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1. A naturally occurring, crystalline,
inorganic substance with characteristic
physical and chemical properties is a
2. Are most rocks composed of minerals?
3. Are all rocks composed of minerals?
4. What does monomineralic describe?
5. Are some rocks monomineralic -and if
so how do they form?
6. What does polymineralic mean?
7. Are most rocks polymineralic or
8. Only a small number of ____________
are found in most rocks.
9. Minerals are composed of __________
10. What element is the most abundant
element by both mass and volume?
11. What page of the Reference Table
would you find the answer to #10?
12. __________ is the second most
abundant element by mass?
13. What page of the Reference Table
would you find the answer to #12?
14. What are mineral properties used for?
15. Is color of the mineral the best property
to use to identify a mineral? Explain.
16. What is the color of a mineral in
powder form?
17. Luster is the way the surface of a
mineral reflects light. What two main
categories of luster do we have?
18.The tendency of a mineral to split along
surfaces or planes of weakness
19. Using your Reference Table p16,what
mineral contains Lead and Sulfur.
20. Would the mineral Dolomite scratch
the mineral Olivine? Explain
21. What mineral is used in drywall, can
be easily scratched by a fingernail, contains
calcium and can scratch talc?
22. What mineral cleaves in 4 directions,
can be colorless and is a source of
hydrofluoric acid?
23. What mineral can have either a
metallic luster or a nonmetallic luster?
24. What type of luster does Olivine have?
25. Does magnetite have cleavage or