* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Notes—Physical Properties Matter: anything that has mass and takes up space Mass: the amount of mass in an object; usually use grams (g) as unit of measure Weight: the effect of gravity on a mass o Weight can change depending on where you are (Earth, the moon, Mars) Volume: the amount of space that an object takes up; use liters (L) for liquids or cm3 for square objects Density: how tightly an object’s mass is packed into its volume o D= (should make a heart shape) Physical property: a property that can be ovserved or measured without changing the substance itself Element: a pure substance that is composed of the same type of matter throughout and cannot be divided into simpler substances through normal processes State of matter: solid, liquid or gas Examples of physical properties o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ductile: can it be pulled into a wire Color: what color it is Odor: how it smells Texture: how it feels Luster: the way light reflects, is it shiny Hardness: the ability of a mineral to resist being scratched (Mohs scale—a diamond is the hardest at a 10) Conductivity: how easily electricity or heat moves through Magnetism: is it magnetic Malleable: can it be hammered into sheets Streak: color the mineral makes on a tile plate Solubility: does it dissolve in water Brittle: how easily it breaks Sonorous: a sound is produced when a metal is struck (bell)