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Ancient Greece and Rome Test
Ancient Civ
Please answer all questions on a separate sheet
1) The Greek “Dark Ages”
A. Was a time of increased literacy
B. Was a time of decreasing population
C. Was brought about largely by foreign invaders
D. Both A and C
E. Both B and C
F. A, B, and C
2) Which of the following is true with regard to Minoan and Mycenaean societies?
A) Both societies used Linear A as a written language.
B) Both societies built palaces.
C) Both societies were established by Indo-European immigrants.
D) Both societies fought in the Trojan War.
E) Both were centered on Crete.
3) Which of the following was part of Spartan life?
A) Boys were taken away from their mothers for military training.
B) Young married women did not live with their husbands.
C) The helots were unfree servants of the Spartan state.
D) Vigorous physical exercise for girls was encouraged, in hopes that they
would bear strong children.
E) All of the above.
4) Which of the following was an Athenian political leader?
A) Sophocles
B) Sappho
C) Pericles
D) Homer
E) Darius
How democratic was the Athenian democracy? Choose the best description.
A) Citizenship was open to all residents.
B) Slavery was abolished through Solon's reform.
C) All citizens were qualified to participate in the assembly.
D) Men and women could hold political office.
E) None of the above.
6) According to the ancient legends, the kingdom of Rome was established in 753
B.C.E. by
A) Remus.
B) a she-wolf.
C) Aeneas.
D) Romulus.
E) none of the above.
7) The society of the Etruscans was ruled by
A) city-states.
B) a republican government.
C) powerful kings.
D) two consuls.
E) tribunes.
8)The Roman republic was dominated by
A) patricians.
B) plebeians.
C) Julius Cesar.
D) merchants.
E) priests.
9) The Gracchi brothers were:
A) owners of latifundia.
B) Tribunes supporting land reform
C) powerful generals.
D) emperors.
E) none of the above.
10) Important long-term contributions of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations are
primarily found in the area of
A) military technology
B) religious doctrine
C) economic policy and planning
D) government and law
11) The political system of the Ancient Roman Republic was characterized by
A) a strong central government
B) rule by a coalition of emperors and religious leaders
C) universal suffrage in national elections
D) a strict adherence to constitutional principles and compromise
12) The Ancient Athenians are credited with
A) inventing and using the wheel
B) Their treatment of women
C) establishing governments that had democratic elements
D) inventing the printing press
13) Gladiators were generally
A) prisoners
B) soldiers
C) rich
D) women
Choose 3 of 4 Short Response Questions. Each response should be
at least a paragraph. Provide as many specific details as possible in
your responses.
1) Compare and contrast the city states of Athens and Sparta.
2) Explain the system of “latifundia”? How did it eventually contribute to the end of the
Roman Republic, and the start of the Roman Empire?
3) Why is it strange that Rome went from being a republic to being an empire ruled by an
emperor? How in some ways was the transition from republic to empire beneficial to
4) How did direct democracy in Athens work? What kind of democracy does the United
States have? Why?