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Ahasverus: The Spanish “Asuero” is the equivalent of the German name
Ahaverus, and this, in turn, of the Hebrew Ahashverosh, name of the King of
Persia, the husband of Queen Esther, and one of the personalities of Purim’s
history. In German anti-Semitic tradition, it is the name of a Jerusalem cobbler
who urged Christ to follow his path to the Calvary when he stopped in order to
rest, and who was condemned by Christ to walk forever towards Parousia, until
no boy or girl were born or until the last woman would give birth. It is one of the
three legends related to the wandering Jew.
Ahmanidejad, Mahmut: current president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who, in
2006 proposed wiping Israel from the map. He also promoted an international
congress to prove that the Holocaust did not exist.
Aktion T4: Nazi Germany’s euthanasia program (1939-41) aimed at eradicating
from that society all persons having some kind of disability (intellectual,
movement, hearing, visual) or some physical defect or ailment (including old
age), by which that regime wanted to reach a perfect and homogeneous society,
formed by economically productive individuals. It was based on the idea of
dispensing with any one not being useful to the State or representing a threat to
the white race’s supremacy.
Al Quds: Jerusalem’s Arab name, meaning The Holy One.
Anschluss (Anschluβ): German for Annexation. During the Second World War,
this was the name given to Austria’s incorporation to the Third Reich in 1938.
Anti-imperialism: Political position opposing geopolitical hegemonies, whether
direct (colonies) or indirect (neocolonial dependence). In leftist language, the
anti-imperialist position coincides with the rejection of any foreign interference in
the countries’ internal policies, mainly by the United States.
Anti-Judaism: Name preferred by some Jewish authors when referring to antiSemitism.
Anti-Semite: He who practices or assumes prejudicial attitudes against Jews,
their culture and their legacy.
Anti-Semitic League of France: Coalition of French persons and institutions
considered anti-Jewish anti-Masonic, founded in 1885 by Edouard Droumont, an
published by the L’Antijuif, La Croix, La Libre Parole, La Cocarde and
l’Intransigeant newspapers. It played an important role in the Dreyfus case.
Anti-Semitic Riots of Coro: Pogroms with economic origin raised by general
Juan Crisóstomo Falcón against the incipient Jewish community of Coro in 1854.
Anti-Semitism: Prejudice rejecting everything related to Jews, be it directly
against their physical presence or individuals (not necessarily Jewish) in some
way related to them, or indirectly through their cultural, historic, religious,
linguistic influence, etc. In certain texts with positions contrary to Jews, these are
accused of being anti-Semitic, starting from the fact that the Arabs are the true
Semites (they are even the descendents of the Jews referred by the Bible), while
current Israeli people would be Europeans converted into a Jewish sect,
historically and racially disconnected from Eretz Israel (Land of Israel).
Anti-Zionism: Current of opinion partially or totally opposing the existence of the
State of Israel. Anti-Zionism is used as a euphemism or a façade of antiSemitism. See Anti-Semitism (geopolitical).
Arbeit macht frei: In German, “Work frees”. Famous inscription at the gate
where the prisoners were received at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Auschwitz: Extermination and concentration camp (Auschwitz II, Birkenau,
Monowitz, etc.) in the Silesia region, near Cracow. It is, par excellence, the
symbol of cruelty and genocide during the Holocaust, Shoah has been the
synonym for a long time.
Auto-da-fe: Event in which those convicted of heresy or Judaism by the Holy
Inquisition were delivered to secular justice for their execution at a bonfire or by
strangulation with a garotte.
Black Plague: Pandemic that attacked Europe during the XIV century and
caused the death of one third of the continent’s population and of 60 million in
Asia. In Europe, it was believed that it was caused by the Jews who had
poisoned the wells, and for such reason numerous pogroms and expulsions
occurred in certain kingdoms.
Blood cleansing: Requirement by the authorities of the Iberian Catholic
kingdoms in order that their subjects should not have Jewish or Moorish
Blood libel: Writing used to diffuse or communicate, with defaming will, the
supposed rituals by Jews against Christian children.
Calumny: False accusation, maliciously uttered in order to cause damage.
Imputing a fact knowing that it is false.
Canaan: Name of the ancient territory between the river Jordan and the
Mediterranean, also identified as Fertile Crescent, that since ancient times until
the 125th century before the common era was occupied by Canaanites, to give
way to Judah’s Jews, Israel, the kingdom of the Hasmoneans and to the Judaea
Roman province, that after the rebellion of Bar Kochba and as a punishment by
the Roman victors, became Palestine. The pro-Palestinian groups want people to
believe that from Canaan one went to the current Arab Palestine in order to
withdraw legitimacy to the right to return to this territory claimed by the Jews.
Capitalism: Economic system based on capital predomination as an element of
production and a creator of wealth.
Catafito: Name of a Jewish mythic soldier or policeman at the order of Pontius
Pilatus who pushed Christ when going to the Calvary, for which Christ cursed
him to live eternally. Every hundred years he gets seriously ill yet does not die.
This is one of the three legends associated to the wandering Jew.
CIA: Initials of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, specialized in espionage
and counter-espionage, and that according to followers of conspiracy theories, is
meddling with the countries’ internal affairs, mostly with those openly having antiimperialist, anti-capitalist policies against the US.
Cisjordan: Name given to the Jordanian territories occupied by Israel during the
Seven Days War, and that such country’s king did not want to get back when
peace was signed. It is the territory where the Palestinian Autonomous Authority
is currently ruling. Also known as Judaea and Samaria.
Code of “Siete Partidas” (Seven-part Code): Spanish legal treaty of 1263 in
which ritual crime is described as supposedly being part of the Jews’ uses and
Complot: Confabulation, conspiracy or plot in order to destabilize a country or
political regime.
Complot (Judeo-Masonic): A supposed international confabulation of Jews and
Freemasons to take over the world.
Concentration camp: Place where Jews and other groups segregated by
Nazism are detained and in which the inmates were subjected to forced labor,
under inadequate hygienic conditions, leading to illnesses and hunger.
Council (Vatican II): Board or congress of bishops and other ecclesiastics of the
Catholic Church held at the Vatican City in the year 1963, under the auspice of
pope John XXIII, that deliberated in order to exculpate the Jews of the crime of
Colonialism: A regime’s tendency to hold a territory under the domination of a
foreign power.
Conspiracy: Action of several persons or groups aimed at damaging or alters a
group, a project or a political regime.
Conspiracy (of Jews) /Jewish conspiracy / Jewish-Masonic Conspiracy: See
Cosmopolitanism: Theory or analysis focus with propensity to consider all
human races and groups on equal conditions. From the anti-Semite point of view,
cosmopolitanism is deemed contrary to nationalism and patriotism, in wants to
set a world government headed by the Jews.
Cultural anti-Semitism: That rejecting part or all of Judaism’s material legacy,
presuming that its is harmful to itself and to others.
Crematorium: In the concentration and extermination camps, used to dispose of
prisoners’ bodies. The crematoria were part of the deadly machinery associated
to the gas chambers.
Crime of apartheid: Inhuman actions committed with the purpose of establishing
and maintaining domination of a group of persons over any other racial group of
persons and of oppressing it systematically under a peace situation, as defined
by the Statute of Rome. According to anti-Semite language, it is a policy applied
in Israel against Arab citizens, who enjoy all their prerogatives as such, or
against the Palestinians.
Crime against humanity: A crime against humanity that, according to the
Statute of Rome, of the International Criminal Tribunal, includes conducts such
as assassination, extermination, deportation, torture, rape, forced prostitution,
jailing or persecution under ideological, racial, ethnic or sexually oriented
motives, or others as forced disappearance, kidnapping or any other human
damage, committed as a generalized and systematic manner against the civil
population and with knowledge of said attack.
Christianity: Community of Christian faithful, independently of nationality, sex,
language of affiliation to any of the known churches.
Cross (Nazi): See Swastika.
Dar al-Harb: Territory controlled by non-Muslim governments. The literal
translation is land of war, for the Islamic people’s obligation to fight against
infidels. From the Islamic vision, a territory that once was Muslim, but now is
dominated by an infidel government is a diabolic abomination, inasmuch as
territories that at some time were Allah’s subjects could only have ceased being
so on account of the Devil. There are distinctions between infidel territories and
their different forms of being related to Islam. Dar el-Had: where the infidel
government respects and promotes Islam; Dar el-Suhl: where Muslim religion is
respected and Dar el-Dawa, where said religion is not respected and the leaders
have lo link with it.
Dar al-Islam: Territory controlled by a Muslim government.
Deicide: Accusation against Jews of having killed Jesus.
Demonization: Theory whereby what is Jewish is directly related to the devil or
Satan. Attribution of negative qualities to the Jews on account of their supposed
alliance with evil due to the crime of deicide or their supposed condition of being
Delegitimization of Israel: Process whereby veracity is taken away from historic
and political foundations of the State of Israel’s creation by the United Nations in
Deportation: Method of an individual’s or a group’s estrangement from a territory
as a punishment or as measure eliminating his/her presence in certain territory.
Dhimmi: Name given to Jews and Christians living in a Muslim country.
Diaspora: From the Greek, dispersion. By antonomasia that of the Jewish
people is taken after Titus’ troops destroyed Jerusalem’s Temple in the year 70.
Among Jews, it is the name given to communities spread throughout the world,
with the exception of Jews living in Israel.
Double loyalty: Accusation against Jews in which the feeling towards Israel
(Judaism, or the world Jewry) and their countries of origin, above all when having
to answer the question about which side they would take in the event of a
conflagration between both nations. See perfidy and espionage.
Dreyfus case: Trial followed against captain Alfred Dreyfus, Alsatian Jew,
accused of treason to the French Homeland and proven to be base on an antiSemite prejudice, as denounced by the writer Emile Zola in 1898.
Economic anti-Semitism: Prejudice judging as harmful or dangerous the
influence of Jews on national or international economy, mostly in the capitalist
world, and considering it as part of a conspiracy seeking to submit other peoples.
Eretz Israel: Hebrew for land of Israel, with reference to the territory between the
Mediterranean sea and the river Jordan, historic seat of the Jewish people before
the Diaspora. It is the synonym of the current State of Israel.
Ethnic cleansing: Euphemism referring to a State policy of eliminating those not
belonging to the predominant race in a specific territory. It is considered a crime
against humanity.
Eugenics: Procedure based on genetic techniques for the supposed
improvement of the human race.
Euphemism: A word used instead of another one to lighten or mask an offensive
or disagreeable idea or reality. Although generally it might turn out being positive
(mostly when treating minorities) it is also used to hide the truth, The Nazis were
experts in the use of euphemisms, calling things in an “acceptable” manner, as
for instance “Final Solution” or the annihilation of Jews or “cargo”, referring to
Jews in wagons going to the extermination camps.
Euthanasia: Procedure whereby death is caused to whom so wishes, or who the
authorities consider, under any reasoning, that they should die, be it by reason of
illness, old age, or any other ideological, economic or scientific reason.
Expulsion: Procedure whereby governments, after proscribing the presence of
certain human groups, move that population beyond certain limits.
Extermination camp: Place where Jews and other groups segregated by
Nazism were taken in order to murder them by different methods, despoil them of
their belongings and cremate their bodies.
Fascism: System of authoritarian and totalitarian government, created in Italy by
Benito Mussolini, and followed by other regimes as that of Franco in Spain, Hitler
in Germany, Horthy in Hungary, among others. It proposes itself as a third road
facing liberal democracies and the communist system, with a strong component
of populism. It uses violence as a way to impose an ideology, as it does with
censure, repression and, propaganda, including teaching systems. It generally
has a sole and supreme leader, who rules the State without any kind of control,
scruple, and unilaterally, and requesting submission by all powers. Fascist
elements have been identified both in rightist and in leftist governments.
Final solution: Euphemistic name of the Jewish people’s extermination during
World War II.
Fiqh: Muslim belief considering that the territories occupied by infidels and their
property virtually belong to Islam, who is bound to recover them.
Forced conversion: Imposition by force of baptism to Jewish groups, as it
happened in Portugal in 1492.
Gaza: Egyptian territory occupied by Israel during the Seven Days War whose
return, in 1983, was not accepted by that country. It is currently administered by
Hamas, after a coup d’état against Al Fatah.
Genocide: Systematic extermination or eliminations of a social group by reason
of race, ethnicity, religion, politics or nationality.
Geopolitical anti-Semitism: Blaming Israel for the negative values traditionally
attributed to the Jews, with which they are delegitimized, stigmatized and
demonized in order to offset their influence on the world or to make them
Ghetto: Enclosed quarter or sector where Jews were reduced to live.
Ghetto inducing: Process whereby the Nazi authorities, during the times of the
Holocaust, prior to concentration and extermination, concentrated the Jewish
population of a region in some cities’ quarters , without caring about the sanitary
or human conditions of the people enclosed in them. This process allowed the
evacuation of the Jewish population towards extermination camps, by railroad.
Graffiti: Graphic or written means of expression on walls of public places,
generally with a sense of protest.
Green line: Popular name given to the Arab-Israeli Armistice of 1949, defining
the State of Israel’s borders and those of its neighbors Syria, Egypt and Jordan,
after the first’s war of independence.
Harbiyum: Arab word meaning infidels. According to Islam, every person living in
the territories known as Dar al-Harb (infidel world) may be subject to death if
attacking values of Islam or if entering its territory (Dar al-Islam) without consent.
Hamas: Muslim fundamentalist movement, defined as Jihadist, and pretending
the creation of Palestine in the current territories of Israel, the West Bank and
Hebrew: Word designating Israel’s official language. It is the written language of
most of the Bible, including the Pentateuch or Torah. It is also used as a
synonym for Jew.
Hezbollah: Islamic fundamental movement supported by Iran and Syria and that
was in war with Israel in August 2006.
Hitler, Adolf: Chancellor (first minister) of Germany between 1933-1945 and
leader of the National Socialist Party (Nazi), that set up an authoritarian regime in
that country, obsessively centered on the persecution of Jews, applying it not
only in their country but also in all the territories it invaded and on those of its
allies during the Second World War.
Holocaust: Name given to the Shoah (see the term) in Western countries.
Holy Child of La Guardia: Spanish Catholic saint, supposedly killed by Jews in
a ritual crime.
Holy Inquisition: See Inquisition
Holy Office: See Holy Inquisition
Imperialism: Attitude and doctrine of those advocating for or practicing the
extension of a country’s domination of another or other countries by means of
military, economic or political force.
Inquisition: Holy Inquisition or Holy Office: tribunal created by the Catholic
Church in order to judge crimes against faith, including heresy, witchcraft and
Judaism. Catholic Church institution meant to control heresy among its faithful,
founded in 1184 in order to control Catharism in southern France. The inquisition
became relevant in Spain between 1478-1821, and in Portugal between 15361821, mostly in order to fight against marranismo or crypto-Judaism of those
converted into Catholicism by their own will (Spain) or by force (Portugal). It is
also known as Holy Inquisition and Holy Office.
Internal Displacement: In conflicts, process in which human groups must
abandon their homes and take refuge in another zone of the national territory due
to violence, warlike movements or by violation of Human Rights.
International / World Judaism: Supposed association of the world’s different
Jewish communities seeking to create a secret world government.
Intifada: Arab world meaning agitation or uprising, used to designate two
insurrections of the Palestinians of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip against the
Sate of Israel. The first from 1987-1991, and the second, known as Al-Aqsa, from
2000 through 2005.
Israel: Name given to the State created by the UN in the Middle East in 1948 in
order to harbor the Jews of the world. It is the nickname received by the patriarch
Jacob after his struggle with the angel, and by extension, Israel is the name
received by his descendents, Synonym of the Jewish people.
Israeli: Nationality of those legally belonging to the State of Israel.
Israelite: Jew or descendent of Israel (the patriarch Jacob).
Jerusalem: Capital of the State of Israel and main religious center of Judaism, it
is also an important place for Islam.
Jew: He who professes the religion based on Moses’ law.
Jewish capital: Financial or monetary strength that, according to anti-Semites, is
at the service of an international plot seeking to dominate the world.
Jewish Problem or Jewish Question: Euphemism that masked the hatred of
Jews and turned their mere existence or presence into an issue that hat to be
“settled” or “resolved”.
Judas: Name of several biblical personalities, among the a son of Jacob
(normally called Judah), on of the leaders of the Hasmoneans’ movement (Judas
Maccabeus), and in the Gospels’ Christian text, two apostles of Jesus, one called
Judas Thaddeus (Saint Jude) and the second one called Iscariot, who according
to the Christian tradition betrayed Jesus. The name’s similitude with the word
Jew has being used in applying to Jews the features of perfidy, disloyalty and
betrayal normally associated to Iscariot’s name. In the Spanish Holy Week
tradition, it is common to burn a rag doll representing him, but in ancient times it
was accustomed to hunt any Jew in order to make pay for the betrayal of his
master, also by burning him.
Judaism: Monotheist religion of the Middle East based on God’s revelations to
patriarchs Abraham, Jacob and Isaac, and to the law included in the Bible’s first
five books (Pentaeuch), and that subsequently was regulated and developed by
prophets, scholars, mystics and philosophers, in order to constitute a system of
doctrine followed by the Jews. Judaism served as a basis for Christianity and
Judaea: Name of the Roman province settled on the Holy Land since the
Hasmoneans kingdom that had been formerly occupied by the kingdoms of Israel
and Judah; the word Jew derives from its toponymic. The name was changed by
the Romans to Palestine after the Bar Kochba revolt in the year 70 of the
Common Era.
Judea and Samaria: Ancient names of current Cisjordania. They are also
identified as Occupied Territories of the river Jordan’s West bank.
Judenfrage: German term meaning Jewish issue or Jewish problem. See the
Judenrein or Judenfrei: Literally free of Jews, in German. It designated those
territories left without population of such origin.
Judensau: Jewish sow, anti-Semite myth attributing to the Jews the maternity of
a sow, from which the drink its milk.
Judeo-phobia: Synonym of anti-Semitism.
Kristallnacht: In German, The Night of Broken Glass, name given to the
November 9th. 1938 pogrom in all Germany an Austria, remembered as the
beginning of the Holocaust.
Kotel: See Wailing Wall.
Lebensborn: Source of life, in German. Nazism regime’s program consisting in
recruiting women in order that they had children with chosen men, generally
soldiers, thus creating a Germanic super race. It was implemented in 1935 under
Himmler and it aimed at Europe being Germanized through eugenics.
Lebensraum: Vital space, in German. Expansionist idea, according to which
Germany required a bigger territory for is continuity as a nation, something that
implied annexation and ethnic cleansing. These Germanizing plans implied
expulsion or displacement of local population to other zones, in order to replace
with those of German origins.
Laws of Nuremberg: Statutes adopted by the Nazi regime in 1933, turning the
Jew into a citizen without rights, after establishing racism as a State official
Libel: Writing defaming someone or something.
Marr, Wilhelm: Anti-Jewish writer who coined the anti-Semitism term, based on
the linguistics of Hebrew as a language with Semitic origins. In his book
Zwanglose Antisemitische Hefte, Marr considers that the negative features being
blamed on Jews did not have a religious root but a racial one. As a politician, he
created the first movement based only on anti-Semitic ideas.
Marrano: Name given in the inquisition’s Spain to Jews converted to Catholicism
and whose Christian religious were doubted.
My struggle: Book written by Hitler in which he describes his ides, among the,
the anti-Semitic ones.
Myth: Narration of a historic fact or of personality that in an extraordinary way
represents a general feature of a people and their cosmogony. It is inserted in a
people’s or nation’s collective beliefs, and in spite of its fabulous character and
lack of scientific foundation or historic evidence, is taken as a true.
Mossad: The State of Israel’s Intelligence Agency. From the anti-Semitic point of
view, it is closely related to the CIA in its objectives to destabilize, spy or
sabotage countries with anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist policies,
and being part of the Judeo-Masonic complot.
National Socialism: German Fascist ideology advocating a racially pure State,
based on the recovery of the German past.
Nakba / Naqba: Arab word meaning displacement, naming an event
commemorating as mournful the Palestinians’ exit from the territory of Israel as a
result of its independence.
Nazism: Abbreviated name of National Socialism. Derived from the Nazi
affectionate name (that of Nationalsozialismus)
Negationism: Said referring to the Shoá, pseudo-historic movement failing to
recognize or denying the existence of the Holocaust during the Second World
Neo Anti-Semitism: Thus is called the anti-Jewish trend blaming the State of
Israel for the same negative features formerly associated to Jewish individuals.
See Anti-Semitism (geopolitical) and Anti-Zionism.
Naturei Karta: Jewish religious ultra orthodox movement opposing the creation
of the State of Israel due to the belief that it may only exist when refounded by
the Messiah. According to the members of Naturei Karta, the secular character of
the State of Israel is a sin, and that is the reason why God allowed the
destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in the year 70 of the Common Era, and the
subsequent expulsion of the Jews, and their Diaspora.
Nostra Aetate Declaration of the Vatican Council II in which the Catholic Church
exculpates the Jews of the sin of killing God, that is to say, it considers that the
Jews did not killed Jesus.
Numerus clausus: In Latin, a closed number or relation. Legal provision limiting
the quota of Jewish students in several educational institutions, from primary to
universities. It was also applied to the practice of certain professions.
OLP: Organization for the Libration of Palestine, founded in 1967, longtime
characterized by its terrorist activity. It signed peace with Israel and turned into
the current Al Fatah party.
Palestine: Territory that belonged to the Ottoman Empire and became a British
mandate after World War One. Palestine was the name given by the Romans to
the province of Judaea as a punishment of the Jews for the Bar Kochba rebellion
and it was the name that the British gave to the Ottoman Arabistan, which
included current Israel, the West Bank territories, Gaza and Jordan.
Palestine’s Partition: United Nations’ proposal, in 1947, for the creation of a
Jewish State and an Arab one in the territory of the ancient British Mandate of
Palestine, after Transjordan’s segregation (current Jordan). In spite of the
acceptance of the terms by the Jews’ representatives, the Arabs rejected it and
led to the War of Independence, between both sides, that ended with the 1949
Armistice or establishment of the Green Line.
Perfidy: Disloyalty, treason or breach of the faith due. Common accusation
against the Jews, under the supposition, according Saint John Chrysostom’s that
the Jews knew that Christ was the Messiah, yet since they privileged an alliance
with the Devil, they denied it. In political or nationalist anti-Semitism this
accusation implies that the Jew is not capable of being loyal to his country.
Pogrom: Violent attack against Jewish populations, mostly in Eastern Europe.
Political anti-Semitism: Feeling attributing negative qualities to the intervention
of some country’s Jewish citizens in their countries’ political affairs, generally
under the suspicion that they have plotted to get hold of local power and turn the
country into a colony.
Politically correct: Said of the language, expression allowed at the public
environment with the purpose of not offending and of pleasing, mostly minorities.
It is nurtured by euphemisms.
Politically incorrect: Antonym of politically correct, linguistic offense in political
language, especially when referring to minorities.
Preconception: Opinion about some one before knowing him, being capable of
varying when the error is evidenced.
Prejudgment: Tendency to negatively judge some one based from feature of
such person, and which has an immutable nature, in spite of the fact that there
may be evidence that what is believed is false.
Profanation: Crime against the integrity of sacred places, their objects, or
Profanation of the Consecrated Host: Anti-Semite accusation according to
which the Jews stole the consecrated hosts in order to stab them or defecate on
them, in their eagerness to deny Jesus’ divinity.
Pro-Palestinian idea: Idea inclined to promoting an Arab State in Palestine, be
it on the West Bank territories and Gaza (partial), or in these and Israel,
something supposing the latter’s disappearance (total). This idea, as such, is not
anti-Semitism since it recognizes the Palestinians’ right to have a State; yet, in
anti-Semitic discourse, it is sometimes used as a euphemism to hide anti-Jewish
Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Anti-Semitic libel talking about a supposed
Judeo-Masonic conspiracy to conquer the world.
Racial anti-Semitism: One that, based on pseudo-scientific knowledge, deems
that the Jews are subhuman, or believing that certain negative values associated
to Jews and their beliefs are hereditary.
Religious anti-Semitism: Feeling against Jews based on the religion they
practice, one they deem contrary to the values and feelings of the creeds of
those who have this kind of feelings. It is the most ancient anti-Semitism, and in
ancient times was based on the Jews’ rejection of other gods, of idolatry and
some dogmas as the divinity of Jesus, or Mohamed’s prophetic nature.
Ritual crime: Fallacious accusation against the Jews of having murdered
children in order to bake unleavened bread for Easter, or crucifying them during
the Holy Week, coinciding with the latter.
Sabotage: Action meant to interrupt or damage an enterprise or project, in order
to get a specific political goal.
Sambenito: Infamous dress that, as a punishment, those convicted of heresy
were forced to use by the Holy Inquisition when repenting of their heresies.
Samer or Samar: Name of a personality of the Biblical times, who did the Golden
Calf, and accordingly was condemned to live and walk eternally; it is a legend
associated to the wandering Jew myth.
Saint Felix, martyr: Catholic saint venerated in Italy, supposedly killed by Jews
to brink his blood.
Saint John Chrysostom: Doctor of the Eastern and Catholic Church. He
fostered anti-Semitic ideas within Christianity.
Segregation: Political doctrine proposing the separation of two peoples or
certain individual’s base on racist, classist or any other kind of criteria.
Semite: Descendent of Sem. People speaking a language of middle-eastern
origin such s Arab, Hebrew or Aramaic. Euphemistic synonym of Jew.
Shabbath goy / Shabbes goy: Term applied to a gentile assistant in charge of
setting on the houses’ lights during Saturday, a moment when practicing Jews
are forbidden from doing so.In anti-Semite language, gentile sympathizing with
Jews or pro Semite.
Shoah: Genocide executed by the Nazis against the Jewish people,
characterized by the systematization of murder, based on a racial prejudice.
Social Darwinism: Application of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution in social
organization. It is based on the idea of the most able person’s survival, conceived
as a mechanism of social evolution and on the belief that the concept of natural
selection may be used when handling with human society.
SS: Initial of the German word Schutztaffel or protection squadron, created by
Hitler in 1925, crash groups of a military, police, penitentiary and security nature
accompanying the regular armies and in charge of persecuting, evacuating and
murdering, bloodily, those deemed “enemies” of the Third Reich.
Subhuman: Category that, according to German racist pseudo-science,
corresponded to the Jews, who, according to it, could have external features
similar to humans, yet intellectually and physically did no reach them. The Jews,
the Gypsies, the Slavic and the Negroes fit such category and that justified their
Transit camp: Place controlled by the German State or by its allies where Jews
and other groups segregated were taken when going to concentration or
extermination camps.
Theories of conspiracy: How to explain an event or a chain of the same.
Vanquished synagogue: Image in which the victory of the Church against
Judaism was represented in the cathedrals.
Wandering Jew: Myth according to which Jesus curses a member of the Jewish
people to live and wander eternally throughout the world, and whose presence
represented plagues, draughts, abortions, sour milk or children´s deaths. The
myth has, at least, three legends. It was spread throughout Europe but it also
known in Latin America.
White Supremacy: Ideology sustaining that the white race (to which some
groups such as Jews do not belong) is culturally, physical and morally superior to
the rest of the human gender.
World Jewry: The sum of all the world’s Jewish communities.
Zion: Hill located at the city of Jerusalem, where there was a Jebusite fortress
that was conquered by king David (current David citadel) and that has become a
synonym of Jerusalem, not so much as a city, but rather as the spiritual center of
Zionism: National liberation movement, founded by Theodor Herzl at the end of
the XIXth. Century, proposing the creation of a State that warranting security and
continuation of their culture and religion, to Jews, far away from the typical
persecutions against Israelite communities in the Christian and Muslim world. In
anti-Semite language, the word Zionism is used, pejoratively, when talking about
Zionist: person following the Zionist ideology or supporting the existence of the
State of Israel In anti-Semitic language, it is used to mask the word Jew, which
makes it more politically correct mainly among leftist or pro-Palestinian