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Intro to Business
Chapter 16
Portfolio Activity
To provide tangible evidence of your learning about money management and financial
planning, do the following:
COLLECT examples of financial goals and financial planning activities for your life
situation now and in the future.
CREATE a financial plan for your situation with the following sections: (1) a summary of
current finances—assets, liabilities, monthly cash inflows, and monthly cash outflows; (2)
a list of short-term and long-term financial goals; (3) a description of financial actions
related to spending, saving, investing, and insurance. Show in a visual format (a
flowchart or poster) the elements of your financial plan.
CONNECT your financial plan to other items already in your class portfolio, or relate the
plan to an important concept you learned in another class. Make the connection by
writing a one-paragraph discussion of how financial planning is affected by various
economic, social, or political factors.