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SBC 174A
This is a partial sample paper for you to work through and covers the Evolution part of
SBC 174.
Section A:
In the full paper there 25 MCQs with 5 parts each (1 point for each part, negative marked, 0.5 for a wrong answer. Any part may be true or false. Answer all parts of all questions.
1 Evolution.
A The theory of natural selection was proposed by Watson and Crick in 1959.
B Alfred Russel Wallace was a strong opponent of natural selection.
C Natural selection acts on phenotypic variation that is genetically inherited.
D Can occur through the effects of genetic drift.
E Occurs through the inheritance of acquired traits.
2 Sympatric speciation
A occurs when a new species forms due to mutations induced by radiation.
B is generally accepted to be the most common form of speciation.
C occurs when new species form in the absence of geographic isolation.
D is the phenomenon where two species merge into one species when they are reunited in
the same territory.
E requires that populations are geographically separated.
3 Extinctions and continental drift.
A At the end of the Permian period, dinosaurs became extinct.
B Pangaea was at its maximum coalescence in the Early Triassic.
C Continental movement is driven by convection currents in the molten mantle of the
D Mammal-like reptiles died out at the K-T boundary.
E The landmass known as Gondwana was in the northern hemisphere.
4 Radiometric dating.
A Rock containing a high ratio of uranium-235 to lead-207 is older than rock containing a
low ratio of uranium-235 to lead-207.
B Ratios of uranium-235 to lead-207 cannot tell us anything about the age of material
preserved in amber.
C Potassium-40 decays to argon-40 with a half-life of around 1300 million years, making
it very useful for dating older fossils.
D Potassium-argon dating is only possible in volcanic rock, as the “clock” is set to zero
when argon is driven from molten lava.
E Radiometric
5. Extinctions can be / have been caused by:
A. our recent ancestors
B. humans today
C. Climatic change
D. Disease
E. Volcanic activity
Section B:
In the exam there will be two sets here to choose from and only one set should be
attempted. Here only part of one is provided, but this should provide an appropriate idea of
the style of question.
Write short notes on the following terms and giving examples where appropriate.
Each is worth 3 marks. You WILL be penalised if you write excessive amounts or
include numerous facts to attempt to include three that are correct.
Short answers (each is worth 3 marks unless stated).
What is the Red Queen Hypothesis?
How are geological periods defined?
Lamark’s Theory of Evolution?
Section C:
In the exam there will be 5 or 6 of these (there are more in the SBC 174 paper than in the
174A paper). Here only part of one is provided, but this should provide an appropriate idea of
the style of question.
Answer all parts of each question selecting the most appropriate answer in each case. Each
answer appears only once.
For each question 1 to 5 below, select the single best answer from options a) - j)
a) Diseases caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria
b) Diseases causes by bacteria
c) Staphylococcus aureus
d) Diseases causes by viruses
e) An alteration of the target site
f) Production of antigens
g) Horizontal gene transfer
h) Cross-resistance
1. A common bacterium that can be found on the skin of many healthy people but can
also cause pneumonia and some strains that are resistant to antibiotics can cause serious
skin infections is...
2. Antibiotics can be used for the treatment of…
3. A mechanism for antibiotic resistance, for example by Streptococcus pneumonia to
penicillin is by …
4. A reason for the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance among bacteria is...
5. The phenomenon that bacteria are sometimes resistant to multiple antibiotics is