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Ecology Notes Part 2
Slide # 2: Important Vocabulary
1. Biotic factors: ___________ _____________
2. Abiotic factors: __________, _______________ things__________________,
_______________________________________, _____________________
3. Habitat: The ________ in which an organism _________.
4. Niche: an organism’s ______________ / ___________ in the ecosystem.
Slide # 3 & 4: Five Species of Warblers & Their Niches
1. No two species can _____________ the ____________ same ____________ in a habitat.
Slide # 4: Descriptions of Niches
1. Its ____________ in the __________ __________.
2. Conditions Needed for Survival
a. ________________ range it has ______________ to.
___________________ on water.
3. When and how it ___________________.
EX: Corals release eggs and sperm _____________________________.
Slide # 5-6: Community Interactions: Competition AND Competition Can help Define Niche
1. Competition: Occurs when organisms of the same or
different species try to __________ the same _____________ at the same ________.
2. Resource: any _____________________ of life.
EX: ___________, _______________, ___________, _____________ or ___________ ____________.
Slide # 7: More Important Vocabulary
1. Community: all _________________ living in a given area
a. Populations w/in communities ______________ w/ one another in their habitat.
b. These relationships are important in ___________________ the _____________ in nature.
2. Symbiosis: close relationship between two organisms in which at least _________ of the organisms
involved ______________.
Slide # 8: Symbiosis: Parasitism
1. Parasitism: one organism (parasite) ___________________ and the other is _________________ (host).
EX: _____________, _______________, and body _____________.
Slide # 9: Symbiosis: Commensalism
1. Commensalism: One organism ________________, and the other organism is neither ____________ or
EX: _______________________________ or birds building nests in trees.
Slide # 10 & 11: Symbiosis: Mutualism
1. Both organisms _____________ from the relationship. EX: _____________________________________
Ecology Notes part 2- 1
Slide # 12: Predator-Prey Relationships
1. Predation: interaction in which one organism _______________ and ______________ on another
2. Predator: organism that does the __________________ and ____________________.
3. Prey: Organism that is _________________ (food).
Multiple Choice
____ 1. During a long period when there is no rainfall, a mountain lion may temporarily leave its usual hunting territory
to drink from a farm pond. This behavior is probably due to
A. its need to find different foods to eat.
B. the change in an abiotic factor in its environment.
C. its need to find a new habitat.
D. the change in a biotic factor in its environment.
____ 2. An organism’s niche is
A. the range of physical and biological conditions in which an organism lives and the way in which it uses
those conditions.
B. all the physical and biological factors in the organism’s environment.
C. the range of temperatures that the organism needs to survive.
D. a full description of the place an organism lives.
____ 3. Several species of warblers can live in the same spruce tree ONLY because they
A. have different habitats within the tree.
B. eat different foods within the tree.
C. occupy different niches within the tree.
D. can find different temperatures within the tree.
____ 4. No two species can occupy the same niche in the same habitat at the same time
A. because of the interactions that shape the ecosystem.
B. unless the species require different abiotic factors.
C. because of the competitive exclusion principle.
D. unless the species require different biotic factors.
____ 5. The symbiotic relationship between a flower and the insect that feeds on its nectar is an example of
A. mutualism because the flower provides the insect with food and the insect pollinates the flower.
B. parasitism because the insect lives off the nectar from the flower.
C. commensalism because the insect does not harm the flower and the flower does not benefit from the
D. predation because the insect feeds on the flower.
____ 6. A predator can increase the numbers of certain species in its habitat by
A. killing and eating the competitors of other species.
B. living symbiotically with other species.
C. avoiding certain prey species.
D. crowding out the species it does not eat.
Ecology Notes part 2- 2
Name: _________________________________
Period: _________
Date: ______________
Biology CH 4-2 What Shapes an Ecosystem
Directions: Read pages 90-93. Use the word bank to match the definition or description to the statement. Words may
be used more than once.
Biotic factors
Abiotic factors
_____________________ 1. Living organisms within an ecosystem
_____________________ 2. Physical (nonliving) factors that shape an ecosystem
_____________________ 3. An organism’s role (what it eats and where it reproduces) in an ecosystem
_____________________ 4. Results when organisms of the same or different species attempt to use a resource (food,
water, shelter, etc.)
_____________________ 5. Anything that is necessity for life: food, water, nesting site, sunlight; etc.
_____________________ 6. An interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism
_____________________ 7. Organism that is captured or eaten
_____________________ 8. Organisms that kills and eats the other organism
_____________________ 9. Organism that is killed and eaten by another organism
_____________________ 10. Any relationship in which two species live closely together
_____________________ 11. Type of symbiosis in which both organisms benefit from the relationship
_____________________ 12. Type of symbiosis in which one organism benefits and the second on is neither harmed
nor helped
_____________________ 13. Type of symbiosis in which one organism benefits and the other organism is harmed
_____________________ 14. A wolf captures a deer. The wolf is the:
_____________________ 15. A lion captures a zebra. The zebra is the:
_____________________ 16. A tick sucking the blood of a dog
_____________________ 17. A bird builds a nest in a tree
_____________________ 18. A yucca moth pollinates a yucca plant. The yucca moth cannot live without the yucca
plant and the yucca plant cannot live without the yucca moth.
_____________________ 19. An owl is active and hunts at night; it builds its nest in trees
_____________________ 20. Barnacles attach themselves to a whale’s skin. The whale is not harmed, but the
barnacle gets a constant supply of food from the moving water.
_____________________ 21. A tapeworm in the intestine of a dog; the tapeworm gets nutrients from the dog and the
dog doesn’t get enough nutrients.
22. If two organisms occupy the same niche in the same habitat at the same time, what must be true about the
23. Owls and hawks often live in the same areas and hunt the same foods. Why can they survive together in the same
Ecology Notes part 2- 3
Slide # 13: Populations and Their Growth (Beginning of Chapter 5)
Growth rate: a ______________ in a population’s ___________.
A population’s size can increase (___________________), decrease
(__________________) or remain the same (_________________).
Exponential growth: a ________ shaped curve
Logistic growth: an __________ shaped curve
Carrying capacity: the ______________ number of individuals a given
environment can ____________________.
Slide # 14: Positive Population Growth
Occurs when ________ rate is _____________ than ____________ rate.
Usually occurs when conditions are ________; will ____________ something stops it.
Slide # 15: Negative Population Growth
Occurs when _________ rate is ___________ than __________ rate.
EX: _____________ and ______________ left an area without enough
___________________ to sustain all of the wildlife (Near the end of Lion King)
Individuals _______ & the population ___________________.
Slide # 16: Steady State – No Population Growth
Occurs when __________ and _______ rates are about ____________.
Slide # 17: Population Boom (great Increase) &
Population Bust (great decrease)
Boom: _____________________________________________________
Bust: ______________________________________________________
Slide # 18 - 19: Limiting Factors: Limit Population Growth
Limiting Factors: help ______________ population numbers when the population reaches ____________ ____________ for that
Density independent limiting factors: factors that affect _______ members of the population _________ if the population is
____________ or not.
EX: Natural disasters: _____________, ________________, _____________, _____________, _________________,
____________________, _________________________.
Density dependent limiting factors: factors that affect ___________________ populations.
EX: _____________________, ______________________, ____________________ & ____________________,
__________________, & ___________________.
Slide # 20- 22: Density Dependent Limiting Factors
_______________ for limited _______________ is the most important limiting factor that affects ____________ _____________.
Most species serve as _____________ for others.
These ____________ relationships are important for the ___________ & _______________ of predator – prey relationships.
Removes the _______________ & ___________________ individuals.
Crowding and Stress
Most animals have a built-in need for a certain amount of _________ and end up _________ among themselves if they
become overcrowded.
Increase in _________ can _________ their resistance to ____________, reduce ___________, or cause low birth weight.
Individuals who are stressed out may ______________, ____________, or even eat their _________________.
Parasitism and Disease
The more crowded the population, the easier it is for ______________ and ______________ to spread from one to another.
Ecology Notes part 2- 4
Name: __________________________
Period: _____________
Hour: __________
Biology CH 5-1 How Populations Grow
Directions: Read page 119-123 and answer the questions below.
Word Bank:
Death rate
Birth Rate
Logistic growth
Exponential growth
Population density
Carrying Capacity
1. The number of individuals per unit area
2. The number of individuals born
3. The number of individuals that die
6. When individuals reproduce at a constant rate; a “J shaped” curve
7. When individuals reproduce at a slower rate; a “S shaped” curve
8. The largest number of individuals that a given environment can support
9. There are 30 deer in the 350-acre area.
10. There were 10 deer born in the 350-acre area last year.
12. Seven deer died or were killed by hunters in the 350 acre are last year.
CH 5-2 Limits to Growth
Directions: Read pages 124 to 127 to answer the questions below.
Word bank:
Limiting factor
Density dependent
Density Independent
17. Anything that causes population growth to decrease
18. Become limiting only when the population density reaches a certain level
19. Factors that affect ALL populations in similar ways, regardless of the population size
20. A hurricane destroyed the oyster beds
21. Competition for food, living space, water, sunlight
22. A fungal disease spread throughout the cornfield, destroying 80% of the corn crop
23. A decrease in the moose population led to a decrease in the wolf population
24. A mudslide occurred on the mountainside in Southern California
25. A fungus that attacked the potato crop caused the potato famine of the 1840’s
26. Few plants grow on the forest floor in the rain forest due to competition for sunlight
27. The forest was destroyed during the recent wildfire
28. The tornado uprooted both tall and small trees in its 100 mile path
29. All of the dogs in the dog pound were infected with fleas
30. Competition for food, living space, water, sunlight
31. The drought destroyed 80% of the wheat crop last year
32. The wolves were exterminated in the Yellowstone National Park in the early 20 th
century which lead to a population explosion of deer in the area
Ecology Notes part 2- 5
Ecological Succession
Slide # 23: Ecological Succession (pg 94-97)
Ecosystems are constantly changing in response to natural and human disturbances. As an ecosystem changes, older
inhabitants gradually die out and new organisms move in, causing further changes in the community.
Ecological succession – defined as ___________________________________________________________
Slide # 24-25: Primary Succession
1. Occurs on surfaces where _____________________________________________________________
Ex: _______________________________________________________________________________
a. First species to populate the area is called the _____________________________.
b. __________________ is the most common pioneer species after a volcano. Lichen = fungus and alga
capable of growing on bare rock. As lichen grows, it helps to break up the rocks. When lichen die they
add organic material to help form soil to support plants.
Slide # 26-27: Secondary Succession
2. Secondary Succession – Occurs when a ___________________________ of some kind changes an
existing community without removing the soil.
Ex: __________________________________________________
a. Ecologists believe that succession in a given area proceeds in predictable stages ending with a mature,
stable community, referred to as a __________________________.
Land and Aquatic Biomes
Slide # 28: Important Vocabulary
1. Biome: complex terrestrial _____________________ that cover a large area.
2. Characterized by a:
a. Certain _____________ and _________.
 EX: Deserts are characterized by ____________ soils and __________ precipitation.
b. Certain assemblage of ___________________ and ___________________.
EX: Desert plants usually have _____________, ___________ _____________ root systems.
Slide # 29: Relationship Between Temperature and Precipitation and Biome Location
Tropical Rain Forest –
Tropical Dry Forest –
Tropical Savanna –
Desert –
Temperate Grassland –
Temperate Woodland & Shrubland (Chaparral)–
Temperate Forest –
Northwestern Coniferous Forest –
Boreal Forest (Taiga)–
Tundra –
Ecology Notes part 2- 6