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A student set up an experiment using Drosophila fruit flies. The student wished to determine the LC-50 dose of the exposure of caffeine to
fruit flies. The lethal concentration is reached when 50% (LC-50) or more of the flies die when exposed to a toxin. The student mixed
various concentrations of caffeine with the fruit fly media and then added 50 eggs to each vial. Results of the study are shown below.
Concentration of Caffeine
(μg caffeine/10 g of media)
Number of Eggs Added
Number of Flies After 7 Days
1. What would be a major flaw in this experiment?
a. Lack of a measurable value
b. Too many different concentrations of caffeine
c. Lack of a control
d. Too low of an initial concentration of caffeine
e. Too many trials
2. One way to improve this experiment would be to include
a. a second toxin with the caffeine
b. additional trials at each level of exposure
c. additional eggs in each vial
d. higher concentrations of caffeine
e. eggs of another insect to compare results
3. An artificial cell consisting of an aqueous solution with 0.5 M sucrose and 0.2 M glucose that is permeable only to
monosaccharides is placed in a beaker of water containing 0.2 M sucrose and 0.1 M glucose. Which of the following will occur?
a. The net movement of water will be out of the cell.
b. Sucrose will move out of the cell and glucose will move into the cell.
c. There will be no net movement of water.
d. Glucose will move out of the cell.
e. Sucrose and glucose will both move out of the cell.
4. The reduction of carbon dioxide to a carbohydrate
a. utilizes electrons from NADPH and requires ATP
b. occurs in the mitochondria
c. is an exergonic reaction
d. uses FAD as a carrier molecule for the high energy electrons
e. occurs during aerobic respiration
5. The light dependent reactions of photosynthesis
a. occur in the stroma of the chloroplasts
b. occur when carbon dioxide and hydrogen react to form a carbohydrate
c. release oxygen as a by-product and split water in the process
d. utilize NAD+ as an electron acceptor
e. oxidze carbon dioxide during the formation of carbohydrates
6. In a certain group of iquanas, the presence of brown skin is the result of a homozygous recessive condition in the biochemical
pathway producing skin pigment. If the frequency of the allele for this condition is 0.35, which of the following is closest to the
frequency of the dominant allele in this population? (Assume Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium)
a. 0.15
b. 0.45
c. 0.55
d. 0.65
e. 0.85
7. A cell from the leaf of the aquatic plant, Elodea was soaked in a 15% sugar solution, and its contents soon separated from the cell
wall and formed a mass in the center of the cell. All of the following statements are true about this event except
a. The vacuole lost water and became smaller.
b. The space between the cell wall and the cell membrane expanded.
c. The large vacuole contained a solution with much lower osmotic pressure than that of the sugar solution.
d. The concentration of the extracellular environment was hypotonic with respect to the cell’s interior.
e. The sugar solution passes freely through the cell wall but not the cell membrane.
8. In most ecosystems, net primary productivity is important because it represents the
a. energy available to producers
b. total solar energy converted to chemical energy by producers
c. biomass of all producers
d. energy available to heterotrophs
e. chemical energy expended by producers
9. If a piece of potato is allowed to sit out on the counter and dry out, the water potential of the potato cells would
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Remain the same
10. In a certain population, the dominant phenotype of a certain condition occurs 91% of the time. What is the frequency of the
dominant allele?
a. 0.3
b. 3%
c. 0.7
d. 7%
e. 49%
11. Which of the following is not a requirement for maintaining a stable population according to Hardy-Weinberg theory?
a. Random mating
b. No migration
c. No mutation
d. A small population
e. No natural selection
12. Which of the following is correctly matched with its function in photosynthesis?
a. NADH – electron donor
b. H2O – electron donor
c. Thylakoid membrane – site of CO2 reduction
d. CO2 – reducing agent for rubisco
e. Cytochrome complex – reduction of CO2
13. During metaphase of the cell cycle,
a. a diploid set of chromosomes moves towards each pole
b. the nucleolus disappears
c. spindle formation is complete
d. the centromeres divide
e. centrosomes migrate away from one another
Use the following information to answer questions 14 - 16.
You carry out an experiment involving bacteria and antibiotic-resistant plasmids. While using a culture Escherichia coli that has been
growing for 24 hours at optimal temperature, you make all four tubes competent. Then you add a plasmid carrying a gene for resistance to
the antibiotic ampicillin to two of the tubes only. You do not add plasmid to the remaining tubes two tubes. After allowing the bacteria time
to recover, you inoculate four plates, each with the contents of a different tube. Two plates contain only Luria broth agar, and two plates
contain Luria broth with ampicillin. You seal the plates and incubate them overnight. Here is a drawing of the four plates. LB stands for
Luria broth and AMP stands for ampicillin.
14. Which plate or plates would contain bacteria that are resistant to antibiotic?
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both 1 and 2
d. Both 3 and 4
e. All the plates
15. Which plate or plates would show evidence of bacterial growth?
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. 1 and 2 only
d. 2 and 4 only
e. 1,2,and 4 only
16. Which would be the best technique to make the bacteria competent?
a. Spin them in a centrifuge.
b. Place them in an incubator for 1 hour at 60 degrees C.
c. Place them in the freezer for an hour.
d. Add calcium chloride and quickly transfer them from ice to a warm water bath and back to ice again.
e. Shake them briskly for 30 minutes.
Use the following information to answer questions 17 and 18.
Intact chloroplasts are isolated from dark green leaves by low-speed centrifugation and are suspended into two tubes, A and B, containing
cold buffer. DPIP is added to tube A.
Tube A
blue DPIP + chloroplasts + light
Tube B
blue DPIP + light
unreduced blue dye
reduced colorless dye
An experiment is set up the study the effects of different wavelengths of light on the reduction of chloroplasts and the rate of
photosynthesis. Although the wavelengths of light vary, the light intensity is the same. Here is a graph of the collected data.
17. Which statement best describes the results of the experiment?
a. The lower the wavelength of light, the greater the rate of photosynthesis.
b. The highest wavelength of light provides the greatest rate of photosynthesis.
c. The highest rate of photosynthesis results from the exposure to two different wavelengths of light.
d. The data vary too much to determine a clear relationship between wavelengths of light and the rate of photosynthesis.
e. The data are clear; however, the sample is too small and more data are required to make an accurate determination.
18. The greatest reduction of the DPIP by two different wavelengths of light suggests that
a. plants absorb various wavelengths of green light
b. UV light is responsible for the greatest amount of photosynthesis
c. different portions of the plant absorb different wavelengths of light
d. the plant contains two separate photosynthetic pigments that absorb light in different wavelengths
e. the light shining on the plant contains the entire spectrum of light
19. Meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes. However, this may occur at different points in the life cycle of animals, plants, and
fungi. Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe these life cycles?
a. In animals, the haploid stage consists only of the gametes.
b. In plants, there is both a diploid and a haploid multicellular form.
c. In fungi, the dominant form is usually haploid.
d. In plants and fungi, the zygote is diploid.
e. In plants, the spore is a multicellular diploid form.
Use the following information to answer questions 20 and 21.
Five dialysis bags (A – E), impermeable to sucrose, were filled with different concentrations of sucrose and then placed into separate
beakers containing an initial 0.5 M sucrose solution. The sketch below shows the general set-up. After 60 minutes, the bags were
massed. The data was collected and displayed on the graph below.
20. Which line represents the bag with the lowest initial concentration of sucrose?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
21. Which line represents a bag containing a solution isotonic to the solution in the beaker?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
22. Recombinant DNA can
a. cleave plasmid DNA and foreign DNA
b. be composed of DNA and RNA
c. contain DNA from a human gene and a bacterial plasmid
d. carry foreign DNA into host cells
e. utilizes a heat-stable DNA polymerase
23. Which of the following statements is true regarding enzymatic reactions?
a. Endergonic reactions can be accelerated by coupling them to an exergonic reaction.
b. Reactants contain less energy than the products in exergonic reactions.
c. Enzymes and their substrates possess specific complementary geometric shapes that fit exactly into one another.
d. Enzymes increase the activation energy necessary for a reaction to proceed.
e. Competitive inhibitors bond with an enzyme outside of the active site.
The diagram below shows two homologous chromosomes in various possible phases of either mitosis or meiosis.
24. Which diagram shows the completion of meiosis I?
25. Which of the following pathways correctly describes blood flow in a mammal?
a. right ventricle → pulmonary arteries → lungs → pulmonary veins → left atrium → left ventricle → aorta → body
b. aorta → pulmonary arteries → lungs → pulmonary veins → right atrium → right ventricle → vena cava → body
c. pulmonary veins → left atrium → left ventricle → vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → lungs → pulmonary
veins → body
d. vena cava → right atrium → right ventricle → lungs → pulmonary arteries → left ventricle → left atrium → body
e. pulmonary arteries → lungs → right atrium → pulmonary veins → right ventricle → vena cava → left atrium → left
A new species of fly was discovered on an island in the South Pacific. Several different crosses were performed, each using 100 females
and 100 males. The phenotypes of the parents and the resulting offspring were recorded.
Cross I: True-breeding bronze-eyed males were crossed with true-breeding red-eyed females. All the F1offspring had bronze eyes. F1 flies
were crossed, and the data for the resulting F2 flies are given in the table below.
F2 Phenotype
Bronze Eyes
Red Eyes
Cross II: True-breeding normal-winged males were crossed with true-breeding stunted-winged females. All the F1 offspring had stunted
wings. F1 flies were crossed, and the data for the resulting F2 flies are given in the table below.
F2 Phenotype
Normal Wings
Stunted Wings
Cross III: True-breeding bronze-eyed, stunted-winged males were crossed with true-breeding red-eyed, normalwinged females. All the F1
offspring had bronze eyes and stunted wings. The F1 flies were crossed with truebreeding red-eyed, normal-winged flies, and the results
are shown in the table below.
Bronze Eyes, Stunted Wings
Bronze Eyes, Normal Wings
Red Eyes, Stunted Wings
Red Eyes, Normal Wings
(a) What conclusions can be drawn from cross I and cross II? Explain how the data support your conclusions for each cross.
(b) What conclusions can be drawn from the data from cross III? Explain how the data support your conclusions.
(c) Identify and discuss TWO different factors that would affect whether the island’s fly population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for
the traits above.