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Ms. Perla Tabares Hantman, Chair
Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman, Vice-Chair
Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall
Ms. Susie V. Castillo
Dr. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway
Dr. Martin Karp
Ms. Lubby Navarro
Ms. Raquel A. Regalado
Dr. Marta Pérez Wurtz
Mr. Logan Schroeder-Stephens
Student Advisor
Mr. Alberto M. Carvalho
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Mr. Cristian Carranza
Administrative Director
Division of Academics
Department of Mathematics and Science
Dr. Ava D. Rosales
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Department of Mathematics and Science
The purpose of this document is to provide students with enhancement tutorial sessions that will
enrich the depth of content knowledge of the Biology 1 course. Each tutorial session is aligned to
Biology Annually Assessed Benchmarks of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
(NGSSS) as described in the course description and the Biology Item Specifications and include
an ExploreLearning Gizmos activity and/or a science demonstration followed by assessment
The Nature of Science Body of Knowledge (BOK) is embedded in all lessons. Teachers are
encouraged to generate an inquiry-based environment where students grow in scientific thinking
while creating and responding to higher-order questions.
NGSSS Science Supplemental Resources
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Table of Contents
Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems - SC.912.L.14.52 Explain the basic functions of the
human immune system, including specific and nonspecific immune response, vaccines, and
antibiotics. (Also assesses SC.912.L.14.6)
Activity 1 - The Immune System .................................................................................................3
Part A - The Immune System ................................................................................................3
Part B - The Immune System ..............................................................................................15
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Activity 1 - The Immune System
Vocabulary: AIDS, antibody, antigen, B cell, body cell, complement, helper T cell, HIV, killer T
cell, macrophage, mumps virus.
Watch a short video clip “Immune Cells in Action” (5 min)
Work with a partner and respond to the following questions.
1. If our antibodies protect us from disease, then why do we keep getting colds?
2. How do you think vaccination works to protect you?
Part A - The Immune System
Review of the Immune System:
Read the Background Information and use COMMON CORE STRATEGIES to CODE THE
TEXT. Be prepared to discuss what you have read.
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Background Information:
 Homeostasis is the ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment.
Diseases can disrupt this stability. Your immune system protects your body from disease.
 Your body has three different lines of defense against pathogens.
 The immune system includes two general categories of defense mechanisms against
o Nonspecific defenses guard against infections by keeping most things out of the
o Specific defenses track down harmful pathogens that have managed to break
through the body’s nonspecific defenses.
 To cause disease, a pathogen must invade the body. Your body has barriers to keep this
pathogens out. Skin provides a protective barrier. Mucous membranes line up interior
surfaces that come into contact with the environment. Pathogens that are swallowed are
likely to be destroyed by your stomach acids. Sweat and tears contains salts, acids,
and enzymes that help kill pathogens in your skin and eyes.
o The inflammatory response is the body’s response to tissue damage. As soon as
pathogen enters your body, damaged tissue releases chemical signal. Blood vessels
expand. What is a consequence of this? Plasma carries macrophages that engulf
and destroy pathogens during phagocytosis If infection persists, body may
increase temperature resulting in a fever.
o The immune response attacks specific pathogens using specialized cells and
proteins. T cells are white blood cells that attack and kill harmful bacteria. B cells are
white blood cells that make antibodies. An antibody is a Y-shaped protein that
attaches to a specific foreign substance, known as an antigen. bind to the pathogen's
membrane proteins cause pathogen to clump together weaken the pathogen's
o Active Immunity: Results from exposure to a specific pathogen Naturally Vaccination
B cells remain capable of producing antibodies specific to that pathogen reducing the
chance that the disease could develop a second time. A vaccine is a weakened form
of a pathogen.
o Passive Immunity: Created by transferring antibodies made by one organism into
another Snake bite Often acquired before birth or during nursing
o Antibiotics are drugs used to fight bacterial infections Kill or prevent their
reproduction. Antibiotic resistance has become a problem in many parts of the world.
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Rotation # 1
Using the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast the given specific and the nonspecific
immune responses. Cut and glue each response onto the Venn Diagram.
Specific Immune Response
Immune cells recognize the invader
and begin to produce Antibodies
that destroy the invader – this is
the primary response
If you get infected again, your body
remembers which antibodies to
produce and you get healthy faster
– secondary response
NGSSS Science Supplemental Resources
Nonspecific Immune Response
Production of interferon, which
prevents viral replication (not a
specific virus)
Sweat attacks bacterial cell
Takes time to build antibodies
and for them to work
Mucus and hair in your
respiratory pathway
Body is exposed to
bacteria/virus and builds
defenses  takes time
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Rotation # 2 Vocabulary
DIRECTIONS: Collaborate with a partner and complete the Vocabulary exercise. Use a pair of
scissors, CUT THE LABELS and paste the correct terms to the correct definitions. At the end of
Rotations, all groups will present to the class.
 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; an immunological disorder that leaves the body
susceptible to infection and some rare cancers; caused by the virus, HIV
A protein created by B-cells that binds to an antigen or prevents antigens from entering
healthy cells
Any substance that induces a response from the body's immune system; often a
fragment of a virus or bacteria or some other substance that the body views as an
One of the many components of the body's immune system; a key player in the
production of antibodies
Any cell that the body and the immune system view as belonging to the body
Blood proteins that work with antibodies to destroy antigens
A type of white blood cell that initiates an immune response when presented with an
Human Immunodeficiency Virus; the virus that causes AIDS
A type of white blood cell that seeks out and destroys cells that have already been
invaded by a virus or some other substance
A type of white blood cell that seeks out and consumes foreign substances; capable of
presenting antigens on its surface to other cells of the immune system
Mumps virus: one of many types of antigens that the body views as a foreign invader
Helper T cell
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Body cell
Killer T cell
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Rotation #3 - Petri dishes colonies
Label the Petri dishes colonies where you observe Antibiotic resistance.
Collaborate with your group to answer the questions after reading the Handout below
titled “What is Resistance to Antibiotics?”
1. What is Resistance to Antibiotics?
2. Why Does Resistance Evolve so Quickly?
3. Expand on why human behavior actually contributes to the capacity for resistance to
antibiotics so that it evolves more rapidly.
4. How can antibiotics be overused?
5. How can antibiotics be misused and what effects can that have on Human populations?
6. Bacteria Biology + Current Human Behavior = Fast Evolution
How have these two factors helped speed up the evolution of resistance?
7. What is the Future of Antibiotics?
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What is Resistance to Antibiotics?
There are several ways to address this question. First of all, there is a prevalent misconception
that antibiotics no longer work because the people who take the drugs have developed a tolerance
for the drug. This is not the case. Humans do not develop a tolerance for antibiotics.
Antibiotics work by inhibiting or killing the bacteria living inside of us. The reason they no longer
work (i.e. we do not get better after taking the antibiotic) is that the bacteria are no longer
inhibited/killed by the drug—they are resistant to the effects of the antibiotic. So, back to our
question, what is resistance to antibiotics? Let us first address this question physiologically. There
are several ways that bacteria resist the effects of antibiotics. Some resistant bacteria inactivate
the antibiotic by destroying or modifying the drug itself so that it is no longer toxic. Some resistant
bacteria pump the drug out of the bacterial cell so that the concentration of the drug is too low to
be effective. Still, other resistant species have an altered form of the target site of the drug (the
place on the cell where the drug binds), so the antibiotic cannot “find” its target. These are
examples of the types of resistance characters that bacteria use to fight antibiotics. Now, let us
address this question on a different level: evolutionarily. What has happened to make these
bacteria resistant to antibiotics? Have individual bacteria developed a tolerance to the drug? Have
they physiologically acclimated to the presence of the antibiotic so that it no longer affects them?
No. What has happened is bacterial evolution.
Mutations that allow the bacteria to resist the effects of the antibiotic occur and have a
selective advantage. These mutations have the type of effects that were described in the
previous paragraph (for example, there is a mutation that results in an altered form of the target
site). These resistance characters are often simple mutations (i.e. changes in a single gene). The
result is that resistant bacteria differ genetically from their susceptible ancestors. So what
happens if a bacterial cell has a mutation that allows it to resist the effect of an antibiotic? If that
bacterium is in the presence of the antibiotic, then it will have an advantage: the drug will not kill
it! It will be able to reproduce, while the susceptible bacteria (which are inhibited or killed by the
antibiotic) will not. In the presence of the antibiotic, the resistant mutant has a selective
(reproductive) advantage over normal cells. Originally, most or all bacteria in the population
were susceptible to the antibiotic4. Over many generations, the resistant type will make up a
greater and greater percentage of the population. Eventually, most or all of the individuals in the
bacterial population will be resistant to the antibiotic. The population has evolved resistance due
to natural selection by antibiotics: the genetic structure of the population has changed, from
susceptible to the antibiotic to resistant to the antibiotic.
Why Does Resistance Evolve so Quickly?
Bacterial populations can evolve resistance very quickly. For example, in one hospital,
initially 5% of the strains of staphylococcal bacteria were resistant to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin.
Within one year, 80% of the bacterial strains were resistant. From 5% to 80% in one year! Why
do bacterial populations evolve resistance so quickly? There are two basic reasons:
1) In general, bacteria have the capacity to evolve quickly
2) Humans are helping them to evolve even faster Bacteria Biology
There are several aspects of bacteria biology that contribute to their capacity for rapid evolution.
Bacteria, relative to humans, have very short generation times. A generation time is the time it
takes to go from one generation to the next. For example, in humans, it takes on average about
20 years to go from the birth of a child to the birth of that child’s child. Therefore, the generation
time for humans is approximately 20 years. Contrast this with the average bacterial generation
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time of hours or even minutes! Under favorable conditions, a single bacterial cell will very quickly
reproduce into a colony containing many generations of its offspring and their offspring. These
colonies can have so many individual cells that, within hours or days, it will be large enough to
see with the naked eye. Organisms with fast generation times, like bacteria, have the
capacity for very rapid adaptation to a changing environment. Since evolutionary change
occurs across generations, organisms with fast generation times (like bacteria) can evolve much
faster than organisms with slow generation times (like humans). Some bacteria species can go
through thousands of generations in a single year.
Bacterial populations are also very high in numbers and are quite genetically variable.
Mutations are the primary source of genetic variation. Mutations (accidents in DNA replication)
are rare events. In bacteria, a mutation at a particular gene occurs on average once in about every
10,000,000 cell divisions. Since bacteria are so numerous and divide so often, even these rare
events actually occur quite often. As an example, E. coli cells in a human colon divide 2 x 1010
times every day. That means that every day in an E. coli population, approximately 2000 cells will
have a mutation at a particular gene5. So, even though mutations are rare events, they occur
often enough in bacterial populations to create a lot of genetic variation within populations.
Mutation is not the only way that a bacterium can acquire a resistance gene. Bacteria have three
other methods of acquiring genes that sexual organisms (like us) do not have. Bacteria can
pick up pieces of DNA (containing genes) from their environment (transformation), they can obtain
a gene from another bacterium (conjugation), and genes can also be transferred to a bacterium
by a virus (transduction). So, even if a resistance gene does not occur through mutation, it can be
acquired through one of these methods. To summarize, bacterial populations evolve
resistance to antibiotics so quickly because of their fast generation times, large population
sizes, and unique methods of gene acquisition. These are some of the reasons that bacteria
have been so evolutionarily successful.
Human Behavior
The second reason that bacterial populations evolve resistance to antibiotics so quickly is that
several aspects of human behavior actually contribute to their capacity to evolve rapidly.
Understandably, when antibiotics first became available, people started to use them. Today,
antibiotics are overused, and unfortunately antibiotics are often misused.
It has been estimated that nearly half of all medical prescriptions for antibiotics in the U.S. are
unnecessary. Many doctors prescribe antibiotics under pressure from their patients, even if the
antibiotic is not warranted (e.g. for a viral infection). Direct-to consumer marketing by
pharmaceutical companies can also lead to inappropriate demand for antibiotics by patients.
Almost half of all antibiotics produced in North America and Europe are given to livestock; most
are given not to fight infection, but prophylactically to promote growth in healthy animals. There is
growing evidence that this use of antibiotics in livestock leads to resistance in human bacteria.
It is currently trendy to include antibacterial agents in common household cleaning products (even
hand lotion!). It is becoming more and more difficult to find cleaners without antibacterial agents.
Medical doctors, including veterinarians and dentists, often incorrectly prescribe antibiotics: they
prescribe the wrong antibiotics or the incorrect dosage of an antibiotic for a particular infection;
they prescribe antibiotics for non-bacterial infections (e.g. colds, coughs, or influenza); they
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prescribe antibiotics prophylactically (in a low dosage for months at a time to prevent future
infections; for example, for young children with a history of multiple ear infections).
Many doctors also prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, which kill many different types of
bacteria, rather than run a diagnostic lab test so they can prescribe a narrow spectrum antibiotic
that would specifically target the bacteria causing the infection. In many other countries, antibiotics
are freely available over the counter, without a doctor’s prescription, leading to widespread
misuse. Patients themselves also contribute to the problem when they feel better after a few days,
and then stop taking the antibiotics, instead of continuing with the full cycle prescribed to them. In
a 1995 Gallup poll, it was estimated that more than half of American adults taking antibiotics failed
to complete their prescribed dosage. Compounding all of these problems, the pharmaceutical
industry (until very recently) had all but stopped research and development of new antibiotics.
Bacteria Biology + Current Human Behavior = Fast Evolution
How have these two factors helped speed up the evolution of resistance? In essence, we are
exerting extremely strong selection pressures on these bacteria by our heavy use of
antibiotics. Bacteria are continuously exposed to antibiotics, and this has created very strong
selection on these populations to evolve resistance. The more exposure to antibiotics that
resistance. The rate that evolutionary change occurs depends directly upon the strength of natural
selection imposed. Strong selection leads to rapid evolution. Antibiotics do not just kill the bacteria
species that we want them to act on (i.e. the bacteria causing the infection we are trying to get rid
of). Antibiotics also affect a lot of bacteria that are beneficial to us, or that are commensal
with us (neither harmful nor beneficial). This decreases the population sizes of these other
bacteria, which reduces the competition for the harmful bacteria that survive. This lack of
competition for resources allows the surviving resistant bacteria to do very well. In addition, by
using antibiotics incorrectly, we are giving the bacterial populations the opportunity to
adapt quickly. For example, if you take an antibiotic correctly—in an adequately high dosage
and for the entire cycle—most of the bacteria in your system will be killed. By greatly reducing the
population size of the bacteria, you greatly decrease the chance that any one bacterium will
mutate to a resistant form. However, if you incorrectly take the antibiotic—if you stop taking it after
a few days or if the dosage is not high enough—more of the bacteria will survive6. Higher numbers
of bacteria means a greater chance that a resistance mutation will occur in any one of the bacterial
cells. When these mutations do occur, they rapidly increase in the population, due to the very
strong selection pressure exerted by the presence of the antibiotic.
In conclusion, the combination of several aspects of bacterial biology (fast generation time, high
population sizes) and human behavior (heavy use of antibiotics, misuse of antibiotics) has led to
an ever-increasing problem of bacteria resistant to our only means of controlling them.
What is the Future of Antibiotics?
Can we stop the evolution of resistance? Because of their quick generation times and high
numbers, bacteria have a very high capacity to quickly adapt to changing environments. We
cannot change the biology of the bacteria. As long as we expose bacteria to antibiotics,
they will evolve resistance to them. However, we can slow down the evolution of
resistance by modifying human behavior.
What can be done to slow down the evolution of resistance?
First, decrease the selection pressure on bacterial populations by decreasing the
overall use of antibiotics. Researchers are recommending prudent use of antibiotics (see
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website of the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics). Doctors and patients need to be
educated about when and how to use antibiotics appropriately. Antibiotics should not be
prescribed for viral infections, such as the common cold. For minor bacterial infections, a
period of “watchful waiting” for a day or two to see if the infection will clear on its own has also
been recommended. Scientists are also recommending that the agricultural industry
discontinue the use of antibiotics in livestock and on crops, especially those antibiotics that
are used to treat disease in humans (see website of the Union of Concerned Scientists).
Second, stop giving bacteria extra opportunities for mutations (i.e. use antibiotics
appropriately). When an antibiotic is necessary, the most appropriate antibiotic should be
prescribed based on the results of laboratory tests to confirm the precise bacterium causing
the infection. Often, a doctor will prescribe an antibiotic without conducting a laboratory test to
determine the bacterial species causing the infection. If the antibiotic is not appropriate, and
the patient does not get better, he/she then comes back for a different prescription. In this
case, all of the bacteria in the patient were unnecessarily exposed to an inappropriate
antibiotic. When possible, narrow-spectrum antibiotics should be used, rather than a broad
spectrum antibiotic, which affects many different types of bacteria.
Antibiotics need to be taken in strong enough dosages to kill all the bacteria causing the
infection, and they need to be taken responsibly: each dose should be taken on time, and all
doses (i.e. the full cycle) should be taken. Doctors and pharmacists should be educated about
responsible usage, and they should actively encourage their patients to take antibiotics
responsibly—exactly as prescribed, and for the entire course. Patients should not demand
antibiotics from their doctors.
Third, reduce the spread of resistant bacteria from one person to another. This can be
done with the same techniques used for controlling the spread of diseases themselves —
better hygiene, clean water, vigorous hand washing, etc. The agricultural industry can also
help to stop the spread of resistant bacteria by not using the same antibiotics in animals that
are also used in humans (to avoid, for example, transferring resistant bacteria to humans in
the food that we eat).
Finally, more research is needed. Research on the optimal use of antibiotics will be
necessary. It is still unclear exactly how to decrease the selection pressure on bacterial
populations. The above suggestions can only help, but more research about how bacterial
populations respond to antibiotics is still needed. Also needed is basic research on microbial
biology: physiology, genetics, ecology, and evolution. Understanding basic biological\
processes in these organisms will help to develop new drugs and treatment protocols. Most
“new” antibiotics these days are modified from older ones. Because these drugs are so similar
to older varieties, resistance evolves very quickly. Research and development of completely
new antibiotics will also become increasingly important. Pharmaceutical companies have
started to respond to this need, but since it can take up to ten years for a new drug to be
approved for use in the United States, there will be a lag time before new drugs will become
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Rotation # 4
STUDENTS: Use the vocabulary words below and fill them into the correct blank.
immunity first
white blood cells
1. Organisms, such as some bacteria and substances such as viruses that cause disease are
called ____________________________
2. The system is the body’s defense system. _______________
3. The immune system’s ____________line of defense against infectious diseases includes the
4. The immune system’s line of defense _________includes the two types of immune
5. ______________are carried in the blood to fight infections in the body.
6. All living things are born with a(n) ____________ immune response.
7. Non-living substances that are foreign to the body and trigger an immune response are
called _______________.
8. In the first process of an acquired immune response, B cells make substances called
_______________that bind to antigens.
9. All acquired immune responses help give you _______________
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Class Discussion
1. How is sweat part of the immune system?
2. How does a B cell tell the difference between an invader cell and a body cell?
3. What is the importance of the body keeping memory B cells if the antigen the cells
remember is no longer present?
4. Explain the difference between an innate response and an acquired response.
5. For each of the descriptions below, state the type of transmission method that could have led
to contracting an infectious disease.
A. You are at a barbeque party and become ill eating undercooked meat.
B. While on a hiking trip your friend is bitten by a small animal. The next day he becomes ill.
C. At a movie, the person behind you seems to be sneezing every five minutes. A couple of
days later you develop a cold.
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D. At the end of a soccer game, you shake hands with the other team. A few days later you
become ill.
6. You go to the doctor feeling very tired and run down. The doctor takes a blood sample for tests
and checks your vital signs such as blood pressure, breathing and pulse. Later you receive a
call from your doctor and she says you have an infection. What did the blood tests reveal about
the number of white blood cells present in your blood?
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Part B - The Immune System
Today we will explore the concept by playing a game called Fighting Back:
Play the Virus Attack Game: It is an interactive game that allows students to distinguish some
aspects of non-specific and specific defenses. It introduces terms such as macrophage, helper
T-cell, B-cell, plasma cell, antibodies.
You may play this on individual computers or the teacher may run it on one computer and ask for
volunteers. Each trial times out at about 5 minutes.
In Fighting Back, the immune system fights one of the many battles that it engages in each and
every day to keep the body healthy. Several pairs will be called upon to manipulate the game
controls. Whether you are called to run the game or not, you must be watching so that you can
answer the following questions. (Use your provided vocabulary terms to help you):
 AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; an immunological disorder that leaves the
body susceptible to infection and some rare cancers; caused by the virus, HIV
 antibody: a protein created by B-cells that binds to an antigen or prevents antigens from
entering healthy cells
 antigen: any substance that induces a response from the body's immune system; often a
fragment of a virus or bacteria or some other substance that the body views as an
 B cell: one of the many components of the body's immune system; a key player in the
production of antibodies
 body cell: any cell that the body and the immune system view as belonging to the body
 complement: blood proteins that work with antibodies to destroy antigens
 helper T cell: a type of white blood cell that initiates an immune response when presented
with an antigen
 HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus; the virus that causes AIDS
 killer T cell: a type of white blood cell that seeks out and destroys cells that have already
been invaded by a virus or some other substance
 macrophage: a type of white blood cell that seeks out and consumes foreign substances;
capable of presenting antigens on its surface to other cells of the immune system
 mumps virus: one of many types of antigens that the body views as a foreign invader
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What Happens
1. What is the enemy?
2. Explain what the enemy is doing.
3. How does the body respond to the enemy?
4. Once the enemy has been destroyed what remnants of the enemy can be observed?
5. Initially, is the body able to destroy the enemy faster than they reproduce?
What Happens (2)
6. When the body realizes that it cannot destroy the enemy fast enough, it calls in the ‘special
forces’. Explain what the special forces are and how they must be specialized.
7. Explain the result of the combining of the body’s first line of defense with the special forces?
Fighting Back
How the Viruses were Wiped Out
8. Explain how the Killer T cell comes to be.
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How the Viruses were Wiped Out (2)
9. Explain the chain of events initiated by the new Killer T
cells that result in the production of millions of
How the Viruses were Wiped Out (3)
10. How do antibodies react to the enemy? How is this behavior different than that of
How the Viruses were Wiped Out (4)
11. Explain how antibodies help macrophages?
The flags also attract molecules called complements. Complements seek out any antibody-virus
combinations and pierce the viruses, thus killing them off.
How the Viruses were Wiped Out (5)
12. Explain what types of cells remain after the virus has been eliminated and how
this will help protect the body if the enemy comes again.
Battling AIDS
13. Why isn't it able to do the same with HIV?
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Assessment - The Immune System
A. Create and present a comic strip, song, or other creative media utilizing all of the vocabulary
terms to depict the story of what happens when a pathogen invades a healthy body.
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B. Quiz
1. Which of the following is not part of the body’s first line of defense against disease?
mucous membrane
2. Which substance produced by the immune system is involved in both active immunity
and passive immunity?
3. How do macrophages protect you from disease?
They prevent pathogens from entering our body
They prevent bacteria from reproducing
They engulf and destroy pathogens
They teach your immune system to make antibodies
4. How do macrophages protect you from disease?
They prevent pathogens from entering your body
They prevent bacteria from reproducing
They engulf and destroy pathogens
They teach your immune system to make antibodies
5. Antibiotics are used to treat some infectious diseases. Which pathogens cause these
6. By which process does your immune system respond to tissue damage?
immune response
inflammatory response
allergic reaction
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Anti-Discrimination Policy
Federal and State Laws
The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida adheres to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment and
educational programs/activities and strives affirmatively to provide equal opportunity for all as required by:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, or
national origin.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended - prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of
race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 - prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) as amended - prohibits discrimination on the basis of
age with respect to individuals who are at least 40.
The Equal Pay Act of 1963 as amended - prohibits gender discrimination in payment of wages to women and
men performing substantially equal work in the same establishment.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - prohibits discrimination against the disabled.
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) - prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities
in employment, public service, public accommodations and telecommunications.
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) - requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of
unpaid, job-protected leave to "eligible" employees for certain family and medical reasons.
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 - prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of
pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.
Florida Educational Equity Act (FEEA) - prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, gender, national origin,
marital status, or handicap against a student or employee.
Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 - secures for all individuals within the state freedom from discrimination
because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status.
Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) - prohibits discrimination against
employees or applicants because of genetic information.
Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act of 2002 – no public school shall deny equal access to, or a fair
opportunity for groups to meet on school premises or in school facilities before or after school hours, or
discriminate against any group officially affiliated with Boy Scouts of America or any other youth or
community group listed in Title 36 (as a patriotic society).
Veterans are provided re-employment rights in accordance with P.L. 93-508 (Federal Law) and Section 295.07
(Florida Statutes), which stipulate categorical preferences for employment.
In Addition:
School Board Policies 1362, 3362, 4362, and 5517 - Prohibit harassment and/or discrimination against
students, employees, or applicants on the basis of sex, race, color, ethnic or national origin, religion, marital
status, disability, genetic information, age, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender, gender identification,
social and family background, linguistic preference, pregnancy, and any other legally prohibited basis.
Retaliation for engaging in a protected activity is also prohibited.
Revised: (07.14)