’s brother – He wanted a
divorce based on Old Testament law of
marrying a widow of a brother who
could not produce children. The
archbishop of Canterbury Thomas
Wolsey asked Clement VII who said
Wolsey was fired and tried for treason –
died before he could be executed –
Thomas More became the kings
chancellor and Thomas Cranmer the
archbishop of Canterbury – More did not
believe Henry’s marriage could be
annulled – and Henry secretly married
the pregnant Anne Boleyn Henry called
parliament into session and The Act of
Restraint was passed this denied the
pope and cut the ties with Rome Thomas
Cranmer then annulled the marriage with
Catherine. In 1534 the Act of
Succession was based requiring the
people of England to take an oath of
loyalty to the King of England as Head
of the Church and the Anglican faith was
born. – Thomas More refused and was
executed – the pope appointed another
cardinal to Canterbury and Henry
arrested him. Then The Act of
Supremacy was passed declaring The
king of England supreme head of the
Church of England. Henry appointed
Thomas Cromwell to seize Catholic
Church Lands in England this was the
largest transfer of land in English
History 600 monasteries sold off – most
of the monasteries were replace with
fortifications to guard against the Scots
and the an invasion across the channel.
Anne Bolyen bore only a daughter to
Henry the future queen of England
Elizabeth - Henry tried her for treason
and adultery and executed her. She
would make England Anglican by
decree. Jane Seymour was next she
died after giving Henry a son A weak
boy named Edward – he would become
kung but die within a few years – Henry
then married anther Anne from German
for an alliance against the Catholic
Empires. She was ugly and Henry
divorced her and married Catherine
Howard tried her for “treasonable
chastity” His last wife Catherine Parr
outlived Henry. At his death Edward
became King and died then his half
sister a staunch Catholic Mary Tudor
tried to bring back Catholicism but died
and Elizabeth became Queen and the
Empire and the Anglican Church began
to take form under her reign.
The Catholic or Counter Reformation
This was two fold an aggressive
response to the Protestants and a desire
to fix itself from within. Pope Paul III
began the reforms which focused for the
most part in Italy and Spain – A church
council and new religious would be the
result. Cardinal Carafa established an
inquisition in Rome to rid it of
Protestants and at the death of Paul III he
became pope Paul IV. Under Pope Paul
III -Ignatius of Loyola a soldier who
was wounded and found god became one
of the greatest Catholic reformers –
wanted to rekindle Catholic orthodoxy –
he organized the Society of Jesus – the
Jesuits- who took a highly disciplined
military approach to being Catholic and
spreading the word of Jesus. To be a
Jesuit one had to complete “boot Camp”
and swore a special allegiance to the
Pope. They traveled the globe preaching
fire and brimstone. In 1545 at the request
of Charles V – Paul III called the
Council of Trent –called to define the
Catholic Doctrine the church protested
the calling of this but attended and
reestablished traditional Catholic Dogma
the only change was the selling of
indulgences. This council allowed the
church to become better organizedcentralized and took on the attitude of a
European Power State – it also became
educational reforms for the priesthood
At the death of Paul III Carafa became
Paul IV
Pope Paul IV creates the ghettos to
contain all of the Jews and decreed by
papal bull that they were the killers of
Christ. Jews had to live in ghettos never
leave them and wear Yellow caps to
identify them and they could not own
land and were limited as to what jobs
they could have.
He also ordered that all priest are to keep
a written record of all Catholics in their
churches including Birth and Death and
Pope Pius V took the luxury living of
the cardinals and bishops away. Sent
missionaries to preach to the poor and
encouraged individual relationship with
God by ones own study of the Bible
(borrowed from Luther)
Social and Cultural Impact
Of the Reformation
The Printing Press had the biggest
impact on the reformation as millions of
copies fo Luther’s writings and later
writes were published and read literacy
was climbing.
Lay people began to get an education
both the Lutheran and Calvin faiths
preached of the importance of education
Church and popular culture clashed in
literature and in folklore – George and
the Dragon Robin Hood.
Luck and faith – holy symbols v. good
luck charms – the baptism of the
dunking three times was frowned on by
the church as a pagan good luck charm.
The church went after Carnival the
celebration of sin before lent. Church
lost out. The church went after certain
dance moves – Twirl in France –(toss up
a girl to look under and catch under the
Marriage was encouraged and so was a
stable family life
Protestant women encouraged to read
the bible – remained subordinate to men
and their ideal place was the care of the
household and the spiritual development
of the family– Divorce was rare and
expensive- Witches (document PP on
witch trial) the superstition of popular
religion In the holy roman Empire 300
trials and 2500 burnings almost all were
women all were rural poor and single –
most were blamed for societies down
falls – crop failure – a cow died – an
unexplained fire – or a caught mistress.
Women were the story tellers of past
popular culture and the cause of original
sin (Eve) according the Catholic church.
Killing witches also gave rules a source
of power over a community – as the
witch trials faded – public torture for
crimes rose.
The Baroque Style (PP)
Extravagant ornamentation its goal was
to impress and overwhelm the senses.
The style was to express the experience
of the soul Colors Gold Marble ornate
decorations everywhere in a house of
church or even the buildings themselves.
The Reformation divided Europe
along Imperial and political boundariesFrance Spain and Habsburg Austria
remained loyal the Catholic faith
allowing limited Rome Control – three
of the four powers in Europe – England
and the Dutch Netherlands were
Protestants. The peace of Augsburg and
the Council of Trent did not solve any of
the issues between Catholic and
Protestant. This would lead to global
alliances and wars.
The Religious Wars
Based partly on Religion Catholic v.
protestant but mostly on Dynastic
The French wars of religion 1562-1598
France 3 times the size of England under
Francis I and Henry II France was
consolidated under royal power through
the use of royal courts ,law and made
French the language of the Court They
also used a taille tax to fund a royal
army. By the mid 1500’s the French
kings ruled over independent provinces
within France and Calvinism was
spreading throughout the French lands.
Always battling for power in Europe
France and Habsburg Austria were
constantly in a state of conflict or war
and in 1525 Francis I was captured in
battle by Charles V Since Charles was
Catholic the French govt. to get Francis I
back began to attack Protestants in
France. It worked – in 1527 they went
after Protestants again and in 1551 the
inquisition was launched against them.
Even so the French Noble population
became 40% Huguenot including two of
the families fighting for the throne of
France the Bourbon and the
Montmorency- the third the Guise were
1559 Henry II died his wife Catherine
Medici and mother of the next three
kings was Catholic but was not
supported by the Guise family. Francis
II became king but died in 18 months –
his brother Charles IX age 10 became
king under his mothers regency –
Catherine tried to make peace between
Catholic and Huguenot – this distraction
allowed Calvinism to grab a violent
stronghold in France. The Guise family
although Catholic did not support
Catherine and looked toward Spain.
1562-1563 the guise family killed
several Huguenots and started this first
religious war – ending with the
Huguenots being able to worship in one
town per region.
1567 war broke out again for 3 years
then Charles wanted to help the
protestant Dutch fight catholic Spain to
weaken the French rival – but had a
change of heart and was influenced by
the Guise family. In 1572 mend
relations between Huguenot and
Catholic Charles sister Margaret
(catholic) married a Huguenot Bourbon
Henry of Navarre. Huguenots were
invited to the wedding On Aug 24 St
Bartholomew’s Day Catholic assassins
slaughter the Huguenots who arrived –
and for 4 days hunted them down
through the countryside killing over
12,000 of them.
In 1574 Charles IX died leaving the
throne to his younger brother Henry III
a cross dressing bisexual – Henry III
sought to make peace wit the Huguenots
and working with moderates called
politiques created liberal conditions for
the practice of protestants,. Die hard
Catholics formed the Catholic league
lead by Henry of Guise and backed by
the king of Spain Phillip II declared war
on protestants – When Henry III’s
brother died protestant Henry of Navarre
became next in line to the throne a
nightmare for Catholics. Thus the war
of 3 Henrys lasted 15 years and
destroyed the economy – Then in 1589
probably by the politiques wanting
political order over religion Henry III
and Henry of Guise were assassinated
and Henry of Navarre a politiques
himself became Henry IV king of
France. He gave religious rights to the
Huguenots through the Edict of Nantes
and made Catholicism the national
religion . He also established and
absolute monarchy he never called the
estates general and he further divided
France into smaller states hired and
bought nobles improved transportation
and manufacturing and sent explores to
the new world married Mary Medici and
had three children by her and 3 by
mistresses and in 1610 was assassinated
by a Catholic fanatic Francois Ravaillac
Louis XIII at age 8 became king with
Mom as the regent. He would banish her
in two years The boy king was prone to
violence married an Austrian and had a
son. His confidant who secretly worked
for Mom was Cardinal Armand Jean
du Plessis de Richelieu. His approach to
toleration of Huguenots had him hated
by Catholics several attempts were made
on his life and he declared war on the
Catholic Habsburgs a financially costly
war – Louis XIII died in 1643 of
The 30 Years War
By the 17 century the Holy Roman
Empire stretched across Europe its
ruling family were the Habsburgs of
Austria. The Empire was split by
language and culture as well as religion
Catholic the favored and Protestant. The
bulk of the Empire lay in the German
4 phases of the War
1st phase 1618-1625 Civil war in
Bohemia It began in Prague when
Protestants threw two Catholics out of a
window even though they survived the
fall – Ferdinand the king of Bohemia
sent a Catholic army to crush the
protestants. He became Ferdinand II
Holy roman Emperor. The Czechs did
not recognize him and elected Fredrick
V a Calvinist – The loss at the battle of
White Mountain say an end to Calvinism
in Bohemia as Ferdinand II called on
Jesuits to hunt down and convert of kill
all Calvinists.
2nd phase The Danish phase 1625-1629
Started by Christian IV of Denmark and
a Protestant who controlled large parts of
the Holy roman Empire went to war
against the Catholic Hapsburgs – his
allies were the Protestant England and
the Dutch Republic as well as Richelieu
the Prime Minster of France a Catholic
nation that competed against the
Habsburgs. Ferdinand II commissioned a
mercenary army lead by Albert
Wallerstein- he won victory after
victory and laid waste to all lands
conquered . The Edict of Restitution
1629 stating that all protestants lands
taken from Catholics since 1152 except
for Lutherans who could keep their
3rd phase Swedish Phase 1630-1635
Started by the Swedish King Gustavus
Adolphus a Lutheran who wanted to
stop the oppression of Protestants in the
Holy Roman Empire Richelieu again
backed he protestant army over the
Catholics – putting state ahead of
religion. Even though the Swedish Army
was finally defeated, (peace of Prague)
Adolphus was successful in liberating
from the Habsburgs Poland Finland
Denmark and smaller Baltic states. He
prevented The Holy Roman Empire
from uniting the German lands – the
goal of the French in the war.
4th phase The French phase 1635-1648
Following the peace of Prague
Ferdinand II died. France invaded the
border states and funded protestant
armies in the Holy Roman Empire while
also invading Spain as it too was
controlled by the Habsburgs. The Dutch
And Swedes as well as Portugal joined
France – Portugal would gain
independence from Spanish rule. The
war was mostly fought on German soil
involving foreign armies, which
destroyed most of the land- the war
ended because the troops on all sides
were exhausted
1648 Peace of Westphalia A change of
the times
What it did
1. Sovereign Independent states of
German lands
2. Destroyed the Holy Roman
Empire as a powers house
3. Swiss were made independent
4. Dutch republic recognized
5. French got Alsace and Loraine
6. Sweden gained territory from
7. The 1555 Augsburg agreement
was made law but modified it to
accept Calvinism
8. it successfully blocked the
counter reformation and limited
Habsburg power
9. Fragmented the German lands
even more
The division of faith remained the same
in the same regions as before the 30
years war.
This treaty lead to New European
powers and he dawning of the Age of
Empire of which England France and the
Dutch would be at the forefront.