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Chapter 21
Populations Evolve in Ecosystems
The theory of evolution
 The theory of evolution is the foundation of all biology
 Charles Darwin is credited with developing the theory of evolution
 Based on two important points
o All living organisms descended from a common ancestor and therefore, share a
common chemistry
o Living organisms have the ability to adapt to their environment; the ability of
species of organisms to adapt to their environment is evolution
Natural Selection
 Darwin based his theory on four general statements
 Organisms show differences that can be inherited
 All organisms produce more offspring than can survive and reproduce in subsequent
 Variations among organisms can increase or decrease each individual’s ability to reproduce
 Variations that increase the likelihood of successful reproduction will be passed onto future
 Those individuals in a population with phenotypes better suited to the environment will
have a selective advantage, better able to survive and produce more offspring
 We now refer to change in allele frequencies in a population over time as evolution
 Although there are different means by which allele frequencies can change, natural selection
is the only one that causes to evolutionary adaption
 Although we often hear the term “survival of the fittest”, it is really “survival of the fit
 Reproductive fitness is the ability of an organism to successfully reproduce
o The key to an organisms’ fitness is leaving more copies of its genes for the next
o It’s all about the number of offspring produced
 Evolutionary adaptation is the result of natural selection
 It is an adjustment or series of adjustments a population or species makes in a given
environment over time
 Given enough time, these evolutionary adaptations may result in a new species
Descent with modification
 Evolution occurs at the population level and above
 At the population level, it refers to changes in allele frequency over time
 At higher levels, over much greater periods of time, these changes in a population’s allele
frequencies can lead to new species
 Over even greater periods of time, it can lead to major evolutionary changes, such as the
transformation of a fish into a terrestrial tetrapod
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
 In order to determine if a population is evolving, we need to have a point of reference
We need to know what a population that is not evolving looks like
 Requirements for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Population must be very large
Mating must be random
No mutations, immigration, or emigration
No selective pressure so no natural selection
So, there can’t be a natural population that meets all of those requirements
 Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium refers to an idealized situation - a reference point
 With this reference point, any population that does not fit the Hardy-Weinberg equation
must be evolving
 Consider a single gene with two alleles in the gene pool (A and a)
Since there are only the two alleles, the sum of their frequencies must be 1
If p = frequency of A and q = frequency of a, then p + q = 1
If we square both sides (p + q)2 = 12 we get p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
So p2 = frequency of AA
2pq = frequency of Aa
q2 = frequency of aa
 Practical applications
 Consider cystic fibrosis
o Incidence rate among North American Caucasians = 1/2000
o q2 = 1/2000 = 0.0005; q = 0.02
o p = 0.98, 2pq = 2(0.02)(0.98) = 0.0392
o Therefore, ~4% (1/25) of Caucasians are carriers
 Evolution does not have a direction; it does not march toward a perfect organism
 In any particular environment, there are likely to be many organisms that are well-suited to
fill various niches
 These make up communities
 Over time, change is normal
 Environmental conditions can change as well
 Species that were very well-suited to the old environment can now be ill-suited to the new
 The species can either adapt via evolutionary process or become extinct
o Humans can cause very rapid environmental changes
Evolutionary relationships
 The concept of descent with modification would predict that we share common
macromolecules with other life forms
 All living organisms have DNA as their genetic material, use RNA as a messenger, and use
the same genetic code to make their proteins
 But DNA can mutate
 Evolutionary theory predicts that more closely related species will have fewer differences in
their DNA sequences; more distantly related species will have more differences
 Genomic analysis indicates that humans and chimpanzees shared a common ancestor about
7 million years ago
o Since that time, the lineage including humans and the lineage including
chimpanzees have diverged
o Research indicates that one of the biggest differences between chimps and humans
is the composition and functioning of the brain
Natural selection
 Natural selection acts on populations subjected to various pressures from the environment
o Climate pressures, intra- and interspecific competition for limited resources, others
 Those individuals with variations that provide a selective advantage will produce more
offspring and make a larger contribution to the gene pool
 The genetic variation is due to mutation to produce new alleles and the genetic
recombination that occurs with sexual reproduction
Genetic bottlenecks
 Stable populations can be devastated by natural catastrophes
 When large portions of populations are suddenly removed from the gene pool, this
promotes evolution without regard to fitness or genetic makeup
 The frequency of alleles in the surviving population is often very different from the
original population
Bottleneck effect
 Sichuan earthquake in 2008 killed >69,000 villagers
 Earthquake in Haiti has greatly affected allele frequencies
Gene flow
 The movement of individuals from one population to another can also affect allele
 Alleles are removed from one population and added to the other
 This can introduce or remove disadvantageous alleles
 The field of ecology attempts to identify and explain the interactions between the biotic
(living) and abiotic (nonliving) components of ecosystems
It’s all about energy and resources
 Individuals of the same species occur in populations
 Populations, in turn, are organized into communities, which include more than one species
The nature of ecosystems
 Biosphere – the regions of the Earth’s waters, crust, and atmosphere inhabited by living
 Biomes – large areas where organisms interact between each other and their environment
These are determined primarily by climate
Terrestrial - several distinct types based on temperature and rainfall
Aquatic - freshwater and marine
 Ecological communities undergo constant change
The composition of communities are always shifting with changing conditions dominant populations change in a largely predictable manner
We can consider primary and secondary succession
 Primary succession occurs in areas where there is no life
This can be any new land, such as areas formed from lava flows, beaches, river
deltas, or areas recently cleared or exposed by the movement of glaciers
Initially, pioneer species hold newly formed soil in place and add organic
materials, allowing grasses and then large plants to take over
The dominant species change - succession
 Secondary succession occurs when a stable community is disrupted
Organisms associated with an earlier stage of succession once again become
The land is not newly formed but the pioneer species begin the process again
Secondary succession usually occurs much more rapidly than does primary
 Climax communities are stable, mature, equilibrium communities that have resulted from
If it’s all about energy and resources, what is the path of energy in an ecosystem?
o Energy flows through an ecosystem
What about nutrients, a major resource?
o Nutrients cycle through an ecosystem
Energy flow
o There must be a constant supply of energy into ecosystems
o Most ecosystems rely on sunlight energy
o Producers convert sunlight energy to chemical energy in the form of chemical bonds
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are intimately linked
Photosynthesis requires sunlight, CO2, and H2O and produces glucose and O2
Cellular respiration requires glucose and O2 and produces CO2 and H2O
o As consumers eat producers or other consumers, energy and chemicals are transferred from
one organism to the next
In a food chain, energy is transferred as feeding occurs
However, most of the energy is lost as heat
 In fact, only about 10% of the energy at any one level is used for adding
biomass (growth) of consumers at the next level
 The 10% rule has some major implications for numbers of organisms and
biomass at each level
o These are our ecological pyramids
Most ecosystems can sustain no more than five trophic levels
Even then, most 5th level consumers can also feed at lower levels
Understanding the ecological pyramid for a community can provide valuable
information about the stability of that community
o Ecosystems rarely involve a single food chain
Food webs more accurately depict the myriad of feeding interactions
Cycling of nutrients
 Although essential nutrients have a tendency to remain within ecosystems, they can be
readily accessible or trapped in an inaccessible form
 The availability of these nutrients determines the amount of productivity within an
 Ecologists study biogeochemical cycles of these essential nutrients - water, phosphorus,
nitrogen, carbon
Population growth
 Population growth is dependent on two major rates*
 Growth rate = birth rate - death rate
If growth rate > 0, that population has the potential to grow exponentially over
It can grow at its biotic potential
No natural population can grow at its biotic potential indefinitely
 Population-limiting factors will prevent a population from continuing to expand indefinitely
 Carrying capacity is the number of individuals of each population that the ecosystem can
support indefinitely without permanently reducing the productivity of the ecosystem
It is a balance between competition for available resources and population
Carrying capacity varies with each species, ecological conditions, and time
In natural ecosystems, populations often stabilize around their carrying
With successful species, we have usually seen population growth slow as the
population nears its carrying capacity
What about humans?
 When we compare human survival vs. other organisms, we can develop survivorship curves
 The type of survival is linked to reproductive and parental care strategies
What effects have humans had on the planet?
 Pollutants from factories can lead to acid rain
But recognizing the problem can sometimes lead to a solution
Regulatory controls on sulfur emissions were enacted in 1990
 Increased amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels and
deforestation has led to global warming
 More people means less resources and more waste
 By destroying natural habitats, we have also changed whole ecosystems
 This may well be increasing the risk of extinction of many species
 Humans may well be responsible for the sixth mass extinction in all of earth’s history
 Changing natural habitats rather than minimizing our impact
In nature, there are neither rewards nor punishments - there are consequences.
 Roger G. Intersoll