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COMS 101 –EXAM #1
(CHAPTERS 1,2,3,4,5,7,&9)
Multiple Choice Questions
Answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Choose the best answer for each of the following
questions. Each question is worth 2 pts each.
1. A group of athletes who share a unique combination of rituals and beliefs is an example of a:
A. message
B. group
C. regionalism
D. co-culture
2. Semantics can be defined as the:
A. science of meaning in language
B. study of transformational grammar
C. discipline devoted to creating words
D. systematic examination of spelling and syntax
3. What type of nonverbal cue is Jimmy using when he shades his eyes with his open hand on his forehead and
says, “the sun is really bright today”?
A. illustrator
B. emblem
C. regulator
D. adaptor
4. The act of receiving sounds is called
A. hearing
B. encoding
C. listening
D. perceiving
5. Which zone of space is typically used in a workplace setting for interactions between superiors (bosses) and
subordinates (workers or employees)?
A. Public distance
B. Social distance
C. Personal distance
D. Intimate distance
6. Emblems, illustrators, affect displays, regulators, and adaptors are all examples of which form of nonverbal
A. Chronemics
B. Tactile communication
C. Proxemics
D. Kinesics
7. Jimmy is able to exert a great deal of leadership power in his group because he is well liked and respected
by his fellow group members. Which type of leadership power is Jimmy most likely using?
A. Reward power
B. Legitimate power
C. Punishment power
D. Referent power
8. If two people are approximately 20 inches (or 51 centimeters or ½ meter) from one another and are carrying
on a conversation, what zone of distance are they from one another?
A. Intimate distance
B. Personal distance
C. Social distance
D. Public distance
9. Giving someone a thumbs-up from a distance because they are too far away for verbal interaction is an
example of which form of nonverbal communication?
A. Adaptor
B. Regulator
C. Emblem
D. Proxemic
10. Which type of listening is most closely related to improving our interpersonal relationships?
A. Empathetic listening
B. Active listening
C. Critical listening
D. Listening for enjoyment
11. Which of the following is NOT a component of communication?
A. feedback
B. message
C. channel
D. action
12. Shannon is constantly evaluating herself in negative ways. She often becomes depressed because she tells
herself that she is not a good member of the team. What part of her self might Shannon have a problem
A. self-esteem
B. self-image
C. self-awareness
D. disconfirmation
13. John is attending a presentation on campus. During the presentation, John challenges the speaker’s message
by evaluating its accuracy, meaningfulness, and utility. John is engaging in what type of listening?
A. active listening
B. empathic listening
C. critical listening
D. listening for enjoyment
14. During his group meetings, Dan exhibits behaviors that focus on the interpersonal relationships among
group members. Dan’s behavior is an example of:
A. task functions
B. maintenance functions
C. self-serving functions
D. groupthink
15. The ability to withhold from followers what they want is called
A. reward power
B. punishment power
C. referent power
D. expert power
16. Bob displays various pictures of his family on his office desk. Bob’s pictures are examples of:
A. emblems
B. artifacts
C. illustrators
D. regulators
17. Chrissy’s friend, Michelle, received a poor grade on an assignment in her Political Science class. Later that
day, she tells Chrissy that the only reason she got a bad grade was because the instructor did not like her.
Having taken COMS 101, Chrissy understands that Michelle might be suffering from a …
A. Fundamental attribution error
B. Self-serving bias
C. Stereotype
D. Recency effect
18. Joy was sitting in class daydreaming about what she was going to do later that day. She didn’t hear the
instructor call her name, and thus, she did not respond. What part of the communication process kept Joy
from effectively communicating?
A. Encoding
B. Semantic distractions
C. Noise
D. Channeling
19. Which of the following statements best explain the Saipr-Whorf hypothesis?
A. The socially transmitted behavior patterns, beliefs, attitudes, and values of a people control our
B. Your language shapes your perception of the world.
C. Our perception of reality is determined by our thought processes.
D. Communication is used to establish moods and socialibility.
20. Katsutaka and I can not agree on the definition of “friend.” This is most likely due to the fact that we have a
different ___________________ understanding of a friend.
A. Connotative
B. Denotative
C. Regional
D. Supplemental
21. Every time I talk to Ben, he constantly looks over my shoulder or tries to walk away from me giving me the
impression that he is not interested in talking to me. What would Ben’s kinesic movements be classified as?
A. An affect display
B. An illustrator
C. A regulator
D. An adaptor
22. I like my personal space. When people get too close, I get uncomfortable. What area of nonverbal
communication does this highlight?
A. Physical attraction
B. Proxemics
C. Space adjusting
D. Chronemics
23. The instructor of the class has a bad habit of saying “umm” when thinking about examples. Because of his
______________________, I thought that he was taking time to think about a good example.
A. Kinesics
B. Paralanguage
C. Cues
D. Enunciation
24. Police officers are obvious from a distance because of their clothing. When they are in street clothes, police
are still required to carry a badge. Everyone knows what a police badge looks like. The badge is known as
what form of nonverbal communication to tell us that person is a police officer?
A. Artifact
B. Kinesics
C. Forward
D. Obvious
25. While walking to class, Kyle sees his friend Gus. They have the following conversation:
“Hi Gus, How are you today?”
“I’m fine. How are you?”
The conversation then ends. What kind of communication is this an example of?
A. Public communication
B. Connotative meanings
C. Euphamisms
D. Phatic communication
Matching Questions
Answer the following questions by placing the correct letter by the term. Choose the one best choice for each of
the following terms. Each correct answer is worth one point each. Some of the provided answers will not be
1. J_______ Emblems
2. A_______ Illustrators
3. N_______ Critical thinking
G. The way time communicates to us. The
meaning(s) behind the use of time.
H. Used to control the flow or pace of
4. P_______ Critical listening
5. I_______ Empathic listening
I. Listening with a purpose and attempting to
understand the other person. (Empathic
6. C_______ Maintenance function
7. E_______ Task function
J. Nonverbal movements that substitute for
words or phrases. (emblems)
8. F_______ Listening
K. The study of the use of space and distance.
9. L_______ Hearing
L. The act of receiving sound. (Hearing)
10. G_______ Chronemics
M. Involved listening with a purpose.
A. Nonverbal movements that accompany or
reinforce verbal messages. (illustrators)
B. Nonverbal movements of the face and body
used to show emotion.
C. Behaviors that focus on interpersonal
relationships between group members.
(maintenance function)
D. Behaviors that serve the needs of the
individual at the expense of the group.
E. Behaviors that are directly relevant to the
group’s task and that affect the group’s
productivity. (task function)
F. The active process of receiving, constructing
meaning from, and responding to spoken
and/or nonverbal messages. (listening)
N. Analyzing the speaker, the situation, and the
speaker’s ideas to make judgments about the
message being presented. (Critical thinking)
O. The technical language developed by a
professional group.
P. Listening that challenges the speaker’s
message by evaluating its accuracy,
meaningfulness, and utility. (Critical