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Civil War
Lincoln suspended the writ of _______ _______ (unlawful imprisonment).
Gray was the color of the _______.
On April 9, 1865, Lee surrendered to Grant at _______ Courthouse.
In the North, a wealthy person could hire a boy _______ to serve for him.
The 54th Massachusetts Volunteers were the first _______ regiment.
The South was hoping that Great Britain and _______ would join the war for the South
because their mills depended heavily on southern cotton.
President after Lincoln
Famous black abolitionist who helped Lincoln recruit black soldiers: Frederick _______.
Lincoln’s first choice to command the Union army was _______, who declined.
The Civil War lasted _______ years.
Officially the Civil War was called the War of the _______.
The _______ of the southern ports caused many material shortages for the Confederacy
during the war.
The South had two major advantages over the North: one, home-field advantage and
two, better military _______.
Grant believed in a war of _______, being able to wear the other side down.
The first battle of Manassas is commonly called the first battle of “_______
“Little Mac” was General _______.
There were _______ Confederate states.
The South’s ironclad ship was renamed the _______.
Nicknamed “cheesebox on a raft.”
Nicknamed “Attila of the West,” General _______.
Founded the Red Cross and served as a nurse during the war: _______ _______.
Many of the earlier Union generals were _______ appointees not military school
President of the South.
Lincoln’s three-part plan was 1) blockade the South, 2) control the Mississippi and 3)
Commander of the Confederacy was _______ E _______.
The spark of the Civil War was the bombardment of ______ ______.
There were _______ - ______ Union states.
People who lived in the North but favored the South were nicknamed _______.
Infamous Confederate prison
Civil War
The wealthy were able to avoid the draft by paying a _______.
The Union’s first ironclad ship was called the _______.
What state was created out of the southern secession?
A Famous abolitionist who was also a Union spy was Harriet _______.
The Confederate call their flag the Stars and _______.
Vice president of the Confederate States was Alexander _______.
Lincoln was assassinated at _______ Theater.
The original enlistment was for only _______. Months. After the first Battle of Bull Run,
the enlistment was increased to two years.
11. Merchants who followed the armies and sold the various clothing and food items at
extremely high prices were called _______.
13. France never joined the South because they were involved in a rebellion with _______.
17. Commander of the Union Forces at Fort Sumter, Major Robert _______.
18. Sherman believed in _______ war.
19. Congress passed the first _______ _______.
21. Facial hair, “sideburns,” was named after General _______.
27. Freed all slaves in areas still rebelling: _______ Proclamation.
28. More soldiers died from malnutrition and _______ than from bullets.
30. The Confederate capital was _______, Virginia.
35. Blue was the color of the _______.
36. Union Commander who was considered a butcher and a heavy drinker.
37. Major battle in Pennsylvania.
42. A last attempt to keep the Union together, Senator John Crittenden created the
_______ Compromise, which stated that a line be drawn – any state north of it would
have no slavery, any state south of it slavery would be legal.
43. Dried biscuits were called _______.
45. The Conscription Act is the _______.
47. The Battle of Antietam was a major turning point in the war because of the threat of
_______ nations to intervene on the side of the South ended.
49. Union Commander nicknamed “Fighting Joe”.
50. The Civil War was the first time the government of both sides required a _______.
53. Only Confederate to be executed was Major Henry _______, head of the infamous
Confederate prison.
Civil War
Puzzle #1
Instructions: Match each word or phrase to its definition.
France never joined the South because they were involved in a rebellion
Grey was the color of the _______.
There were _______ Confederate states.
Freed all the slaves in areas still rebelling: _______ Proclamation.
There were _______ Union states.
The _______ of the southern ports caused many material shortages for
the Confederacy during the war.
The South had two major advantages over the North – one, home field
advantage and two, better military.
The Confederate capital was _______, Virginia.
Many of the earlier Union generals were ______ appointees not military
school graduates.
Nicknamed “Cheesbox on a raft”
People who lived in the North but favored the South were nicknamed
President of the South.
The original enlistment was only for ______ months. After the First
Battle of Bull Run, the enlistment was increased to two years.
Dried biscuits were called ______ _______.
Commander of the Union Forces at Fort Sumter, Major Robert _______.
The Civil War was the first time the government of both sides required a
Famous black abolitionist who helped Lincoln recruit black soldiers:
Frederick _______.
Lincoln suspended the writ of _____ _______ (unlawful imprisonment).
Infamous Confederate prison.
Vice President of the Confederate States was Alexander _______.
The Civil War lasted _______ years.
Merchants who fallowed the armies and sold the various clothing and
food items at extremely high prices were called _______.
President after Lincoln: _______
The South was hoping that Great Britain and _______ would join the war
for the South because their mills depended heavily on southern cotton.
Lincoln’s three-part plan was 1) blockade the South, 2) control the
Mississippi and 3) take _______.
The South’s ironclad ship was renamed the _______.
Founded the Red Cross and served as a nurse during the war: _______.
The 54th Massachusetts Volunteers wee the first _______ regiment.
Civil War
Puzzle #2
29. Union Commander nicknamed “Fighting Joe”.
30. A last attempt to keep the Union together, Senator John Crittenden
created the _______ Compromise, which stated that a line be drawn –
any state north of it would have no slavery, any state south of it slavery
would be legal
31. The Conscription Act is the _______.
32. Sherman believed in ______ war.
33. Facial hair, “sideburns”, was named after General_______.
34. Grant believed in a war of _______, being able to wear the other side
35. Only Confederate to be executed was Major Henry _______, head of
the infamous Confederate prison.
36. Union Commander who was considered a butcher and a heavy drinker.
37. The Battle of Antietem was a major turning point in the war because the
threat of _______ nations to intervene on the side of the South ended.
38. The wealthy were able to avoid the draft by paying a _______.
39. The first battle of Manassas is commonly called the first battle of
“_______ _______”.
40. More soldiers died from malnutrition and _______ than from bullets.
41. The Union’s first ironclad ship was called the _______.
42. Lincoln was assassinated at _______ Theater.
43. Officially the Civil War was called the War of the _______.
44. Conscription is also called the _______.
45. The Confederate call their flag the Stars and _______.
46. In the North, a wealthy person could hire a boy_______ to serve for
47. Nicknamed “Attila of the West,” General _______.
48. A famous abolitionist who was also a Union spy was Harriet _______.
49. On April 9, 1865, Lee surrendered to Grant at ______ Courthouse.
50. What state was created out of the southern secession?
51. Lincoln’s first choice to command the Union army was _______, who
52. Blue was the color of the _______.
53. Congress passed the first _______.
54. Major battle in Pennsylvania
55. The spark of the Civil War was the bombardment of _______ _______.
56. “Little Mac” was General _______.
57. Most of the Union officers (generals) were _______ appointees.
58. Commander of the Confederacy _______ E. _______.
_______Robert Lee
_______Bull Run
_______West Virginia
_______Income Tax
_______Fort Sumter