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Mid-Term Study Guide
WHEN??? AFTER our NEXT Chapter on Cellular Respiration! I will give a Date as
we get close!
Please bring your own number two pencils for the final
The final is 90 questions - true/false and multiple choice
Study ALL Binder Items up through Cellular Respiration Materials
You are welcome to come to my room to look over past tests to help study
You may use the FRONT and BACK of a 4 X 6 Notecard to write down any
information you wish to use during the test. This MUST BE HANDWRITTEN
(not typed / scanned with diagrams / etc.). I will collect this notecard from you
when you turn in your test and scan sheet.
It is imperative that you take this part of your comprehensive final seriously. If you do
poorly NOW, you can only gain at most another 90pts (the rest of the final in June)
towards whatever the score might be that you need in June to keep your A,B,C,D for
the year. For Example: If the whole year final is 180pts (90 pts now and 90 pts in June)
and you get a 58/90 (D=65%) now - In June it is determine that you need a 160/180
total points to keep your B for the year - You can NOT get the 160/180 you need to
keep your B for the year because 58 + 90 = 148 - NOT 160! So you would end up with
a C for the year. Therefore, this mid-year final grade is IMPORTANT to PREPARE for.
It will be entered in a special final exam category in the gradebook. Remember, your
final in a course counts for 1/9 of your year grade. If you are hovering between grades
by the end of the year in June, this Mid-Term and Final can be the determining factor
that decides your course grade. Good Luck!!!!!!
The MID-TERM EXAM will be in the SAME ORDER as this STUDY GUIDE. All
Pictures on this STUDY GUIDE will be on the EXAM.
Diagram for you to Reference during this section!
What is the Difference between the AEROBIC vs ANAEROBIC Pathways of
Cellular Respiration?
What is the BALANCED EQUATION for Aerobic Cellular Respiration?
What occurs during GLYCOLYSIS? What is the NET Equation for Glycolysis?
What occurs during STAGE 2 of the AEROBIC Pathway and Where?
What is another name for the Krebs Cycle? Think of the Sour Tasting Acid that
starts the cycle after the pyruvate goes through the Prep Step.
How MUCH ATP is Made during the AEROBIC vs ANAEROBIC Pathway?
What are the TWO Types of Stage 2 for the ANAEROBIC Pathway and What
Organisms do each?
Why Does FERMENTATION have to occur? It isn’t to make Lactic Acid or Ethanol
since these products are actually toxic to the organism.
NOTE: An organisms DNA will determine the Type of Fermentation it will do.
Plus, ONLY UNICELLULAR Organisms can survive on Anaerobic Cellular
Respiration. Multicellular Organisms need too much ATP and MUST do Aerobic
Cellular Respiration.
Diagram for you to Reference during this section!
What is the Balanced Equation for Photosynthesis?
Where in the Chloroplast do Each of the TWO Stages occur?
What occurs during STAGE 1 – Light Dependent Reaction (See Diagram)?
What occurs during STAGE 2 – Light Independent / Calvin Cycle?
Know What Goes IN and What goes OUT of Each Stage!
What are the BEST Photons of Light and What happens once Chlorophyll
Absorbs them?
Know the PARTS of the Leaf and what goes on in each:
Know how to ID Members of a FOOD WEB:
(Producer/Autotroph, Heterotroph, 1o-5o Consumers, Herbivore, Omnivore,
Carnivore, Trophic Level)
THEMES of LIFE – Review your Notebook #27
Be able to IDENTIFY Examples of Each of the Following Themes of Life!
Cellular Structure and Function
E. Heredity
F. Evolution
G. Interdependence
Know the following terms and WHICH EACH KINGDOM has:
Unicellular = Single Cell Organism
Multicellular = Organism with MANY Cells
Prokaryotic = No Nucleus and No Membrane Bound Organelles
Eukaryotic = Has a Nucleus and Membrane Bound Organelles
Autotroph = Makes OWN Food = Self Feeder
Heterotroph = Feeds on a Different Food Source
THE KINGDON INFORMATION will also be found in the CELL Section of the test!
Be able to read an Experiment and ID the:
Control Group
Experimental Group
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
How to Label the X and Y Axis on a Graph - X = Independent
Y = Dependent
THIS ENDS the FIRST 45?’s of the Mid-Term. Day 2 will be 45?’s on the
Remaining Sections for a total of 90?’s
Diagrams that will be on the Exam:
ID What type of Transport is shown in the first two Diagrams.
What TYPE of Environment is Each In?
Can you NAME the Environment for Each Side and Note how water will move?
What is PASSIVE Transport?
What are the 4 Examples of Passive Transport?
What is ACTIVE Transport?
What are the 3 Examples of Active Transport?
Know what happens to Animal Cells in Hypo / Hyper / Iso – Tonic Environments.
Know what happens to Plant Cells in Hypo / Hyper / Iso – Tonic Environments.
What is the difference between a COVALENT, IONIC,
Why is Water Polar?
What is Cohesion and Adhesion?
Know the Properties of Water due to Polarity:
Universal Solvent
High Surface Tension
Specific Heat
Expands on Freezing
Study the Biochemistry Chart in your Notebook!!
Know the difference between Condensation/Dehydration Synthesis and
Hydrolysis Reactions
Which is this??
Know HOW Enzymes act as Catalysts and What Changes in the Environment can
affect their Shape/Folding/Function.
What is this Graph Showing about ENZYME FUNCTION???????
Be able to ID Each Structure in this Diagram and Know what Each does!
What 3 Organelles do Plant Cells have that Animal Cells do NOT?
What occurs at Ribosomes? What is the difference between Free Floating and
Attached Ribosomes?
What is the difference between Cilia vs Flagella?
What is the difference between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells?
What is the Endosymbiosis Theory? What Organelles support this theory?
What are the 3 parts of the Cell Theory?
What makes up a Cell Membrane?
What limits the size of a Spherical Cell?? (Think about why a balloon can only
blow up so much)
Can you order the following terms from Simple to Complex?
Atoms, Organs, Organ Systems, Cells, Molecules, Tissues, Organelles