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Midterm Study Guide
The Bill of Rights- 1st ten amendments to the constitution
First Continental Congress- Articles of Confederation (First Government
was developed) at this meeting
Shay Rebellion – Shay got a group of farmers together and attacked
Massachusetts. This attack showed weakness in the Articles of
Manifest Destiny- Our god given right to take what should be ours.
Monroe Doctrine- Declared U.S. would remain neutral in European wars,
and warned other nations to not interfere with the Western Hemisphere.
The New England Economy- Fishing, Trade and Merchants were how they
made money
Boston Massacre- Colonial Soldiers opened fire on U.S. Soldiers. Sparked
the beginning of the Revolutionary war.
Lexington and Concord – Where 1st battle of Rev. war took place
Louisiana Purchase – Purchased Territory from Spain for $15 Million
dollars. It doubled the size of the U.S.
Texas Revolution- Texan colonist fought for their freedom against Mexico
and won. They later joined the U.S. as a slave state.
Marbury vs. Madison – Judicial Review. Judicial Branch can declare
things unconstitutional
Abolition- Sought to end Slavery
Dred Scot vs. Sanford –
The Compromise of 1850- Debate of slave state or free state.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act- People in these territories could decide if they
wanted to be a slave state or free state.
The Missouri Compromise- Any state above the 36W 30 N line would be a
free state those below would be a slave state.
The Crittenden amendments- Final Compromise to stop the civil war from
Eli Whitney- Invented the Cotton Gin
John Brown- Abolitionist, led a group who raided Harper’s Ferry
Harper’s Ferry Raid- Attacked by John Browns Group. It was where all
southern Artillery was kept.
Democratic Party in 1860 – Party split over slavery and formed Republican
party as well
Northern and Southern Advantages and Disadvantages during the civil
North - Railways, Money, Larger Army, superior Navy
South – Know the land the best, Better Leaders, More Motivation
Fredrick Douglas – Abolitionist Former slave escaped the south
Temperance – Movement to outlaw Alcohol
Bleeding Kansas – Kansas was split on wanting to be a slave state or free
New Technology during the civil war – Rifle, Ships, Warfare
Abraham Lincoln – 16th president, during civil war, assassinated, freed
13th amendment – Ended Slavery
14th amendment – Declared citizenship for African Americans, gave them
15th amendment – Gave African Americans the right to vote
10% Plan- Abraham Lincolns Plan. Only 10% of south had to pledge
loyalty to the union.
Wade- Davis Bill – Congress’s response to Lincoln’s Plan
Emancipation Proclamation – Freed slaves in southern states, Lincoln
wrote it.
The Anaconda Plan – Unions plan of action for the civil war.
Telegraph – Revolutionized how we communicated in the late 1800’s
Nativism – The view that if you were born in the country you live you
should be treated better than immigrants of that country.
American Federation of Labor (AFL) – Union of men who fought for
lower hours, higher wages, and better working conditions
Haymarket Square Riot – Riot broke out at a peaceful strike when
someone threw a bomb at a police formation.
Railroad Strike 1877- wages were cut by 10% violent protest followed.
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire- led to better working conditions, and
safety requirements in the work place
Labor Unions- Unions organized to fight for better working conditions,
higher wages, and lower hours.
Andrew Carnegie – Became rich off of steel, he donated a lot of money.
Bessemer Process- Henry Bessemer came up with the process to produce
good faster and more efficient.
Vertical integration – owning everything involved in making a product.
Exodusters- African Americans who moved west for a better life
U.S. Calvary’s Buffalo Soldiers- African American Soldiers in the Union
Knights of Labor- Wanted skilled laborers, fought for higher wages, Lower
hours, and better working conditions
Barbed Wire – Invention made of two twisted wires, kept cows in a certain
Chief Joseph – Leader of the Nez Perce Indians
Sitting Bull – Leader of the Sioux Indians
Wounded Knee - 200 unarmed Sioux Indians were killed by Union soldiers
Light Bulb – Invented by Thomas Edison
Social Darwinism – Only the Strong will survive.
The Pullman Strike – Strike based on protest of wages being cut, and
workers being fired.
Immigration Laws (Late 1800’s – Early 1900’s) - Chinese Exclusion Act
Yellow Dog Contracts – Contracts workers had to sign saying they
wouldn’t join a union before they got a job.
Monopoly – owning all businesses in one area so you can control prices
Trust – Group of business owners who join together to control prices
John D. Rockefeller – Made his money in the oil company.
Laizze Faire – The idea that the government has no control over any
business activities.
Transcontinental Railroad - Railroad that was built to connect the East and
The West.
Cornilius Vanderbilt – Made his money in Transportation. Railroads
The Guilded Age –